"However, I can't act, so Director Jiang probably won't let me be the heroine, haha!"

Da Tiantian smiled self-deprecatingly, with a heartless attitude, which attracted the attention of people around her.

Liu Yifei on the side also had a shocked expression, but she didn't know that Da Tiantian had this kind of character.

When filming "Warring States" in 2011, Jing Tian saw Sun Honglei drinking tea on the set and went up to say hello.

Te said matter-of-factly: "Brother Hong Lei, I'm not very good at acting. Can you teach me?"

Sun Honglei asked: "You can't act, why do you still want to be an actor and film movies? And you still get such a high salary?"

In one sentence, the atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing.

Later, during the press conference, there were even more connotations and criticisms.

The so-called taking people's money to eliminate disasters.

Sun Honglei's market quotation at that time was three to four million, and his salary for the film "Warring States" was said to be ten million or twelve million.

It would be a bit unkind to take so much money and then ruin it.

Perhaps Sun was also aware of this problem, and later said in an interview that he was indeed stunned by the money at first, but later returned the money.

The investors of "Warring States" did not respond to this. As for Jing Tan, he has already begun to cooperate with big bosses such as Cheng Long and Zhou Runfa, and has entered Hollywood.

Of course, it’s still not popular!

On the set, the two of them came to Jiang Heng under the leadership of the staff.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Heng was really surprised.

Liu Yifei glanced at Zhang Yuqi, who looked cautious behind Jiang Heng, and then said: "The crew is on holiday, so I came to take a look!"

Da Tiantian said: "Sister Yi Fei said that filming blockbusters is fun and asked me if I would like to come over!"

After saying that, he pointed to Kou Zhanwen who was wearing a motion capture suit not far away and said, "What kind of clothes is that of his?"

Kou Zhanwen has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he still has good eyesight.

You couldn't tell that this girl had a rich background and deliberately walked closer.

Jing Tan reached out and touched the material of the clothes, then touched the white reflective spots on his arms, and asked with a smile, "Would it be boring to wear this?"

Kou Zhanwen just giggled, and the big boss didn't say anything. He wouldn't grab the conversation.

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "No, this is just a black tight-fitting suit, which is relatively breathable. It just allows you to paste reflective points on the whole body!"

"Oh, and then we can take pictures of weirdos who are several meters tall?"

Jiang Heng smiled: "Of course it's not that simple!"

Motion capture only obtains motion trajectory data, which needs to be combined with the 3D model later.

As for the extremely realistic expressions on the face, facial motion capture is also required.

The principle is similar, just mark points on the face and use it with a helmet with a capture camera.

Of course, even Da Tiantian may not understand such a complicated principle, so I won’t bother to explain it.

Although these two people traveled thousands of miles to visit the crew, Jiang Heng could not give the crew a holiday like a "boss boss" and hang out with them. The filming should continue.

It’s just that Jing Tan was really curious about the special effects shooting and asked Jiang Heng if she could make a guest appearance as a little goblin, even without showing her face.

Jiang Heng was really moved when he heard this.

There are indeed many goblins in this drama. According to the setting, there must be two banshees next to the nine-tailed fox played by Zhang Yuqi.

But it's an ensemble cast, because it hasn't been filmed yet, and I haven't found the relevant actors yet. If Liu Yifei and Jing Tan are allowed to make guest appearances...

Jiang Heng's eyes moved back and forth between Jing Tan and Liu Yifei. The latter said, "I don't want to play the role of a succubus. Is there any role of a fairy?"

Jing Tian wondered, "It's so fun to play a banshee, and you can also eat Tang Monk's meat!"

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "You like playing the role of a banshee so much. Why don't you play the role of the scorpion spirit in the future filming of Kingdom of Women? He will jump out and snatch Tang Monk away!"

Jing Tan turned his head to look at Ding Haifeng, who was far away, and shook his head violently, "Well, the Tang Monk played by Teacher Ding is too big, I can't catch him!"

Ding Haifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. He just knew that this girl had a good background and was not familiar with her, so he didn't talk to her.

In Jiang Heng's mind, the words suddenly popped up, "I am not a delicate queen, I have plenty of strength and means."

Looking at Jing Tan's smiling face, he found it very interesting.

"Well, maybe I can give it a try then!"

Jing Tan looked surprised, "Really? Didn't you say that I have no acting skills and can't act in movies?"

Jiang Heng wondered, "Have I ever said such a thing?"

Jing Tan said: "You haven't said it before, but what you want to say is written on your face!"

Immediately he hummed and said, "You guys always think I'm stupid, but I'm actually very witty!"

Jiang Heng's ears were still very good. Hearing Jing Tan's muttering, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Your acting skills at this stage need to be improved, but I believe you can hone it in a few years and I will teach you well. You can still play a supporting role!"

Jing Tan heard this and said in surprise: "Is it true? I'm looking forward to it. We have agreed that if you want to film Kingdom of Women in the future, you must ask me to play the Scorpion Queen!"

"Yeah, definitely!"

Jing Tan asked again, "By the way, who should I choose to play the daughter of the king? Sister Yifei? She is so beautiful, she will definitely have no problem playing the king!"

Speaking of which, he glanced at Ding Haifeng, who was not far away, and whispered to Jiang Heng: "If you play the role of Tang Monk, I think Sister Yi Fei will be so happy that she won't even take any pay!"

Liu Yifei's cheeks turned red when she heard this, and she stretched out her hand to gently hit Jing Tian's arm, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Jing Tan laughed and said, "No nonsense!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Maybe we can try it then!"

Several people were chatting in the rest area of ​​the studio. People around were not far away, so some topics were not easy to talk about too much.

Jing Tian looked carefree, but he knew his limits. Seeing that Jiang Heng was not smiling, he stopped talking about this topic.

He immediately asked about the guest appearance, and Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The nine-tailed fox demon needed at least two female demons to serve it, not to mention four.

If only Jing Tian was to make a guest appearance, he would probably have to choose one from the staff present.

Fortunately, there were many girls in the makeup team, so he could only choose from them.

Unexpectedly, the assistant director came over again with a strange expression on his face.

"Hey, Director Jiang, Tang Yan and Yang Mi are here, and they also said they are here to visit the set!"

Jiang Heng was even more stunned when he heard this, and asked Liu Yifei, "You guys are taking a day off, right?"

Liu Yifei hurriedly explained, "Yes, one day, but I don't have any notice tomorrow, so I don't have to stay on the set!"

Jing Tian also hurriedly said, "I have even fewer scenes...!"

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly, no need to guess, Tang Yan and Yang Mi will have a suitable excuse.

Not long after, the two came together, and what they said was similar to Liu Yifei and Jing Tian.

Jiang Heng said directly: "Okay, since you have come all the way here, don't be idle, and play a cameo role for me. Jing Tian, ​​Yang Mi, you two will play the two little fairies around the nine-tailed fox demon. Liu Yifei, Tang Yan, you two will play a cameo fairy, is that okay with that?"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

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