China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 174 Director Jiang’s film is also incomprehensible?

What Jiang Heng never expected was that Zhou Xingxing actually played a little demon.

He had a few lines, and after talking to Sun Wukong, he was beaten to death with a stick.

Zhou Xingxing asked if he could block it before dying.

Jiang Heng said no, you are just a little demon, let alone the Monkey King's golden hoop, you can't even withstand a sneeze.

Zhou Xingxing nodded thoughtfully, with a somewhat lonely expression, and left after the filming.

Jing Tian looked at Zhou Xingxing's back and wondered, "He looks so weird!"

Yuan De didn't care, "He has always been weird, and he doesn't get along with anyone, don't pay attention to him!"

Jing Tian said, and returned to Jiang Heng's side.

Several beauties in the "Da Feng" crew went back, except Jing Tian.

First, she didn't have many scenes to shoot recently, and second, this girl was very interested in "blockbusters" and wanted to stay in the crew to see how Jiang Heng filmed.

In her words, the teachers in the school are all "paper talkers", but Jiang Heng represents the highest level of Chinese commercial films.

Not learning here, but going to school to spend time is simply putting the cart before the horse!

Then, she appeared in the crew every now and then, generously buying milk tea for everyone, and quickly won everyone's love.

Jiang Heng was too lazy to pay attention to her, allowing this girl to "steal" in a mysterious way.

In the blink of an eye, it was May, and all the special effects shots of "Inception" were completed.

Jiang Heng took the time to edit the film, and did post-production work such as subtitles, music, and dubbing.

The film was submitted for review in the second half of the month, and soon obtained the Dragon Mark.

But not long after the review, a rumor suddenly came out that the film Jiang Heng shot this time was a little incomprehensible.

The news was first spread in a small range, but somehow it was reported by an entertainment media.

The title was "Jiang Heng revisits the path of "The Promise", and it is said that the review team can't understand the new film". As soon as such a report came out, the newspaper was sold out in an instant.

People, subconsciously, have a bit of desire for destruction!

For example, when standing on a high place, you can't help but have the urge to jump.

When you see someone too good and too glorious, you will secretly hope that the other person will fall into trouble.

Jiang Heng has been too smooth and successful in recent years. It is no longer news that his box office is big and his reputation is booming.

If he can fall down, it will still satisfy people's "gossip" desire.

Jiang Heng's new film is linked to the keyword "can't understand", which reminds people of "The Promise".

Especially after the "Mantou Case" was widely spread, "can't understand" is a typical negative label.

For a while, many people couldn't help but wonder, Jiang Heng's new film will not be a failure?

Especially in online forums, some people analyze it very well.

I think Jiang Heng's "Inception" is likely to be a flop.

The reason is simple. Director Jiang wants to win an award this time and wants to compete for an Oscar.

When Jiang Heng ignores awards and only focuses on box office, he is invincible.

His shooting level of commercial blockbusters is comparable to that of Spielberg, James Cameron and others.

But it is hard to say if he can shoot a film with extremely high artistic quality.

First, Jiang Heng has no experience in shooting art films.

Second, with the combination of art and commercial blockbusters, with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige as examples, Jiang Heng is likely to shoot something that is neither fish nor fowl.

Maybe, it is not as good as "The Promise"!

Some netizens also refuted that "The Matrix" is very artistic.

Then they were refuted that "The Matrix" is just a great setting, and the imagination is too advanced, which is not considered true artistry.

There was a fierce quarrel on the Internet, and it was also widely spread in the entertainment industry.

The happiest person is naturally Director Chen Kaige. After the disastrous failure of "The Promise", the originally promised investment in "The Legend of Wukong" was also lost.

The previous "Lü Bu and Diao Chan" also required rectification, and Director Chen was furious.

Thinking about the bold words he made before the release of "The Promise", he felt even more embarrassed.

If a big director of the same status failed at this time, he would not be the worst one!

"Haha, I thought Jiang Heng would be popular for another two years, but I didn't expect him to run out of ideas so soon!"

Chen Hong was curious, "Is it really as the rumors say?"

Chen Kai said, "It's true. I asked several people. The plot is a mess. What dreams within dreams, deep dreams, it's just a trick!"

Chen Hong laughed, "If you say so, he is really in danger this time!"

Chen Kai said, "But to be honest, the special effects are still shocking!"

"Our special...!"

Chen Hong wanted to say that our special effects are also shocking, and they are not defeated!

But Chen Kai's face sank halfway through the words, and he was scared and dared not say anything.

Chen Kai walked a few steps, walked to the window and looked outside, and suddenly turned around and asked, "What do you think I should shoot now?"

Chen Hong thought for a while, "I think people should still do what they are best at. How about shooting another Peking Opera?"

Chen Kai nodded slightly. The failure of "The Promise" made him need to prove himself at this moment.

Filming something related to Peking Opera is indeed more appropriate.

If we talk about the most famous Peking Opera master in China, it should be Mei Lanfang.

At Xinhua Noodle Company, Zhang Yimou was stunned for a moment after hearing the news that Jiang Heng’s new film was rumored to be “incomprehensible”, and then he was busy with the preparations for “Curse of the Golden Flower”.

First, he didn't believe Jiang Heng would repeat the mistakes of "The Promise". Second, the preparations were too busy and he had no time to think about other things.

Especially the male lead Zhou Runfa, who was invited, was not just difficult to deal with.

Not to mention the high salary, the main thing was that he always put forward various conditions and wanted to change the script, which made him a little angry.

Zhang Weiping was a little gloating. Although the relationship was okay on the surface, he was very envious of Jiang Heng's achievements and the box office.

He also hoped that Zhang Yimou's film would be popular all over the world and sell well, but it was a pity that it never happened!

This time, he finally raised funds to make a big movie, but he chose Zhou Runfa, who was so troublesome, which made him angry!

He didn't care whether Jiang Heng succeeded this time!

What he really cared about was Han Sanping, Mr. Han!

After all, they had cooperated for many years and were still cooperating at this moment. Naturally, he hoped that Jiang Heng's films would sell well!

Hearing the bad rumors, he called Jiang Heng as soon as possible to ask what was going on.

"It's okay, Mr. Han, don't worry!" Jiang Heng said calmly.

Han Sanping was a little skeptical, "Then why are people saying that your new film is incomprehensible?"

Jiang Heng said, "Maybe someone deliberately hyped it up. This film does look a bit brain-burning, but if you pay a little attention to the plot, you can completely understand it. You know me, the number one box office, how could I do something to turn away the audience?"

Han Sanping thought about it and felt that it was true, and said, "That's good, that's good, I believe the rumors will be broken at the premiere!"

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