China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 204: Building a tall building

After the Spring Festival, Jiang Heng went to inspect the construction site of the "Aiyouteng Building" in Wudaokou.

It has been several years since I acquired this land. Because I was busy filming movies and TV series, and I felt that the real estate development was too deep, I dared not leave it to others, so the progress of the entire project was very slow.

In fact, the relevant departments were very cooperative, but Jiang Heng delayed the progress by himself and applied for various certificates and documents for construction land, hoping to get them as late as possible.

It was not until last autumn that the land was leveled, and now the foundation has just been laid.

In fact, "land-covering" development is very common in the real estate market.

Some powerful real estate developers have been holding a piece of land for ten or twenty years.

Its purpose is nothing more than to be optimistic about future house prices and wait for them to skyrocket before selling.

Jiang Heng is not the case. He is really too busy and is afraid of being deceived and dare not fully delegate his power, which is why he has put it off until now.

At the construction site, the project manager of the contractor China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau accompanied and explained the whole process. Jiang Heng just listened quietly and asked a casual question, which shocked the CEO of the Eighth Engineering Bureau.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Jiang is not only good at filming, but he also knows the project so well. Fortunately, you are not in this industry. If you switch to doing projects, we may not have anything to eat, haha!"

The entourage present laughed, but secretly admired Jiang Heng in their hearts.

I thought he was a layman who didn't know anything, but he didn't want to speak clearly and clearly, and his memory was surprisingly good.

All kinds of data come out of your mouth, and China Construction Eighth Bureau has to have someone to check the data before you can match it. This is a bit "terrifying"!

Little did they know that Jiang Heng was able to do all this because of the "super microcomputer".

After seeing the construction site, it was natural to go to the clubhouse, not to mention the reception.

But when things turned around, Jiang Heng called the vice president of his development company. His name was Zhang Hao, and he came from Huayuan Real Estate.

When I first came here, I was still a little arrogant, thinking that Jiang Heng was just a novice who didn't understand anything, but now I'm not as unruly as when I first came here.

"Mr. Jiang, are you looking for me?"

"Well, on my side, the focus is still on filming the movie. You should pay more attention to the building!"

Zhang Hao was overjoyed when he heard this, "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I promise to take care of it for you. You can't let them fool you. There is absolutely no problem with the quality."

Seeing Jiang Heng looking at him, he became even more busy, "Don't worry about the money, it's absolutely no problem!"

Jiang Heng nodded and didn't say much.

It is true that he has never been engaged in the real estate industry, but he has heard a lot about it. Secondly, there is so much relevant information in the "Super Micro Computer" that if he wanted to read it, he would not be able to finish it in a year.

What can I say in this industry? Too many people are focused on making money.

Even the lowest workers have ways to make money.

For example, it is normal for an electrician to get some good cables and sell them as scrap, but the security guards usually don't pay much attention to them.

After all, I asked too many questions, and I couldn’t bear the frequent power outages at the security booth!

Therefore, Jiang Heng's principles are that there should be no problem with quality, and he should not go too far in terms of money. If he discovers obvious loopholes, he will not be as easy to talk to now.

Zhang Hao, however, repeatedly assured that the project would be done well.

Then he said: "Um, Mr. Jiang, I have some ideas, I don't know if I should talk about it or not!"

"Then stop talking!"


Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment and was completely confused by this sentence.

Jiang Heng smiled, "Then tell me!"

Zhang Hao knew that the opportunity was rare and hurriedly said: "That's right, Mr. Jiang, the current domestic real estate market situation is very good! You said that with your connections and connections, it is easy to acquire a few pieces of land, and you have very abundant funds. Instead of putting it in your bank account, why not use it for real estate projects? Even if you build a community and sell it to employees at a discount, everyone will praise you for your kindness!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a little moved after hearing this.

He really has no interest in making money by building a house.

After all, for him who owns the plug-in "Super Micro Computer", there are too many ways to make money. Scientific research, setting up factories, and building Internet companies are all very profitable, so there is no need to interfere with the real estate industry.

However, Jiang Heng was really moved by the idea of ​​buying land to build a community and selling it to employees at a discount.

As the saying goes, "Those without permanent property have no perseverance." "Discounted housing" can definitely greatly improve the cohesion of the company. It is really worth trying.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "This is a good idea. You can get a feasibility report later and send it to me!"

"It's already written, Mr. Jiang, just wait for me for five minutes and I'll bring it back to you right now!"

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he stood up and hurriedly left Jiang Heng's office. He returned within a few minutes with a laptop in his hand.

Jiang Heng took it and took a look. It was an open document.

After a brief browse, I saw that the report was very feasible.

Jiang Heng thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll think about it and give you an answer after I think about it!"

Zhang Hao was slightly disappointed when he heard this, but then he thought about it. Providing "discounted welfare housing" to employees was indeed a big deal, and it was normal to think about it more.

Furthermore, he also mentioned commercial real estate in the report, hoping that the company could develop in this area.

After all, he came here hoping to realize his own value by leveraging Jiang Heng's funds, connections and influence!

After Zhang Hao left, Jiang Heng stood in front of the large French window for a while, looking at the scenery outside.

After thinking for a long time, he dialed Han Sanping's phone number.

"Hey, Director Jiang, you must be doing something good by calling me!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's nothing, I just feel like drinking. You told me that last time...!"

Jiang Heng has been hanging out in the capital for several years. To say that he has the closest relationship and the most interests, it has to be Han Sanping.

So he wanted to talk to Lao Han about real estate.

After all, the water in this industry is too deep. If you get involved easily, you can easily offend people.

In her previous life, when Liu Yifei was in a state of anger, she was exposed to all sorts of exaggerated rumors because she offended others.

The most ridiculous thing is that some people actually swore that Liu was a man and had surgery to achieve such beauty.

Liu Yifei's career was greatly affected by this, and she was depressed for a while.

But when Han Sanping heard that Jiang Heng had the idea of ​​buying land to build a community, he was immediately moved, "This is a good idea, this is a good idea. We at China Film and Television just don't have that much money, otherwise I would like to build a few more. When I retire in the future, everyone." You will also remember me well!”

Jiang Heng chuckled, "Why, how about I lend you some money?"

Han Sanping sighed, "Forget it, it's the company's business, how can you use your personal money!"

Immediately, I thought about which open space was good and which friends could help.

In fact, from the perspective of development in the next twenty years, it will be cost-effective to buy land and build houses in the capital, and you will basically not lose money.

After all, in the future, even Fangshan and Tongzhou will develop.

The conversation on the phone was not enough, so the two made an appointment to go out for a drink and continued talking.

During the dinner, Han Sanping suddenly asked what he thought about the new film.

Jiang Heng admitted frankly that he wanted to film "Pacific Rim 2".

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