Early in the morning, Liu Yifei, accompanied by her assistant and driver, arrived at the China Film Digital Base.

The interior scenes and special effects scenes of "Pacific Rim 2" were basically shot here, and then they went to various locations around the world to shoot exterior scenes. The shooting part was considered complete.

As for post-production, it was basically done by Good Time Special Effects Company, with a small number of special effects shots subcontracted out.

Of course, more than 70% of the special effects shots had to be completed using "super microcomputers".

On the set, Liu Yifei was in high spirits, no longer as sluggish as yesterday, and she would greet familiar people warmly.

Huang Xiaoming was a little puzzled when he saw this, and asked in a low voice: "You confessed your love?"



Huang Xiaoming wanted to say, then you are not in the right state, but he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

Liu Yifei just smiled without explaining.

She doesn't know much about love at her age, and she is easily influenced by her family. Although Liu Xiaoli's words yesterday cannot be said to be "brainwashing", at least they will not make her so "painful".

After all, she has nothing to do with Jiang Heng now, and has no right to interfere in his private life, let alone worry about it!

What we can do now is to get along normally and look for another chance!

Especially when I saw Jiang Heng himself appearing on the set, I became even more happy.

"Morning, uncle!"

"Good morning!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, thinking that something was wrong with this girl, but he didn't think too much about it.

After everyone arrived for the first scene, filming began.

Regarding the film "Rim 2", Jiang Heng was a little conservative in filming, mainly making various upgrades on the basis of "Pacific Rim 1" rather than a lot of innovation.

Therefore, the environmental background in the film is of the same origin, and the battles basically take place in the dark and rainy nights.

Lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, adding to the apocalyptic atmosphere.

Compared with the previous game, the biggest change in this drama is to highlight the capabilities and functions of the Chinese mecha "Storm Crimson" (a new and upgraded version).

Because the "Storm Crimson" cockpit in "Ring 1" is too weak, this version of the Chinese mecha suffers from the "phobia of insufficient defense value". It is thickened and reinforced from top to bottom, inside and out, and is completely From the agile style of the previous part, it has become a "powerful and heavy" style.

Using an extra-long "Mo Dao" as a weapon in his hand, he looked like a general made of steel descending from the earth.

At the filming base, when all the members of the crew saw the brand new "Storm Red" model, they were all surprised and opened their mouths.

The "Storm Red" in the film is 107 meters high, which in reality is almost as high as more than 30 stories high.

The model at the shooting site was made at a scale of 1:3 and was 35.6 meters tall, more than ten stories tall. It was very domineering.

Everyone in the crew looked at the model and were all shocked.

Megan Fox said sweetly, "My dear, the mecha you designed is really beautiful, more handsome than Transformers. They wanted to invite me to participate before, but I think they are in competition with you. Opponent, how could I play their role? I refused without even thinking!"

Megan Fox said it with deep affection and deep meaning.

But the real situation is that in this world, "Transformers 1" chose a different heroine. In "Transformers 2", she is still the heroine from the first film, and Megan Fox is only invited to play a supporting role. Then she would naturally choose Jiang Heng's side first.

Jiang Heng could probably figure out what was going on, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much!"

The first scene was shot of Storm Crimson fighting a level 3 monster, killing a child with one blow.

Shooting is naturally very tedious and not interesting, and I didn’t make much progress after a busy day.

It took a week to finish filming the scene.

In the entire film, there are mechas from five countries: China, the United States, Russia, Japan, and Australia. Each mecha has a separate battle scene, and there are even five mechas dispatched together to fight the monsters together. The scenes were filmed. It’s really laborious and cumbersome.

Fortunately, every ten days, the crew will take a day off to let everyone take a breather.

More than half of the actors in this movie are from Hollywood, and they have objections to ten days off, but after understanding the specific situation here, they just followed the Romans.

Megan Fox, on the other hand, had no objections. She got close to Jiang Heng during filming breaks and was extremely enthusiastic.

During the break, he also invited Jiang Heng to go shopping together, but they were all rejected.

This afternoon, it was the day before vacation, and everyone in the crew was a little undisciplined. One scene failed more than ten times.

Finally, Jiang Heng was angered and became furious.

Huang Xiaoming was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak at all.

Liu Yifei was even more timid and turned pale.

But Megan Fox boldly said: "Jiang, don't get angry, it's not all their fault!"

Jiang Heng turned around and said angrily: "Don't think that because I didn't scold you, you have no problem. Why did you take the photo in the morning and NG it so many times in a row? I held back my anger, but you didn't realize it at all!"

The place was completely silent, no one dared to speak.

Megan Fox was scolded, but she didn't get angry. Instead, she smiled and said, "After you got angry at me, did you feel better? Why are you so angry at me?"

This was said in Chinese, and because the intonation was not standard, it sounded weird.

But many people understood the hidden meaning.

Some people secretly complained that this foreign girl is so open-minded. She can speak so openly in front of so many people. Liu Yifei secretly cursed her shamelessness.

More people were envious of Jiang Heng's romantic encounters.

After hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't keep a straight face anymore.

He snorted coldly and said, "Take a break for 20 minutes, and then we'll start shooting again!" Then he went back to his lounge.

When Jiang Heng's back disappeared from everyone's sight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone said, "Director Jiang is really scary when he gets angry!"

"Yeah, it feels like I'm being suppressed by my blood!"

"What do you think is the relationship between this Megan and Director Jiang?"

"What kind of relationship can there be, a couple, a crew couple? Anyway, it's not an ordinary man-woman relationship!"

Those who can work in the crew of "Pacific Rim 2" are all famous in the Chinese entertainment industry. They have seen too many "crew couples" and are no longer surprised.

"Hey, Director Jiang is really lucky, such a sexy Hollywood star!"

"Liu Yifei is also very beautiful!"

"Children only do multiple-choice questions, adults must want everything!"

While these people were discussing, Megan Fox had quietly come to Jiang Heng's lounge and wanted to push the door in, but found that the door was locked.

After knocking twice, there was no response, so he had no choice but to leave.

As he left, he muttered, "It's unimaginable that there are such conservative directors in the mainland entertainment industry, and they are also directors of special effects blockbusters. If they were in Hollywood, they would be an uncrowned king!"

After returning to the shooting site, he waited for 20 minutes before seeing Jiang Heng slowly walking over.

As a result, it went smoothly this time and passed in one go.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Heng gave the crew a holiday.

All the cast and crew drove back to Beijing, and Megan Fox walked up to Jiang Heng and said in a tender voice, "Director Jiang, can I take your car later? I have something important to tell you!"

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