China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 216: Finalization and Promotion

In the huge studio, Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei were wearing black combat uniforms, with nerve interaction pipelines connected to their arms and backs, and driving links under their feet. It seemed that every step they took took a lot of effort.

The location where the two actors are located is a curved metal room over four meters high and eight or nine meters long that has been built in advance. There are various pipelines and gears in it, representing the mecha cockpit.

Below the "cockpit" is a wooden platform, which is driven by equipment to keep it in a slightly rocking state. In the film, it corresponds to the driver driving the mecha forward.

The boom camera and on-site sound recording equipment moved forward to record the voices of the two people.

In this studio, there are four mecha "cockpits" of similar sizes for filming.

Feng Xiaogang and Ge You, standing in the crowd, were shocked as they watched the filming process.

Both of them had watched "Pacific Rim" and both thought the film was very shocking. They didn't expect it to be shot like this.

"Director Jiang is amazing, he can do this!" Ge You couldn't help but praise.

Feng Xiaogang frowned slightly. He originally thought that he just lacked funds. As long as he invested enough, he could make good special effects blockbusters.

But after a visit, I realized that not everyone can shoot this mecha sci-fi blockbuster.

At least he looked clueless and had no idea what to do.

Jiang Heng followed the shooting plan and shot various scenes such as "driving the mecha to walk", "the pilot being knocked away after being attacked", "sparks flying in the cockpit", and "the pilot slashing through the void".

As for the "motion capture" scenes, such as shooting monsters, Feng Xiaogang and Ge You looked confused when they watched it directly. They didn't understand how to create realistic monsters in the later stage.

However, Feng Xiaogang was worthy of being a director, and suddenly whispered to Ge You: "No wonder, the battle between mechas and monsters basically takes place in the dark, it saves money!"

"That's right, you don't have to do it so carefully!"

The two of them came to visit the set this time, spent a short day on the set, and bought milk tea for all the on-site staff.

After all, it was a crew of thousands of people and it cost a lot of money.

In the evening, after the crew finished work, Jiang Heng arranged for a meal before the two people left.

However, it is said that the crew of "Pacific Rim 2" will start filming in mid-March and complete the in-studio filming by early May.

The crew then went to Japan, the United States, Australia and other places to shoot outdoor scenes, and completed all filming by early June.

When it came to post-production, Jiang Heng followed previous practice and subcontracted 30% of the film's special effects shots to domestic and foreign special effects companies including Good Time. The remaining special effects shots were all post-produced by "super micro computers."

After everything was done, Jiang Heng went to the crew of "Myth" to make a few guest appearances, and then participated in the premieres of "City of Golden Armor" and "The Banquet" respectively.

Zhou Runfa and Gong Li were absent for some reason, but Guo Degang, He Jiong, Tu Jingwei, Shen Xing and others appeared on stage in costumes to host the premiere ceremony.

After the end, several hosts came to the guest seats to greet Jiang Heng. Lao Guo said with a smile: "It's a pity that Fa Ge is not here today. But Director Jiang came over and supported several Fa Ge, and the audience still made a profit. !”

Lao Guo has just been popular for more than a year, and it is the time when he is at his peak.

Seeing that Fa Ge, as a leading actor, did not come to the premiere, he felt a little uncomfortable with it and made fun of him.

Jiang Heng smiled: "Hey, it's not easy to compare like that!"

Lao Guo said: "Director Jiang is so humble. You are now the number one person in mainland movies. If you attend in person, you will at least be the equal of two!"

Jiang Heng chuckled, did not answer his question, and asked instead: "Is your performance good recently?"

"It's very good. The audience cheered and there were a lot of people buying tickets."

He asked back: "Your recent films have been quite good?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's okay, just so-so, it's a bit better than the previous one!"

He Jiong said: "That's amazing. When I first watched "Pacific Rim", I was so shocked. I felt like the mechas in it were like gods descending to earth!"

Tu Jingwei answered, "Yes, when I first watched it, I was so excited! If you want to talk about the various upgrades in the sequel, it must be good!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Please support me when you arrive!"

Several people hurriedly said that they must go.

Lao Guo said he would take his apprentices there, and after thinking for a while he said, "Look, can I create a cross talk joke around your movie?"

Jiang Hengyue laughed happily, "Okay, I think the name of the show can definitely be called "I Want to Be a Director"!"

When Guo Degang heard this, he was stunned at first, and then said in surprise: "I want to be a director, I want to be a director, this has a good meaning!"

It is said that after Lao Guo became famous, he always had the idea of ​​​​making money in the film and television industry. These words Jiang Heng said were exactly what he wanted.

In addition, he was young and quick-thinking at the moment, so he had already thought of several burdens while speaking. After saying sorry to Jiang Heng, he ran to the staff for pen and paper to write down what he thought of.

He Jiong invited Jiang Heng to participate in a variety show on Mango Channel to promote the movie.

Shen Xing is now on Phoenix TV. In another time and space, he participated in Baldy Xu's movie "Love Call Transfer" in 2007. In the film, he played Xu Lang's classmate and ex-girlfriend Pang Kun. Although his appearance time was very short, he impressed the audience. Make a lasting impression.

When Jiang Heng saw her, he couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Shen Xing smiled sweetly and said in a coquettish voice: "Director Jiang, are you available for an exclusive interview with Phoenix TV? People say that you have high expectations for the box office of "Pacific Rim 2". Now that the film is finished, what do you think?" Is the global box office expected to exceed one billion US dollars?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "That's for sure. This movie has been comprehensively upgraded in terms of plot and special effects compared to the first one. I believe it will have better box office performance."

"Then, can you please leave me your personal contact information? I will communicate with you about the specific time of the interview!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said yes. Shen Xing gave his mobile phone number and Jiang Heng dialed it.

He Jiong also left his mobile phone number when he saw this.

He immediately said, "By the way, the "Dafeng Night Watchman" produced by your company will also be broadcast soon. You can come to our "Happy Camp" to record a program to promote it!"

Jiang Heng was indeed tempted when he heard this.

It is said that the first round of broadcast rights of "Dafeng Night Watchman" has been sold to CCTV-8, so the ratings are not very important to him.

But this year there is a magical drama "Bright Sword". If "Dafeng Night Watchman" wants to compete with it, it would be good to do more publicity.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, I'll ask Vice President Li Xiaoping to talk to you later!"

He Jiong said with a smile, "I can go find her!"

At this point, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping came over, the former looking very grateful.

The latter also smiled, "Thank you Director Jiang, thank you Director Jiang for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and show your support, unlike that guy named Zhou who didn't even come to promote the movie he starred in. It would be great if all Hong Kong filmmakers were like Director Jiang!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Everyone is carrying the sedan chair, and we support each other!"

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