China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 218: Popular all over the country

There are many reasons why "Dafeng Night Watchman" became popular, but the main reason why it can quickly attract readers' attention at the beginning is undoubtedly the perfect combination of detective, suspenseful plots and fairy tales.

Such a plot is also very attractive to the audience at the beginning of the TV series.

Many people watched this drama by the TV at first because of the publicity gimmicks such as "Jiang Heng's supervision", "cool special effects" and "all-star lineup". However, after watching two episodes, too many people were immersed in the plot and began to look forward to the following plots.

The reason is, of course, it is too exciting to watch!

After all, in 2005, there were no fast-paced and exciting novels in the true sense.

"Dafeng Night Watchman" took two episodes to play out the plots of the male protagonist "being imprisoned", "solving the case with files", "the truth is revealed" and "the whole family is released from prison".

The last scene is frozen in the scene where Xu Xinnian, played by Chen Kun, hanged himself and fainted after social death. The sentence "If I Xu Xinnian is not born, Dafeng will be like a long night forever" became popular all over the country overnight.

All the major forums and film and television sections are discussing this drama. The biggest feeling is that I have never seen such a cool plot. It turns out that Director Jiang is not only good at special effects, but also has a strong plot design!

At Zhao Liying's home, Zhao Liying and Zhao Ru both blushed and laughed after watching two episodes.

Because the first female character to appear in this drama is Caiwei played by Zhao Liying.

In the drama, she wears a yellow skirt, and her oval face makes her look cute, her eyebrows are like paintings, her skin is like cream, and she looks radiant. In short, it is very beautiful.

Zhao Ru couldn't help but say, "Honey, you look so good in the photos!"

Zhao Liying stretched out her hands and gently touched her cheeks, her eyes bright, and smiled: "Really? Why do I feel that the photos don't look like me at all? The makeup artist is so good!"

"That's because you have a good foundation! You are the first to appear, so you should be the heroine of this drama, right?"

Because the actors received incomplete scripts, the actresses didn't know how many roles the others had, but they still had an idea of ​​how many scenes they had filmed.

Zhao Liying shook her head slightly, "Probably not, but I'm very happy to be able to appear in the first episode!"

While she was talking, the phone beside her rang. Zhao Liying looked at it and said in surprise: "My mom, they must have watched the TV series I acted in!"

After that, she answered the phone and smiled: "Mom, did you just finish watching "Dafeng Night Watchman"? "

"Yes, you are so beautiful on TV. My daughter is going to be a big star now!"

Zhao Liying put one hand to her face and said shyly: "Oh, mom, you praise me so much I will be embarrassed! I am just a small actor now, and I am still far from being a big star! "

"Your uncle, aunt, and uncle all called and said that they had just watched the TV series and said that Ni was too amazing. She played the leading role and appeared on CCTV! She will definitely be a big star and make a lot of money in the future!"

Zhao Liying smiled and said: "It's just a supporting role, a supporting role, keep working hard in the future."

"Ah, the first one to appear, shouldn't it be the heroine?"

Zhao Liying suddenly felt that the room was a bit stuffy, and she didn't know how to explain it.

After laughing and chatting for a few sentences, she hung up the phone.

I didn't want to talk to Zhao Ru for a few words, and another call came. It turned out to be a classmate she hadn't contacted for a long time.

After a warm congratulation, she hung up.

But the subsequent calls received more and more, and some people even tried to ask Zhao Liying how much money she could make after the filming of this play, which scared the little girl a little bit afraid to answer.

Zhao Ru made a prompt decision, "Turn off the phone, or there will be no peace tonight!"

"Will you?"

"CCTV Channel 8, the national audience has seen the role you played, right? Those who don't know you just think this actress is pretty, but what will your former colleagues, classmates, and people from your hometown think?"

"Uh!" Zhao Liying was only 18 years old at the time, so she didn't know how to respond, but she just felt that what Zhao Ru said seemed to make some sense.

"Then I turn off the phone?"

"Turn it off!"

Just as she was about to touch her phone, she suddenly saw a call coming in, and the name on it was "Huang Xiaoming".

"Brother Xiaoming?"

Zhao Liying was stunned. Although she and Huang Xiaoming had a lot of rival scenes in the film, they didn't have much contact in private because of the difference in status and position. Huang Xiaoming obviously had a better relationship with Liu Yifei and Yang Mi.

Although she was puzzled, she answered the phone as soon as possible.

"Hello, Brother Xiaoming, hello!"

"Hello, Liying, congratulations, you are now well-known by the national audience. I believe that you will be famous all over the country in no time!"

Zhao Liying hurriedly said: "Thank you, Brother Xiaoming, I should congratulate you. This drama is so good, you will definitely become famous!"

Huang Xiaoming laughed. He called this phone not to listen to this, but to remind Zhao Liying.

"By the way, have you called Director Jiang?"

"Ah, call him?" Zhao Liying subconsciously thought of two words, dare not!

"Yes, you can star in this drama, all because of Director Jiang's appreciation. Now that this drama has premiered, the response is also very good. I have to call him to express my gratitude!"

Zhao Liying suddenly realized and said gratefully: "Thank you Brother Xiaoming, thank you Brother Xiaoming, I will call him now!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Liying couldn't help but sigh, "Brother Xiaoming is really nice. If he hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have dared to have this idea!"

Zhao Ru nodded, "I didn't expect that. After all, Director Jiang's level is too high. I just want to call to thank you, but I don't have any contact information! I'll call..."

Zhao Liying said timidly: "Well, actually when I first arrived at the company, Director Jiang gave me his personal mobile phone number!"

Now it was Zhao Ru's turn to be dumbfounded. As an assistant, she knew that Zhao Liying had no personal connection with Jiang Heng. After playing "Dafeng Watchman", she did not get any good resources, but arranged for her to go to some TV series. Played a supporting role.

It can be said that apart from the relatively good arrangement of this house, I did not receive any special care.

Zhao Ru never expected that Zhao Liying actually had Jiang Heng's private number.

"You didn't say anything at all!"

"You didn't even ask!" Zhao Liying said aggrievedly.

"Fight, fight!" Zhao Ru became happy again and seemed to think this was very interesting.

Zhao Liying dialed Jiang Heng's number and was so frightened that she hung up the phone.

"Oh, it's over, Director Jiang is on the phone, he won't be angry!"

Zhao Ru was also a little timid, "No, can you?"

The two girls instantly became worried, but within two minutes, Jiang Heng called.

"It's over, it's over, Director Jiang must be here to punish me!" Zhao Liying said pitifully, covering her head with both hands.

Zhao Ru grimaced, "Hurry up and pick it up!"


Zhao Liying smiled sweetly first, and then answered the phone, "Hello, Director Jiang!"

The voice from the other side was, "Congratulations, Ying Bao. Many people called me and asked where I found such a good actress. Haha, I said I met her on the street. They all I’m so jealous!”

Zhao Liying felt dizzy for a moment and thought to herself: "He actually called me Ying Bao?"

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