China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 227: Pacific Rim 2 premiere

Beijing, China Film Digital Studio, the crew of "Zhu Xian" is shooting special effects shots.

During the break in filming, Jiang Heng went back to his lounge to rest, while Yu Dong rushed over to report on the announcement of "Pacific Rim 2".

Because he is responsible for the distribution business of Aiyouteng Pictures and Hong Kong films, Bona Pictures has been developing well in recent years, and there are plans to go public. Yu Dong also intermittently wants to start a business, and intermittently wants to stay and work hard. In short It's been quite confusing.

Fortunately, he is still very responsible for his work. Recently, he and the project leader from China Film Group signed a split distribution agreement with the top ten global box office producers in Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Australia.

I also went to some foreign film festivals and sold copyrights to small countries.

As for the distribution of the film in North and South America, the contract with Columbia was signed very early.

Therefore, not long after Yu Dong returned to China, he heard the news released by the crew of "Red Cliff".

After talking about the related matters of "Pacific Rim 2", he suddenly said: "You said, they won't really compete at the same time as us, right?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's not very likely. I make movies for money, not for grudges. The summer schedule is very long, so they may not necessarily grab the first half of the time with me!"

"You mean, they're setting off smoke bombs?"

"Absolutely. After all, the majority of the investment comes from Japanese and Korean companies and Standard Chartered Bank. What they value more is the profit sharing, and they will definitely not mess up Zhang Jiazhen. Of course, we are not afraid even if it is released on the same day!"

Firstly, it was known that "Red Cliff" had both bad reputation and box office. More importantly, more than 70% of the special effects production costs fell into Jiang Heng's pocket. Not to mention "Red Cliff", it was other blockbusters with good box office. Jiang Heng Not afraid either.

Yu Dong was a little worried and sighed: "If we really choose the same day, at worst I will go to the General Administration to coordinate everyone's schedule. There is really no need for this."

Jiang Heng laughed, "Okay, one day, it's up to you to take action!"

Yu Dong said hurriedly: "Actually, I am just pretending to be powerful. The one who really has face is you, the boss. In fact, you only need to make a phone call and I will naturally help you coordinate.

In recent years, the box office performance of the mainland film market has been entirely supported by you, and the performance in the international market has been even more impressive, and they know it well. "

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, agreeing with Yu Dong's words, and said slowly: "After this busy period, it's time to move around. Next year is a big year for the Chinese film market, and many blockbusters will be released!"

Yu Dong said: "Yes, in addition to "Zhu Xian" and "Red Cliff", there are also Zhou Xingxing's "Yangtze River No. 7" and our "Kung Fu Panda". Chen Kaizhen has made a literary film. I heard that he also wants to wait for it to be released in the summer. .

With so many blockbuster movies coming together in the summer, naturally we can’t just randomly set the schedule like before. It would be better if we all sit down and discuss it! "

Jiang Heng said: "That's right, but we have to make a decision on the second Friday of July."

Yu Dong smiled, "Of course, if Wu Yusen and the others insist on releasing it on the same day, then we will have a 'fight' with them!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "That's exactly what it should be!"

Unfortunately, the probability of this kind of thing is too low. Unless it is the "Spring Festival" period, which will be fiercely competitive later, the most suitable release time is the first day of the lunar new year.

Then the competition can be called close combat, and the situation is tragic.

If you play "Red Cliff", I'm afraid you will die miserably.

In the following days, Jiang Heng continued to pay attention to the announcement of "Pacific Rim 2", and Yu Dong also reported the work progress to Jiang Heng every day.

In the blink of an eye, December has entered, and the filming of the movie "Zhu Xian" has been completed and entered the post-production stage.

The world premiere of "Pacific Rim 2" has also been scheduled. On Saturday, December 17, the location is still selected at the Beijing Workers' Stadium.

Because it was winter, a greenhouse was set up in the stadium to protect the guests and reporters from the cold wind.

Among the reporters, Guo Fan, a 25-year-old young reporter, would never have imagined that more than ten years later, he would become an excellent science fiction blockbuster director.

Because he studied at Hainan University Law School, and after graduation he joined the "Asia Music Center" column group of China Tourism TV and served as a program packaging supervisor, which had nothing to do with the premiere of Jiang Heng's new film.

But he has always been fond of science fiction. He watched "Pacific Rim" countless times. When he learned that Travel TV was going to send a team of reporters to interview, Guo Fan asked a senior sister to help.

I thought that if I succeeded, I would go as a reporter and have direct access to the infield.

If not, I would ask for leave and go as a spectator, and then pay a high price to scalpers to buy premiere tickets. After all, I want to watch the premiere.

Unexpectedly, this senior sister had some energy and actually got him into the interview group, so Guo Fan came over happily.

At this moment, I hold my camera and take pictures of women walking on the red carpet from time to time.

"Oh, Megan Fox is really good. She wears such revealing clothes in such a cold weather!" a reporter nearby muttered.

"Yeah, by the way, this greenhouse wasn't built because of them, right?"

"Then Director Jiang can show his strength, the relationship must be extraordinary!"

After hearing this, Guo Fan couldn't help but envy Jiang Heng. He could not only make movies according to his own wishes, but also cooperate with beautiful actresses. It was really good!

It's a pity that he studied law in college and only knew a little bit about painting and photography. He didn't even dare to think about becoming a director.

After a few more celebrities passed by, I heard someone exclaim: "Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei is here!" Immediately there was the sound of "click-click" pictures being taken.

After Liu Yifei passed, the old actor who was not very famous walked on the red carpet. The reporters took two photos and started to complain again.

"You say, Director Jiang and Liu Yifei should have a relationship!"

"Of course, the rumor at the beginning of the year was so outrageous and overwhelming. It is said that Director Jiang stepped in to suppress it. He also forced Song Zude to apologize and chose Liu Yifei as the female lead. If they say they have no relationship, I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it either!"

"Is there anyone who can take a photo? We will buy it at a high price!"

"We are the same!"

Next to Guo Fan, Zhuo Wei, who was wearing the reporter badge of "Beijing News", thought to himself: "It's only a few dollars to sell it to you. If I take a photo, wouldn't it be better to sell it to Director Jiang? With such a high net worth, he shouldn't care about small money, right?" He was already thinking about how to take a photo.

He tried to follow him before, but Jiang Heng was very sensitive, as if he had eyes on his back. He either shook him off or followed him for a day without taking any useful photos.

But Zhuo Wei believed that it was impossible that Jiang Heng and the actresses he worked with had nothing wrong, but it was too secretive and no one had discovered it yet.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone excitedly shouting, "Director Jiang!"

Zhuo Wei, Guo Fan, and the reporters present all perked up and "clicked" their cameras to take pictures of Jiang Heng.

In the middle of the red carpet, under the huge display board, host Liu Yan interviewed: "Hello, Director Jiang, for the movie "Pacific Rim 2", do you think its box office performance will surpass the first one?"

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