In Hong Kong, Sammo Hung, Stephen Chow and others came to show their support.

The former has not worked much in recent years, mainly because he is old and not as healthy as before, and he spends more time recuperating.

Stephen Chow was busy with the post-production of "CJ7". Because the special effects order was given to the Good Time Special Effects Company, he has been in Beijing for this period of time, so he came over.

Seeing Jiang Heng coming over, he stood up and shook hands, "Congratulations, another big movie is released. I saw in the newspaper that it is expected to win the global box office champion this year?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "At present, there is indeed a lot of hope. The specific box office performance will be known after the movie is released!"

In the original history, the highest box office in the global film market in 2005 was "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", with a global box office of 896 million US dollars.

If "Pacific Rim 2" can surpass its predecessor, it will naturally be the global annual box office champion this year, so Jiang Heng is really looking forward to it.

Although the box office in the mainland market will get higher and higher in the future, it is difficult to say the box office performance in the global market due to the subject matter. At present, it is really the most hopeful one.

After greeting the guests, Jiang Heng sat down.

Jing Tian in the back row was curious and leaned over to say, "Brother, there should be a third part of your film, right?"

Jiang Heng was stunned, "Normally, there will be!"

For commercial series movies, as long as there is room for the plot to be developed, and the reputation and box office have not been ruined, there will definitely be a sequel.

The previous life's "Matrix" trilogy, the story has obviously been told.

But because of the good reputation and box office, a fourth part was made, and the reputation and box office failed miserably, which was considered a complete end.

The "Transformers" series has been making money all the time, so it has been filmed to the seventh part.

To be honest, in the later stage, various robots wrestled with each other, and the audience was dazzled. If they were not careful, they could not tell who was fighting who, so the reputation naturally fell again and again.

But capital, making money, not bad!

This is only the second part of the "Pacific Rim" series, and at worst it will be a trilogy.

When Jing Tian heard that there would be a sequel, he leaned closer and whispered in Jiang Heng's ear: "Then, can you let me act in it?"

Jiang Heng felt a breath blowing past his ear, and felt itchy in his heart. Somehow he agreed, "Okay!"

"Brother is so nice!"

Da Tiantian was overjoyed, leaned back, and sat back happily.

Yang Mi, who was standing by, heard it clearly and was envious.

But she didn't have the courage to say that to Jiang Heng.

Jing Tian's acting skills aside, she can take out real money. If she had that resource, why would she still be in the TV drama circle.

Thinking of this, she whispered to Jing Tian: "Congratulations, you're acting in another blockbuster!"

Da Tiantian smiled innocently, turned her head and whispered to Yang Mi: "Actually, I'm not interested in filming, I just like to listen to Director Jiang's talk about the play!"

Yang Mi was hit hard when she heard this, it's really annoying to compare yourself with others!

With a shy smile, "Then you might as well ask Director Jiang if he is interested in opening an acting training class. You can pay more!"

Da Tiantian's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she murmured, "This is a good idea, Mimi, you are so nice!"

After that, she kissed Yang Mi on the face.

The latter was dumbfounded. She was obviously joking, why did this person take it seriously!

I immediately said, "Then, if there are any supporting roles in the future, remember to help me fight for them?"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

While the two girls were talking, the premiere ceremony finally began.

It was still CCTV6 host Tu Jingwei who came on stage and first reviewed the huge impact that "Pacific Rim 1" had on the global film market when it was released.

As the world's first mecha blockbuster, it brought shock to the audience at that time, no less than "Jurassic Park" in 1993.

Now, a few years have passed, although the same type of "Transformers" has been released, the audience in the global film market still misses "Pacific Rim 1" very much and looks forward to its sequel.

The guests and audiences at the premiere ceremony were eager to see the feature film as soon as possible.

So whether it was Tu Jingwei or Jiang Heng, their speeches were very short, and then it was time to play the feature film.

After the dragon logo appeared on the big screen, the opening animations of iQiyi, Tencent Film, China Film, and Columbia were played in turn, and then it went dark again.

The sound of the sea came from the speakers of the venue.

The big screen first lit up with a few stars of lights, and the camera zoomed in to find that it was a small seaside town.

On the street, pedestrians walked hurriedly, and the shops on both sides were written in Japanese, but it was a small Japanese coastal town.

"Are monsters coming?"

"Look at this posture!"

"This girl is pretty!"

On the big screen, a girl in JK walked briskly on the street, and her expression looked very happy.

The role was played by Japanese actress Ayase Yao, who is only 20 years old this year and has only participated in a few TV series. She is not very famous and her salary is not high.

Originally, she had starred in "My Robot Girlfriend" and performed well in the film.

In this film, Ayase Yao can only be regarded as a pure supporting role.

When she passed a coastal avenue, she suddenly stopped and looked at the sea in the distance with a puzzled look. A huge black shadow was approaching the shore.

Soon, the true face was revealed. It was a black monster with a huge body and hundreds of meters high.

Compared with this monster, Ayase Yao was as small as an insect.

The girl seemed to be frightened at first, then she screamed and turned and ran away.

A nearby man was attracted by Ayase Yao's scream and ran over to see what happened. He immediately felt the ground shaking.

When he turned around, he saw a pair of giant claws more than ten meters long and three meters wide falling from the sky, trampling her to death.

"Wow, this is a miserable death!" Guo Degang, who also came to attend the premiere, couldn't help but say.

Teacher Yu Qian said: "It's also a whim!"

On the big screen, the monster was already killing crazy.

A height of hundreds of meters is almost as high as more than thirty floors.

This coastal town does not have skyscrapers, and more than ten floors are considered high.

So the monster waved its claws, hit its body, and swept its tail, knocking down a large area of ​​buildings.

The people in this city fled in all directions, running away from the seaside, and the government contacted the army and the mecha base.

Soon, the first to arrive was the military.

Unfortunately, the weapons in their hands could only tickle the monsters, but could not hurt them at all, and the monsters killed many people.

Then, the Japanese mecha "Tango Wolf II", also a giant mecha over 100 meters high, fought with the monsters.

Unexpectedly, the monsters had an ambush, and suddenly a taller and bigger one emerged from the dark, knocking the "Tango Wolf II" down with a slap.

The first monster came forward to finish off the attack, and stomped on the cockpit of the "Tango Wolf II" mecha, directly crushing it.

Japanese mecha, dead!

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