China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 252 Zhu Xian Sword Formation

It has always been difficult to adapt a novel into a movie.

Jin Yong's novels are mostly adapted into TV series, but less adapted into movies.

There are even fewer that can be called both critically acclaimed and commercially successful, probably only "Swordsman" and "The Deer and the Cauldron".

However, there is a movie that failed at the box office, but has a very good reputation in the mainland, that is "The Demon Cult Leader of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber".

Jiang Heng also recognized this film. He condensed the complicated plot of the first half into a 90-minute movie, and retained the essence of the original work, which shows the skill of Fatty Wang.

As for the sentence "It is better to hear about it than to meet it. The world-famous Zhang Sanfeng is just a fat man with an unremarkable appearance", it is probably also thought of by Fatty Wang!

Jiang Heng also faced the above problems when adapting "Zhu Xian".

His approach is similar to Wang Jing's. They both simplify the story and condense it to Bi Yao blocking the Zhu Xian sword formation and Zhang Xiaofan rebelling against Qingyun.

However, the first scene of the film, the battle of Caomiao Village, was shot very well.

On the big screen, Master Puzhi, played by Zhao Wenzhuo, looked like a great monk. Taoist Cangsong, played by Yu Rongguang, was first hidden in the black air, and the black air was dispersed by Puzhi. He was also in a black robe, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Then he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, using the "Divine Sword Control Thunder True Art". In the depths of the clouds, countless electric lights quickly gathered, and the sound of thunder exploded in the sky.

Half a moment later, in the depths of the dark vortex, huge electric lights gathered, rushed down from the sky, and landed on the long sword of the man in black.

The man in black shook his wrist, and the electric lights in the sky shot towards Puzhi like surging waves, and the whole Caomiao Village was illuminated as if it were daytime.

But Puzhi took three steps back, removed his hand seal, put his palms together, looked solemn, and radiated a faint golden light. He whispered: "Buddha has mercy on me!"

With a "pop", all the jade beads in front of him shattered, and three feet in front of him, they turned into a huge "Buddha" character, with dazzling golden light.

The next moment, the lightning and the Buddha character collided. The white light and the golden light mixed together, which was extremely gorgeous, and then exploded. The whole thatched temple was blown to pieces and flew in all directions...

In the venue, almost everyone was stunned by the fighting scene on the big screen.

Countless fans of the original novel were very excited. They really didn't expect to see such a restored novel fighting scene.

As for those who haven't read the original novel, they think this fight is too cool. The beginning is so intense, and it should be more exciting later, right?

After that, there is a transitional plot. The two children, Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan, are sent to Qingyun Sect. One becomes a disciple of Taoist Cangsong of Longshou Peak, and the other becomes a disciple of Tian Buyi of Dazhu Peak.

The following shots show the life of the young Zhang Xiaofan in Dazhu Peak and his experience of obtaining the "fire stick".

After a practice of martial arts, the young Zhang Xiaofan has been replaced by the young Zhang Xiaofan played by Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng is not very old at this moment, and he is well maintained. He looks very young on the big screen.

The big guys in the audience looked at Jiang Heng's performance on the screen, either thinking in their hearts or whispering, "He looks really young!"

The second highlight is "Seven Veins Martial Arts Competition", but it is only relatively important. Through fast cutting, many fighting shots are flashed by.

However, the scene is still very grand, not comparable to the scene of the martial arts conference of dozens of people in Hong Kong and Taiwan Jinyong dramas.

The large number of disciples, the majestic and steep Qingyun Mountain, and the extremely realistic special effects of the mountain guardian beast Shui Qilin all hint at the power of Qingyun Sect, presenting a very real "Xianxia" world to the audience.

In the theater, some viewers couldn't help but whisper, "Director Jiang is so amazing. When I first read the novel, I felt that it was very real, as if there really was a Qingyun Sect, with people like Tian Buyi, Song Daren, Du Bishu, and Tian Ling'er. Now it's even more real!"

"Yes, there are too many supporting roles, many of whom don't even have two lines, but still appear!"

Then came the plot of Kongsang Mountain, where Jing Tian played Bi Yao. Da Tiantian's appearance in the film was very sweet, and her personality was true to herself, which instantly attracted many audiences to exclaim.

"Who is this person? She is just like Bi Yao from the book!"

"So sweet!"

"Isn't her name Tian? She played a female demon in the movie "Pingdingshan"!"

"Isn't this Princess Lin'an in "Dafeng Night Watchman"? I like her the most!"

"I like her energy!"

Compared to the real heroine Lu Xueqi, Bi Yao is indeed more likable, especially at the end of the film, when Bi Yao flew to block the "Zhu Xian Sword Formation" to save Zhang Xiaofan, all the sounds disappeared.

In the venue, I don't know how many female audiences sobbed softly, and many men also had tears in their eyes.

In an instant, the feeling of watching "Titanic" came back.

It is rare to see a blockbuster, and it is even rarer to see a tear-jerking blockbuster.

The amazing box office performance of "Titanic" is inseparable from its touching love story.

Jiang Heng's previous works have mostly shocked the audience, and rarely reached the point of "tear-jerking".

The death of Tang Monk and Wukong's outburst in "Lion Camel Ridge" are indeed very touching and refreshing, but they are different from the touching of "love".

At this moment, the female audience in the venue regarded "Zhu Xian" as a love blockbuster similar to "Titanic", although here the "female protagonist" sacrificed herself to save the male protagonist.

Some girls couldn't stop crying when they thought about their own efforts in "love".

When the lights came up at the end of the film, the audience wiped away their tears, followed by thunderous applause.

Tu Jingwei, the beautiful host of CCTV 6 Movie Channel, walked onto the stage and sniffed, "Thank you, Director Jiang, for providing us with such a wonderful love special effects movie! Let us once again give our warm applause to thank Director Jiang!"

I was really touched that I actually put love before special effects and asked everyone to applaud again.

But speaking of the original plot of "Zhu Xian", it does have this strength.

Mainland Internet literature has been developing for many years, and the IP value of "Zhu Xian" has always been among the best.

After the applause stopped, Jiang Heng walked to the stage and bowed in thanks.

After speaking a few words, he called on the main creators to come on stage.

When Jing Tan walked onto the stage, many audience members shouted loudly, "Baguio", "Baguio"!

In comparison, Lu Xueqi, played by Tang Yan, does not receive such treatment.

Da Tiantian was so excited that she waved her hands to express her gratitude to the audience and bowed twice.

After taking the microphone, he said, "Thank you everyone for your love and recognition of me. Here, I would first like to thank the director of this drama, Brother Jiang Heng. Without him, there would be no this movie. Without his encouragement, there would be no role for me." Baguio!”

In the audience, all the big guys couldn't help laughing. Is this girl giving an acceptance speech?

"Actually, I don't know how to act. I told Brother Jiang Heng before I joined the group. He directed the play for me bit by bit...!"

The reporters in the audience's eyes lit up when they heard this, "Can't you act?"

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