People around me don't know the content of the script. After all, it's just a game GG movie. Who cares about this!

I thought it was planned in advance, but I thought this part was shot very well.

However, Tang Yan saw a clue from Jiang Heng's stunned expression.

"When did she become so bold?"

Tang Yan thought about it secretly, and a trace of regret flashed in his heart.

She met Jiang Heng a few years ago while filming "Split the Mountain to Save Mother", and they had dinner and set off fireworks together during the Chinese New Year. If she had such courage at that time, maybe she was Mrs. Jiang.

It's a pity that I was too timid at the time, so if I missed it, I would miss it.

Later, when she acted opposite Jiang Heng, Tang Yan still acted according to the requirements of the script and did not dare to act randomly.

The overall shooting went smoothly, and by about three o'clock in the afternoon, everything was finished.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you to a nice dinner tonight!"

Everyone said yes in unison, but Da Tiantian wanted to run away.

She was so obsessed with him before that she had the courage to "sneak attack" Jiang Heng, how could she dare to wait any longer.

Jiang Heng said, "Don't run away. Wait until you get in my car. I have something to tell you!"

Da Tiantian didn't dare to run away after hearing this, and followed Jiang Heng's car obediently.

"How are you feeling recently?" Jiang Heng asked with a smile.

Jing Tian was stunned. She thought Jiang Heng would ask about the kiss scene, but she never expected that he would just ask her how she felt after becoming popular!

Not sure which is more important?

Da Tiantian was a little crazy.

Little did he know that Jiang Heng did have some bad taste at this moment. After all, the sweet person in his previous life was not popular no matter how much he praised him.

Now, because of the two roles of Baguio and Scorpion, he has completely stood firm. He really wants to know Jing Tan's thoughts.

"Well, it feels good. I'm really grateful to you. If it weren't for my brother who let me play the role of Scorpion and Baguio, who took the trouble to tell and direct the play, I might not have been able to experience this feeling for many years. "

Jing Tan lowered his head slightly and suddenly said: "So, don't think too much. I had no other thoughts just now. I was just grateful for a moment and couldn't help it!"


Jiang Heng replied lightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Da Tiantian waited for a while but didn't see Jiang Heng's response, so she couldn't help but said: "Just?"

Jiang Heng thought to himself, what else can you say? You can't say "very smooth"!

"I understood it all and didn't think much about it!"

Da Tiantian felt helpless when she heard this and pouted subconsciously. Jiang Heng's eyes were instantly attracted.

Jing Tan smiled startledly, but also felt a little proud, and said in his heart: "Humph, man, it's really just like what my sister said!"

However, she did not dare to continue playing with fire, but asked about the recent situation in "The Kingdom of Girls".

"It's pretty good, not just average, but the situation is great!"

How can I put it, it’s just too popular!

It has only been half a month since the film was released, and the cumulative box office in the mainland market has already exceeded 500 million.

Judging from the current box office trend, it may exceed 900 million!

900 million, in 2007!

Not only will it set a new box office record for the Chinese-language film market, but it will also set a new box office record for Jiang Heng’s personal films in the mainland market.

The most special thing is that this movie is not Jiang Heng's best work. It is just funny, special effects, and has a little love element.

It is even said that among romantic movies, it is not the best, but it has become the most popular. How can it make sense?

But the audience just recognized this, and felt that the previous films such as "The Mountain", "Pacific Rim", and "Inception" lacked elements of love and comedy. If you add these two things earlier, will the box office be higher?

What's even more amazing is that the film "The Kingdom of Women" also has a good reputation.

Douban scored 8.1, which is considered a masterpiece.

As for overseas, in the Japanese film market, the film immediately won the box office championship for the week after its release and continues to lead the way.

In South Korea, "Girls' Country" also dominated the box office during the summer, with the total number of moviegoers currently exceeding five million. It is estimated that by the time the film is released, it will be over 7 million.

In various countries in Southeast Asia, "Girls' Country" is the box office champion in the local market.

In these countries, because the market size is too small, it is difficult to cultivate a high-quality film industry.

It was originally the back garden of Xiangjiang Movies, but was later taken over by Hollywood blockbusters.

But this time, Chinese-language movies also have special effects blockbusters, and they are familiar masterpieces. The audience naturally feels more immersed in Jiang Heng's movies, and the box office results are quite good.

The performance is slightly worse in the European and American markets. First of all, in terms of comedy, a lot of it is created by lines.

But after re-dubbing, the funny elements have completely disappeared.

The so-called regret of love, some European and American audiences find it touching, while others are relatively indifferent.

Thanks to the special effects fight scenes they're used to, they're as exciting as ever.

Therefore, the box office performance of "Land of Women" in the North American market is relatively low. According to the current box office trend, it would be good to have US$200 million.

The box office results in other European and American countries are similar. Compared with the peak box office performance of "Pacific Rim 2", it has dropped by almost half.

It is caused by cultural barriers and there is nothing we can do about it.

But even so, the global box office results of "The Kingdom of Women" are expected to reach 700 million US dollars, which is basically the same as "Zhu Xian", and it can still make Jiang Heng a huge profit.

While it was the envy of many domestic investors, it also scared Wang Zhonglei and others of Huayi into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, they didn't get involved when "The Legend of the Gods" was scheduled to be released, and the release time interval was as long as half a month.

If this had been released only a week apart, or on the same day, wouldn't it be a tragedy?

However, Wang Zhonglei and others were very interested in watching "The Investiture of the Gods" at first.

It was just that with the popularity of "The Kingdom of Women", they became a little unconfident.

But sometimes they would imagine that "The Kingdom of Women" could achieve such a high box office, and "The Investiture of the Gods" would not be bad either!

Wang Zhonglei has been switching between extremely confident and extremely unconfident moods recently. He feels that if the film is not released, he will collapse.

Fortunately, after a long period of suffering, he finally waited.

On July 27, the Huayi version of "The Investiture of the Gods" landed in major theaters in the mainland.

Major domestic cinemas also ushered in a new wave of movie watching.

After all, although "The Investiture of the Gods" is not among the four great classics, it has always been less famous.

In addition, Jiang Heng has not touched the "Investiture of the Gods" theme since "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother", which makes the audience who love this film and television theme wait a little anxiously.

Anyway, Huayi also shoots special effects blockbusters, so come and take a look!

In a cinema in Wukesong, Beijing, the theater showing "Investiture of the Gods" was crowded with people, with an attendance rate of up to 90%.

It can be said that except for the front row and other seats with poor viewing effects, the rest were sold out.

The audience also watched the movie with great expectations.

Huayi's version is about the story of Xiqi sending people to Chaoge to rescue King Wen of Zhou.

Those who participated in the action include Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, etc. The generals who appeared on the Shang side include the four generals of the Demon Family and Zhang Guifang.

The special effects are okay, and they don't look particularly cheap. The fighting scenes are also okay.

It's just that the costumes and props are too exaggerated, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

In addition, some plot adaptations are a bit stiff, and many viewers don't know how to evaluate it for a while.

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