While Wang Zhonglei was struggling, Jiang Heng was very satisfied.

First, the box office of "The Kingdom of Women" was a huge hit, with a strong revenue of 957 million in the mainland market, setting a historical record.

Second, the online game "Zhu Xian" became popular. It was officially launched in early August. In less than a week, the number of registered users exceeded one million, and continued to increase at a very fast rate, which was enviable.

Such achievements were achieved, firstly, thanks to the original work and the movie version of "Zhu Xian", and then because of the trailer.

This summer, Jing Tian was already very popular, and countless crazy fans wanted to find her works.

Unfortunately, this girl did not have many works, so even a few minutes of GG films were repeatedly watched by her fans. With word of mouth, the online version of "Zhu Xian" became even more popular.

In less than a month, the online version of "Zhu Xian" has become a popular work comparable to old games such as "World of Warcraft", "Fantasy Westward Journey", and "Zhengtu", and has become a "cash cow" that can bring a steady stream of cash flow to the company every day.

The industry had mixed reactions to this, and Wangyi's Ding Lei was naturally furious.

He had wanted to buy the game adaptation rights of "Zhu Xian" before, but Jiang Heng refused to sell it, and he actually poached his game creative team.

It was thought that Jiang Heng would not be able to launch the online version of "Zhu Xian" in two or three years.

He was also thinking about developing similar games to "snipe" "Zhu Xian"!

He read a lot of fantasy and fairy-tale online novels for this purpose, and also ordered people to buy the game copyrights of several books, and started the project to develop.

Who knew that only a year later, the online version of "Zhu Xian" was publicly tested, and the speed was extremely fast.

At first, he thought that the quality of the game hastily made in a year would be very average, but he didn't expect the game experience to be very good, which made him a little upset.

It's completely unscientific!

Other game companies in the industry were relatively indifferent to the public beta of the online version of "Zhu Xian".

After all, some popular games are on different tracks from "Zhu Xian", and the competition is not very fierce.

There are even companies that specifically called Jiang Heng to congratulate him!

At this moment, Jiang Heng stayed in the mansion to play games. Liu Yifei, who was wearing cooler clothes, played "Zhu Xian" with Jiang Heng.

"Oh, I'm so hungry!"

Liu Yifei rubbed her stomach and rubbed her eyes, and said, "Oh my god, it's so fast, it's already four o'clock in the afternoon!"

Jiang Heng looked at the time on the computer desktop and couldn't help but say, "It's quite fast!"

He immediately put down the mouse and stood up, stretched and said, "Ah, I've been playing too crazy recently!"

"This shows that the company's games are well made, and many friends in the circle are playing them!" Liu Yifei said.

Jiang Heng smiled, "This is nothing. When the game goes online at the end of the year, it will be more fun than this!"


"Of course!" Jiang Heng said, and gently rubbed Liu Tianxian's head, messing up her hairstyle.

The latter was not annoyed, but smiled and said, "Then I'm looking forward to it. You must teach me how to play it then!"

"Of course!"

Jiang Heng was talking about "League of Legends".

When he first came into contact with the game in his previous life, he really played it like crazy.

Mainly because his career was not going well at that time, and his life was rather boring. He played at home at first, but later he felt that there was no such atmosphere.

So he went to the Internet cafe to play from morning to night, and occasionally he would book a night, almost all the time playing "League of Legends".

And he often used a hero for one or two days, not to mention how obsessed he was.

He played for more than a week, and only stopped playing temporarily after he took on a role.

In this life, "League of Legends" was developed by the game company under Jiang Heng's name, and in fact it has been "produced" almost now.

It was only because of the public beta of "Zhu Xian" in the summer that the public beta of "League of Legends" was postponed for a few months.

However, the film and television work "Heroes of the Army" derived from the game "League of Legends" can indeed be put on the agenda.

Jiang Heng's initial idea is that the first part of "Three Body" will be released at the end of this year, the 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven" will be released in the summer of 2008, and "Heroes of the Army" will naturally be released at the end of the year.

The script will be revised first, and people will be ordered to prepare shooting props. As long as the shooting can start before October and be completed before the end of the year, it will be fine.

Because the Olympics will be held next year, he will be busy with the opening ceremony!

Speaking of the selection of Olympic directors, it started in 2005.

The directors who went to the interview that year included Jiang Heng, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Feng Xiaogang, Li An and more than ten other directors.

Among them, Chen Kaige was rejected in the first round because he recited a poem, Du Fu's "Hearing that the Government Troops Recovered Henan and Hebei".

The judges were confused and said that we don't need poets, we need directors who can do practical things, and then eliminated him.

For the director selection, the judges are most optimistic about Jiang Heng and Zhang Yimou.

Jiang Heng needs no more introduction. He is an internationally renowned director with rich experience in directing special effects blockbusters. There is no problem with creative design and scene scheduling.

The only problem raised by the judges is his age. Some people always think that Jiang Heng is too young and are afraid that he will not be able to do his job well.

As for Zhang Yimou, he was well prepared and had unlimited creativity.

On the day of the selection, two truckloads of information were pulled over. Li An saw this and said that he felt he could only help Director Zhang.

What's even more rare is that Director Zhang Yimou really has unlimited creativity. On the first day, he proposed a good idea and told everyone about it with great enthusiasm, and then on the second day he rejected it and told you a more amazing one.

To be honest, if Jiang Heng didn't have the help of the "super microcomputer", he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

But since this condition exists, it is natural to strive for it.

In the end, he became an Olympic director with his grand and creative design.

In fact, there will be related work in the second half of this year, but it won’t be that busy.

By 2008, we have to focus on the Olympics.

Preparing for the filming of "The Company" can also be considered as time squeezed out.

Both of them were a little hungry, and Jiang Heng was too lazy to cook. Because he wasn't at home often, Jiang Heng didn't hire a nanny. He got dressed and drove Liu Yifei out to eat.

"By the way, are the schedules for the second half of the year full?"

While eating, Jiang Heng suddenly asked.


Now she has moved to the big screen, and she has basically stopped filming TV series. As for movies, there are so many good resources!

In the first half of the year, she filmed "The King of Kung Fu", starring Cheng Long, Jet Li and others. In the film, she played the role of Jin Yanzi, a chivalrous woman with strong martial arts skills. After more than three months of filming, she was very tired and now she just wanted to take a good rest. For a while, I didn’t take any other film appointments at all.

Of course, Jiang Heng's works are an exception, even the supporting cast has to run away.

Immediately he asked: I have to shoot a new movie again, do you have enough time? "

Jiang Heng said: "No problem. This year is mainly about preparation work. The focus of rehearsals will be next year. This period of time is also free. It just happens to be filming another film."

Liu Yifei didn't know how to comment for a moment, it was too quick.

The problem is that what Jiang Heng is shooting is not a low-budget movie, but a blockbuster with special effects!

"What subject matter?"

"Well, it's a science fiction military genre, a bit similar to Hollywood superhero movies!"

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