China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 281 Science Fiction War Film

"Director Jiang, Shishi is so pretty and well-behaved, is there a role suitable for her?" Cai Yinong said expectantly.

Jiang Heng looked at Liu Shisi again, and the latter lowered her head shyly.

"At present, there is no role suitable for her, but in the second part, she can participate in it."

In the second part of "Heroes Company", there will be a large number of angel characters, and it is not a problem to choose a role for Liu Shisi.

Cai Yinong was a little disappointed. It is possible to have a sequel to Jiang Heng's play every three to five years, which is too long!

Liu Shisi was not in a hurry. It was a pleasant surprise to be able to reserve a role. She whispered thank you!

After chatting for a while, Cai Yinong and others stood up to say goodbye. Jiang Heng ordered Vice President Li Xiaoping to receive him on his behalf, and he still had to continue to work.

Ding Haifeng and Huang Xiaoming naturally had no problems, especially Huang Xiaoming, although he has been more popular in recent years, and there are more film and television dramas looking for him.

But in order to be able to film Jiang Heng's movies, he would not accept several film contracts at once.

And he would often come to iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Film to chat with Jiang Heng, treat him to dinner and so on.

Just to make sure that Jiang Heng would have time to participate when he considers him.

As for Zhou Jielun, the film "Secret" written, directed and acted by him was just released at the end of July, and he just happened to have no work at the moment.

Hearing that it was Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster, he agreed without thinking much.

Jiang Heng called Da Tiantian and asked her if she had time first, after all, she was really popular in the summer.

"Of course, if my brother doesn't shoot a new movie, how dare I take a role casually?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised and said with a smile: "I didn't realize that you are so smart!"

"Of course, you think I'm stupid, but I'm actually very smart!"

When Da Tiantian said this, her tone was arrogant.

Jiang Heng could imagine her expression across the phone.

"Yeah, Da Tiantian is the smartest!"

"Haha, you admit it, right?"


After chatting about some meaningless topics, he hung up the phone.

Then he wondered, "Why do I feel that this girl is getting weirder and weirder! Forget it, don't think about it!"

Liu Yifei told her a few days ago. Clara has always played supporting roles, so there is no schedule problem.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, needs to be comforted.

As a result, the call was answered by the assistant, who was still busy filming!

Jiang Heng immediately called Zhou Xingxing and asked him to borrow Zhang Yuqi for filming.

In her previous life, Zhang Yuqi found that Zhou Xingxing's company could not give her a good development after she became popular in "CJ7", so she terminated the contract in 2012 and paid a penalty of 3 million.

As a result, when Zhou Xingxing was preparing to film "The Mermaid" in 2014, he wanted to find a sexy and beautiful woman to play the villain, but he couldn't find a suitable one, so he thought of Zhang Yuqi again.

After calling her, the latter acted in the film without any compensation. As a result, after the filming was over, she received a red envelope of 10 million yuan from Zhou Xingxing.

In general, there was nothing wrong with what they did.

Zhou Xingxing's company produced too few films, and he had a bad relationship with other film companies, which was not a general restriction on development.

In this life, Zhou Xingxing and Jiang Heng had a good relationship and often cooperated with each other, which made Zhang Yuqi think more.

When she heard that Jiang Heng wanted her to play the villain in a new film, Zhang Yuqi agreed without hesitation.

She didn't consider the protagonist or villain at all. If she didn't take a big film again, she felt that she would be out of the game.

This summer, the most popular actress was the Scorpion Spirit played by Jing Tian. Does anyone still remember Teacher Yuan in "CJ7"!

Jiang Heng made a round of calls and the cast and crew were basically confirmed.

Immediately, Yang Mi called back and said in a unique voice: "Director Jiang, you are looking for me!"

"Well, the company is going to start a new play, which will start shooting in September. There is a role in it that you have decided to play!"

Yang Mi was slightly happy to hear this, because it sounded like she was not the protagonist, but it had to be so.

Who made her relationship with Jiang Heng not as good as Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Tang Yan and others!

These three have starred in Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters, but she can only play a minor role occasionally, not to mention how depressed she is!

However, words of thanks still need to be said.

"Thank you, Director Jiang, I will act well!"

"Well, in addition, the company will tailor a few TV series for you next year!"


When Yang Mi said this, her tone became higher.

Although it is not a movie, a big-budget TV series is also fine, and popularity is accumulated bit by bit!

Maybe one day, she will have the opportunity to star in a blockbuster.

The next day, Jiang Heng met with the leaders of the TV Art Center of the Navy Political Department. The other party was very interested in Jiang Heng's "science fiction war" film.

The two sides talked a lot, and took the script of "Heroes Company" and said that it would be reported to the military.

Then Jiang Heng's side just waited.

It was not just sitting there, arranging the crew to make props and build the corresponding studio.

In terms of props, the black armor worn by the heroes in the film naturally had to be specially made.

Jiang Heng directly drew the various armors and weapons that appeared in the film and ordered the props team to make them according to the drawings.

A few days later, the Navy Political Department gave feedback that the script was generally approved, and only some details needed to be confirmed in the final. Jiang Heng went over to explain, and the matter was settled.

Then, it was the investment in the film.

With such a good investment opportunity, the Navy Political Department would naturally not miss it.

In today's Chinese film and television industry, investing in Jiang Heng's movies is almost equivalent to a sure win.

However, in terms of the amount, the Navy could not pay much, barely 20 million US dollars.

Add to that the 30 million US dollars from China Film, so iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures are responsible for the remaining 150 million.

Of course, with the financial resources of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures, there is naturally no pressure.

In the blink of an eye, it was early September. After everything was ready, the new film release conference of "Heroes Company" was also held in Beijing.

At the event site, the media gathered, looking at Hu Jian, Ding Haifeng, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Jielun, Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yifei, Kala, Yang Mi, Zhang Yuqi and other handsome men and beautiful women, the reporters kept taking pictures.

At the same time, they were curious about the title of "Heroes Company". Military movies, is it a joke?

This type of film is probably not popular at home or abroad!

Of course, some people are looking forward to it.

After all, Jiang Heng is best at special effects. When some military fans think of the countless tanks, artillery, and warships that may appear in the film, some military fans tremble with excitement.

"Is Director Jiang going to shoot a drama about beating the Japanese?"

"How is that possible? How could Director Jiang do such a thing!"

"What is that about? It can't be about them beating terrorists!"

"What a joke, terrorists come to China, and they have to throw away their salutes as soon as they get off the train!"


The people around laughed so hard, naturally thinking of the plot in "Crazy Stone" where the Hong Kong killer lost his equipment.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng gave the answer without everyone having to guess for too long.

Timeline, future.

Film type, science fiction war.

Science fiction?

The weapons should be very advanced!

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