China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 30 Word of mouth is not easy

If other Chinese-speaking filmmakers were approached by Hollywood film giant Columbia, they would most likely not refuse.

The so-called sake makes people famous, wealth attracts people's hearts, and the temptation of a world-class title is too great.

Jiang Heng was not the same. After he was reborn, he first wanted to have endless money, secondly he didn't want to work too hard, and thirdly he wanted to be closer to home.

If it weren't for legal and moral constraints, "super microcomputers" would have been used to make money elsewhere.

Returning to his old career of making movies, and only making "special effects blockbusters" with higher box office results, how could he go overseas to be a pioneer for a little fame?

The reason why I sat down and chatted with Pascal was just to give him some face during the cooperation between the two parties.

But after hearing what she said, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind.

"Ms. Pascal, what you said is nothing more than to strengthen our cooperation. Then I can make a guarantee here that if our cooperation can proceed smoothly, the North American version of "The Matrix" 2 and 3 will be released." And the distribution rights of some countries in South America can be handed over to your company! ”

"Is it just the distribution rights? We can also provide funds and actors for the filming. You also know that the first part of many series of films has achieved both good word-of-mouth and box office success, but subsequent films often face the risk of not making money or even losing money!"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head. He didn't have to spend money to do special effects, so he couldn't lose money anyway.

"There is no need for investment or anything at the moment. In addition, I will often shoot some special effects blockbusters in the future. If your company is interested, you can distribute them as your agency!"

Pascal was a little unhappy. Did her cousin, the most promising vice president of Columbia Company, come all the way just for the distribution rights of a few non-Hollywood films? Any manager can come over and we can talk!

"Oh, I wonder what kind of film Director Jiang is going to make this time. If it's a fairy tale from your country, forget it. The audience here really can't understand it!"

Jiang Heng heard the sarcasm in her tone and was not angry. He laughed and said, "Of course I know this. It's not a fairy tale, it's a monster movie!"

"Monster, don't you want to make a movie about dinosaurs too!"

"Yes, what I want to make is a movie about dinosaurs!"

Pascal laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, "It shouldn't be like Jurassic Park!"

"Yes, what I photographed this time are Jurassic dinosaurs!"

"Ha, the Chinese are making monster movies? You guys are inexperienced and there will be great risks!" Pascal laughed so hard that his mouth hurt.

"I didn't have any similar experience before filming "The Matrix", but judging from the current market response, it's not bad. I want to try monster movies!"

Pascal straightened up and stopped laughing, because she was really angry!

The oriental man in front of me, although handsome and talented, is also really arrogant!

Proud people tend to be very conceited and do not easily listen to the advice of others.

Although it is easy to achieve success, it is also easy to encounter major failures.

When such people join the team, it's better when they can master it. Once out of control, it often causes huge disasters for the company.

She had given up all attempts to recruit Jiang Heng. If she wasn't still thinking about cooperating in the follow-up film of "The Matrix", she wouldn't even bother to say anything on the scene.

"Oh, then I'm looking forward to it. When Director Jiang's film is finished, you must remember to show it to me!"

"Of course, I'm also thinking about global distribution and how much it will sell at the box office!"

Pascal sneered and thought: "I want to see what the hell you can take pictures of!"

In fact, monster movies are not easy to make in this genre.

Because the real protagonists of the film are not humans, but monsters that are as alive as if they really existed.

But you can’t just shoot monsters fighting each other, then it’s going to be an animal world!

Besides, the special effects costs are unaffordable!

According to unofficial data, the dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park 1" only appeared for fifteen minutes, and a large amount of the rest of the time was spent on the male, female protagonist and other human characters.

The real highlights of the film are the realistic and shocking images of dinosaurs, as well as the oppressive chase and escape scenes that make you breathless.

Then we have to solve a problem, how to place the nominal human protagonist in a dangerous environment.

This may be due to the supporting characters, but the protagonists don't seem to be that smart. Only in this way can a tense and suffocating atmosphere be created.

For example, in "Jurassic Park 1", when the Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared, the little girl in the car went crazy to find a flashlight and used it to shine at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There is also the section across the high-voltage power grid. The female protagonist is pushing the switches one by one in the electrical control room. The high-voltage power grid has already alarmed. Next, the male protagonist asks the little boy to jump down, but the boy does not jump.

Then the heroine turned on the electricity, and the little boy was knocked down by the high-voltage power grid. It was outrageous that he was still able to be revived.

But overall, the plot design of "Jurassic Park 1" has no major flaws. In addition, the world's first special effects blockbuster about dinosaurs has greatly shocked the hearts of countless teenagers, so its reputation is still good, with a Douban score of 8.3.

But in the second part, Spielberg was still the director and the screenwriter of the first part, and the score dropped sharply to 7.6.

The global box office dropped from US$912 million to US$618 million, which can only be said to be a small profit.

In the third film, the director was changed and the ratings were acceptable, but the global box office dropped to 369 million, causing Universal Pictures to lose a lot of money and had to temporarily shelve the IP.

Except for the Jurassic series, films like "King Kong: Skull Island" in 2017 only have a Douban score of 6.5, and "King Kong vs. Godzilla" in 2021 only has a Douban score of 6.3.

As for the "shark mouth survival" films that are popular among female audiences, most of them have a Douban score of around 5 points, and those that can get 7 points can be called fine products.

The reason is simple. It is a bit abnormal for the heroine to encounter a shark at the beach.

It can be seen that it is really difficult for monster films to achieve both box office and word-of-mouth success.

Jiang Heng did not expect the new film to have a good reputation, as long as he could make some money in name.

After sending away the angry Pascal, Jiang Heng rested for another day before flying back to Beijing.

As soon as he landed this time, someone from the Beijing Film Studio came to pick him up and sent him to the hotel before leaving.

"Hey, Director Jiang, you must have gained a lot from this trip to the United States!"

Not long after returning to the hotel room, Han Sanping called.

Jiang Heng was enjoying himself in the United States, but he was very anxious in China. He didn't know what the script had been changed to.

There was a time difference between the two sides, so it was not easy to call every day.

Jiang Heng hung up his clothes, walked to the bed and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it won the box office championship in the first weekend, and finally didn't lose face for the Chinese people!"

Han Sanping said, "Next time, it should be released in both places at the same time. The box office in the United States is so good, and publicity will boost the domestic market. When this news came, we were offline here, and everyone who wanted to support it had nowhere to go!"

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