"I just feel that it is not easy to bring these people to prehistoric times. It would be a pity to finish one movie. If the box office is good, there will be a second one immediately!"

When everyone in the room heard this, they didn't know whether to praise Jiang Heng for his grand ideas or call him a thief.

The first part hasn’t been filmed yet, but I’ve already started thinking about a sequel!

Deputy director Wu Guoping said: "Director Jiang, will this affect the box office? You made a lot of money from "The Matrix", it doesn't matter if you make more or less. Our Beijing Film Studio is a state-owned enterprise, if it loses money, It’s hard to explain!”

Jiang Heng smiled, "I'm afraid of losing money. It's simple. We can sign a guarantee agreement. I guarantee that this film will bring at least more than 20% of the investment income to Beijing Film Studio. If it cannot be reached, I will make up for it personally. It must be more than ”


Wu Guoping took a breath, this treatment was too generous.

Although the deposit and treasury bond interest rates in 1997 were higher than 20 years later, the 20% guaranteed return still makes many people excited. The key is that it does not affect the share of the box office after it takes off!

Some couldn't help but said directly: "Are you serious about what you said?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Of course, I don't have time to joke!"

Han Sanping was very moved when he heard this, but as the director of the factory, he could not "end" too quickly.

Wu Guoping asked: "What are the conditions?"

Jiang Hengdao: "My conditions are simple. For this play, everything is decided by me. You can recommend some actors, and I will basically agree with them, but the final decision-making power rests with me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked a little unhappy.

What does it mean that everything is decided by him? So who is Beijing Film Studio, a creditor?

Is the money we invest considered an investment or a debt?

Han Sanping couldn't help but asked, "Director Jiang, what do you mean by this?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I just want to make a good movie without interference so that everyone can make money!"

The people at Beijing Film Studio were silent, mainly because they had never encountered this kind of situation before, and Han Sanping didn't speak, so they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Jiang Heng said: "How about I go shopping first and you guys have a small meeting first?"

Han Sanping sighed slightly and said to a girl wearing glasses: "Xiao Li, show Director Jiang a tour!"

"Ah, okay, okay, Director Jiang, please come this way!" The confused little girl stood up in a hurry and led Jiang Heng around the Beijing Film Studio.

But after closing the door, there was a short, older man who slapped the table: "What do you mean, what do you think of our Beijing Film Studio? It's a bank or a subsidiary company! He still decides everything. I just succeeded once, who knows if I will be the next Zhou Xingxing!”

It is said that when Zhou Xingxing cooperated with West Film Studio to film "Westward Journey", the leaders of West Film Studio saw the script and their first reaction was, what is this?

But considering Zhou's huge box office appeal, he still bit the bullet and cooperated.

Unexpectedly, the film's box office in mainland China was extremely low, and it is said that Xiying Film Studio lost more than one million yuan.

When the old man said this, he didn't think that this project would make Beijing Film Studio lose money, but he just couldn't swallow it.

These people are all professionals and have recently done a lot of research on well-known foreign monster movies.

I know that many films in this genre have low ratings and low box office.

As long as the plot is not too stupid and the special effects are realistic, you can basically make money!

Jiang Heng's ability in making special effects blockbusters is obvious to everyone.

If the two films were separated and each formed a crew, Jiang Heng could quickly obtain funds, but it would be difficult for Beijing Film Studio to find a more suitable director for blockbusters than Jiang Heng.

More importantly, with Jiang Heng taking the lead, it will not be difficult for this film to be sold to the international market.

But if an individual, such as director Xu Ke, is involved, it is unlikely that the film will be released on a large scale in North America.

Everyone understands the truth, but they just feel that it goes against the style of a large manufacturer and it is difficult to accept it for a while.

Han Sanping naturally hopes to continue to cooperate and let everyone speak freely and vent.

Then someone started talking about the benefits of such cooperation. The 20% guaranteed income is not low. Who can guarantee that we will make money!

If you don’t have to waste money after a box office hit, why not do it!

Then someone proposed to increase the guaranteed return to 36%, so that if you invest 10 million, you can earn at least 3.6 million back.

If Jiang Heng can agree, then everything will be up to him.

Han Sanping was very moved and invited Jiang Heng to his conference room. The two "bargained" and finally set the guaranteed income at 30% and signed a supplementary agreement.

Looking at the signatures and seals on the contract, Han Sanping sighed, "Director Jiang, why are you doing this?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "I came to the mainland alone, and I rely on your Beijing Film Studio to provide convenience in many aspects, but I don't want to be restricted, so I can give you some reassurance!"

Han Sanping put away the contract casually and laughed: "Hey, you are the biggest guarantee. Why doesn't this film have a box office of more than 100 million US dollars in the global market? Let me tell you, your agreement is pure. What a fool!”

Jiang Heng laughed and didn't explain.

In fact, he entered into this contract just to legitimately establish the leadership of the entire project.

After all, the post-production of his films were all done by "super microscopic computers".

Although I registered several leather goods companies in the Cayman Islands while I was abroad, which was barely enough to cover up people's eyes and ears, it was still more convenient to have the right to take the lead.

As for always making movies independently without cooperating with any company, it is obviously unrealistic.

Entertainment circle, entertainment circle, it's all about human relationships, it's even more of a circle!

It's almost dark now, Han Sanping arranged a dinner, another meal of eating and drinking.

The next day, he came to Beijing Film Studio to confirm the investment amount of the film.

The whole movie invested a total of 80 million yuan, and it was announced to be 100 million.

Among them, Jiang Heng himself paid 65 million, and Beijing Film Studio paid 15 million.

Among them, 70 million was used for filming and post-production of the film, and 10 million was used for publicity and distribution expenses.

In terms of salary, because it was his own movie, Jiang Heng only took 2 million, which was considered to be a self-depreciation.

Wu Yizu only gave 3 million.

First, he currently has only one movie released, and second, he has signed a contract with Jiang Heng.

Li Meiqi is his own artist, so she gets less, 2 million.

Others, such as Hong Jinbao, Yuan De and other behind-the-scenes personnel, are not paid much.

Yuen Wah and Timmy Hung came to play minor roles, and their pay was also slightly lower than the market price.

Ge You was paid 600,000 yuan for "Party A and Party B", and this time he wanted 800,000 yuan. Jiang Heng thought it was too expensive, as he was not the main character and did not have that many scenes.

The most important thing was that he was paid 700,000 yuan when he was filming "To Live" in 1994.

He was paid 600 yuan in 1997, which shows that he is good at bargaining.

Jiang Heng directly cut the price in half and made a roundabout price of 300,000 yuan!

He did not want Ge You to be so happy, so he agreed on the spot.

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