In Beijing, in the newly built digital studio of Beijing Film Studio, all the actors who had just returned from the Northeast were a little confused.

Because this place doesn't look very big, one side of the wall and the ground are all green, and I don't know what kind of craftsmanship was used.

There are a lot of lights on the roof, and there are various machines, equipment, monitors, etc. at the entrance.

"Hey, The Matrix wasn't filmed in such an environment, right?" Ge You asked in a low voice.

Wu Yanzu looked a little shy and nodded slightly: "To be honest, I still don't dare to believe it, it just feels quite magical!"

Xu Qing's voice was still cooing, "That's true. Who will play the dinosaur? They won't all use computer special effects!"

Wu Jing brought a long pole over and said, "Here, let's play the dinosaur!"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

Everyone didn't believe it and questioned Wu Jing one after another.

The latter said: "I really didn't lie, the director said so!"

"How is it possible, a stick plays a dinosaur?"

"He was really right!"

Jiang Heng came over and said to everyone, "During filming, the red light above the stick represents the head of the dinosaur. You can imagine looking at the dinosaur's whole body, but your eyes will ultimately fall on that red light. "

The reason for this arrangement is to prevent the actors' gazes from being inconsistent.

If everyone is watching the dinosaurs roaring randomly, and only one of them shouts into the air, the scene will be useless.

Cheng Long had a similar problem when one person played two roles in "The Club of Two Dragons".

When twin brothers Ma Yo and Shi Ming converse, their eyes often fail to meet.

However, considering the era in which the film was shot, it is quite shocking for one person to play two roles and appear in the same frame, and some flaws are acceptable.

This film is different. Jiang Heng wants to sell it overseas. The special effects are easy to say, but the actors have to strive for excellence.

Jiang Heng talked for a while about the important points to pay attention to when shooting. Xu Qing came forward and said, "What exactly are dinosaurs like? We can't even imagine it just by looking at a stick!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You don't have to worry about that. The renderings and storyboards of the dinosaurs that appear in the film have already been drawn and will be shown to you before filming."

Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Jiang Heng cheered: "It's okay, don't worry, this is actually very easy to shoot. As long as everyone does what I say, everything will be fine!"

Everyone hurriedly said: "Director Jiang will definitely be satisfied!"

In fact, Jiang Heng did not fool everyone. This scene was indeed relatively easy to shoot, at least there were not many places where motion capture could be used.

Because dinosaurs have no facial expressions!

Unlike the Na'vi in ​​"Avatar", which requires realistic facial expressions, the film is much easier to shoot from this point of view.

They only need to follow the storyboards drawn by Jiang Heng and make corresponding actions of being chased by dinosaurs, escaping, confronting, and counterattacking.

On the first day of shooting, it was exactly as Jiang Heng said. Everyone only needed to look at the dinosaur renderings given by Jiang Heng, and then look at the pole with the red light and make corresponding movements and expressions, and that was it. , it feels better to shoot than the real-life scenes.

Feeling that everyone was in good spirits, Jiang Heng took many photos in a row and waited until 12 o'clock at night to finish the work.

Ge You, who was born in 1957, is just in his early forties, but he has already looked like an "old man". He lay weakly on the chair, listening to the sound of "Ka" in the distance, and murmured: "It's over. , no matter how urgent it is, we can’t shoot in one day!”

Nowadays, many staff members are from Beijing Film Studio, and some said: "Teacher Ge, would you like to talk to the director?"

Ge You stood up and slapped his lower back, "Okay, let me go!"

When he came to the monitor, he saw Jiang Heng looking back at what he had just taken. A staff member held up a long pole and used the red light on it to "attack" Wu Jing.

The latter had a frightened expression on his face and kept making various rolling and moving movements.

Ge worried and said, just look at this, what can you see?

Little did he know that after "deduction" and "supplementation" by a super microcomputer, what Jiang Heng saw was a huge dinosaur chasing Wu Jing in a tropical rainforest, trying to swallow it up.

After the monitor finished playing, Ge You said, "Director, you've had a really hard day today. Just wait and see. Can we go out for a meal later?"

Seeing his tired expression, Jiang Heng naturally understood what he meant, "Okay, let's call it a day. I'll treat everyone to dinner. Those who are in a hurry to go home will be reimbursed for taxi rides and midnight snacks. Those who are not in a hurry will go together!"

"Okay, long live the director!"

Knowing that Jiang Heng had made a lot of money on "The Matrix", these people were not polite at all. Except for those who were really anxious to go home, the rest of them went to dinner with the large group.

On the way, these people were still talking, saying that director Jiang Heng was so generous, unlike other crews who were so picky and fussy.

The conversation started, and the group of people were no longer sleepy. When talking about their shooting experiences in the past few years, each one could talk better than the other.

Then when he talked about how much Jiang Heng could earn, he seemed to have become an actuary.

"Tell me, Director Jiang Heng, how much money can you get?" Xu Qing said in an exaggerated tone.

Ge You was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes, but after hearing this, his eyes lit up, "I think it should start at 100 million US dollars! There are more than 400 million in the world, even if some countries sell copyrights, the overall average I can divide it into a quarter!”

"I think it should be possible. In markets such as North America, the UK, France and Germany, which have large box office, Director Jiang distributes the film separately. In North America alone, the total is 143 million!" Wu Xianzu said in his unique Hong Kong accent.

Xu Qing's eyes lit up, "One hundred million, US dollars, how much money is that! I can't make it in my lifetime!"

Ge You waved his hand and said seriously: "Hey, you think too much, even in the next life, you can't make it!"

"Hate it!"


In fact, these people have discussed it since CCTV reported the North American and global box office results of "The Matrix" yesterday.

But they still enjoy discussing it over and over again, and there is no jealousy.

The main reason is that Jiang Heng earns too much, more than many people can imagine.

In 1998, one hundred million US dollars, how much money is that!

Many places and departments heard the news and were thinking about how to get in touch with Jiang Heng and get some donations.

It's a pity that they either can't get in touch or don't have a phone number.

Even if some people call, Jiang Heng won't answer.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being fat. At his level, he can't not spend some money, but he also has to donate to places in need.

As for property, it is also necessary to disperse it to reduce risks, with a portion in the mainland, Hong Kong, and overseas.

In the mainland, the most worry-free investment is to buy land and houses in Beijing.

Because at this moment, the housing prices near the second ring road in Beijing are only two to three thousand per square meter.

Thinking that July is the famous 1998 housing reform, Jiang Heng feels more and more that he has to find time to buy some houses.

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