China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 43 The dilemma of major film producers

After watching "100 Million BC" in the company's small screening room, Amy Paschal was stunned. She never thought that Jiang Heng would make the film like this.

How to say it, the beginning and the end are too disconnected.

Looking at the beginning, it is a low-cost tomb-robbing, adventure, and gunfight film. The actors are all Chinese, and there is almost no market in North America.

But these people are sent to the Jurassic era by the gravity caused by the "Nine Stars in a Row" astronomical wonder. The plot is absolutely exciting and wonderful.

How to describe it, it's like a football game. The same team is half-dead in the first half, and the second half is at the level of winning the World Cup. The contrast is really too big.

There are also enough highlights. The most attractive thing about the "Jurassic Park" series is naturally the extremely realistic dinosaurs and the breathtaking chase and escape scenes.

And in this film, there are countless ancient plants, animals, and insects that look extremely fantastic.

But what Pascal likes most is the wilderness survival story of these people who try to fill their stomachs and find a safe habitat after arriving in the Jurassic period.

She is a woman, but she is extremely independent. She usually has short hair and likes mountaineering, rock climbing, and outdoor sports.

I have never tried activities like wilderness survival, but I have always liked them.

As for what is shown in "100 Million Years BC", it can only be described as doubly exciting.

In addition to Amy Pascal, there are other executives in the screening room.

After watching the film, the first reaction was a bit confused.

"Which bastard taught him to shoot a film like this?" A white old man who is quite old and knows about Chinese culture shouted.

"He didn't go to a film and television school, he learned it all by himself!"

"He shot this film, too, too stingy! It's even more Grandet than Grandet!" The old man blew his beard and glared.

He really liked the second half of the plot, and he hated the first half even more.

It's not that there can't be modern scenes, but the title is "100 Million Years BC". You can tell the modern scenes for more than ten minutes to let the audience know who the male and female protagonists are and understand the ins and outs of the story.

Then bring these people to the Jurassic period, and the audience will naturally worry about the life and death of these characters.

As the plot develops, the mood fluctuates, and the film reviews will be much higher.

Jiang Heng is good, the first half is so long and stinky that you once thought it was a big bad movie that cheated money.

When you have secretly organized your language in your mind and thought about how to write a review to scold him after leaving the theater, he has brought you the content you want to see, super doubled!

The excitement of the second half of the film is better than "Jurassic Park"!

But when they thought of the "bad" performance in the front, a group of executives of Columbia Company were entangled and wanted to "report to the police".

"How much money did he use to shoot this movie?" someone asked.

Douglas Wick replied, "It's advertised as 100 million RMB, but it's definitely not that much in reality, probably only about 10 million US dollars!"

"Only 10 million?"

"10 million!"

The small screening room was filled with cheers. The production cost of "Jurassic Park 2" was 73 million US dollars, but in terms of visual effects, it is completely inferior to "100 Million BC".

After the release of this film, as long as the reputation does not fall too badly, it will not be a problem to make 70 or 80 million at the box office.

If all the actors in the film are replaced with European and American faces and the original English voice is used, it is possible to get more than 100 million at the box office.

At this time, Pascal envied China's low pay and production costs.

"If he is willing to come to Hollywood, I will definitely sign him. But I have to assign him a better producer, so that he can't be so willful!"

Pascal sighed secretly, and immediately called everyone to discuss the promotion of the film.

Everyone came to a unanimous conclusion that if this film wants to sell well at the box office, it must have a good relationship with the media.

You can scold, but you must talk about the selling point of the film, so that readers will think your comments are very objective.

Audiences who like this kind of selling point will naturally come to watch the movie.

Pascal and others discussed for a long time, and they became more and more excited, and looked forward to the box office performance of the film.

In Hong Kong, Jiang Heng walked out of the airport and took a taxi home alone.

Thinking in his heart, maybe I should get a team for myself.

The Matrix made him a lot of money, and he had the financial resources to get a security and service team.

Besides, it’s not safe to run alone all the time.

Although those people have been much more obedient in the past two years, I’m afraid that someone will take risks!

Causeway Bay, my own residence.

Jiang Heng took off his shoes, leaned on the sofa, and thought about the release date of the film in Hong Kong.

In the Hong Kong film industry during the 1999 Spring Festival, the only films with box office competitiveness were Cheng Long’s Glass Bottle and Stephen Chow’s The King of Comedy.

Due to the factors of the general environment, the box office of both films did not reach 30 million.

This was unimaginable in the past few years.

After "100 Million Years BC" joined the war, the box office performance of the two films may be even lower.

"Hey, brother, I'm back!"

Jiang Heng almost rested and called Hong Jinbao.

The latter was very surprised, "Did you just get off the plane?"

"I'm home!"

Hong Jinbao "complained": "Why didn't you tell me so that I could pick you up!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Hey, we brothers don't have to be so polite!"

During the filming of the film, the two deliberately made friends and their relationship became closer.

Sammo Hung is closer to him than to his brothers from the "Seven Little Fortunes".

The reason is simple. He can no longer grasp the pulse of the Hong Kong film market, and there is no need to think about being a director or producer.

As an actor, there is no big breakthrough, and he can't go to Hollywood like Cheng Long.

Apart from deliberately making friends with directors like Jiang Heng and Xu Ke who are capable of making big productions, what else can he do?

He can't just live like this and eat up all his savings!

What's more, he has to pave the way for his son!

"So, I'll book a restaurant and call everyone out to welcome you!" After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Heng laughed and said nothing more.

Half an hour later, Sammo Hung called again and told him the name of the restaurant and the time of the dinner.

Jiang Heng had almost finished his rest, so he packed up and drove there.

When he entered the box, he saw that in addition to the people who often gathered in Hong Kong before, there were several more actresses, and he was stunned.

Hong Jinbao explained with a smile, "They usually admire your talent and want to have a chance to work with you. They begged to come, and I couldn't do anything!"

"Director Jiang, I really like your movie "The Matrix". Can you sign for me?"

It was an innocent-looking actress who came up and took out a notebook.

Jiang Heng naturally wouldn't refuse. He took the pen and signed it with a smile.

I didn't expect another one to come and actually let Jiang Heng write his name on his clothes.

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