Hong Jinbao on the side saw that Jiang Heng had signed Wu Jing, and said hurriedly: "Well, how about signing Tian Ming too! I don't want him to become famous, just make a living in the circle!"

Hong Jinbao in 1999 really had no resources.

Otherwise, Hong Tianming would not have been playing a minor role since his debut and almost never played a leading role.

It is quite different from Jaycee Chan who enjoys the treatment of "all the stars supporting the moon".

Thinking of Fang Zuming and looking at Wu Jing aside, Jiang Heng suddenly remembered a movie.

That is Wu Jing's classic villain action scene - "A Better Man".

In this drama, Wu Jing plays the role of Tian Yangsheng, the bandit leader, who has to fight against the three protagonists throughout the whole process. If it were not for the credit of the "screenwriter", the protagonists would probably be wiped out.

When he watched this movie at the beginning of the year, he felt extremely amazed. He had never seen such a handsome villain.

Since Wu Jing has been signed, he must give the other party resources and practice with a villain first.

For the male lead, we definitely can't go to Fang Cho-Ming. Calling Hong Tian-ming, it can be regarded as repaying Hong Jin-bao's favor.

Hong Jinbao is a person who can be called a "repeated jump" among all the forces in the Hong Kong film industry. He has been a guest wherever he goes in various collaborations.

It is rare to be able to decisively help Jiang Heng when he has not yet made a fortune.

"Okay, then sign it!"

Before Hong Jinbao could say his thanks, Jiang Heng added, "By the way, I want to make a low-cost police and gangster action movie to be released in time for the Spring Festival. As for the male lead, let Tian Ming be the one!"

Hong Jinbao was overjoyed when he heard this, with a grateful look on his face, "Brother, thank you!"

He also knows what his son is like. Even if he gets investment to make his son the leading actor, he doesn't know what kind of drama he should direct.

Jiang Heng said: "Don't thank me in a hurry. Well, in my expectation, there will be three male protagonists!"

Wu Jing was surprised, "Do you have me?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "No, you are the villain!"


Wu Jing was confused. He had never tried playing a villain before!

Jiang Heng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Seriously, you are very talented in playing the villain!"

Wu Jing wondered, "Really? Why didn't I know?"

Jiang Hengxin said, because you haven’t seen you playing a villain, but I have!

But he said: "That's what I thought. Let's see if I can help you get the best supporting actor through this drama!"

Wu Jing was obedient and felt much more balanced.

After all, I am a newcomer, so I am still looking forward to awards.

I won’t feel that after playing the male lead in "Lion and Camel Ridge", I will lose my status if I play a supporting role.

After all, he can play the role of Sun Wukong because Jiang Heng thinks he is suitable, not because he has reached the star position.

Without this film appointment, he wouldn’t even know where his next film appointment would be!

As long as you can act, you will be the protagonist in the future anyway.

"It would be great to win an award!" Wu Jing said happily.

After chatting for a while, we continued filming. Because it was shot entirely in a studio, and motion capture and CG technology were used, the actors were all wearing strange equipment, which was quite a test of their acting skills.

At the very least, you can't laugh, and you have to act seriously.

In the blink of an eye, it was early August, and all the scenes in "Lion and Camel Ridge" were completed.

"A Better Man" was almost in preparation. Jiang Heng was going abroad, so he asked Hong Jinbao to direct it.

However, the main candidates are still determined by him.

The male protagonist Hong Tianming plays the role of Fang Zuming in the original version. Nicholas Tse starred as Chen Jin in the original film.

In the original version, Officer Fang, who was fed a bullet by Tian Yangsheng, was played by Wu Yanzu, the most famous person in the film.

The rest of the less important roles were left to Hong Jinbao.

Before leaving, Jiang Heng took out the storyboard that he had finished long ago, and Hong Jinbao was stunned when he saw it.

If he had followed the storyboard entirely, he would have been a director in name only!

But thinking about how his son was treated as a protagonist, he held back what he wanted to say.

Before leaving, Jiang Heng visited the crew of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and arranged things in the mainland and Hong Kong before arriving in the United States by plane in mid-August.

First, I went to my villa in Beverly Hills to rest for a few days, and slept for a while until I woke up naturally.

Immediately I went to a small special effects company I had acquired before and handed them some small, simple special effects shots.

Afterwards, he took a plane to Australia. There was also a special effects company purchased by Jiang Heng. The main feature was that it was small and weak. Just giving them some simple and low-priced special effects lens orders was enough to keep them busy.

Not only that, Jiang Heng also outsourced some special effects shots to Japanese, Korean and other special effects companies.

The main focus is "multiple production" to compress the production cycle.

When the time comes to type subtitles, the names of all these production companies will be written on them.

However, the actual number of shots completed by these special effects companies was less than one-fifth of the entire film.

Those super shocking, expensive, and time-consuming shots were done using Jiang Heng's "super microcomputer", which focuses on saving money and being efficient.

During this period, Jiang Heng traveled all over the world, sometimes abroad and sometimes domestically.

Today I'm still on the set in Hong Kong, directing the filming of "A Better Day". The next day I'm on a plane to the United States, where I'm busy with post-production (resting).

It wasn't until November that Jiang Heng was free.

In his words, he is almost done and can rest for a while before watching "A Better Day" directed by Hong Jinbao.

Speaking of Hong Jinbao's directing ability, it is naturally impossible to say that he made his first directorial work as early as 1975.

Of course, his style is different from that of Chen Musheng, but if he shoots according to the storyboards left by Jiang Heng, his style will be infinitely close.

At least in Jiang Heng's opinion, except for the difference in a few actors, this play gives him a feeling very similar to the original version.

That's enough. He didn't expect this play to be shot well, nor did he expect this play to make money, as long as it didn't lose money.

In the original history, Wu Jing was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Horse Awards for his outstanding performance in "The True Colors of Men", but unfortunately he never won the award.

After watching the sample film, Jiang Heng suddenly said: "By the way, this movie is basically directed by you, so let's put your name on it!"

Hong Jinbao hurriedly said: "No, it's not good. The script and the storyboard are all conceived by you. I just sit behind the monitor. Anyone else can shoot it almost the same."

Jiang Heng said: "It's different. There are so many people in the crew, so many big and small things, and you have to deal with all kinds of emergencies every day. You are the one who solves them. You also shot the film, so let's put your name on it!"

After hearing this, Hong Jinbao stopped being humble.

The reason why he has been in this situation now is that the film he directed failed at the box office, and no one dared to ask him to make a movie again.

He thinks that the film "True Colors of Men" is quite good. It is estimated that the reputation will not be bad after the release, and the box office will not be too bad. At least it can save some face for himself!

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