In China, many filmmakers are also quite curious about the so-called world's first IMAX movie. First, they don't know what's so special about it.

Second, they don't understand why they have to build a temporary one in the stadium. Isn't this just a waste of money? Is the effect really good?

But I don't know that the great director Jiang Wen liked to do this in his previous life.

When "One Step Away" was released, the film company spent a lot of money to convert the Olympic Sports Center into a temporary theater, and built a temporary IMAX giant screen for the first movie premiere in China.

This IMAX screen was specially shipped from the United States. After it was built, it was 26 meters wide and 14.5 meters high. It was equipped with IMAX's proprietary 3.0 high-gain metal screen and weighed 750 kilograms. It took 40 workers to pull and hang it in one go, and it was dismantled after only one screening due to transportation and material reasons.

The cost is quite expensive, and the effect is also quite good.

Without saying much, the opening dance show alone made many people exclaim that it was addictive and praised the high artistic content!

But at this moment, no one knows how shocking IMAX is, but it doesn't matter if they are frantically buying tickets for the premiere.

As for the guests who have received the invitation, they rushed back to Beijing from all over the world to attend the premiere.

Zhang Yimou came back from the northwest. The crew of "Hero" has not started filming yet. He went to Dunhuang to inspect the filming location. Generally speaking, it still meets the requirements, so it is basically set there.

At Xinhuamian Company, Zhang Weiping was quite envious when talking about the premiere of "Pacific Rim".

He has always had a reputation for "talking big", that is, he dares to talk big, but compared with Jiang Heng's achievements, some big words can't be said.

There is no way, he can only find ways to make "Hero" well, so that his company can have a place in the Chinese blockbuster market.

"Director Jiang's salary should still be paid at two million US dollars!" When Zhang Weiping said this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and sighed.

During the previous preparations, Jet Li lowered his price and only took a salary of 3 million US dollars, while Liang Chaowei and Zhang Manyu both took 1 million.

But after Liang Chaowei was replaced by Jiang Heng, the previous offer could no longer be made.

Jiang Heng is really too famous and his status is far higher than Liang Chaowei. If he wants to use the same price, it would be a bit offensive.

Besides, Jiang Heng is currently an important partner of China Film and the second largest shareholder of China Film Red, the first cinema company in China. How dare Zhang Weiping offend him?

Even the name of the participation was repeatedly considered.

Let's use guest appearance, Jiang Heng has a lot of scenes.

Let's say it's a supporting role, it seems to be a loss of face.

Zhang Yimou was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "How about using the name of special starring?"

"Special starring?" Zhang Weiping repeated, and suddenly felt that this word was really good.

As for the starring role, it naturally means that Jiang Heng is not a supporting role in this play. Even if it is a supporting role, at least it is not said explicitly!

As for the word "special", it is even more clever, indicating that Jiang Heng is not a traditional leading actor. If you want to watch his scenes from beginning to end, you have come to the wrong place!

The more Zhang Weiping thought about it, the better the word "special leading actor" was. He couldn't help but praise: "Lao Mouzi, you still have a lot of ideas!"

Zhang Yimou smiled innocently and said nothing. He was also proud of his quick wit in his heart, but he didn't know that in the future, there will be not only "special leading actor", but also "specially invited leading actor", "leading leading actor", "co-leading actor" and other words, which are almost ruining the word leading actor!

Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou discussed it well and drove to the Beijing Workers' Stadium in the afternoon of June 22.

But outside the stadium, there were already several "long dragons", and there were countless people and vehicles behind them, and the police came to maintain traffic order.

Zhang Weiping was so excited that he slapped the steering wheel and said, "Lao Mouzi, one day, I will hold a premiere ceremony that is even grander than this one!"

Zhang Yimou naturally hoped that there would be such a day, but he just nodded slightly and said "yes".

As a guest, he naturally had a VIP channel. With the help of the staff, he successfully entered the event site. He saw a long red carpet leading to the renovated temporary theater. On one side of the red carpet was a huge "Pacific Rim" poster signing board.

On the opposite side, there were countless media reporters holding various photographic equipment to take pictures of the guests passing by.

There were also beautiful hosts from CCTV's movie channel who interviewed the guests one by one.

Zhang Weiping became more and more jealous and was already thinking about how to prepare for the premiere of "Hero".

Suddenly, he saw the figure in front of him looked like Xu Ke, and he touched Zhang Yimou beside him with his arm.

To say that Xu Ke at this moment is definitely a career trough.

The box office failure of "The Legend of Zu", which cost over 100 million yuan, made him unable to find investors in Hong Kong again.

Going to Hollywood didn't work out, and seeing that the mainland film market seemed to be picking up under Jiang Heng's leadership, he decided to try his luck here.

The first thing to do was to restore investors' confidence in him. He decided to return to his old business and shoot his best martial arts series.

Coming here to attend the premiere, of course, was to see if he could meet a few big bosses (complainers). If that didn't work, he could only ask Jiang Heng to see if he could get some investment.

Ten years ago, with his name Xu Ke, there were investors who directly paid money. It was really a case of the Yangtze River's new generation replacing the old!

Xu Ke signed the poster display board and casually dealt with the host. He had just walked a short distance when he heard someone calling him. Looking back, it was the big boss Zhang Weiping.

"I didn't expect to meet Director Xu here!" Zhang Weiping said with a smile.

He is an investor, not a big star, so he is not very interested in interviews.

If it were any other occasion, he might take the opportunity to promote "Hero".

But in Han Sanping and Jiang Heng's home court, he naturally had to be more restrained, so he came quickly.

Xu Ke said with a smile: "Isn't Boss Zhang preparing for "Hero", how come he has time to come?"

Zhang Weiping said: "We are good friends with Director Jiang, and we have cooperated with him. We naturally have to support the premiere of his new film. What about Director Xu?"

Xu Ke did not hide it, "Recently I have been thinking about a martial arts masterpiece, see if there are any bosses willing to invest!"

Zhang Weiping said: "If I didn't bet all my money on "Hero", I would definitely invest in you. There are many people here today, and there should be some interested!"

Xu Ke nodded slightly and thought so. The two walked and talked, and soon came to the temporary theater.

When they stepped into it, the most conspicuous thing was the huge screen.

The second was all kinds of stars and bosses, from the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even many foreign faces.

Thinking back to when he was in his prime, there was no such grand occasion, and Xu Laoguai felt inexplicably sad.

The most tragic thing in life is that when you are down and out, your former little brother is in the limelight.

You are so presumptuous to come to their house, and you don’t know if they will welcome you.

Fortunately, when he was feeling sentimental, he suddenly heard Jiang Heng’s voice: "Hey, Director Xu, Mr. Zhang, I never thought that you two would come together to show your support, thank you very much!"

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