China Has Table Tennis

Chapter 329: Complete change!

So sometimes in the arena, the person who stands on the highest podium at the end may not be the person with the best technology, but the person with the strongest overall overall strength.

In other words, even if your skills are top-notch, if your mental quality is not strong, you may still not be able to win the championship, and it is even possible that you will be dismissed in the game before entering the final.

So other factors besides technology are also very important for a player!

This is one of the reasons why cultivating a talent is not so simple, because there are many things that can not be helped by your external counseling, and many things depend on whether the athlete can adjust well and whether it can survive that. turn off?

Xingwang before is the best example. This is one of the reasons why Lang Siping has a deeper experience than Dong Ling, because he has trained and may be the best player in the world, not one of them. At least in his mind.

It doesn't exist anymore, but Lang Siping still has not given up the determination to cultivate the next batch of elites. At least in Zhang Dongyan's body, it can be seen that Lang Siping wants to train him into the next happy prosperous person!

Sometimes Lang Siping is also very curious about when will Xing Wangneng appear? If Xingwang now calculates according to time, it should be about four or five years old!

It should happen to be table tennis, when it was just enlightened.

When Lang Siping was thinking about it, he noticed that someone was gently tugging at the corner of his clothes. He hurriedly looked sideways, Dong Ling, who was looking at her affectionately beside him, looked at Lang Siping. Dong Ling not only chuckled, but joked in his ear, "Which beauty are you thinking of?"

At this time, the glib tongue Lang Siping also went online again, "Of course I was thinking of you!" Fortunately, the voice of the two of them was very small. If the voice was louder and heard by other people, they would not have been affected by them. Get tired of it,

It's too greasy, but also too sweet! Although the people in the back row did not hear what the two of them were saying, but seeing the state of the two people made people feel enviable. Of course, it was just envy, no envy or hatred!

The reason why Dong Ling pulled Lang Siping's corner was because Zhang Xiaonan played a very beautiful ball just now, it can be called a fairy ball! This is a kind of magical stroke that came out under the unforgettable conditions. Of course, Dong Ling was very excited. But when he turned his head, he saw Lang Siping, who was slouching. This was how he was seen by others. Here is a show of affection!

Being dragged by Dong Ling like this, Lang Siping didn’t dare to slip away, so he directly took Dong Ling’s hand and watched the game seriously. Now the situation on the court is that Zhang Xiaonan is leading by one point, and his playing momentum is obviously high. Even faintly crushed Sun Hongxia.

This also made Sun Hongxia feel a little depressed, because she has experienced a lot on the field, and she naturally knows that Zhang Xiaonan is now in a state, and it has exceeded the previous performance, so if Zhang Xiaonan is allowed to fight like this, Sun Hongxia is likely to lose this game.

Of course, Sun Hongxia would not watch him in such a passive form, so he was playing while thinking about how to reverse the situation on the court. Of course, the most effective way is to destroy Zhang Xiaonan’s rhythm, and, If Sun Hongxia wants to win or want to reverse the situation on the field, then she must play at her rhythm, and at the same time, she must make Zhang Xiaonan more awkward in the next game.

Only in this way can Sun Xiaoxia have a chance to reverse the situation on the court.

This is why almost all competitive competitions emphasize an experience problem. Experienced people are particularly good at how to mediate when they are passive, and how to turn defeat into victory? Sometimes the competition arrives, and in the end it is an experience competition.

Of course, Sun Hongxia also paid a small price, which was the only timeout in the game.

Since Zhang Xiaonan's status is already hot, Sun Hongxia is doing everything possible to lower Zhang Xiaonan's popularity.

Don’t say anything, after the timeout, no one knows what happened.

It seems that Sun Hongxia’s strategy really worked. Zhang Xiaonan, no matter in the choice of timing, the continuity of the swing, and even the momentum, it is no longer better than before the timeout, and Sun Hongxia is keen to catch This opportunity made a frantic counterattack. It was obvious that she no longer controlled any risks at this moment, and almost maximized his speed and strength. This is also why he used all his strength. Just give it a try, of course she knows If you play against a young and hard-working player like Zhang Xiaonan, if you lose this round, then the next game will be even more dangerous for her!

For an experienced veteran like Sun Hongxia, unless he can perform a full-scale crush on him in all aspects of comprehensive strength like Dong Ling, otherwise we will fight her again. Among them, she cannot be allowed to seize any opportunity.

In Dong Ling's heart, not only began to get nervous for Zhang Xiaonan again, but the head coach including Zhang Xiaonan seemed to see that the situation was a bit uncomfortable, but within a few minutes, Dong Ling was a little surprised at the head coach and even Lang Siping. Yes.

Although Zhang Xiaonan has changed from being proactive at the beginning to a little passive now,

But, at least on the surface, there is no panic, or at a loss, and even his own rhythm has not been interrupted in the slightest. Although not, the game was so smooth before the timeout, but at least the current level of competition It is still maintained at a slightly higher level than usual. The key point is that his rhythm and his mentality are not chaotic, and from his eyes, it can be seen that, at least in the current 6-8 In the case of the score, he did not blindly try his best to catch up regardless of risks, but kept the current state. It is obvious that she is now waiting for the opportunity. It seems that these people still underestimate her, although he Very young, but it does not mean that he is impetuous, although his lack of experience does not mean that he has no brains.

Zhang Xiaonan had such a performance less than two years after entering the national table tennis team. Even Lang Siping himself did not think of it. Not only did he recall more than ten years ago, Zhang Xiaonan in the same period was not as good as now, even In the later period, in the strict sense, he had never ruled in the table tennis world, and was later overtaken by Wang Yiman. In the world before Lang Siping had not crossed, Zhang Xiaonan was also regarded as a relatively sad figure in the table tennis world. I won the Olympic champion, and the World Table Tennis Championships. Fortunately, I won the World Cup champion, but I only won it once, and it was very bumpy!

But this time, she became Dong Ling's apprentice. It is obvious that her destiny will bring about a very big change, even a complete change!

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