"The natural and simple sweetness of overripe persimmons goes well with the taste of vegetables! It perfectly sets off the crispness and tenderness of the green pepper and pork shreds, presenting a perfect green pepper and pork shreds!"It is obvious that Jidi gave this dish a very high evaluation!

Dudu was very happy at this moment, and couldn't help saying:"Dad, the customer's reaction is the same as yours!"

Qin Shou saw that the fire was almost ready, and clasped his hands and said:"Master, please reconsider letting me and Ah Q return to Yangquan Restaurant!"

In fact, Qin Shou wanted to return to Yangquan Restaurant for two reasons!

The first is because Qin Shou really wants to learn cooking from Jidi.

Although Qin Shou has the God of Cookery system, Jidi is a great man with a level of 100 after all!

In the future, his guidance and help to Qin Shou will definitely be great.

The second and most important point is...

the main task!!

In fact, Qin Shou's original plan was to leave Yangquan Restaurant and open his own store to learn cooking.

As a result, the God of Cookery system system itself, that damn main task must be completed in Yangquan Restaurant!

Otherwise, it will be considered a failure, and Qin Shou will Will be severely punished, or even wiped out from this world!!

Qin Shou was so scared at that time, that's why he begged Jidi so sincerely to let him go back!

There was no expression on Jidi's face, his eyes were fixed on Qin Shou and Ah Q.

There was silence for a few seconds, and Jidi didn't say anything!

This made Qin Shou's heart tense up!

Damn it, you are not resenting what I said, are you? No way, if I remember correctly, Jidi is not such a stingy person! Damn it, don't play with me!

Jidi sighed for a long time, but still didn't say anything!

"There is no better ingredient than seasonal ingredients, right?"At this time, a voice rang out!

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Master Shiquan who stood up from the corner, holding a plate of [Special Green Pepper Shredded Pork]】!

"Master of Ten Perfections……"Everyone bowed.

Master Shiquan was still putting food into his mouth, and he said as he ate,"Even overripe persimmons like this can have such a good effect if used in the right place. It's the same for chefs. These two kids have worked together for only one night and have such an effect, and they are promoting a new flavor! Maybe they are growing into independent chefs.……"

Jidi looked at Qin Shou and Ah Q, then clasped his fists and said to Master Shiquan:"Please make the decision!"

The old man Shiquan narrowed his eyes and said:"That Ah Q and Xiao Dajia!"

The two hurriedly came to Master Shiquan, half-knelt on the ground, clasped their fists and said:"Yes!"

"I want to ask you two, what is the tradition of Yangquan Restaurant?

Qin Shou and Ah Q looked at each other and said in unison,"It is……"

"It is necessary to subvert the traditional practice!!"

"Haha! Very good! Very good!"Master Shiquan laughed happily and continued:"Yangquan Restaurant does not have a certain flavor that must be adhered to. We must break the traditional flavors of the past! This is the tradition of our Chinese cuisine!"

Everyone present nodded after listening to Master Shiquan's words.

Jidi was also deeply touched and couldn't help but think of what"Little Chef" said to him a few days ago. Although he was very angry at the time, now looking back and thinking about Master Shiquan's words, he realized how right"Little Chef" was!

""The young master is only 13 years old, and he has the same understanding as Master Shiquan at such a young age. This child will be extraordinary in the future!" Jidi sighed in his heart!

Little did he know that it was actually what Qin Shou said on a whim. This guy just wanted to scold Jidi~~

I wonder if Jidi would be so angry that he would vomit blood if he knew the truth~~

"So, the new dish [Special Green Pepper and Pork Shreds] launched by Xiao Da Jia and Ah Q truly embodies the spirit of our Yangquan Restaurant!! Okay, then I will also break a tradition! I said Jidi……"Master Shiquan said this to Jidi.

Jidi immediately understood, and then said to everyone present in a serious tone:"Yes, Master, I now officially announce the abolition of the quota system!"

"Ah Q, Master, I cancel the order to expel you, and I also apologize to you for my old-fashionedness!" Jidi took the initiative to apologize! Jidi is really magnanimous! He admitted his mistake immediately. This guy is actually not bad!

Since Jidi apologized to him, Qin Shou knew that he was giving himself a way out!

"Yes! Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you, Master Jidi!"

Qin Shou and Ah Q said happily at the same time!

"That’s great, Little Chef Ah Q!!" Dudu was sincerely happy for the two of them!

The diners around couldn’t help but clap their hands:"That’s great! Congratulations!"

"Hey, bosses, you two will work at Yangquan Restaurant, who will take care of this [Special Green Pepper and Shredded Pork Restaurant]?" A customer in the crowd said this!

After that, someone else echoed,"Yes, yes, I don't want to eat today and not be able to eat tomorrow! And the people queuing outside haven't eaten yet.~"

"Well……"Qin Shou looked at Jidi with some embarrassment.

Jidi naturally noticed Qin Shou's look and couldn't help but said,"You make the decision, since you bought this store anyway!"

"Okay... cough cough……"Qin Shou cleared his throat and announced loudly:"I declare that the management rights of this [Special Green Pepper and Shredded Pork Restaurant] will be handed over to Yangquan Restaurant from now on. Of course, the Special Green Pepper and Shredded Pork will also be supplied to everyone every day!"

"Great! That's great!"

"Great! We can eat this delicious green pepper and pork again!"

People are very happy.

""Master, I think Master Xiaoli and Master Xiaosan can also make this [Special Shredded Pork with Green Pepper], so just arrange some people to take care of it!" Qin Shou said to Jidi.

Jidi nodded, which was regarded as his agreement!

Qin Shou changed the subject and said,"However, I bought this store, so let's split the money we make 50-50 in the future! Haha!!!"

Jidi was stunned at first, and then a smile appeared on his face:"You little devil!! I didn't realize you are such a money-grubber!"

"Haha, Little Chef! You are too stingy. My father is your master... 37-37!" Dudu actually started to bargain with Qin Shou.

"Not 55……"

"No, I want 37!"

The conversation between the two"children" made people around them laugh! Of course, Master Jidi was the same. Later, Dudu revealed that Master Jidi smiled more on that day than she had seen in the past few years combined... What does this mean? You can think about it yourself!

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