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(PS:【Colorful Dragon Noodles] I thought about this dish for a long time, and it took me 80 minutes to complete this dish. Damn, every time I think of a dish, it hurts my brain! In addition, I urge everyone to join the group and come in to discuss together. Group number:**)

"It's not the noodles. I see.……"

"It's noodles, but it's not noodles!" Witch Zhilin had a serious look on her face.

Lei Hua on the city wall slowly raised her finger, pointed at the moon that had appeared in the sky and said:"The cooking time is limited to when the moon rises to the top of the flagpole! Start now!!"

After a moment of contemplation, the other four contestants began their own"not noodles" dishes!

""Ah!!" A loud shout came from the other side. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw Xiao Dan standing upside down on the ground with his thumb! From Qin Shou's angle, he could clearly see the veins on his thumb and arm bulging! It was really amazing to be able to do this!

Qin Shou had to admit that this guy was indeed quite powerful!

"It's amazing! He actually stood upside down on his thumbs. I wonder what kind of dish he plans to make!"Dudu said in surprise.

Looking at Ah Fei over there, he saw that he had walked to the top of the fighting field and began to choose the ingredients he liked.

Finally, Ah Fei walked in front of the potatoes and stopped. Then Ah Fei picked up a basket of potatoes and threw it hard into the sky!

In the short time that the potatoes were flying in the air, Ah Fei quickly selected the potatoes of the best quality and put them in the prepared basket! The other potatoes of relatively poor quality were piled in another basket without falling down.

The bald Xiao Han over there walked into the meat area. domain, after thinking for a while, his eyes fell on a cow, only to see that this guy directly lifted up the whole cow! ~ When he walked with the whole cow on his back, the whole duel field made a"booming" sound, like an earthquake! Sure enough, Xiao Han was going to use beef tendons instead of flour to make noodles that were not noodles!

And the witch Zhilin here was grinding explosives, preparing to combine explosives to cook, which scared Dudu, thinking that this woman was crazy and ready to blow up the duel field~~Finally, Qin Shou told Dudu that he was cooking, which made Dudu feel relieved.

"Really, gunpowder is actually used in cooking! Everyone feels weird!" Dudu couldn't help but complain, then looked at Qin Shou and said:"But, Xiao Da Jia, what kind of food are you going to cook?"

Qin Shou smiled mysteriously. He had already thought about it last night, if the theme of the final battle is"Mian Fei Mian" what kind of food should be cooked!!

"This time I will let you see how powerful I am! Let you see the real face, [Seven-Colored Dragon Face】!!"A powerful force erupted from Qin Shou's body once again, and it seemed as if a giant dragon appeared in the sky above the fighting field!!

【[Seven-color Dragon Noodles] As the name implies, the noodles must have seven colors. Qin Shou's inspiration came from the"Seven-color Vegetable Juice Noodles" in his previous life."Seven-color Vegetable Juice Noodles" was a very popular noodle dish among children in Qin Shou's era. It was not only popular because of its beautiful colors, but also because of its diverse taste, which made people never tired of eating it!

This time, the main theme is"Noodles that are not noodles". Simply put: noodles that cannot be made! Flour must be replaced with other materials, so replacing the flour in"Seven-color Vegetable Juice Noodles" with other materials becomes the [Seven-color Dragon Noodles] in Qin Shou's mind!

Then this material that replaces flour is tantamount to becoming Qin Shou's biggest problem! No matter what kind of material you choose, the noodles must meet one requirement, that is, they must be chewy!! Otherwise, no matter how good your taste is, it is equal to 0! Therefore, Qin Shou was very cautious when choosing materials!!

Qin Shou closed his eyes, and countless ingredients flashed through his mind!


It took a long time for Qin Shou to open his eyes, with a smile on his lips!

"Got it! I decided to use it!"

Qin Shou said and walked towards the vegetarian area. After searching for a long time among the ingredients, he finally found what he needed!

""Shua" Qin Shou took out a large piece of high-quality tofu skin!

Because they were all competing secretly, this action naturally attracted the attention of the other four guys!

""Huh? It’s actually bean curd?"

The other four were all confused, and couldn’t help but wonder in their hearts: What kind of dish does that kid want to make!

Qin Shou naturally noticed the strange looks from those guys, and couldn’t help but hold a knife to the other four and said:"Wait a minute, I’ll let you experience the taste of heaven!!"


"This kid is so arrogant!"

A Fei was also secretly shocked by Qin Shou's arrogant words, and thought to himself: This kind of big talk is not something you say casually!

"Let’s start!!"

Qin Shou said, picked up his equipment [Master Abei’s kitchen knife] and started working!

【The instant cutting method was used again, and the kitchen knife burst out in an instant, and Qin Shou's kitchen knife and hands pulled out strands of tofu skin that were as thick and thin as noodles!!

In less than five minutes, a large piece of tofu skin had been cut into tofu skin strips that were almost the same size. Because the tofu skin was slightly yellow, it seemed to be almost the same as noodles made of real flour. Then, the Sichuan special hot sauce was added to the tofu to make it more flavorful!

In this way, the tofu skin has been used to replace flour, so the next step is to prepare other auxiliary materials!

The auxiliary materials are probably the following: oil, salt, 4 handfuls of spinach, 4 carrots, and 4 tomatoes!

The first step is to wash and squeeze the various vegetables into juices separately. This is to prepare for the dyeing of the tofu skin, otherwise how can the noodles be called [Seven-Colored Dragon Noodles], and then mix the cut tofu skin strips with various vegetable juices. Now it seems that the preliminary prototype of [Seven-Colored Dragon Noodles] has been formed, and the colorful ones are very beautiful!

Then boil a pot of water and put the bean curd strips of different colors in. After cooking for about ten minutes, take out the bean curd strips and put them in a bowl!���Start a pot outside, add prawns, shark fins and other seafood into the pot, and let the aroma of seafood spread out!

Start a third pot, heat up some oil, pour in a little water, and add some chili powder! Add salt to season, add some chopped green onions after the pot boils, this process is to make seasoning for the [Seven-Colored Dragon Noodles].

Finally, put all the seasonings from the second pot and the third pot on the cooked bean curd noodles of different colors, and Qin Shou's [Seven-Colored Dragon Noodles] is officially completed!! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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