Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1003 1103. Movement and Stillness

"Duoduo, I don't know if my guess is right, but I think I still need to tell you." Huang Ting pulled Zhou Duoduo and whispered in her ear.

Zhou Duoduo's expression changed from confusion at first, to surprise, and finally to anger.

"How could she do this!?" Zhou Duoduo was very angry. She never expected that her teacher would have such thoughts.

"No, I want to call my brother." Zhou Duoduo was about to take out her cell phone, but was stopped by Huang Ting.

"I made my own guess. We have no evidence for this matter. Anyway, the song is fine now, so let's forget it." Huang Ting advised.

"I think your guess is right. If she didn't feel guilty, why did she leave her job? I think she just had bad intentions and was afraid that we would find out and retaliate, so she ran away!" Zhou Duoduo broke away from Huang Ting's hand. He took out his cell phone and dialed Nie Wei's number directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Duoduo told Nie Weiting all Huang Ting's guesses like a barrage of firecrackers.

Nie Wei listened silently for more than ten minutes before Zhou Duoduo finally stopped talking.

"Brother, you should say something." Zhou Duoduo felt that she had been talking for a long time, but Nie Wei didn't say a word, which made her very angry.

"Then you have to give me a chance to speak. Besides, you have said everything that needs to be said. What do you want me to say?" Nie Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This girl kept blaring her little mouth and didn't give herself a chance to interrupt. Chance, now she started to blame him.

Zhou Duoduo blushed, knowing in her heart but not admitting it.

Nie Wei didn't care. He felt that Zhou Duoduo had finished venting. He finally took up the topic: "Duoduo, I have asked Teacher Huang for help. At seven o'clock in the evening, Recording Room No. 2, Teacher Huang is pressed for time. You only have Three hours, remember to make preparations in advance.”

"Really?" Zhou Duoduo exclaimed in surprise, which made Huang Ting on the side very curious. She quickly pointed Zhou Duoduo with her eyes and wanted to know why she was so happy.

Zhou Duoduo covered the microphone and hurriedly explained to Huang Ting: "My brother has found a music producer for us."

Upon hearing this, Huang Ting almost screamed in surprise.

"Brother, don't worry, we promise to make preparations. What about Huang Lu?" Zhou Duoduo still hasn't forgotten Huang Lu who wanted to steal her song. Although she has no evidence, after listening to Huang Ting's After that guess, she decided that Huang Lu must have bad intentions.

"I approved her resignation report. This matter ends here. Duoduo, remember that people's hearts are sinister, especially in the entertainment industry. You must be more careful in the future." Nie Wei smiled and said.

"Brother, you..." Zhou Duoduo had a strange feeling in her heart. She felt that it was strange that Nie Wei was not angry at all about this matter.

You must know that the creator of this song is Nie Wei. When he heard the news, he was so angry. Why was Nie Wei, the direct victim, so indifferent?

After thinking for a long time, I could only attribute this to Nie Wei being more calm.

"I'm still too young." Zhou Duoduo sighed after hanging up the phone, causing Huang Ting to roll her eyes.

On the other side, when Nie Wei put away his phone, Luo Kai couldn't help but ask: "Nie Wei, did you really let that Huang Lu go so easily?"

"She dares to covet your song, how can she let her go so easily?"

"Otherwise, let's just leave it like this. Anyway, she didn't take any actual action, and she has already paid the price for it. She is a good person." Nie Wei shook his head with a smile, and had no intention of retaliating against the other party.

After all, all this was his plan to give Zhou Duoduo a vivid 'social practice lesson'.

The first time Zhou Duoduo invited Nie Wei to sing, Nie Wei had already thought about it. He could give the song, but he also had to dig a hole for Zhou Duoduo. Therefore, the problem of the song not being registered was completely caused by Nie Wei. Just to see if anyone would take the bait. Even if the song is lost in the end, it would be worth it if it can teach Zhou Duoduo a lesson.

In exchange for Zhou Duoduo's deep understanding with a song, Nie Wei felt that he had done a good job in this transaction, not to mention that the song was not lost now, and Huang Lu was reining in the cliff, and he was willing to give the other party a chance to change her ways.

That's why he asked Zhou Duoduo to hand over the song to Huang Lu last night, hinting to Huang Lu that he already knew everything.

Huang Lu was also very sensible. She typed up her resignation report that night and submitted it to the company early the next morning. Nie Wei personally approved her resignation.

"You are so willing." After hearing Nie Wei's explanation, Luo Kai couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know if Duoduo is lucky or unlucky, but she has such a caring brother like you. It is said that you can earn millions per song now, but you only wanted to get a good song to give Duoduo some social experience." , I should be envious, but I don’t know why, but I always feel a little pitiful about Zhou Duoduo.”

"That's your misunderstanding. You can go out and ask anyone at random if they envy Zhou Duoduo, and you will get the answer." Nie Weicai didn't care about Luo Kai's complaints. The crowd was sharp-eyed.

Luo Kai curled his lips and said firmly: "That's because they don't know who you are in private."

"Whatever you say."

Zhou Duoduo and Huang Ting went back and brought the good news to Mu Han. The teacher Nie Wei mentioned was quite famous in Huayi. He was not the teacher in the practice room. They called him teacher out of respect.

He is one of the top musicians in Huayi. He is so famous that even young trainees like Huang Ting and Mu Han know that he was the producer of Jane Zhang's new album that sold 500,000 copies a while ago.

Nie Wei found such a heavyweight musician to help them produce a song. The three girls jumped and danced excitedly. The dormitory downstairs almost thought it was an earthquake.

After the excitement, everyone started to get nervous again.

After all, the producer's reputation was too big, which made them all very nervous. After all, none of the three had ever recorded a song officially.

Among them, Zhou Duoduo had the most experience. When she was at home, she often went to Nie Wei's recording studio. She saw a lot of Nie Wei's music production process and saw many singers recording popular songs in that recording studio.

But she has always been just a bystander and has never actually operated it.

Huang Ting and Mu Han are similar. They have only entered the recording studio during music class, but the teacher only talked to them about the use of the equipment at most, but did not allow them to touch it at all.

After all, those machines are expensive. If these trainees who know nothing about it break them, the teacher can't bear the responsibility for the loss.

"Duoduo, teach me first, what should I pay attention to when I go in?" Mu Han was worried about making a fool of himself, and was even more afraid of affecting the recording of the song, so he looked very nervous.

"I can't explain it clearly now, but just listen to me when the time comes." Zhou Duoduo was quite responsible. She put her arm around Mu Han's shoulders and comforted him, "Don't worry, I'm here. The most important thing for us now is not to think about the things in the recording studio. Let's memorize the lyrics first. It won't be embarrassing when the music is produced there and we can't sing it."

"Duoduo is right. Let's memorize the lyrics first. I'll go find Master Liu in the cafeteria and ask him to stew some rock sugar and snow pear for us. We'll all drink some to protect our throats."

"Well, I promise to talk less today!" Mu Han raised his hand to promise.

"By the way, there is also the matter of the live broadcast room. We have bought all the equipment, but the live broadcast room has not been registered yet."

"It's not easy. It's just a matter of a few minutes. Leave it to me."

While the girls were working hard for their live broadcast careers, Nie Wei was also busy. In the week after the third day, he followed Su Qing and sat in the ceramics group all day.

The ceramics group also specially prepared a small table for him in the restoration room for office work. All of Nie Wei's official business this week was basically solved here.

The restoration work of the Tang Sancai horse has also been basically completed.

The filming of the ceramics group has basically come to an end, and Nie Wei is not idle. He continues to shoot the last project, the clock.

After agreeing on a time with the Bauhinia Museum, Nie Wei followed his mother to the research department of the Bauhinia Museum early in the morning that day. However, this time he did not follow Su Qing to the ceramics group, but went to the clock group.

When he arrived at the clock group, a staff member who looked to be in his thirties had been waiting for a long time.

"My name is Gao Tai, and I'm a watch restorer." Gao Tai and Nie Wei introduced themselves, while leading the crew into the watch restoration room and talking about some precautions.

Compared with the ceramics side, the watch side has more requirements and is more stringent.

And for everyone in the crew, this is like opening a new world. They know that the wooden products, silk fabrics, ceramics, bronzes and other cultural relics they filmed before are very powerful, but they themselves can't explain exactly where they are powerful.

But on the watch side, they can most intuitively feel the ancient people's wonderful ideas and exquisite craftsmanship in mechanical manufacturing.

"Most of the clocks here belong to the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, among which Emperor Qianlong has the most clocks and watches left. For example, the copper-plated country music water clock we are about to restore is the collection of this emperor." Gao Tai introduced a large golden clock to everyone.

Unlike the minimalist style that Nie Wei likes, Qianlong's favorite things are always fancy.

This clock is also very complicated. Even though the industry is so developed now, the industrial level contained in this clock will not make people feel outdated at all. Instead, it will open their eyes.

"The clock is almost unmodified. When it is repaired, I will let you see that the mountains and rivers, people, boats, and even seagulls here will move with the clock."

"The more you talk, the more I look forward to the clock being repaired as soon as possible."

"Yes, I have seen a bird sound mountain water clock at a collector before, but that clock is much smaller and simpler than this water clock. This one looks so complicated. It must be difficult to repair."

Hearing what the staff said, Gao Tai couldn't help laughing.

"This is how to repair cultural relics. You must be able to endure loneliness. Sometimes we have to pick a string all day."

"When will Teacher Wang come?" Nie Wei suddenly asked.

"Oh, the teacher will be here in half an hour. I will get you some mineral water. Everyone sit and wait for a while." Gao Tai greeted everyone enthusiastically.

The real protagonist of the watch group is actually Mr. Wang, as Nie Wei calls him. His name is Wang Jin, and he is one of the best watch restoration experts in the Bauhinia Museum.

Many of the watches currently on display in the Bauhinia Museum's watch museum were restored by him.

About 20 minutes later, Mr. Wang Jin came to the watch restoration room. When he saw Nie Wei, he smiled and waved.

The next day, in Nie Wei's words, was very dull.

Watch repair is a very boring process. Just like Gao Tai said, sometimes they may need a whole day to sit there and adjust a gear.

As a result, after a day of shooting, everyone in the production team went from being excited and curious when they first came to the watch group to being wilted like eggplants hit by frost at the end.

The key is that Teacher Wang doesn't like to talk much. Sometimes he just sits there and adjusts the clock quietly. People are too embarrassed to ask questions and can only sit quietly beside him.

Fortunately, only three days of such days passed, and everyone finally welcomed liberation.

It's not that the shooting is completed, but that Teacher Wang is going on a business trip.

Just two days later, Teacher Wang will go to Suzhou and Hangzhou to participate in a watch exhibition. When they got the news, everyone in the crew was excited.

These days of shooting in the watch group can make these people bored. Such a quiet atmosphere really puts a lot of pressure on people. Some people didn't even dare to breathe at the beginning, for fear of disturbing Teacher Wang repairing the watch.

Of course, it wasn't as if everyone hadn't gained anything these days. The copper-gilded country music water clock was restored by Wang Jin and was now able to operate. Although there were still errors in the time, 90% of the magic of this clock had been shown to everyone.

The clear bell sound from hundreds of years ago, coupled with the magical scenery of flowing water, boating, and flying birds in the clock, really made the crew, including Nie Wei, amazed.

Nie Wei had already received the news that Teacher Wang was going to Suzhou and Hangzhou on a business trip, and specially arranged for everyone to take his private plane to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Taking a private plane was a very fresh experience for many people in the crew. After getting on the plane, these people were very restrained, but the excitement in their eyes could not be concealed. After getting familiar with the environment, they couldn't help but ask questions out of curiosity.

On the contrary, although Wang Jin was sitting on one of the world's top luxury private planes, he behaved very calmly. He kept reading the clock promotion magazine of the exhibition in his hand, and was not affected by the luxurious environment around him at all.

On one side, the crew was making a lot of noise, and on the other side, Teacher Wang was quietly looking at the promotional magazine. They were clearly in the same space, but it was like two different worlds, one moving and one quiet. Nie Wei found this scene very interesting.

Thanks to TaoDEtie, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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