Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1007 1107. Watch Exhibition

Ordinary viewers only thought that some invisible rich man was lured out by the cute performance of the three girls, but Gao Dabao, who knew who was behind the ID, almost popped his eyes out at this moment.

He was so excited and singing happily just now, but now he was like a drake with its neck pinched, and he was stunned, as if he had even forgotten to breathe.

0001, the legendary ID, is said to be a gift given to the boss by the veterans who started the business with the boss when the company was first founded.

The meaning of this ID is also very straightforward, representing that the boss is the first person in Fanxing Live.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Gao Dabao pointed at the screen and turned to look at the nearby. He was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while. The boss appeared and gave 50,000 to three little girls at once. The meaning behind this is really too great.

Gao Dabao's mind was full of his luck at the first time. If he signed these three girls, he would also be the super administrator of the big anchor in the future.

The colleagues nearby were startled by Gao Dabao's excitement, and they all gathered around him, asking him about his condition with concern, thinking that he had an emergency.

When Gao Dabao finally calmed down and told everyone what happened, everyone was stunned, just like Gao Dabao just now.

"It's really 0001."

"It's President Nie, that's for sure, it's President Nie's ID."

"I thought President Nie didn't watch live broadcasts, but I didn't expect him to watch live broadcasts and give tips. He gave more than 50,000 at a time. My domineering president is amazing."

"What should we do about this?"

"Need I say!!!" Gao Dabao shouted excitedly: "Immediately ask the post-production to design a banner ad, congratulating the three girls for receiving 100 rockets at once, and contact the media to make a fuss about this matter, let them look better, mainly highlight the three girls, and don't forget to praise the fact that the income of the live broadcast industry is becoming more and more considerable."

"Also, contact the legal department immediately and prepare a top-level contract for me. The three girls must sign it."

Just when Gao Dabao was rubbing his hands and thinking about how to sign all three girls smoothly, the three girls came back to their senses from the surprise of the 100 rockets taking off.

Just now, the 100 rockets were launched densely, just like the shock of a rocket launcher.

Even Zhou Duoduo, who knew who the rewarder was, was stunned for a long time, not to mention Mu Han and Huang Ting who had no idea.

One hundred rockets were launched densely, and because of the special effects, it took five minutes to fly.

During this period, Huang Ting kept covering her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and she looked indescribably cute, while Mu Han, who was standing aside, looked at the rockets, with little stars in his eyes, and his whole body was trembling with excitement, after all, this was all money.

The three-digit number rolled behind the rocket special effect, and she instantly calculated the value of these rockets, 50,000 yuan!!!

Counting the eleven rockets sent by this ‘0001’ before, this rich audience actually sent a full 55,500 yuan in one night.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you 0001, I am so excited that I don’t know what to say, thank you, thank you so much." Mu Han suppressed his surprise and thanked in a trembling voice.

At this time, Huang Ting, who was "scared" by the 100 rockets, also came back to her senses, and followed Mu Han to express her gratitude.

Because the 100 rockets were launched, the screens of other anchors at the same time had long been filled with Nie Wei's rocket special effects. It can be clearly seen from the background data center that the number of online users of other anchors has dropped to varying degrees, while the number of people in Zhou Duoduo's three live broadcast rooms has really soared like a rocket.

Zhou Duoduo hid aside, feeling very touched. She didn't expect that her brother's support was so powerful. When she asked for red envelopes during the Chinese New Year, she would definitely give her brother a shoulder massage.

At this time, the barrage area was all cheering for '0001' to speak and make requests. Of course, when these people were cheering, most of them had some messy requests of their own, hoping that '0001' could help them complete them.

Although the requirements suggested by these people were messy, the three of them discussed and still felt that they really had to meet the requirements of '0001', and they would try their best to complete them as long as they were not excessive.

Zhou Duoduo was also very curious. What kind of request would her brother make? Or would he just keep silent and remain invisible? It was even possible that her brother had already felt that he had completed his task and had already left the live broadcast room. After all, he was so busy.

Soon, a colorful font appeared in the comment area. This was a privilege for giving more than 10,000 yuan in a single live broadcast room. This privilege would not exist outside this live broadcast room. If you want to have the privilege of speaking in colorful fonts in all live broadcast rooms, you need to give more than 100,000 yuan in cumulative rewards.

For all kinds of small routines to stimulate audience consumption, Nie Wei, after being influenced by later generations, can be said to be clear.

Nie Wei knew that because of the company's attributes, Fanxing Live could not say that it was the first in the world, but when it came to which platform in the current live broadcast circle had the most revenue, Nie Wei had the confidence to shout that I was the boss.

At this point, Fanxing Live's various routines have always been imitated by major live broadcast platforms, but have never been surpassed.

"Sing the song again." This is Nie Wei's message in the comment area.

Although the barrage was swiped very quickly, Nie Wei's colorful message was hanging high above the live broadcast room, and everyone could see it.

Nie Wei's proposal was immediately responded to by countless people. Even many people who rushed into the live broadcast room because of Nie Wei's plane were very curious about what kind of performance could attract the rich to throw a hundred rockets.

Nie Wei's proposal was exactly what the three girls wanted. Now the audience in the live broadcast room is about to break through 200,000. Naturally, they have to sing it again so that those new viewers can also be attracted by their charm and stay and pay attention.

After Nie Wei posted the comment, he turned off the live broadcast. This is all he can do.

I believe that relying on the more than 100 rockets he swiped tonight, it is enough to attract the attention of Fanxing Live. As long as the people in the company's publicity department are not fools, they will definitely make a big news with this opportunity.

You must know that in the original time and space, a certain female anchor was only a quasi-first-line anchor at first. In the era when the popularity of all the big anchors exceeded one million, she only had 200,000 or 300,000 popularity a day.

But just because one of her fans gave her more than 400 rockets one day, setting a record for the platform's reward, this anchor became famous overnight and became a popular anchor with millions of fans.

This is also the reason why Nie Wei suddenly rewarded 100 rockets, plus the song he wrote is enough to help Duoduo and others retain a lot of viewers.

You should know that Nie Wei even considered Zhou Duoduo when choosing songs. This song "Learn to Meow" has a simple melody. Even people like Zhou Duoduo who have no musical talent can sing it well. This is also the essence of this kind of pop song, which is to highlight simplicity and beauty, so that people can remember it after listening to it once, and remember it and sing it.

After turning off the live broadcast, Nie Wei asked the accompanying flight attendant to help him get a blanket. When he woke up again, the plane was already circling over Suzhou and Hangzhou and preparing to land.

"Teacher Wang, I will send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning." Nie Wei said while helping Wang Jin pack his luggage.

Wang Jin did not live in the same hotel as Nie Wei. As an expert of the Bauhinia Museum, he naturally had to stay in a local guesthouse when he was on a business trip. Nie Wei also invited Wang Jin to the hotel where the program team stayed, but Wang Jin did not agree.

However, Wang Jin did not refuse Nie Wei's request to send a car to pick him up, and agreed immediately.

There was also a student named Wu Nan who came with Wang Jin. After leaving the airport, Nie Wei first sent the two to the car, and then went to the hotel with the program team.

The watch exhibition was tomorrow, but everyone did not have extra time to rest.

After everyone put their luggage in the hotel, they went straight to the exhibition. Although the request for filming had been agreed before, they still needed to conduct a field investigation of the venue.

When Nie Wei and his group returned to the hotel, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Nie Wei took a shower, did not eat dinner, and went straight to bed to sleep.

At four o'clock the next morning, Nie Wei's biological clock woke Nie Wei up on time.

After an hour of unshakable exercise every day, Nie Wei and the program staff had breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and then took the long-rented bus to the guesthouse where Wang Jin lived.

"This time's watch exhibition mainly includes exhibits from some domestic watch manufacturers, and there will also be a small watch auction. We went there mainly to see some materials and tools. After all, learning never ends." Wang Jin was very modest when he introduced himself to Nie Wei.

If you don't know that Wang Jin is an authority in the domestic watch circle, you will really misunderstand that he is just an old watchmaker.

"You don't need to worry about us when you arrive at the scene. We will follow you to shoot. If you encounter something you are interested in, just say a few words to us." Nie Wei said.

"That's fine." Teacher Wang Jin nodded and smiled a little shyly.

At 8:50, the bus arrived at the venue of the watch exhibition. The official meeting of the watch exhibition started at 9:30 in the morning, but the hotel watch exhibition would open at 9 o'clock.

Seeing that there was still plenty of time, Wang Jin did not rush to the conference room for a meeting, but took Nie Wei and the program team to visit the exhibition first.

After entering the venue, holding the brochure, Wang Zhong led the program team to the antique clock exhibition area. When they arrived, Teacher Wang looked at the rows of antique clocks that had been put on display, and his eyes were shining at this moment.

"This time, there are many factories producing antique clocks participating in the exhibition, and these are all."

"Now these antique clocks made by these factories have a good processing level, but some of the settings are quite funny." As he was talking, Wang Jin suddenly stopped and pointed to a bronze battleship-shaped clock and said with a smile: "It's like this."

"Like this, he said it was a replica of the clocks in the Bauhinia Museum, but I haven't come across this kind of clock in the Bauhinia Museum in all these years."

"We do have small ones, which are only the size of a palm. This one is too big, and I may not be able to hold it." Wang Jin pointed to the 'super battleship' in front of him with a smile and joked.

In Wang Jin's words, to make an antique clock, one must not only imitate its shape, but also its technology, which is considered a successful work.

And this one, let alone the technology, even the appearance is wrong.

The factory manager in charge of the blue works listened to Wang Jin's words and blushed like a monkey's butt.

"You are right, we will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

"It's okay, it's actually pretty good." Wang Jin smiled casually and didn't blame the factory owner too much.

After walking around, Wang Jin received many business cards from factory owners, all of whom wanted to get closer to this watch expert, especially since Wang Jin was about to retire. These factory owners also held a one-in-ten-thousand hope that if they could hire Wang Jin as a technical consultant after his retirement, even if he didn't do any work, just relying on the name of Mr. Wang would be enough to double the value of a watch factory.

Nie Wei, who followed Wang Jin all the way, also received many business cards. Most of the bosses who handed Nie Wei their business cards wanted Nie Wei to invest in their factories.

Nie Wei had no idea about watches, but he didn't refuse the business cards from these bosses and accepted them all.

After all, what if they were useful in the future.

After walking around, it was almost time, and Wang Jin went to the conference hall with the report he had prepared long ago.

The meeting was very boring, including the report prepared by Wang Jin, which was all about the development of watch manufacturing in the mainland. Nie Wei could see that Wang Jin actually didn't like to attend such a "false and empty" meeting. During the more than two-hour meeting, he had secretly yawned five times and took off his glasses eight times, because he had to rub his eyes, otherwise his upper and lower eyelids would start to fight.

This was completely different from when Wang Jin took everyone to look at watches just now. At that time, Teacher Wang was energetic and didn't look tired at all.

After finally getting through the meeting, Nie Wei had a sharp ear and was relieved to hear Wang Jin and Wu Nan.

Nie Wei couldn't help but laugh. When he was about to ask Wang Jin about the next shooting process, a staff member suddenly came over with a man wearing sunglasses, introducing Wang Jin and Wu Nan as he walked.

"This is Mr. Wang Jin, a watch expert from the Bauhinia Museum..."

"Oh, Mr. Wang, hello, my name is Huang Jiazhu."

"Mr. Huang is a collector in our watch circle. Knowing that there is an expert from the Bauhinia Museum like you, I want to come and communicate with you." Seeing Wang Jin's confused look, the staff on the side hurriedly explained.

Thanks to TaoDEtie, 0773, Mu Ranfeng, and Fantasy Paradise for their generous rewards.

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