Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1013 1113. One Person, Thousand Faces

"How could I be an undercover? No matter how stupid the program team is, they can't let me be an undercover. This is too easy to guess. I think you look like an undercover. Otherwise, how could you find the car so smoothly? Did the program team give the undercover some conveniences in private?"

Faced with Cheng Kun's questioning, Nie Wei seemed to have suffered a great injustice. He complained and even turned the tables on Cheng Kun in the end.

The cameraman who was filming on the side had a bulging temple after hearing what Nie Wei said. He was angry.

Jing Tiantian looked back at Cheng Kun suspiciously, and a trace of vigilance flashed in her eyes.

"Really?" Cheng Kun didn't care about Nie Wei's slander. He knew his identity, so he was very calm. At the same time, he still didn't believe his words. After all, this guy was too cunning.

But Nie Wei's performance just now was too calm, and he didn't look guilty at all. This made Cheng Kun a little difficult to choose. He hesitated and glanced at Jing Tiantian beside him.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss it." Cheng Kun closed the car window and asked Jing Tiantian beside him: "Tiantian, do you think Nie Wei is an undercover?"

"I don't know." Jing Tiantian looked at Cheng Kun suspiciously. She now thinks everyone looks like an undercover, which is completely the symptom of a rookie who is suspicious.

Jing Tiantian's eyes made Cheng Kun feel amused and helpless. He felt that he could at least be sure that Jing Tiantian was definitely not an undercover. This girl couldn't hide anything in her heart.

"Brother, even if Nie Wei is an undercover, it doesn't matter. We just want the map. We will separate after the transaction." Jing Tiantian said in a low voice. Although there were only two of them in the car, she didn't know if she was too immersed in the play, so she always felt that this atmosphere was suitable for whispering.

Cheng Kun listened to Jing Tiantian's analysis and looked at the girl in surprise. She was not stupid.

"Okay, let's do this. After completing the transaction, we will part ways with Nie Wei." Cheng Kun said. In fact, even if Nie Wei was not an undercover, Cheng Kun would not dare to keep Nie Wei by his side. This guy is too cunning.

After the two of them discussed it, Jing Tiantian, who smiled like a flower, immediately invited Nie Wei to get in the car enthusiastically.

"Where are you going?" Nie Wei sat in the back seat and asked.

"Where is your destination?" Cheng Kun did not reveal his goal and asked Nie Wei instead.

"I'm going to the camouflage point." Nie Wei was not afraid of Cheng Kun knowing his destination at all, and said it very generously.

Nie Wei's defenselessness made Cheng Kun's inner suspicion a little less.

"We can send you to the camouflage point first, and then you can give us the map, okay?" Cheng Kun was relieved after knowing Nie Wei's destination.

He was most afraid that Nie Wei would choose to do the same as them and set his sights on the place where the cash was hidden, because Cheng Kun knew very well that the program team would not give them too much money. It was probably just enough for one person, and it would be tight for two people to share.

If Nie Wei was also interested in cash, then the three people would have even less.

He had already decided to send Nie Wei to the disguised location first, and then go to Disneyland with Jing Tian to get the cash. Even if it would take a long detour for this, it would only take ten minutes. With the advantage of the car, he felt that wasting this time was not a problem.

"Okay, let's do it." Nie Wei had no intention of inquiring about Cheng Kun's destination. After hearing Cheng Kun's transaction request, he readily agreed.

"Are you really not an undercover?" Cheng Kun couldn't help asking Nie Wei again when he started the car and set off for the destination with disguised props.

At this time, the scale in his heart had actually tilted towards Nie Wei, and he felt that Nie Wei was telling the truth.

Because from the beginning to the end, Nie Wei's performance was frank, as frank as he could be, and the most important thing was that he was not curious. Cheng Kun felt that if he was an undercover, even if he could act very frankly, he would not give up even trying to get information, otherwise the existence of this undercover would be meaningless.

"Really not." Nie Wei smiled and shook his head, and answered again.

"Okay, I believe you for the time being." Cheng Kun smiled and nodded. Although he felt that Nie Wei was not an undercover, it was impossible to completely trust Nie Wei. It was good to maintain the current relationship.

The journey was at least 20 minutes. If everyone didn't say a word, then these 20 minutes would be completely wasted. At that time, there would not be a single shot in the post-editing, even if there were two super handsome guys and a super beautiful girl.

So Nie Wei simply took advantage of this journey to guest host and help Jing Tiantian get more shots.

"Tiantian, how do you feel about participating in a variety show for the first time?"

"Um, I'm still a little unaccustomed to it. I'm a little confused now." Jing Tiantian clenched her fist, knocked her head, and said self-deprecatingly: "I even doubt my IQ. I still don't know what to do."

"Hahaha." Jing Tiantian's words made the two men in the car laugh.

"Then I'll teach you a few secrets. As long as you remember them, you may be able to "live" longer in the show "Infinite Challenge." Nie Wei said with a smile.

"What secret?" Jing Tiantian also knew that Nie Wei was trying to get her some shots, so she immediately asked curiously. Of course, she was really curious.

"Don't believe anyone, don't believe anyone, don't believe anyone. Say it three times because it's important. This is the secret." Nie Wei said with a smile.

Jing Tiantian was completely dumbfounded. She had never thought that these six simple words were the secret from Nie Wei's mouth. However, she thought about it again and felt that it made a lot of sense.

It's really better not to trust anyone easily in the Infinite Challenge group.

"Nie Wei, you are corrupting your new friends." Cheng Kun, who was standing by, was also amused by Nie Wei's words and his face turned red. If he hadn't been driving, he would have laughed.

Thinking about how innocent he was back then, he has been struggling in "Infinite Challenge" for so many years and has become a shrewd old fox now.

In fact, Cheng Kun is really grateful to Nie Wei for introducing him to the program "Infinite Challenge".

Not only because Cheng Kun reversed his negative image and gained popularity with this program, but more importantly, Cheng Kun found that he really became more cheerful through this program.

He became famous overnight in the entertainment industry before. Although he was popular, he had few friends.

The reason is that his personality is too independent and arrogant, and he speaks very directly. To use a popular word now, he is a poisonous tongue man.

Even if some people wanted to make friends with Cheng Kun, they didn't dare to take the initiative to talk to him after seeing his appearance at that time, for fear of being embarrassed by Cheng Kun.

I still remember that when Lin Yifei was in the crew of "The Story of a Noble Family", she was scolded by Cheng Kun and cried bitterly.

Later, because of negative news, Cheng Kun's pride turned into inferiority, and a few years of wasted time almost made him disappear from the public, but all this changed after he let go of Nie Wei and joined "Infinite Challenge".

You should know that the best way to make friends in the entertainment industry is to be a variety show host, especially the hosts of popular variety shows, He Jiong, Xie Na, and Wang Han are typical representatives.

After all, variety shows always have to invite guests, even "Infinite Challenge" is no exception. The guests come to the show naturally for publicity. Few brains will have trouble with the host, and basically they are mutual praise.

This is a kind of friendship.

In the first year of Infinite Challenge, Cheng Kun made far more friends than he had in the circle for several years before. Although he didn't have any close friends, at least Cheng Kun's network of contacts was really expanded a lot.

When his movies or TV series were popular, there would be friends who would promote him for free and support him. This feeling of being supported by everyone made Cheng Kun feel very warm and he never wanted to go back to the time when he was fighting alone.

This is why he didn't quit his position as the host of Infinite Challenge no matter how busy he was. In fact, with his popularity, he didn't need to rely on Infinite Challenge anymore. His personality has long been established. He is now just using this program as a dating program.

In addition, there are the members of the Infinite Challenge group. Their relationship is really like family. Cheng Kun doesn't want to leave this small circle.

The car drove for about 20 minutes, and the three arrived at the location of the camouflage props.

Nie Wei also handed the map to Cheng Kun as promised, and asked the two if they wanted to go with him to dress up.

Jing Tiantian was very interested. She simply thought that cross-dressing was fun. Unfortunately, Cheng Kun thought it was unnecessary. Anyway, he was wearing sunglasses and a mask, and he thought these two were the most reliable. He thought that the cross-dressing props of the program group were just wigs, fake beards, etc. If they were not handled well, they might be more conspicuous.

Cheng Kun left with Jing Tiantian who was a little regretful. What he wanted most was to get the cash first, while Nie Wei secretly looked for the location marked on the map in his memory.

Soon Nie Wei came to an old apartment building and found the corresponding room according to the address.

The cross-dressing props inside were similar to what Cheng Kun imagined, with wigs, fake beards, some clothes and cosmetics. Looking at these props, Nie Wei felt a sense of familiarity from the bottom of his heart. You should know that his most powerful skills in the original time and space were neither martial arts nor painting or shooting. His strongest skill was deception.

Acting and disguise, these are his strengths, and in terms of disguise, makeup is a very important skill.

Since he came to this time and space, he no longer needs to dress up. He usually puts on makeup just to deal with the camera. He only used disguise a few times when he was secretly dating Shu Chang. Later, the two of them made their relationship public early, and this skill was basically idle.

Unexpectedly, this time when participating in the show, Nie Wei actually had the opportunity to show off his disguise skills again.

Originally, the photographer thought that Nie Wei would at most put on a fake beard and a wig, but he didn't expect that Nie Wei's first choice would be that pile of cosmetics.

You know, if it weren't for the fact that there were two girls in the guest lineup, the program team didn't bother to add cosmetics to these disguise props.

After all, the Infinite Challenge team and several guests are all well-known steel straight men, including Nie Wei. When he was photographed by fans and the media on the street privately, he was all bare-faced. Expect them to put on makeup? You must be kidding.

So when Nie Wei picked up the cosmetics, the photographer who was following Nie Wei thought that Nie Wei's stunning face might become horrible in a few minutes.

Then a few seconds later, he opened his mouth in surprise.

Faced with these cosmetics, Nie Wei did not have any difficulty in choosing, and chose the tools clearly.

Nie Wei originally wore light makeup on the show, so she used makeup remover and wet tissue to remove the light makeup on her face, then found the isolation powder and evenly applied it on her face, and then the foundation liquid...

When the photographer watched Nie Wei in the camera quickly change from a handsome young man in his twenties to a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties or forties, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

How did he do it? Is he a magician?

In his opinion, Nie Wei's makeup skills are much better than those of the professional makeup artists in the program group, and he is too good at disguise.

For example, the 3:7 wig prepared by the program group was originally a completely black hair color, but Nie Wei just used the silver-white eyeshadow in the eyeshadow box to smear it back and forth on the wig several times, and the originally completely black hair color became a wig mixed with silver hair. When Nie Wei put it on again, with the makeup, anyone who guessed his age would have to guess that he was over 35 years old.

Nie Wei also used an eyebrow pencil to draw a beard for himself. With the fake beards of the program group, as long as you don't put your eyes close to Nie Wei's face to distinguish, it looks very natural, just like the stubble growing on Nie Wei's face.

With a stubble beard, black and white hair, and a makeup that aged him by at least ten years, Nie Wei also found a pair of old-fashioned mirrors, and the whole person looked like a different person.

"How about it, you can't tell that I'm Nie Wei, right?" Nie Wei said, and the photographer was shocked, because Nie Wei's voice had even changed.

The key point was that he couldn't hear a trace of disobedience, as if this voice should be made by the middle-aged man in front of him.

If he hadn't watched Nie Wei's disguise all the way until now, he felt that even if he walked past Nie Wei head-on, if he didn't observe Nie Wei carefully, he would definitely not be able to find him.

This is too scary.

You know, he is not unfamiliar with Nie Wei's appearance at all. The man in front of him is his big boss. Even if Nie Wei rarely appears in the company, there are many photos of Nie Wei in the company, and they have to see them many times every day at work.

The photographer who felt so familiar with the boss's appearance couldn't recognize Nie Wei after he changed his clothes. What a damn disguise.

As a fan of martial arts novels, he suddenly felt that Nie Wei was really like a character in Gu Long's novels he knew, that is, the Thousand-Faced Prince Wang Lianhua.

Wang Lianhua is a unique talent in the martial arts world, who is both civil and martial, and is proficient in divination, astrology, chess, calligraphy and painting. He also has a jade face and red lips, and is both good and evil, very charming.

And Nie Wei is also a unique talent in the entertainment industry. He is proficient in acting, music and even variety shows. His appearance is also extraordinary and outstanding. As for being both good and evil, it goes without saying that he is righteous.

As for evil, Nie Wei played Ah Wei in "New Police Story", which is definitely the most charming villain in Chinese-language movies in the past ten years.

In addition, Nie Wei showed his disguise skills today, and Wang Lianhua is also best at disguise...

The photographer feels that after this episode is broadcast, many people will definitely have the same association with him.

Thank you for the generous donations from Fantasy Paradise and 0773. I'm sorry for yesterday's dinner because I couldn't hold my liquor and ended up passing out. It turns out that if I can't drink, I can't pretend to be able to.

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