Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1018 1118. Decisive Battle

Just as Nie Wei expected, the other people were hiding near the escape point.

Huang Xiaoming hid in a convenience store near the escape point and bought a bowl of instant noodles with the fifty Hong Kong dollars given by fans in his pocket.

He looked as miserable as he could be.

The hairstyle he had done in the morning had become soft and sticky on his head like wilted seaweed. He smelled sour, which was the smell of sweat and rain evaporating.

He did not avoid the heavy rain. In order to avoid the police, he endured the heavy rain for more than half an hour.

He did not have a good physique like Nie Wei. After being in the rain for so long, Huang Xiaoming obviously caught a cold and had a fever. His face was red. He hid in the corner of the convenience store and shivered from time to time, which made people feel distressed.

The kind-hearted store manager gave Huang Xiaoming some antipyretic pills half an hour ago, and the photographer suggested more than once that Huang Xiaoming simply quit the game, but Huang Xiaoming gritted his teeth and insisted on not quitting.

This kind of dedication to his work also made the program crew look at him with new eyes.

You know, Huang Xiaoming is not one of those little stars. He finally got on "Infinite Challenge" once, and he tried his best to get more shots. He is a first-line artist, and the most lacking is popularity and exposure. He also has no shortage of reasons to quit. He is indeed sick, and his body temperature is 38.2, which means he really has a fever.

Under such circumstances, Huang Xiaoming still insists, which is really admirable.

Seeing Huang Xiaoming finish his instant noodles, the store manager took a few pieces of chocolate and a cup of hot coffee and walked towards Huang Xiaoming.

After handing the things to Huang Xiaoming, the store manager did not forget to advise: "Young man, don't work too hard, a good body is more important than anything else."

"Thank you uncle, I can still hold on, the show will end soon, I will hold on for a while." Huang Xiaoming forced a smile, thanked the store manager uncle, and did not refuse the store manager uncle's kindness.

These calorie-replenishing foods are urgently needed for him now. He will not pretend to refuse for the sake of face, but remember this kindness and wait until the recording of the show to find a way to repay this friendship.

"Brother Xiaoming, this is a warm baby, but I have used it. If you don't mind, take it and use it." The photographer found a few warm babies and handed them to Huang Xiaoming embarrassedly.

"Ah, really? Thank you so much, you really helped a lot." Huang Xiaoming did not dislike it at all, and happily accepted the warm baby handed by the photographer.

Huang Xiaoming's clothes are still wet now. If he goes outside, the wind will freeze him to death. Although sticking a warm baby will not have much effect, it can at least make Huang Xiaoming feel more comfortable.

Listening to Huang Xiaoming's words of thanks, the photographer scratched his head in embarrassment, and his good impression of Huang Xiaoming also increased greatly.

This photographer joined the "Infinite Challenge" program group two years ago, but he has six years of experience in this industry, and has been in five program groups before that.

When shooting these programs, he has seen many unreasonable requests from celebrities, such as a designated brand of mineral water, noodles with soybean paste must be eaten before shooting, or aromatherapy of a certain brand and flavor must be ordered in the lounge...

Compared with these stars, Huang Xiaoming in front of him really has no star airs at all, and is completely integrated into this program.

For a moment, the photographer felt that it was not bad to let Huang Xiaoming come to the program as a regular. Although he has a heavy idol burden, when he really plays, his attitude is really hardworking, which is in line with the spirit of "Infinite Challenge".

Just when Huang Xiaoming was applying a warm baby to himself, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

"Nie Wei?" Huang Xiaoming took out his cell phone and found that the text message was from Nie Wei. After reading several text messages, he also fell into deep thought.

Huang Xiaoming was hesitating whether to listen to Nie Wei and go to the noodle shop to gather.

He did not complete the task, so he didn't know about the "undercover" at all, but was spared from being calculated by the program team, but deep in his heart, he still hid his worries about the undercover.

But he is in a bad situation now and he is sick again. Nie Wei's words "unity is strength" really touched him.

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Xiaoming finally made up his mind to go to the noodle shop. If Nie Wei really wanted to form an alliance with him, then there would be a chance to complete the task. Even if he was calculated by Nie Wei, Huang Xiaoming didn't feel it was a pity. He could go to the doctor and have a good rest.

After making up his mind, Huang Xiaoming stood up with a swaying body, first asked the store manager for directions, then thanked the store manager, declined the store manager's Gulfstream, stared at the light rain outside, and walked towards the noodle shop.

On the other side, after receiving Nie Wei's text message, Ou Di silently read it and then deleted it.

Ou Di still believed that he was an undercover agent and had no intention of cooperating with anyone. Moreover, he did not trust Nie Wei, the cunning fox, from the bottom of his heart. He always felt that if he believed Nie Wei, he would be cheated.

Chen Jianzhou was the same. After seeing Nie Wei's text message, he hesitated for a long time and still did not take action.

On the other side, after receiving the text message, Yuchi Linjia smiled wickedly and said to the camera: "Nie Wei sent a text message to me to form an alliance. Do you think I should take this opportunity to cheat him?"

"After all, I am an undercover agent. Although I am sorry to Nie Wei, I think my professionalism makes it worth it."

"I'd like to apologize to Nie Wei here." Yuchi Lingjia took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Nie Wei. It turned out that he had obtained the second mobile phone on the map that was not located.

When Nie Wei received the text message from Yuchi Lingjia, he was surprised, but he soon figured out what was going on.

Except for the means of transportation, all resources have two copies. Obviously, the other mobile phone was obtained by Yuchi Lingjia, but the other party's active appearance made Nie Wei suspicious.

In his impression, Yuchi Lingjia is not the kind of person who trusts others easily.

"When he arrives, I must find him to verify his identity." Nie Wei said to himself towards the GOPRO in the car: "I feel more and more that undercover is unreliable, because it seems that it doesn't matter whether it is exposed or not. This is a personal battle. The existence of undercover is meaningless."

"No, or the only meaning is to intensify the mutual slaughter among us criminals."

Nie Wei became more and more suspicious of his identity, because the setting of "undercover" itself has too many loopholes, and it is very likely that he and his people really fell into the trap of the program group.

The photographer in the co-pilot seat listened to Nie Wei's analysis and swallowed nervously.

At this time, he was already shocked. Nie Wei's intuition made him feel terrified. The trap of the program group was actually analyzed by Nie Wei.

Nie Wei thought that Yuchi Lingjia would be the first to appear, but to his surprise, the first person to appear near the noodle shop was Huang Xiaoming.

"Brother Xiaoming doesn't seem to be in good condition." Because he was far away, Nie Wei couldn't see Huang Xiaoming's specific situation, but based on his steps and small movements of his body, Nie Wei still noticed that Huang Xiaoming was not in good condition at the moment.

Nie Wei thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and sent another text message to Huang Xiaoming.

Huang Xiaoming, who was about to enter the noodle shop, suddenly received a text message from Nie Wei. After reading it, he walked towards where Nie Wei parked his car.

"Brother Xiaoming, here." The photographer had moved to the back seat. Nie Wei opened the co-pilot door and let Huang Xiaoming sit in.

When Huang Xiaoming got into the car, Nie Wei was more certain that his observation was correct. Huang Xiaoming was indeed sick.

"Fever, how many degrees?" Nie Wei touched Huang Xiaoming's forehead with the back of his hand and immediately confirmed that he had a fever. Huang Xiaoming also hid it and replied with a wry smile: "38 degrees."

Nie Wei was silent for a while and said, "There is no need to work so hard."

"It's okay, there are only two hours left. It's come to this point. I have to stand the last shift." Huang Xiaoming smiled reluctantly and said.

Nie Wei was silent for a moment again, without any further persuasion, but changed the subject.

He wanted to take one thing seriously.

"Brother Xiaoming, did the program team find you in the morning and give you a poker card?" Nie Wei asked.

Huang Xiaoming looked at Nie Wei in surprise, then nodded.

"Can you let me see your poker cards? To express trust, my poker cards are here, let me show you first." Nie Wei was very frank at this moment and handed the Joker card in his hand directly to Huang Xiaoming.

Huang Xiaoming looked at Nie Wei in surprise, obviously curious about why Nie Wei showed him the props that the program team said were very important and needed to be kept secret.

However, after being surprised for a moment, he couldn't help but be curious and took Nie Wei's poker cards.

After seeing the front of Nie Wei's poker cards, Huang Xiaoming immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Brother Xiaoming, you don't need to take out the poker cards first, let me guess, the poker cards in your hand must be Joker cards, right?" Nie Wei saw Huang Xiaoming's expression and was 90% sure in his heart, so he asked directly.

Although it was a guess, Nie Wei's tone was very firm.

This time, Huang Xiaoming's expression was even more surprised. He was stunned for several seconds before he nodded and took out his poker cards.

"Nie Wei, you guessed right, mine is also a Joker card."

"Have you completed the mission point?"

"No, it's embarrassing to say that, after being caught by the police, I told the police all the places I knew, so I didn't dare to go anywhere, I was hiding all day." Huang Xiaoming said apologetically.

After all, he revealed a lot of information, which was considered a betrayal of Nie Wei and others.

"It doesn't matter, if I am caught, I will also give out these places. After all, Infinite Challenge is infinite egoism. Brother Xiaoming, you have grasped the essence, but this is not the point. I am very curious, you didn't complete the mission, how did you know the final escape point?"

This time it was Nie Wei's turn to be surprised. If he didn't complete the mission, how could Huang Xiaoming be nearby?

Then Nie Wei listened to Huang Xiaoming's explanation, and what made him unbelievable was that Huang Xiaoming was hiding in this area by luck, and he didn't know at all that the final escape point was in a factory not far away.

"Brother Xiaoming, you are really lucky." What else can be said? Just praise it. Nie Wei gave Huang Xiaoming a thumbs up, and then led the topic to the previous topic, the Joker card.

"Brother Xiaoming, the reason why I guessed that you also had a Joker card in your hand was because when you completed the task, the program team gave a hint that the person holding the Joker card was the undercover of this game." Nie Wei said.

Huang Xiaoming widened his eyes in surprise, looked at Nie Wei, and pointed at himself.

"You mean, we are both undercover?" Huang Xiaoming exclaimed in surprise, because the identity came so suddenly that he even forgot his physical pain for a while, and his whole body was boiling with blood.

Because if he was really an undercover, then he and Nie Wei would be a true offensive and defensive alliance, and he didn't need to worry that Nie Wei would pit him at a critical moment.

Nie Wei's photographer was watching this scene with a wry smile at this moment. He thought that Nie Wei would expose the tricks of the program team in the next second.

"Of course, how could I lie to you." Nie Wei blinked, but said something that the photographer could never have imagined.

Nie Wei did not tell the truth he guessed, but continued to conceal it.

"But how did you know my identity?" Huang Xiaoming suddenly asked in confusion after being excited.

"I actually don't know your identity, Xiaoming brother, and I can't even confirm whether there are other undercovers, but at this time, I can only take a risk. Now it seems that the result is good. I guessed it the first time." Nie Wei explained.

Seeing Nie Wei's relieved look, Huang Xiaoming's doubts disappeared, and he happily high-fived Nie Wei to celebrate.

The photographers behind him all felt sorry for Brother Xiaoming. Nie Wei was too bad. Huang Xiaoming was in such a state, but he still lied to him. However, they had to admit that Nie Wei was really good at deceiving people. Huang Xiaoming had now completely fallen into Nie Wei's trap.

"What should we do next?" At this moment, Huang Xiaoming had completely believed that Nie Wei was his undercover companion and began to develop a dependent mentality.

After all, he was sick now, and his brain was not as good as Nie Wei's. He instinctively wanted to listen to Nie Wei's suggestions.

"Brother Xiaoming, go to the noodle shop later, use your mobile phone to send a text message to Ou Di, Chen Jianzhou and Yuchi Lingjia, and then you will say this..." Nie Wei whispered his fishing plan to Huang Xiaoming, and the latter's eyes lit up and nodded fiercely.

At this time, Yuchi Lingjia, who took a taxi to the noodle shop, was also calculating in his mind how to trap Nie Wei later.

Including Ou Di and Chen Jianzhou, they are all moving towards the final escape point at this moment. There are less than two hours left, and the final battle is about to begin.

While several criminals are thinking about how to harm their companions, the police also start to move towards the final escape point.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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