December 1st, sunny.

A flight from Apple City, USA, landed smoothly in Kyoto. The plane door opened and passengers walked out. A female passenger who looked about 30 years old stood out in the crowd.

Her facial features were good, with big eyes and a high nose, but the most attractive thing was her eyebrows, which were thick, straight, evenly thick, and high towards the temples, making the woman look very heroic.

She was at least 1.75 meters tall. Even if she was wearing a pair of leather shoes with a heel of only two or three centimeters, some men who walked by her were half a head shorter than her.

Her dress was also good. The coat was a blue and white plaid alpaca wool coat newly released by Burberry this autumn and winter. She wore a pair of dark blue embroidered jeans from GUCCI. She wore a gradient green retro sunglasses, which was also a new model of GUCCI this year. The watch on her hand was a Issey Miyake watch created by Japanese watch designer Ichiro Iwasaki.

The dress is not overly luxurious, but it looks very decent, making people feel comfortable and having their own personality.

However, what makes people look at this woman is her temperament.

Confident and capable, this woman always stands straight whether sitting or walking, and she doesn't walk like some little girls, twisting and timid, but walks openly, giving people a sense of vigor and vigor.

Such a woman is very charming and imposing. She attracted the attention of many men on the plane, but no man dared to disturb this woman.

Entering the hall, the woman quickly saw a sign with her name on it among the people who were meeting her at the airport, and walked over immediately.

"Hello, Ms. Liu Qing, I am a staff member of Fanxing Technology Company. My last name is Lin, and my name is Lin Nian. On behalf of Fanxing Technology Company, I welcome you back to China."

"Hello." Liu Jing smiled and stretched out her hand to shake Lin Nian gently.

"Mr. Nie has booked a room for you at the driver's hotel. Do you want to go back to the hotel to rest now, or do you want to go somewhere else?" Lin Nian asked.

"Let's go back to the hotel." Liu Jing answered without hesitation.

After hearing this, Lin Nian stopped asking questions, took the small suitcase from Liu Jing's hand, and walked towards the parking lot with Liu Jing.

Along the way, Liu Jing was also observing Lin Nian.

Liu Jing was very impressed by the gentle appearance of the other party. On the way to the hotel, Liu Jing took the initiative to find a topic and chat with Lin Nian.

"Mr. Lin, how many years have you worked at Fanxing Technology Company?"

"It will be two years in another month."

"Which department do you work in?"

"Public Relations Department."

"Oh, by the way, which university did you graduate from and what major did you study?"

"Jiaotong University, computer science."

Basically, Lin Nian answered whatever Liu Jing asked, but he never said much, and only gave Liu Jing the most concise answer.

"I graduated from Jinghua, but when I was in college, I was in the same major as you, both computer science. I am very curious about how you studied computer science and went to work in the public relations department?"

This time, Lin Nian finally thought about it before giving the answer.

"During the interview, the HR thought I looked friendly, so they arranged for me to work in the public relations department."

After hearing Lin Nian's answer, Liu Jing couldn't help but laugh. This Lin Nian really looked friendly, or very non-aggressive, just a good face, harmless to people and animals.

"Have you ever thought about applying for a job in the technical department?" Liu Jing asked again.

This time, Lin Nian did not hesitate and nodded directly.

"Of course I have thought about it. I have also continued to self-study computer technology, but there are many strong people in the company's technical department, and I am not sure." Lin Nian replied.

While Lin Nian was talking, Liu Jing was also thinking.

The computer major of Jiaotong University can also be ranked in the top ten in China. Even if Lin Nian only graduated from undergraduate school, such a talent could not enter the technical department when he came to Huayi. It can be seen how strong the technical department of Fanxing Technology Company is.

But this is also within Liu Jing's expectations. After all, Fanxing Technology Company is a world-class technology company, especially in the field of network, Fanxing Technology can even be ranked in the top ten in the world.

In recent years, Fanxing Technology Company has not only innovated many network technologies, but also never heard of any serious network security problems in this company. This also proves from the side that this company is indeed very strong in network technology.

Lin Nian sent Liu Jing to the hotel and left her a business card, telling her that she could call him if she had any questions, 24 hours a day.

The task assigned to Lin Nian by the company is to take care of Liu Jing's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and ensure that Liu Jing is satisfied with these aspects.

Liu Jing rested in the hotel all afternoon. On the one hand, she was resting and recuperating, and she was also doing the last homework to prepare for the meeting with Nie Wei tomorrow.

This time Liu Jing returned to China with a dream of becoming a president.

Two months ago, she was still the general manager of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific until she was approached by a headhunting company. The conditions offered by the headhunter touched her heart.

Fanxing Technology Company, with a market value of 120 billion, includes Fanxing Weibo, the largest social platform in China. In addition, it also involves music, film and television, live broadcasting, games, etc.

It is one of the three major domestic Internet technology giants that can compete with iFlytek and Baidu.

Being able to run such a group, even a golden-collar elite like Liu Jing was excited at the first time. For the first time in her life, she felt that she had the opportunity to get rid of her father's halo.

So she made up her mind in just one week, agreed to come to Kyoto for an interview with Nie Wei on the current day.

If successful, she will become the new head of this 100 billion group.

Early the next morning, Liu Jing got up early, exercised for half an hour, had a simple American breakfast, found her carefully prepared clothes and decorations, and then called Lin Nian.

Liu Jing and Nie Wei agreed to meet at nine o'clock in the morning, not in the Stars Technology Building, but in a cafe in the Stars Commercial Center.

Liu Jing is not unfamiliar with the Stars Commercial Center.

This is one of the best commercial plazas in her mind. Not only are the brands very complete, the service attitude of the staff is also very good, and the construction of the mall facilities is also ingenious. Just walking inside gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Liu Jing is also a frequent visitor to the cafe in the leisure area. She even arranged this meeting here on her own initiative.

In Liu Jing's opinion, talking in Nie Wei's office is too official. It is better to chat in a cafe like friends. The atmosphere is relaxed and it is easier for the person to let down his guard, so it is easier to achieve his goal.

As a master of business negotiation, she has never fallen behind in her studies in psychology.

The agreed time is the hotel, but Liu Jing arrived at the cafe at 8:20. After all, this is not a date for lovers. For a man who can give her power, Liu Jing feels that waiting in advance can show her sincerity.

Nie Wei arrived at the cafe at 8:40. When he learned from the waiter that Liu Jing had arrived 20 minutes ago, he was also surprised.

This is the first time Nie Wei and Liu Jing met in the true sense.

But the two are not strangers. In the past two months, Nie Wei has had no less than ten online video calls with Liu Jing, and the conversation time has exceeded two hours each time.

Whether it is Liu Jing to Nie Wei or Nie Wei to Liu Jing, they can be said to be very familiar.

Today's meeting was more of a heart-to-heart talk than an interview. Nie Wei was going to step down as the president of Fanxing Technology Company, and Liu Jing was the successor he had chosen.

This was the person Nie Wei had selected from hundreds of top elites in the industry.

"Mr. Nie, I've ordered a cup of American coffee for you. I wonder if you like it." Liu Jing stood up and took the initiative to shake hands with Nie Wei, and then guided Nie Wei to sit opposite him.

Looking at the American coffee in front of him, Nie Wei smiled. In just a dozen seconds from the time he entered the door, Liu Jing had tried to take the initiative three times. Obviously, she was a very strong woman. Even when facing someone with a higher status than herself, she would not be able to help but try to control the other party.

If a friend introduced such a woman to him as a girlfriend, Nie Wei might turn around and leave immediately, but if he was looking for a successor and designated her as the president of a super company, Nie Wei would appreciate such a character very much.

According to the information, Liu Jing is actually only 33 years old this year.

Although she is six years older than Nie Wei, she is actually very young in the industry. Ma Ge of iFlytek is seven years older than her, and Li Ge of Baidu is ten years older than her.

At the age of 33, she became the president of a super company with a market value of 100 billion US dollars. When she really takes office, she will surely become the focus of the global technology circle.

Being young is Liu Jing's advantage, because youth means drive. For a technology company, the most feared thing is to stand still and have no drive. But being young is also her disadvantage, because since ancient times, the more powerful the position in China is, the more experienced people are needed.

"If you don't have hair on your mouth, you can't do things well." This saying has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Chinese for thousands of years, and even formed an instinct.

In this case, if Liu Jing's personality is not strong enough, no matter how talented and capable she is, she can't lead a company well. The complicated interpersonal relationships in the company alone will make her anxious.

Of course, Nie Wei can't let Liu Jing take the initiative all the time.

The next hour was basically a question-and-answer session between Nie Wei and Liu Jing, including Liu Jing's thoughts on the first six months of her tenure, the company's future development plans, and the company's internal personnel issues.

In addition, Nie Wei also promised the board of directors that he would give Liu Jing the greatest support. Of course, this support is also time-limited. If Liu Jing cannot make outstanding achievements within a year, or if the company suffers huge losses during this probation period, then the board of directors represented by Nie Wei will withdraw the support given to Liu Jing.

To put it bluntly, it means firing...

Liu Jing nodded and accepted all these without bargaining.

The conditions given by Nie Wei are already very loose. If she doesn't even have the confidence to do this well, she might as well back out as soon as possible.

The two talked for an hour, Nie Wei drank two cups of coffee, and finally decided in his heart that the candidate was Liu Jing.

"Mr. Nie, I still want to ask you, why do you want to retire so early?" When Nie Wei finally paid the bill, Liu Jing couldn't help but ask with inner doubts.

"Isn't it good to retire? I'm already very busy." Nie Wei smiled and replied.

Liu Jing was startled. She knew Nie Wei was very busy, but what she asked just now was actually another aspect. In Liu Jing's opinion, how could Nie Wei's work as a director and actor compare to being the CEO of a super group?

There is no comparison between the two except for fame.

But Nie Wei chose to give up the position of CEO. In Liu Jing's opinion, it was just like giving up his career and choosing a hobby.

This was incredible for her who was ambitious. If Nie Wei was in his seventies or eighties this year, she could understand it, but Nie Wei was six years younger than her, and she couldn't understand it.

Liu Jing did not hide her inner thoughts and asked Nie Wei again why he made such a choice.

"It's nothing complicated. I just want to spend more time with my family and do what I like. You may think that I must be an ambitious person because I have founded so many companies and covered all aspects?"

"Isn't it?"

"In another sense, I do have some ambitions, but they are far less than you think. For me, power and wealth are not as important as family." Nie Wei said, and there was a sentence in his heart that he didn't say out loud, that is, he promised Shu Chang to spend more time with her.

So slowly unloading the power on his body is what Nie Wei has to do in recent years.

Of course, this can't be said out loud, let alone to Liu Jing. This is like King You of Zhou playing with the princes with beacons. It's one thing to love your wife and family, but you can't say this inappropriate language to your employees.

King You of Zhou played with the princes with beacons, fooled a group of princes, and became deserted by everyone. Although Nie Wei's idea will not be so serious, it will definitely hit Liu Jing's enthusiasm.

Liu Jing did not ask any more questions. How Nie Wei chose was his personal question. Further inquiry would be a bit over the line. Even though she was very curious, she knew that she had to stop there.

For those who have accomplished great things, it is not a problem to hold back this curiosity.

That afternoon, the public relations department of Fanxing Technology Company sent invitations to hundreds of media outlets across the country, and the content of the invitations surprised these media outlets. Fanxing Technology Company was actually going to change a new helmsman?

As soon as the report came out, it caused a huge storm. Netizens on the Internet were discussing this news like crazy. In just one hour, the topic had exceeded one million popularity.

The next day, when the stock market opened, the market value of Fanxing Technology Company instantly evaporated 10 billion Chinese yuan. Liu Jing was facing huge pressure before she took office.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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