Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1024 1124. Sucker?

There were so many people present. Except for two old people who had never left the village, the rest all knew Nie Wei.

Because Nie Wei's reputation is really too great.

He is not just an idol star. His news will only appear in entertainment media and magazines. Even Nie Wei from China has been on it countless times. After all, Nie Wei has not only made money over the years, but while making money, he has also We are also constantly doing charity to give back to the society.

As for a popular and positive star like Nie Wei, it is no surprise that the country has established him as a moral model.

"Nie...Mr. Nie, hello." When everyone came to their senses, the old village chief hesitated and still used the honorific.

After all, Nie Wei's status is too high, even he can't call Nie Wei the same as he would treat a junior.

"Old man, you are Uncle Zhou's elder, just call me Nie Wei." Nie Wei did not support him, but faced the old village chief's extended hand, shook it vigorously, and then helped the old village chief sit down in the courtyard. On the stone bench.

There are four stone benches in total. Zhou Aiguo is sitting on one, the old village chief is sitting on one, and Song Haidong, who is the official spokesperson this time, is also sitting on one. The remaining one is sitting on the secretary who was originally following Song Haidong. But when Nie Wei came, the secretary took the initiative to give up his seat and gave Nie Wei a stone stool to sit on.

Nie Wei smiled politely at him, and the latter felt flattered.

All this was seen by Song Haidong and the old village chief. The old village chief felt that Nie Wei had a good tutor and was very polite, while Song Haidong's eyes lit up and he felt that he had a breakthrough.

"Hello, Mr. Nie, I am Song Haidong, and I am currently responsible for the investment promotion work of Xiantang Township."

"Ah, hello." Although Nie Wei didn't feel very good about Song Haidong in his heart, on the surface he shook hands with him very kindly.

Song Haidong felt Nie Wei's "enthusiasm" and became even more energetic.

Just when he was about to talk to Nie Wei about real estate, Nie Wei suddenly turned to Zhou Aiguo and complained: "Uncle Zhou, why have you never mentioned such a nice name to your hometown to me? Well, if the mountain is not high, it will be famous if it has immortals; if the water is not deep, it will be spiritual if it has dragons. Your hometown is really a good name."

Nie Wei counted his thumbs and praised. The people around him couldn't help but smile after these words.

Although almost everyone present did not think that Xiantang Township was a treasure land. It had been poor for so many years and could not do anything. Even if a person as powerful as Zhou Aiguo emerged, no one thought it was because their hometown had "outstanding people". , I just feel that this is Zhou Aiguo’s destiny to be rich and capable.

Even because Zhou Aiguo became famous after leaving his hometown, many people who are afraid of poverty think that Xiantang Township is a place where dragons are trapped, and they will never become a dragon if they stay there for the rest of their lives.

This is also the reason why many young people in Xiantang Township are now going out to work. Those who have graduated from college will not go back to their hometowns unless they have no other options.

The shortage of talents is also one of the important reasons why Xiantang Township has not been able to develop.

"Mr. Nie..."

"Old man, I told you, just call me Nie Wei. You are Uncle Zhou's elder. I also heard Uncle Zhou mention that you took care of him more back then. I am Uncle Zhou's junior and your junior. You always call me Sir, we are not close." Nie Wei interrupted the old village chief and deliberately narrowed the distance between the two.

The old village chief was a little overwhelmed by Nie Wei's enthusiasm. He subconsciously turned his head and looked at Zhou Aiguo. The latter nodded towards the old village chief, and then the old village chief tried to call him 'Nie Wei'.

Nie Wei showed a bright smile and immediately nodded in agreement. Seeing this, the old village chief couldn't help but feel happy.

Seeing Nie Wei chatting so well with the old village chief, Song Haidong was so excited. Zhou Aiguo's rejection just now was completely forgotten by him. In his opinion, if Nie Wei could be persuaded to invest in Xiantang Township, even It's more important than getting help from Zhou Aiguo.

This is all caused by Nie Wei's charity work these years.

Not long ago, Nie Wei's investment of hundreds of millions in his alma mater, Jingdian Electronics, was on the news. Almost everyone in the country knew about it, and Song Haidong, who watched the network every day, studied the theory of God, and understood current affairs, naturally also knew about it.

But at that time, he didn't dare to challenge Nie Wei at all. This was completely different from facing Zhou Aiguo. Zhou Aiguo grew up in his hometown, and there were many of his fellow villagers and elders here, so Zhou Aiguo couldn't mess around anymore. Okay, he also felt that he could strike up a conversation.

But Nie Wei was different. In his opinion, Nie Wei was a big star and one of the richest people in the world.

The nominal relationship between Nie Wei and Zhou Aiguo is not reliable in Song Haidong's opinion. In addition, Nie Wei is seen on TV either discussing cooperation with a certain rich man or attending an event with a certain high official. In Song Haidong's opinion, In his eyes, Nie Wei was aloof and out of reach.

But what he didn't expect was that Nie Wei acted so 'people-friendly' at this moment.

Thinking about Nie Wei's generous charity work, Song Haidong immediately felt that there was something wrong, so he immediately gave up persuading Zhou Aiguo, and instead wanted to make Nie Wei his main target for help.

But five minutes passed. He wanted to interrupt several times, but Nie Wei ignored him. He just kept chatting with the old village chief. Song Haidong also winked at the old village chief, but the two of them clearly made eye contact. , but the latter pretended not to see it and had no intention of interrupting Nie Wei's words.

It is said that people are old and ghosts are old, and the old village chief has lived for most of his life. Naturally, he can see that Nie Wei does not want to talk to Song Haidong.

But Nie Wei was so affectionate to him at the same time, which obviously had a purpose, so the old village chief simply ignored the annoying Song Haidong and waited patiently for Nie Wei to speak.

After chatting for about five minutes, Nie Wei saw that it was almost done, so he changed the topic to flour.

"Old man, every time you came here before, I remember you brought that delicious flour. Is this a specialty of your Xiantang Township?" Nie Wei suddenly asked.

When the old village chief heard this, he immediately understood that the young man in front of him seemed to be very interested in the flour from his village.

But Song Haidong on the side was so anxious that he couldn't stand listening anymore. He wanted to talk about real estate now, but Nie Wei even digressed into flour. If Nie Wei continued to talk to the old village chief like this, When can we get back to the topic?

So Song Haidong wanted to end Nie Wei's topic quickly, so he ignored the politeness and interrupted the old village chief before he started talking: "Mr. Nie, I know that flour is either a specialty of our Xiantang Township, or The old village chief and his second wife took over the land themselves. "

"That kid's head is still a little blocked. Not only does he not apply chemical fertilizers to the fields, he doesn't even apply farmyard fertilizers or spray pesticides. He catches the worms with his own hands when they appear. But how can the few people in his family catch them all? In a year, It would be good if half of the wheat is ripe, and the yield is very low, not even one-third of the normal wheat, so the wheat grains will only grow so big. "

As he spoke, Song Haidong gestured with his hands, and his squinting eyes seemed to tell Nie Wei that he had to concentrate to see the grains of wheat in Erwa's house.

Song Haidong said this because he hoped that Nie Wei would give up his interest in Erwa's wheat and return to the real estate he wanted to talk about. Although he had the impression that Nie Wei was not involved in real estate, as long as Nie Wei was willing to pay, then he would There are many real estate developers taking over this deal, and it doesn’t really have to be Zhou Aiguo’s real estate company that comes forward.

What Song Haidong didn't notice was that when he 'slandered' Erwa's Maizi, the old village chief's entire face changed color and he stared at him angrily.

In the opinion of the old village chief, Nie Wei had never cared about Song Haidong and the real estate from the beginning to the end, otherwise he would have asked about it as soon as he came up. But what Nie Wei really cared about was the wheat at Erwa's house.

Now that Song Haidong is so 'slanderous', if Nie Weizhen backs off because of this, wouldn't he ruin another opportunity for the village?

Now the old village chief really regrets coming to Beijing with this Song Haidong. When this guy was in the countryside, he looked at people with five people and six people, but in fact, why is he so impetuous in doing things? He is too eager for quick success and quick gain, and all the good things are left to him. It was a bad thing.

Like just now, even if Zhou Aiguo didn't agree, the old village head was still confident in persuading Zhou Aiguo to invest money in the village. But when Song Haidong interfered, Zhou Aiguo almost fell out.

Now Nie Wei is the same, and it is Song Haidong's own interference, and things are developing in a bad direction. If he hadn't taken care of the outsiders, the old village chief would have wanted to hit him with the crutch in his hand.

After the old village chief waited for Song Haidong for a few seconds, he looked at Nie Wei worriedly and opened his mouth to explain. But to his embarrassment, most of what Song Haidong said was true.

The way Erwa's family grows wheat must be really good. Almost everyone in the village knows how to grow wheat. Why is it that only Erwa's family grows it that way? The second baby even got the nickname Silly Baby in the village. The old village chief knew the reason for it.

So when the words came to his lips, the old village chief still didn't say them out. He didn't want to deceive Nie Wei without conscience.

But what the old village chief didn't know was that after listening to Song Haidong's words, Nie Wei became more interested in Erwa's wheat.

"Old man, is what Mr. Song said true?" Nie Wei asked.

"Mr. Nie, how could I lie to you about this? If you don't believe it, just ask everyone. Many people here are from the same village as Erwa, and they know Erwa's land very well."

"Nie Wei, what Lao Song said is right. Erwa's land does not fertilize or spray pesticides, so the yield is indeed not high. But having said that, the flour made from his wheat is indeed delicious." The old village chief thought. I tried my best to help the second baby, but I didn't really have much hope in my heart.

Basically no one is willing to buy the flour ground from the wheat in Erwa's field. It looks dark, but the price is four or five times more expensive than ordinary white flour. Although the steamed buns are delicious, they don't look good. It's almost gone.

That is to say, people would only buy some when they want to visit and give gifts, and regard them as specialties of the village.

Ever since Erwa decided to grow wheat, his family's land had the lowest income in the village in the past few years. If Erwa's mother hadn't opened a small supermarket, their family would have starved to death.

Everyone else was nodding at this moment. Apparently, even if they were not from the same village, Erwa's family had heard about it, and Shawa's name was at least spread throughout Xiantang Township.

Nie Wei smiled and looked at Song Haidong for the first time.

"Mr. Song, you came to ask for Uncle Zhou's business. I heard some of it in the room just now. Although our real estate company no longer does work in residential areas, you also know that our family is also in this circle. If you have some connections, if I think your cooperation method is good, I would be happy to have an in-depth discussion with you.”

After hearing Nie Wei's words, Song Haidong almost jumped for joy.

The old village chief on the side looked at Nie Wei blankly, and suddenly realized that he couldn't understand the child. Didn't he hate Song Haidong very much?

However, although he regretted Erwa's opportunity in his heart, Nie Wei originally wanted to help the village build buildings, which would at least solve the current housing problem of hundreds of demolished households. The old village chief was already very satisfied.

"One can't expect too much." The old village chief thought to himself, asking Zhou Aiguo for help this time. Regardless of whether Zhou Aiguo agreed or not, the old village chief decided from the bottom of his heart that this was the last time.

He felt that if he looked for Zhou Aiguo again, it would be unreasonable to rely on his old age and sell him out. Moreover, he also wanted to retain a little bit of love so that if his children had any difficulties in the future, they would not have no place to ask for help.

The old village chief is also a human being, and as a human being he has selfish motives.

While the old village chief was stunned, Song Haidong had already started boasting to Nie Wei.

"Mr. Nie, our township has already thought about it. The demolition work is currently underway in our township. Nearly three hundred households have already agreed to the demolition request. As long as you agree here, we will start construction on the other side..."

Song Haidong lied here, but Nie Wei agreed. They were actually already starting demolition, which was why he was anxious.

"Our idea is that we will release the land in the township, and you will provide the funds and construction team. If you can guarantee that construction will start in the spring of next year, we can make a slight concession in the proportion. By then, in addition to compensating the demolished households, the remaining buildings will be compensated. For every set sold, we will share the original proportion.”

"As for how much the land costs and what kind of building you need to build, we can discuss this slowly. Anyway, our township will do its best to cooperate with you."

"Mr. Nie, what do you think of this?" Song Haidong looked at Nie Wei expectantly and asked.

Nie Wei did not answer Song Haidong immediately, but looked at him with a smile, staring at Song Haidong with hair all over his body. Just when Song Haidong finally couldn't stand Nie Wei's scrutinizing gaze and subconsciously avoided Nie Wei's sight, Nie Wei finally spoke.

"Mr. Song, you are a little unreasonable."

When Nie Weiwei spoke, everyone at the scene showed surprised expressions, especially Song Haidong, who went from being confident to panic in an instant.

Nie Wei looked at Song Haidong. Uncle Zhou couldn't say something, but he had no worries.

Thanks to Fantasy Park and 0773 for their generous tips.

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