Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1027 1127. Honesty

Hu Jinxian's answer was beyond everyone's expectation.

The old village chief was sweating with anxiety. If Hu Jinxian was here, he would have slapped this fool twice in the morning.

Others were also anxious and stared, cursing Erwa for being stupid. If this good thing was given to them, they would have agreed to it long ago. Now Erwa refused. Is it true that there are people who dislike money these days?

In the past, everyone said that Erwa was stupid, but they were just making fun of him. Now it seems that Erwa may have a problem with his brain and is really stupid.

A group of people were very anxious, but Song Haidong laughed.

Reject? It's good to refuse. Song Haidong looked at Nie Wei with his eyes rolling, just wanting to see what Nie Wei's expression would be when he fell to the ground after being rejected. He must be angry.

After all, it was clear that he was giving money to that fool, but that fool was so "stubborn" and didn't want it. If someone dared to slap him in the face like this, Song Haidong would definitely make things difficult for him.

At present, Song Haidong did not want to make things difficult for Hu Jinxian, and even thought about whether to give Hu Jinxian an advanced award. After all, without his refusal, how could I have the opportunity?

But what disappointed Song Haidong a little was that, let alone Nie Wei's anger, except for a hint of doubt, Nie Wei did not even show any sign of anger.

In fact, Nie Wei was not angry at all.

Song Haidong always considered issues from the perspective of a superior, but Nie Wei knew better than him how to adjust his mentality. He did want to invest, but in Nie Wei's eyes, Hu Jinxian was his possible future partner, not his subordinate.

You should know that the most taboo thing in business is to be arrogant.

No matter how much money you have than the other party, since it is a business negotiation, it is naturally to seek cooperation. Both parties have something to ask for. Why do you have to put on an attitude of superiority or even charity?

The wind rises from the end of the green ripples. Nie Wei himself never underestimates any small company or small business.

"Can you tell me the reason?" Nie Wei pondered for a moment, then asked.

"Mr. Nie, thank you for your favor for my wheat. I am indeed short of money. To be honest, just now, I was still worried about the tuition fees for my two daughters, but I can't lie to you because of money."

"The preciousness of my wheat lies in the fact that from planting to harvesting, it all depends on natural and artificial forces."

"And this land is one of the keys."

"Not just any land can grow wheat like my family. The land must be pure first, and no fertilizers or pesticides can be applied. Except for this small piece of land in my family, the rest of the land in the village is fertilized and sprayed with pesticides every year. Such land does not meet the standards."

Hu Jinxian explained to Nie Wei frankly that this was also the reason why he had been hesitant. This piece of land in his family has never been used with fertilizers and pesticides for generations, because it is necessary to ensure the purity of the land. Only by relying on natural and natural nourishment and absorbing nutrients from nature can delicious wheat grow.

As long as the land has been polluted, even if his wheat seeds are used, even if no fertilizer or pesticides are applied throughout the process, and insects are caught manually, the wheat grown will not taste as good as the wheat grown in pure land.

Although the difference in taste is very subtle, Hu Jinxian still doesn't want to fool people.

Nie Wei was stunned. He didn't expect the problem to be in the land. He really didn't think much about this. After all, although Nie Wei knows a lot, he really doesn't understand farming.

The old village chief on the side was anxious and shouted: "Erwa, the land can be cultivated well!"

"Uncle, the land that meets my standards must be cultivated for at least three years. This is the best estimate. Otherwise, it may not be cultivated for four or five years." Hearing the words of the old village chief, Hu Jinxian glanced at his wife who was disappointed and replied with a wry smile.

When Hu Jinxian's wife heard this, she was so angry that she threw the sweater she was knitting on the table and ran out of the house.

She had never seen a person as stubborn as her husband, who pushed away the money that was delivered to the door.

The old village chief was speechless. Hu Jinxian had said so much. What else could he say? Could he tell Nie Wei to wait for another three years? Wait until we have cultivated the land?

Even if Nie Wei was willing to wait, the villagers in the village still relied on the land for food. Without Nie Wei's promise to pay, who would be willing to let their land lie there for three years? Even if the people were willing, the township would not be willing. Do they not want the thousands of yuan of land compensation every year?

People are very realistic. In the absence of benefits, the old village chief could not convince all the villagers to do so.

Song Haidong could no longer hide his joy on his face. His eyes were bent with smiles. At this time, he was no longer in a hurry and even began to wait patiently for Nie Wei to make a decision.

Obviously, the investment in Hu Jinxian had been cold halfway. This Hu Jinxian had a problem with his brain, but it also gave Song Haidong hope again.

In his opinion, Nie Wei's current hesitation was completely a problem of young people not being able to put down their face. As long as he quietly gave Nie Wei a way out and said a few good words, his residential area construction plan would basically be successful.

Song Haidong had already begun to imagine how he would be praised by his superiors when he returned home with Nie Wei's funds. Nie Wei was silent, but it was not because he was looking forward to it as he thought, but because he was thinking about the feasibility of this investment.

Hu Jinxian's persistence not only did not deduct points from Nie Wei, but it also added points.

The reason why Nie Wei wanted to invest in Hu Jinxian's wheat was not because it was Zhou Aiguo's hometown. If it was because of this relationship, Nie Wei might as well build a road for their village.

He is indeed very optimistic about Hu Jinxian's wheat, especially in the contemporary era of green food becoming more and more popular. As long as the real green food like Hu Jinxian is promoted, it will definitely be sold.

Local people can't afford it, but there are many people in big cities who have the consumption capacity.

More importantly, by investing in Hu Jinxian's wheat, the whole village and even the people in the surrounding towns can be directly driven to get rich together. After all, the wheat of Hu Jinxian's family first needs human resources.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish. Nie Wei has always felt that this is the right way to help poor areas get rid of poverty, which is much more useful than building a few buildings.

"Mr. Nie, you see that things are like this, why not..." Song Haidong still held back and whispered to Nie Wei that it was time to give up.

But Nie Wei, who came to his senses, was not ready to give up, but made up his mind.

"Hu Jinxian, are you still on the phone?"

"Yes, Mr. Nie."

"You said that the land needs to be cultivated for three years before you can grow your wheat, right?"

"Mr. Nie, I mean at least three years. It will take at least three years for the land to digest those harmful fertilizers and pesticides. This is just a conservative estimate. It is possible that it will not work in four or five years."

"In that case, I will send a few agricultural technicians to collect soil samples from your land and do a test. At least a standard for the content of various elements in the soil can be determined. Then we will inspect other lands in your village. You tell those technicians the conditions you need, and you can discuss whether there is a solution."

"Don't worry about the land. Whether it takes three years or five years, as long as you can cultivate the good soil you mentioned and grow delicious wheat, then the initial investment is worth it, isn't it?" Nie Wei's last sentence was not only said to Hu Jinxian, but also to the old village chief and others.

The old village chief kept nodding, and the others were all grateful. Nie Wei's words clearly showed that even if the land was temporarily unqualified, Nie Wei was willing to bear the cost of contracting the land.

But Song Haidong's face changed. Erwa was stupid, was Nie Wei also stupid?

Contracting so much land, just leaving it there, and finding a technician to check the land? Just for Hu Jinxian's broken wheat, is this really a correct long-term investment? Can this really make money?

"Mr. Nie, aren't you losing money like this?" Hu Jinxian was also a little excited, but at the same time, he didn't forget to remind Nie Wei.

Hearing this, Nie Wei felt that this man was really honest. Even if a food company was established in the future, Nie Wei could not let Hu Jinxian manage it. It would be more appropriate for him to be a technical director or something like that.

"Then you can work hard to grow wheat for me at that time, so that I can make back the losses, right? To be honest, do you have confidence?" Nie Wei asked with a smile, and the old village chief and others also laughed in agreement.

Everyone was in a good mood at this moment, especially those who lived in the same village as Hu Jinxian. They all wanted to go back and find Hu Jinxian to help them find a good position in the newly opened food company.

People say that rural people are simple, but they are not stupid. They are even smarter than many city people. They are simple because they have little experience, but as long as they return to the place they are familiar with, their minds are active.

"To be honest, I have no confidence." Hu Jinxian's answer made Nie Wei couldn't help but smile helplessly, and the other party gave a very sufficient reason. His family has guarded this piece of land for generations, and they are thankful that they don't lose money every year. They never thought about making money.

"Haha, your method is wrong. Just grow good wheat and grind good flour for me. How to sell it at that time is my ability. But I can give you a guarantee here. As long as your flour tastes good and is hygienic, I can sell it to you, and I can sell it well and at a high price."

"I will use your wheat to drive your entire village, even the entire township and even the surrounding areas to get rich together."

"Yes, you are right."

After saying this, Nie Wei returned the phone to the old village chief. It was still early, and this kind of cooperation could not be negotiated over the phone. For example, Hu Jinxian's wheat, flour and soil, Nie Wei had to ask the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to identify them.

There are also the prices of renting surrounding land, including setting up food companies, etc., and some of these things can be done.

Of course, this does not bother Nie Wei. As long as the funds are in place, the system is well built, and the management is selected, the company will soon be on the right track. What Nie Wei needs to do is to promote the product after it is completed.

Promotion is not a problem for Nie Wei. He has too many resources to use for promotion, such as placement in TV series and movies, promotion through Weibo accounts, or simply spending money on TV advertising. After all, for the entertainment industry, promotion is always the top priority.

Haven't you seen that some movies with poor quality have achieved box office far exceeding expectations because of good promotion? There are also some movies with good quality, but because of the opponents' hiring of water army to promote and smear, the box office performance has fallen far below expectations.

For promotion, Nie Wei has already maxed out this skill, otherwise how could he be so successful in the entertainment industry.

After Nie Wei temporarily agreed to cooperate with Hu Jinxian, Song Haidong was already ashen and completely desperate. At this time, Nie Wei suddenly turned around and called Song Haidong.

"Mr. Song, it's time to talk about our cooperation now."


"Aren't you going to build a residential area? We are willing to help you with this, but the construction of the residential area cannot be completely based on your ideas. I hope we can make the plan."

"Of course, as we help you build the residential area, we also hope to get some support from you and the township behind you. How about it?"

Song Haidong realized that Nie Wei was using the residential area to exchange support with him.

Song Haidong hesitated for less than 0.1 seconds and immediately agreed: "Mr. Nie, from what you said, you are professional in real estate. If you are willing to take responsibility, I will certainly be 100% assured."

Nie Wei nodded. Song Haidong just had to agree, and Nie Wei was not afraid that he would go back on his word.

Residential areas must be built, but it is impossible to build many buildings as Song Haidong said, causing a surplus of real estate and asking the township people to pay for it.

Nie Wei planned to build a building according to the number of people to be relocated, create a small business district in Xiantang Township, and plan a large leisure square with the remaining demolition land. He had already thought that Xiantang Township didn't have to pay, but they couldn't just owe it.

The reason why Nie Wei wanted to build a residential area and a leisure square for Xiantang Township was to exchange it for public land in Xiantang Township. You should know that private land in Xiantang Township is only a small part, and most of it is still public land, which is rented to private planting every year. Nie Wei's idea is to use these lands.

Then Nie Wei vaguely revealed this meaning to Song Haidong, and the latter agreed without saying a word after understanding it.

What he wanted was political achievements. The blueprint that Nie Wei described to him in words made him very eager. As long as Nie Wei promised to help him build a residential area and a leisure square, then the land issue would be easy to talk about.

After chatting for more than two hours without realizing it, Nie Wei looked at the time and said goodbye.

A group of people thanked Nie Wei and sent him to the car. They watched Nie Wei's car leave the alley before returning to the courtyard.

So many people naturally couldn't stay at home for dinner, and Su Qing couldn't handle it alone, so Zhou Aiguo simply proposed to invite everyone out for dinner.

Everyone agreed after a few polite words.

While waiting for the car, the old village chief found Zhou Aiguo and gave him a thumbs up. The latter understood that the old village chief's thumbs up was for Nie Wei.

However, Zhou Aiguo also felt proud. Nie Wei's performance today was really beyond his expectations.

When the car came, Zhou Aiguo and Zhou Duoduo said hello and took everyone to the restaurant. After watching a group of people leave, Zhou Duoduo quickly took out her mobile phone.

Ten minutes later, Nie Wei, who had just left the courtyard, came back again.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their reward support.

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