Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1037 1137. Lovely Girl

Although Foy's Chinese self-introduction would not affect Nie Wei's judgment of the audition results, it did make Nie Wei and Zhang Ziyi feel more favorable towards this little girl.

"Did your mother teach you Chinese?" Nie Wei asked in English.

In Nie Wei's opinion, the girl's Chinese level was obviously at the elementary level, and she should not be able to have daily Chinese conversations. However, what Nie Wei did not expect was that Foy immediately answered him in Chinese as soon as he asked this question.

"Yes, mom, Chinese will be very helpful to me in the future."

"Your mother is very insightful." Nie Wei smiled and praised, and then said to Foy: "Keep working hard, but now you can speak English."

"Thank you." Foy blinked her bright eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, which made Nie Wei and Zhang Ziyi laugh again.

What a lovely little girl, Nie Wei suddenly thought in his heart, if he had a daughter in the future, she would definitely be cuter than her, right?

Zhang Ziyi didn't know that Nie Wei's thoughts had wandered off. Seeing him standing there for a long time without saying anything, she thought he was thinking about something, so she called him softly to remind him that there were still people auditioning.

Nie Wei came back to his senses and showed an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. Don't be nervous. You just need to answer according to your mind." Nie Wei saw that Fu Yi's body suddenly tensed up when he asked the question, and he knew that she was nervous.

No wonder, what children fear most is the teacher's questions and exams, of course, except for the academic masters, but Fu Yi is obviously not the kind of academic master with overflowing confidence.

"What do you like to eat on weekdays?" Nie Wei's first question made Fu Yi stunned for a moment.

Because it was too simple.

This was completely beyond Fu Yi's expectations. She was still thinking about how professional questions a big director like Nie Wei would ask, and what should she do if she couldn't answer them.

Now hearing such an easy question, Fu Yi couldn't help but smile brightly.

"I love donuts, chocolate and cream cakes. I also love nut cookies made by my grandma, and bacon pizza. By the way, I also like to eat Chinese 'toes' these days."

Toes? Nie Wei and Zhang Ziyi were stunned at the same time, and then they realized that the word the girl just said should be Chinese, referring to dumplings.

"Since you are in Kyoto, after the audition, you can also try Kyoto roast duck, mending meat pie, donkey rolls..."

"Donkey rolls are also food?" Foy, who gradually let go of his nervousness, showed a puzzled and strange expression.

"The name is a bit strange, but it is a traditional Chinese dessert. The main ingredients are yellow rice flour, and white sugar, sesame oil, osmanthus or jujube paste, red bean paste, etc. are also added. After steaming, it will be rolled in a kind of sweet powder called soybean flour. The taste is sweet and moderate, soft and delicious. I think you should like it." Nie Wei patiently explained to Foy, looking like a teacher who was not a director at all, but a teacher who was carefully answering questions.

"Then I will definitely try it." Foy answered with a bright smile and sparkling eyes. She was now full of curiosity about this food with a strange name, as well as the door nail meat pie. She suddenly found that the names of Chinese food were very interesting.

"If you are willing, I can help you find a professional tour guide to ensure that you can eat the most authentic Chinese food." Nie Wei said with a smile. Foy nodded repeatedly after hearing it and swallowed unconsciously.

This is a little foodie, Nie Wei thought with a smile in his heart.

Then Nie Wei did not talk about food again, which made Foy a little disappointed, but this disappointment soon dissipated with the new topic.

Under Nie Wei's guidance, Foy talked about her family, such as the brother who had a profound influence on her entry into the entertainment industry, and talked about her surprise and laughter when she saw her brother wearing a ballet tights for the first time.

She also talked about her interesting things at school, such as a troublemaker who tied her braids to a chair while she was sleeping in class, but the girl proudly told Nie Wei that she was not angry, but just thought the boy was childish.

Nie Wei told her that the reason why the boy was childish was probably because he secretly liked her, which made Fuyi blush instantly. Although she had a vague affection for some boys at a young age, she undoubtedly had not thought so far.

Zhang Ziyi watched the two people chatting silently on the side. The one big and the one small, sixteen years apart, had no generation gap in communication.

This was also the most magical thing for Zhang Ziyi.

You have to know that the world of adults and the world of children are different. Even if Fuyi is more precocious, she is far from mature. Many of her words sounded childish to Zhang Ziyi, or she didn't know how to respond at all. But Nie Wei, who was chatting with Fuyi, seemed to be completely integrated into the age of a little girl. No matter what topic Fuyi talked about, he could catch it.

He could discuss the future of life with himself, which was a very deep topic, and he could also talk to Fuyi, a twelve-year-old girl, about which cartoons were better.

This really made Zhang Ziyi admire from the bottom of her heart, and suddenly understood why so many girls were willing to revolve around Nie Wei.

Because he really knows how to respect people and is good at listening. For many people, language is just a daily communication skill, but for Nie Wei, it has become an art of showing charm.

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but immerse herself in Nie Wei's charm, and even thought that Nie Wei would definitely be a good father in the future. When she came back to her senses, she looked at the clock on the wall. Wow, twenty minutes had passed.

"Ahem, Nie Wei, it's time for the audition." Zhang Ziyi reminded in a low voice. Even if there were few people auditioning today, it would be a waste of time to waste half an hour on one person.

"Sorry, then Foy, I'll ask you to do a few reactions next, and perform well."

"No problem." Foy smiled confidently, completely different from the nervous look when she first came. In just twenty minutes, the little girl had already regarded Nie Wei as her good partner.

What's so nervous about performing in front of a partner.

"Now act angry and awkward, for example, you want a doll, but your father just doesn't want to buy it for you."

"I don't play with dolls. I didn't like those before I was five years old. I like skateboarding." Foy protested.

But after protesting, she immediately followed Nie Wei's request and put on an awkward look. She shook her head with a hum and then glanced at Nie Wei with dissatisfaction. When she met Nie Wei's sight, she immediately dodged his gaze to hide her concern for her 'father'.

"GOOD, great performance. I think if I were that father, I would definitely feel sorry for myself for not agreeing to your request."

"Hahahaha." The praised Foy smiled foolishly.

"Then how about performing a curious look for me next?"

"I want to see your expression of serious thinking."

"That's cool, Girl, but it would be better if your eyes were firmer just now. How about we try again?"

"This time it's perfect."

The chat lasted for 20 minutes, but the audition took less than five minutes. First, Nie Wei did not arrange any situational drama for Foy, and second, the girl's performance was very good. Although the questions Nie Wei asked were very simple, Foy completed them all qualified.

When Foy waved goodbye at the audition, she did not forget to ask Nie Wei when they could meet again, and even exchanged phone numbers with Nie Wei.

"You are amazing. I think if we chat for another 20 minutes, she will be ready to marry you." Looking at Foy, who was sent away by Nie Wei after a long time, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but tease.

"Don't you think that little girl is interesting?" Nie Wei didn't care about Zhang Ziyi's teasing, but revealed his appreciation for Foy.

After knowing the two girls who were interviewed today, Nie Wei was actually more looking forward to Chloe.

After all, Chloe is more famous, and in terms of acting skills, Chloe is definitely better.

Nie Wei started chatting with Foy, mainly because Foy's Chinese self-introduction at the beginning gave Nie Wei some good feelings. Nie Wei also wanted the little girl to relax and show her best side, at least to make this audition less regretful.

But I didn't expect that Foy seemed to be an introverted girl, but in fact she was very familiar with people. Nie Wei only guided her a little, and she could say a lot of things.

Then, Nie Wei was attracted by the innocent and interesting words of this little girl.

It is hard to believe that Foy, who has been in the industry for a while, can still retain many of the personalities of an ordinary little girl. When she was not familiar with her at first, Foy's words and deeds were still very mature, but after quickly getting familiar with her, Foy exposed her true nature.

In Nie Wei's view, she is just a little girl who has not learned how to wear a mask. Perhaps in an environment that makes her defensive, she will honestly wear a mask, behave more maturely, and say nice words, but when she falls into a familiar environment, she will forget everything.

Even if there are cameras working around, she doesn't care at all. She will loudly refute Nie Wei's words, directly "refute" Nie Wei's wrong words, and will also make faces to make everyone in the audience laugh, while she shows a smug expression.

Very real, Foy gives Nie Wei the feeling that she is not a star, but more like a little sister next door.

This made Nie Wei's evaluation of Foy rise sharply immediately. Sometimes, no matter how good the acting skills are, they can't compare to the word "real".

"Let Chloe come in." Although he admired Foy, Nie Wei thought about it and decided to continue interviewing Chloe before making a decision.

Soon, Chloe, who had blonde hair, plump lips and looked like a doll, walked in.

Unlike Foy's reserved and nervous expression when she entered the room, Chloe was full of confidence.

"Hello, Chloe, how have you been in Kyoto these days?"

"Not bad, but the air is too dry, and my moisturizing lotion is almost running out." Chloe replied with a smile.

Nie Wei could see from Chloe's expression and movements that the girl was enthusiastic, cheerful, generous and confident. It was no wonder. After all, she was a child star who had attracted much attention since her debut. The two "Kick-Ass 1.2" in the past two years made her famous. She was at the peak of her life and should be shining like a little sun.

But Nie Wei seemed to see a mask on Chloe's face.

A perfect mask, showing the most friendly and warm smile, confident eyes, and graceful gestures and conversations.

It can be said that the girl in front of us is a perfect idol.

"Then let's start the audition." Nie Wei thought of this, smiled, and said directly, causing Zhang Ziyi to open her eyes wide.

Please, Nie Wei, who just chatted with Foy for 20 minutes before starting the audition, how come he started the audition before talking to Chloe for 30 seconds?

The difference in treatment is too big.

Nie Wei may be optimistic about Foy, but he didn't mean to ignore Chloe. It's just that the girl showed her calmness and didn't look nervous at all. In Nie Wei's opinion, there was no need for him to guide the conversation, because the other party was always in a relaxed state.

Sure enough, when Chloe heard that Nie Wei started the audition directly, she was stunned for a moment, and immediately nodded and agreed with a smile, and took the initiative to ask Nie Wei about the content of the audition.

Ten minutes later, Chloe felt that she performed well and left the room very satisfied.

"How is it?" Nie Wei did not comment, but asked Zhang Ziyi.

"It's perfect. It's rare to have such tense acting skills at a young age. At least I don't think I can do this at her age."

"Sister Ziyi, you are modest. You were only 18 years old when you filmed "My Father and Mother". I remember correctly that this movie won you the first Hundred Flowers Award in your life?" Nie Wei said with a smile.

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but laugh. She liked this about Nie Wei, who always made others happy.

After praising Zhang Ziyi, Nie Wei began to think seriously about Chloe's performance just now. Just as Nie Wei said, it was a very tense acting. The girl had a strong desire to perform, her expressions were very rich, and she was very serious when she was in the acting state. These were all advantages.

And Foy was much more immature in acting than Chloe.

Of course, this did not mean that Nie Wei could make a choice immediately. Foy's true character was still a weight that made Nie Wei hesitate.

The following auditions did not show any characters that Nie Wei deserved too much attention. The performances of the four actresses were all standard, but there was nothing amazing. However, they were all qualified for the roles they were auditioning for.

Nie Wei only needed to choose one of these actresses that he liked.

The audition ended before twelve o'clock, and Nie Wei did not make a decision immediately. After all, there were still actors who needed to audition in Los Angeles on March 6.

So even though Nie Wei already has some ideas about the candidates for some roles, he still has to wait until the end of the group to make a decision, which is fairer.

Of course, for some important roles such as the male lead, Nie Wei will privately notify them in advance.

Thanks to Qiangloverong for the generous reward of 500, and thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for the generous reward.

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