Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1040 1140. Another year of Saturn Awards

Michael looked at Keanu who was half-kneeling there, and the corners of his mouth twitched in embarrassment. He wanted to step forward to stop him, but when he thought of Nie Wei's shocking punch just now, he couldn't take a step.

As Keanu's friend for more than ten years, he knows very well Keanu's love for kung fu, and also understands why he is so impulsive and even loses his temper.

No matter what his identity is, he has no reason to stop Keanu from pursuing what he really wants.

As for Cheng Zixiong and Cheng Zimo on the side, they were just watching the fun. Cheng Zimo, especially, wanted to agree for Nie Wei, so that he would have a big Hollywood star as his junior brother.

"Keanu, you get up first. Even if you want to worship me as your teacher, it's wrong to do so." Nie Wei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and advised Keanu.

But Keanu didn't want to. He just regarded this as Nie Wei's test of his sincerity. He would not get up and would continue to kneel down.

"Master, just agree to accept me as your disciple. I promise to practice martial arts well and carry forward your skills." Keanu said seriously, with a sincere face.

When Nie Wei saw this, he knew that he could not persuade this person, so he had to use force.

Nie Wei stretched out his foot and put it on Keanu's knee. Keanu couldn't help but tilt to the side. Nie Wei immediately put his hand on Keanu's shoulder and pulled it. Keanu hadn't responded yet. To his surprise, he had already stood up.

"Your master is so sticky." Cheng Zixiong's eyes lit up and he admired sincerely.

"You don't have to say that." Cheng Zimo replied proudly.

After pulling Keanu up, Nie Wei explained: "You can't solve the problem if you continue to kneel down. It's not a question of whether I can accept you as my disciple, but that you are no longer suitable for martial arts training at your current age."

"Do you know the word vigorous? In English, it means vigorous, and in Chinese, this word refers to young people."

"Mr. Nie, I have been working out for the past six months. Many young guys in the gym are not as healthy as me. Look at my muscles, or let's arm wrestle and feel my strength. I feel great now. , Definitely no worse than young people." Keanu explained hurriedly, flexing his muscles and trying to pull Nie Wei into an arm wrestling match, because he was afraid that Nie Wei would not believe that he was in good health.

"Maybe you think your body is good, but in fact your body is gradually aging. Don't you in the West believe in science the most? I don't need to give other examples, just take those athletes. Normally speaking, people over thirty years old Athletes, even if they don’t experience any major injuries, their athletic ability will still start to decline.”

"Even if some people are extremely talented, for most athletes over the age of thirty-five, their movements will begin to slow down significantly, their strength will weaken, their bodies will gradually become stiff, and their reflexes will even decrease."

"In those intense sports, such as rugby, football, basketball, etc., you rarely see an athlete who is over forty years old and still competing on the field. Even if he does, he is basically playing health-preserving sports. It’s impossible to appear as a main player.”

"Aging is an irresistible thing for human beings. Keanu, I hope you can understand that those of us who practice Chinese martial arts are just like those athletes. What we are afraid of is aging. When a certain age, many old gentlemen rely on maintenance instead of training. No. I will take action easily because I am afraid of hurting the foundation of my body.”

Nie Wei couldn't explain it more clearly, but Keanu still had a hard time accepting it. He stood there with a disappointed look on his face, didn't say anything, and looked at Nie Wei aggrievedly.

"Nie, is there really no way? This is a dream I have been pursuing for a long time, but it really appeared in front of me today. You let me see what real kung fu is like, and you also told me , I can't learn real kung fu at all, to be honest, I'm very sad now," Keanu said to Nie Wei with a shocked look.

Just like what he said, it obviously gave him hope, but also made him despair. Keanu originally felt that he had a strong heart after going through the storm, but today's twists and turns still made him feel that his strong heart was strong. My heart was hurt again.

"Master, teach him." Cheng Zimo, who was not far away, felt that Keanu was very pitiful and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Mr. Nie, can I have a chat with you alone?" Michael, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked Nie Wei. The latter thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and the two walked out of the practice room.

In the corridor outside the door, Michael looked at Nie Wei in front of him with a wry smile.

"Mr. Nie, I don't know Kung Fu. What you said must make sense, but is there really no workaround?" Michael begged.

"Is there any shortcut to real Kung Fu?" Nie Wei waved her hand and replied.

Michael looked disappointed, leaned against the cold wall, and sighed.

"Mr. Nie, I believe you have heard about Keanu's experiences in the past ten years. Of course, I don't mean to ask you to sympathize with him. I just hope you can help him. After all, kung fu is one of the few things in his life. "You don't know how much fun it is. I saw the sparkle in his eyes just now, which I haven't seen in many years." Michael said with emotion, tears in his eyes.

Nie Wei was in a dilemma. He had never expected that Keanu would be so enthusiastic about kung fu. Looking at Michael's reaction, he knew that this couldn't be fake. Thinking about Keanu's previous actions, it also gave Nie Wei a headache.

Even if Keanu Reeves was fifteen years younger… no, even if he was ten years younger, Nie Wei would still be willing to teach him.

But now that Keanu is nearly fifty years old, Nie Wei really doesn’t dare to teach him. Not to mention how Keanu’s comprehension is and whether he can learn it, Nie Wei is afraid that Keanu will damage his body before he learns kung fu.

After all, fifty years old is a threshold for the human body to enter a period of rapid aging. If Keanu learns kung fu at this time, even if he has money to buy a lot of tonics, the root of his body can’t be made up.

After all, this is not a martial arts novel. Nie Wei can’t teach him real kung fu, and it’s impossible for him to return to youth by changing the jing and marrow. Any real kung fu must be extremely consuming. Otherwise, why is there a saying that poor people are good at literature and rich people are good at martial arts? Ordinary people can’t afford martial arts at all.

“I can teach.” Nie Wei thought about it and nodded in agreement.

But just when Michael showed a surprised expression, Nie Wei’s reminder came immediately.

"It's okay to teach him, but I'll make it clear to you here. You know, at his age, his health is definitely not as good as that of young people, so teaching him must be gradual, and always pay attention to his physical condition. I definitely can't do it. After all, my time is also precious. If you want, I can arrange a private teacher for him. Of course, the cost may be more expensive, but I can guarantee that what he can learn is the most authentic Chinese Kung Fu." Nie Wei said.

This is the most compromise he can think of.

First of all, Nie Wei will definitely not agree to accept the apprenticeship. It's not that Nie Wei cherishes his own possessions, but he simply has no time to teach Keanu. After all, teaching an apprentice is a consuming effort. This was the case when he taught Cheng Zimo. Every morning when Nie Wei exercised, he would bring Cheng Zimo with him, but would Keanu do it? He is a big Hollywood star. Is he going to be his bodyguard just to learn Kung Fu?

Even if Keanu is willing, the impact is too great.

Besides, Keanu's age is not worth his effort to teach. What he wants to take in as an apprentice is inheritance, but this uncle is almost fifty years old. Even if he studies hard and has talent, he can't learn anything because of his age.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two of them don't have that kind of feelings. Although they have been getting along well in the past few days, it is far from worth Nie Wei's doing. At the beginning, he took in Cheng Zimo because he took over the inheritance of Grandpa Cheng and helped him find the way to become a master. He owed a great favor.

Michael certainly understood that he never expected Keanu to worship Nie Wei as his master. As long as Nie Wei was willing to help Keanu learn real kung fu, he would be satisfied.

He believed that Keanu, who had calmed down, also understood that this was the best result.

The two returned to the practice room. Keanu was pestering Cheng Zixiong and asking him for advice on Baguazhang. The two were there, one teaching and the other learning. Keanu's expression was very excited and his eyes were very serious.

Hearing the sound of the door, several people turned their heads to look at the door. Seeing that it was Nie Wei and Michael coming in, Keanu's eyes lit up and he looked at Nie Wei expectantly.

"Michael, tell him the result of our discussion." Nie Wei said to Michael beside him.

The latter immediately stepped forward and pulled Keanu aside, quietly chatting about the result he had just discussed with Nie Wei, while Nie Wei walked towards Cheng Zixiong and asked if anyone in his family wanted to go to the United States to be Keanu's personal coach.

"I will help you negotiate the salary, and they will also help you with visas and the like. When you get there, they will take care of food, accommodation and transportation. Those who go there only need to teach kung fu."

"As for what to teach, it's up to you. I only say one thing, that is, do it according to your ability. He is almost fifty years old, you know."

"I understand, don't worry, it just so happens that my son has just graduated from college and hasn't found a job yet. Let him teach that foreigner and go abroad to gain some experience." Cheng Zixiong smiled and recommended his son. After all, such a good opportunity, he must fight for his own child.

"Brother, is your eldest son capable?" Cheng Zimo questioned.

Cheng Zixiong gave his little brother a look, and then quickly explained to Nie Wei: "Master Nie, don't worry. Although my son is only 24 this year, I have taught him basic skills since he was 8 years old. It has been 16 years now. This kid is also very perceptive. He made a breakthrough in kung fu last year. There is no problem teaching that foreigner."

"Anyway, just be aware of it, don't ruin the Cheng family's reputation." Nie Wei didn't care about Cheng Zixiong's selfishness, but still reminded him.

"Don't worry about it. It will definitely count after the old man agrees." Cheng Zixiong said with a smile.

A few minutes later, Keanu walked towards Nie Wei with a hint of disappointment. When he got to Nie Wei, he said regretfully, "Master, although you are unwilling to teach me kung fu, in my heart, you are my teacher. Please allow me to call you Master."

Listening to Keanu's clear and melodious "Master", Nie Wei was embarrassed and twitched his mouth.

This guy is still relying on himself.

But seeing Keanu's sincere face, Nie Wei didn't know what to say, so he agreed to his title of "Master". Anyway, it was just a title, just a name, and there was no real master-disciple relationship.

Seeing that Nie Wei was willing to "recognize" him as his disciple, Keanu was very happy.

His idea was actually very simple. Since he wanted to become a disciple, he would naturally become a disciple of the most powerful teacher. In the past period of time, the most powerful person in Keanu's mind was undoubtedly Nie Wei.

The broken sandbag was still hanging there. Whenever Keanu recalled Nie Wei's magical punch, he would tremble with excitement. He felt that he had finally found a new pursuit in life, which was to practice kung fu to a magical level like Nie Wei.

After getting Nie Wei's verbal promise that he would guide him when he had time, Keanu felt that his goal today had been achieved. As for Cheng Zixiong's later talk to him about his son coming to teach him martial arts, Keanu immediately nodded and agreed after consulting Nie Wei's advice.

At noon, the group had a meal at the martial arts hall. Cheng Zixiong also called his eldest son Cheng Mo over. He was over 1.9 meters tall and strong, like an iron tower, and his style was exactly the same as the Cheng family's.

Michael was very satisfied when he saw Cheng Mo the first time.

Let's not talk about how good Cheng Mo's kung fu is, but just this body is very intimidating. When the time comes, he can teach Keanu kung fu and be his bodyguard, killing two birds with one stone.

After dinner, Nie Wei said goodbye first. Just when he was about to go home, he suddenly received a call from Luo Kai.

As soon as the call was connected, Luo Kai's excited voice rang out.

"Nie Wei, go online and check the Saturn Awards. Your "Inception" has been nominated for many awards. Almost all major awards have the name of this movie!!!"

After listening to Luo Kai's words, Nie Wei suddenly thought that there was such an important thing on the other side of the ocean today.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei hurriedly hung up the phone with Luo Kai, picked up his phone and started to check the Saturn Awards. Soon the shortlist was opened. As Luo Kai said, Nie Wei and "Inception" really had a great harvest this time.

"One, two, three... nine, ten! Ten nominations." Nie Wei closed the shortlist, fell on the chair, and couldn't help showing a bright smile.

There are ten nominations, including all the important awards. Although we don't know how many awards we will win in the end, this list alone is enough to be called a glorious achievement.

At this moment, the discussion about the Saturn Award nominations on the Internet has also entered a white-hot stage.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise for the generous reward.

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