Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1045 1145. An old cow licks its calf

The name of the town is Pioneer. It is said that it was established by some American people who fled the war and came to the United States. Therefore, the people here have a complex origin. There are Mexicans, Cubans and even people from some small countries in South America.

Of course, in decades, the people of that generation have basically all died, and the children left behind have all joined the American nationality.

But this does not mean that everything will disappear with time, such as the unique English pronunciation of the locals, or the houses with different architectural styles in the town.

Drew still drove his old Raptor F150 with Nie Wei, Shu Chang and a little girl. The little girl is the child of Drew's younger brother. She is only eight years old this year and is still in elementary school.

As for Cheng Zimo, he did not come with him, but stayed on the farm with Uncle Drew's two sons to reinforce the wooden fence of the farm.

The town is not far from Nie Wei's ranch. It takes about 40 minutes to drive. Shu Chang leaned on Nie Wei and was confused for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he was almost in the town.

It is called a small town because it is really small. According to Drew, there are only a few hundred households in the town, about 1,300 people. Including the residents of the surrounding farms, the total population of the town is less than 2,000.

This is the population statistics, and the permanent population is even smaller.

Because there is only one primary school in the town, children who are in junior high school must go to school in larger cities nearby. In addition, many young men and women in the town choose to go out. After all, if they stay in the town, the development space is too limited.

So after the car drove into the town, many people Nie Wei saw were elderly people, and some were very young children.

Drew first sent his little niece to the primary school. While Drew was sending the child, Nie Wei and Shu Chang also got out of the car to take a breath.

"This primary school looks a bit strange?" Looking in from the gate, Shu Chang looked at the strange-shaped building and couldn't help saying.

"It should be a church transformation." Nie Wei took a look and then answered.

After hearing what Nie Wei said, Shu Chang took a closer look and finally found the reason for the strangeness. It turned out that as Nie Wei said, this primary school really looked like a church, but there was no cross with that symbol.

When Drew came back after sending the children, when he went to the town office center, Shu Chang asked about the school and got a positive answer from Drew.

"It was indeed a church there before. It was built by a missionary from Europe, but later the missionary left here, and the church gradually became deserted."

"Later, the primary school in the town was destroyed in a storm, and the town did not have enough funds to build a new primary school, so the abandoned church was renovated and used as the town's primary school."

"Now there are some sculptures and murals left in the church at that time. If you are interested, I can take you to visit it later."

"Okay." Shu Chang agreed happily.

It's not that she was so angry about the church. She had visited the Hagia Sophia in China, the Milan Cathedral and St. Paul's Cathedral abroad. The sculptures and murals in those world-class churches were far more impressive than such a small town church.

So she didn't expect much from a small town church. She just wanted to travel and leave some beautiful memories with Nie Wei in this town.

Hearing Shu Chang's agreement, Nie Wei didn't say anything, which was considered as tacit acceptance of the invitation.

Drew quickly sent Shu Chang and Nie Wei to the town office building. Before the car drove to the door of the building, Nie Wei, who had amazing eyesight, saw a bald uncle standing at the door with two people in front of the office building.

"Is that bald uncle your mayor?" Nie Wei pointed at the three people and asked.

"That bald uncle is our mayor, Damon Lista." Uncle Drew looked in the direction of Nie Wei's finger. Just at this time, the car was also closer. He squinted his eyes to identify it and confirmed that it was their mayor.

Mayor Damon obviously recognized Drew's car. Before Drew stopped the car, he immediately came up with the town staff.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor, I'm Nie Wei." After getting off the car, Nie Wei took the initiative to introduce himself.

"Mr. Nie, I like your movie very much. I'm very honored that you can choose our Pioneer Town as the filming location for your new movie. Here, if you have any needs, we will do our best to cooperate." Mayor Damon was very happy about Nie Wei's arrival. He held Nie Wei with both hands and made a promise as soon as they met.

This enthusiasm made Nie Wei think that he was not here to make a movie, but to invest in the town for free.

"The two people next to you?" Nie Wei asked, signaling the two people behind Damon with his eyes.

"My name is Alice, I'm the accountant of the town. The one next to me is Juan, he is the sheriff of our town." The freckled woman with glasses took the initiative to introduce, and by the way, introduced the middle-aged strong man who seemed a little taciturn to Nie Wei.

Nie Wei looked at the three people including Damon. They should be the main management of this town.

Alice manages the town's finances, Juan is the sheriff, and Damon is the mayor of the town. Obviously, they want to show their importance to Nie Wei's arrival by sending out such a lineup.

Then the mayor invited Nie Wei to his office, then found a photo album and handed it to Nie Wei, saying that it was from their pioneer town.

‘Collection of Beautiful Pictures’.

Nie Wei opened the photo album and flipped through it. Although she said it was beautiful, she didn't take it seriously in her heart.

The reason why he chose Pioneer Town as the shooting location was because of the dilapidation and desolation of this town. Not to mention compared with the well-known and beautiful towns in Europe, this town even ranks among these small towns in the western United States. It doesn't rank high, it even falls into the tail category. The scenery here is really not worth mentioning.

But Damon on the side looked at Nie Wei expectantly, especially when Nie Wei 'complied', he looked even more happy.

He was looking forward to Nie Wei's arrival, hoping that Nie Wei could bring new hope to this town.

The pioneer town once had a prosperous period. It was a period of successive bumper harvests, which allowed every household in the pioneer town to make a lot of money. However, farming depends on the weather, and it is impossible to do it every year. The bumper harvest, especially with the emergence of low-priced imported grains, has further compressed the domestic agricultural market.

And with the loss of population, the possibility of the pioneer town turning around is getting smaller and smaller, which makes Damon, the mayor of the town, anxious.

He hopes that the pioneer town will become better. Only when this town becomes better can he be noticed by more people and step onto a bigger stage. From Damon's point of view, Nie Wei is the one who can help him.

A super-rich man with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars is almost like a god to a small town in decline. As long as he is willing to show his kindness, the town can regain its glory.

So when he knew that Nie Wei was coming to the town to film a movie, Mayor Damon thought about how he could persuade Nie Wei to be interested in his town and invest in it.

"Mr. Nie, the scenery of our town is pretty good. There is no factory here, so the air is fresh. There are many farmlands and horse farms nearby. Do you think our place is suitable for developing tourism?" Damon asked tentatively.

"Can you tell me more specifically about your characteristics?" Nie Wei asked without opening her mouth to deny it.

Damon thought there was something going on and quickly told Nie Wei the speech he had prepared.

"There are many old buildings in our town, such as the church that is now our Pioneer Town Elementary School, and the Mexican restaurant not far from our office building. When it comes to that Mexican restaurant, I must I highly recommend it to Nie. The Mexican food cooked by Mr. Lawrence there is very authentic. His best specialty is the Mexican burrito. It tastes great. I guarantee you will never forget it after eating it once. And you can’t find anything better than it in the United States. We have the most authentic Mexican food here.”

"Besides the restaurant?"

"There are many farms around us, and many of them also raise horses. When the time comes, we can develop horse riding services. By the way, we can also let tourists experience B\u0026Bs. The people here are very warm and hospitable. We will invite tourists when the time comes. We go to people’s homes, eat and sleep in their homes, and truly experience our life here.”

Damon kept talking, obviously well prepared, and told Nie Wei all the feasible conditions he could think of. Nie Wei listened carefully, but the result was a pity. He still didn't learn from Damon's expression. Find the 'only' feature you want.

"Mayor Damon, you have a good idea, but it is not that easy to start a tourism industry. But don't worry, I will try my best to capture more scenery of your town in my movie, and I hope that through my Movies help you and your town achieve publicity," Nie Wei said.

These words undoubtedly made Damon a little sad. He could tell that Nie Wei was not interested in his idea of ​​developing tourism business in the pioneer town.

However, Damon didn't give up. Anyway, Nie Wei would be filming here for nearly a month. He had plenty of time to make Nie Wei fall in love with this town.

At noon, Damon invited Nie Wei and his wife to go to the century-old Mexican restaurant he recommended.

After arriving at the restaurant, Nie Wei asked the boss and found out that although the restaurant had been around since the town was first established, the pioneer town only had a history of more than 70 years. Naturally, it was impossible for this restaurant to be a hundred years old. It was purely a false report by Damon. Years, in fact, this Mexican restaurant called Grizzly Bear has only been open for sixty-eight years and has been passed down for three generations.

The current chef, Lens Sr., is fifty years old this year, and he has begun to train the fourth generation of the restaurant, his son Lens Jr.

According to Old Lawrence, his son Little Lawrence is very talented in cooking, and the Mexican food he makes is eight times as hot as his. He even mentioned an interesting game to Nie Wei, saying that he would play with his son later. Make some burritos separately and let Nie Wei taste which one is better.

Nie Wei smiled and agreed.

Soon, Old Lawrence came out with a plate of rolled burritos, followed by a young man in his twenties, who stood silently and looked at Nie Wei expectantly. No need to ask Nie Wei. Wei also knew that this must be little Lance.

"Try it, which one tastes better?" Old Lawrence said to Nie Wei confidently. After speaking, he glanced at his son provocatively. However, his son, Little Lawrence, turned a blind eye to his father's gaze and just stared at it. Nie Wei's face.

Nie Wei randomly picked up one and took a bite. When the burrito entered, the spicy taste filled his entire mouth. Mexican food and Sichuan food are quite similar, both focus on spiciness.

After tasting the first burrito, Nie Wei took a sip of boiled water, then picked up the second burrito and took a bite.

"How is it, which one is better?" Old Lance asked impatiently after seeing Nie Wei finish eating.

"This." Nie Wei pointed to the first burrito he picked up and said. As soon as he finished speaking, Little Lance behind Old Lance jumped up excitedly.

"Mr. Nie, that's the burrito I made. Oh, my God, thank you for your affirmation, Dad, did you hear that? My burrito is better, hahaha." Little Lance was obviously a little too excited and spoke incoherently.

Old Lance was very disappointed, but Nie Wei clearly saw a trace of relief in Old Lance's eyes.

In fact, Nie Wei felt that the taste of the two burritos was actually similar, because they were very spicy, so spicy that his taste buds felt a little numb.

But since Old Lance proposed the game, Nie Wei vaguely guessed Old Lance's idea.

The little actions of Old Lance later also proved this point, so Nie Wei went with the flow and helped Old Lance complete the game.

Nie Wei knew that although Old Lance looked disappointed now, he must be very happy in his heart. The child is better than the father, and the child's ability is higher than his own. For a father, it is always worth being happy, because it will mean that he has successors.

"You are great, keep it up." Nie Wei gave Little Lance a thumbs up and praised.

"Thank you for your praise, I will definitely work hard. I want to open a store in a big city one day, and then invite you to be my guest." Little Lance unexpectedly won his father. At this time, he was full of confidence and dared to say anything.

"Then I look forward to that day. I believe it will not be too far away." Nie Wei encouraged again, and then turned his attention to other dishes.

After lunch, Old Lance warmly sent Nie Wei and Shu Chang to the car and invited them to come again. Old Lance did not charge a penny for this meal today, but finally asked Nie Wei and his wife to take a photo with them and asked Nie Wei's consent to hang the photo in the store.

Nie Wei also promised that he and Shu Chang would sign the group photo together when they come again.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous donations.

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