Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1047 1147. Jenny's call

Su Fen pretended to look around the living room, but her mind was actually on Lao Dong's room. When she saw Lao Dong leave, she immediately approached him and whispered, "You gave him the money, did he take it?"

"He didn't take it at first, but later I forced it on him." Lao Dong replied with a smile.

"You used to be very fussy about adding something to the family, but now you are very active when giving money to others." Su Fen muttered.

Lao Dong knew that his wife was worried about the money, and hurriedly said, "Didn't we all agree to pay for this?"

"I know, if you take out 100,000 yuan, you won't complain to me." Su Fen muttered again. After all, it was 100,000 yuan. Although taking out this money would not bankrupt the family, it basically covered most of their lives over the years. Now the family has nothing except more than 20,000 yuan for emergency expenses.

"What's there to complain about? Nie Wei helped us arrange a house and find a school for our daughter. Have you ever calculated how much money he gave and how many favors he gave? What's the point of our 100,000 yuan? If you ask someone else to do these things, can 100,000 yuan do it? If I had 200,000 yuan, I would give him 200,000 yuan." The old boss couldn't stand his wife haggling.

When Su Fen heard what Old Dong said, her eyebrows were raised and she glared at him: "You said that they can be the same, isn't he your son-in-law?"

Old Dong's face flushed with anger, and he replied in a muffled voice after a while: "I owe Lili too much, how can I be qualified to be her father-in-law."

Looking at Old Dong's lost look, Su Fen knew that her words had touched his wounds, and her attitude immediately softened, saying softly: "I think Nie Wei is quite good to our family, and we can't rush into emotional matters. Hasn't Lili been less resistant to interacting with us in the past two years? After all, blood is thicker than water, and there is nothing you can't see through."

"I hope so." Old Dong sighed. He always felt that the gap between him and Shu Chang was not so easy to resolve. After all, what he did back then was too bastard, and even he himself sometimes found it difficult to forgive the mistakes he made.

"What is this dead girl Nini doing hiding in the bedroom for a long time without coming out?" Su Fen saw that Old Dong was in a bad mood, and changed the subject abruptly, hoping to divert Old Dong's attention by using her daughter's name.

The couple had been together for more than ten years and still had some tacit understanding. As soon as Old Dong heard his wife's concern for him, he pretended not to be sad anymore and followed Su Fen to the master bedroom.

Su Fen just stepped into the master bedroom and was furious when she saw Dong Nini sitting cross-legged on the sofa playing computer.

"Dong Nini, do you still have any manners?" Su Fen stretched out her hand and grabbed Dong Nini's ear and twisted it. She didn't let go even if the child screamed. Who let this girl embarrass her too much.

Seeing her carefree and salty appearance made Su Fen furious. You know, there are outsiders in the room now. If Luo Kai saw this, he would look down on her family.

"Mom, let go, my ears are going to fall off." Su Fen let go after hearing Dong Nini yelling.

"Behave yourself now and act like a decent person." Su Fen'er warned Dong Nini, then looked at the computer on Dong Nini's desk curiously and asked, "Is this the Apple computer? It's a nice-looking one."

"Of course, it's more than 10,000 yuan. If we took it to our previous class, it would definitely blind their eyes." Dong Nini touched the keyboard of the Apple notebook lovingly and smiled proudly.

The average income in their small town is only two or three thousand yuan. Dong Nini goes to the most ordinary school. Most of the children in the school are factory children. Everyone's family standards are basically the same. On weekdays, only a few children of small bosses can afford Apple mobile phones and tablets, but Dong Nini dares to guarantee that no one in their class has an Apple laptop.

It's a pity that she has graduated. If she wants to show off these equipment, she can only use QQ groups and Weibo Moments. She can't show off to her classmates in person. Dong Nini is full of regrets.

"Can this be sold?" Su Fen had other thoughts when she heard that such a toy would cost more than 10,000 yuan.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Dong Nini's heart was filled with alarms, and she quickly closed the computer and held it in her arms, looking at her mother vigilantly.

"Why do you use such a good computer? The last time you saw a computer that cost more than 3,000 yuan, didn't it? Sell this one and Mom promised to buy you that one."

"Dad!!!" Dong Nini looked at Lao Dong in grief and anger, as if she was going to live and die with the computer.

Lao Dong couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly pulled his wife's sleeve: "That was a gift from Nie Wei to the children. You took it out and sold it. Is that reasonable?"

Su Fen sighed in disappointment and didn't mention selling it anymore, but she couldn't help but glance at the computer in Dong Nini's arms, which made Dong Nini tremble with fear. She decided to sleep with the computer at night, and resolutely not give her mother any chance to sell the computer. She must also hide her mobile phone and tablet well.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." The old boss slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered the receipts in his pocket, and quickly took them out and gave them to Sufen.

"Nie Wei has paid all the fees for our house. Look, this is the receipt for water and electricity, this is the property fee, and this is the heating fee."

"Oh, this kid, this is really..." Looking at the receipts, Sufen didn't know how to express her satisfaction with Nie Wei.

It was not only because Nie Wei paid real money, but also because Nie Wei's meticulous care really made Su Fen feel that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Your eldest daughter is really discerning in choosing a husband. Does he have any younger brothers or something like that? How about introducing him to our Nini?" Su Fen suddenly asked.

For his wife's jumping thoughts, Lao Dong couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and subconsciously answered: "I haven't heard that Nie Wei has a younger brother. It seems that he has only one younger sister, who is the child of his stepfather's ex-wife."

"What a pity." Su Fen was a little disappointed when she heard the result, leaving Dong Nini and Lao Dong speechless.

Dong Nini thought that her mother wanted to sell everything. She just wanted to sell the Apple laptop she just got, and now she started to think about selling her nearly 200-pound daughter.

Lao Dong's thoughts were much simpler. Although he loved Dong Nini very much, Dong Nini had no looks and no figure. It would be more reliable for Lao Dong to find an honest and ordinary boy.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm only eighteen."

"Your birthday is older, I'll be nineteen soon."

"Then I'll also reach the legal age for marriage."

"Haha, I just said that casually. If Nie Wei really has a younger brother, he would have plenty of beauties to choose from. How could he be interested in your brother, a fat girl?"

When Old Dong heard this, he subconsciously nodded in approval. Dong Nini looked angry and felt like she was pierced by thousands of arrows.

"Should we ask about Luo Kai's school?" Old Dong suddenly said.

On the other side, Luo Kai was talking to Nie Wei, because he really didn't know how to solve the matter of the 100,000 yuan. He certainly couldn't accept it. The 100,000 yuan was a hot potato in Luo Kai's hands at this time, so he simply threw it to Nie Wei and let him make a choice.

"You can just secretly give the money to his wife later." Nie Wei answered casually after listening.

"Is it that simple? What if his wife also refuses? What should I do?" Luo Kai asked again.

"Don't worry, she won't refuse, at most she will be polite to you." Nie Wei smiled and said confidently: "If you are worried, I will teach you two things. If she wants to refuse the money, you can do as I say."

"Okay, you say, I'm listening."

Luo Kai had just finished talking to Nie Wei on the phone when Lao Dong came to Luo Kai with his wife and children. Seeing the three of them, Luo Kai immediately showed a bright and enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Lao Dong, how do you think the house looks? Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, just tell me directly, and I will help you find a suitable one."

"Satisfied, satisfied, our family is very satisfied with such a good house." Lao Dong replied quickly.

Such a good house is much better than their old house. Zhou Duoduo is completely enjoying living here, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"Brother Luo Kai, this house costs a lot of money, right?" Su Fen on the side suddenly asked.

Hearing Sufen's address, Luo Kai twitched his lips awkwardly. He is 43 years old this year, and is actually six years younger than Shuchang's father, Lao Dong, and Sufen is only one year older than Luo Kai. It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with Sufen calling Luo Kai brother.

But the embarrassment lies with Nie Wei. Nie Wei usually calls Luo Kai brother, but Lao Dong and his wife are Nie Wei's theoretical father-in-law and mother-in-law. Now Sufen calls him brother, which makes the seniority messed up.

Luo Kai can only try to ignore this address in his heart and focus on Sufen's problem.

"When I bought it, the price of this house was quite good. There are several good primary and secondary schools nearby. So including the decoration and these home appliances, it only cost less than 8 million, but it should have increased now. It must be tens of millions." Luo Kai replied with a smile.

When he heard the price, Sufen almost popped his eyes out. Eight million, tens of millions? These figures simply exceeded her imagination of the house price. You know, in their hometown city, such a house can be bought for about 200,000 yuan. How come the price in Kyoto has increased so much?

Su Fen asked that question just now because she was thinking about whether she could buy this house and leave it to Dong Nini in the future. After all, Dong Nini will have to find a job after college, and she may stay in Beijing. With such a house, she can also have a home. After all, Chinese people pay attention to this. A house that belongs to you is called a home, and a rented house does not count.

But now when she heard the price, Su Fen didn't think about anything. Let alone tens of millions, even the previous eight million, with her current income, she would have to work for eight lifetimes to earn it.

"Brother Luo Kai, we came to you to ask about the specific situation of Nini's school."

"Ah, I'm going to tell you without you asking." Luo Kai immediately replied with a smile: "Nie Wei arranged Nini to study Chinese Language and Literature at Jinglian University, which is the Chinese Department. I will take you to the school at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and then I will go through the admission procedures and leave procedures for Nini."

"Why do you need to leave?" Su Fen asked puzzled.

"This class of students has already studied for a semester. Nini can't keep up with the learning progress now. Besides, it's not easy to operate. After all, Nini didn't get in through formal means. So Nie Wei's intention is to send Nini's student status to the school first, and then leave her school, and then send Nini to school to attend formal classes when the next class starts. In this way, Nini can learn from the new class from the beginning, and she doesn't have to worry about some unnecessary troubles." Luo Kai explained patiently.

This move is to create a time difference, and of course the school needs to cooperate.

Luo Kai explained it very clearly, and Su Fen naturally understood Nie Wei's painstaking efforts, so she had no objection and quickly agreed with a smile.

"Since we have finished looking at the houses, how about we go out for dinner? President Nie has told me that I must hold a welcoming banquet for you. Nini, is there anything you want to eat? Tell uncle, and uncle will take you to eat."

Dong Nini's eyes lit up when she heard about food. Just as she was about to speak, she was quietly kicked by Su Fen beside her.

"What are we going out to eat? I see so many dishes in the refrigerator. Let's cook at home. Brother Luo Kai, don't leave either. Let's eat at home tonight and try my sister-in-law's cooking skills."

"That's fine, but there are still not enough ingredients in the refrigerator. How about this, let's go to the nearby supermarket and buy some more ingredients." Luo Kai was thinking about finding an opportunity to return the card to Su Fen, so he suggested going to the supermarket.

Luo Kai's proposal was unanimously agreed by the three members of the Dong family, and soon the group went out.

On the other side, after Nie Wei hung up the phone, he did not forget to report to Shu Chang beside him that her father had stuffed 100,000 yuan into his pocket.

"What a waste of time." Shu Chang pouted, obviously dissatisfied with her father's aloofness.

"Old Dong is also doing this for your own good. You know the situation of his family. This money may be all their savings, but Old Dong still took it out. Why? It's because he's afraid that I will look down on him. To put it bluntly, Old Dong is giving you this money to support you." Nie Wei could guess what Old Dong was thinking.

In ancient times, why did wealthy families give their daughters a lot of dowry when they married their sons-in-law? This is the reason. They were afraid that their daughters would be looked down upon by their husbands after they got married. With a dowry, they would have the confidence.

Old Dong's 100,000 yuan is also similar.

After Nie Wei's words, Shu Chang's expression eased a lot. She could actually guess what Old Dong was thinking, but the awkwardness between the two made Shu Chang unable to accept Old Dong's kindness with peace of mind.

Just as Shu Chang opened his mouth to say something, Nie Wei's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and looked at the number. Nie Wei showed a surprised expression.

"Who's calling?" Shu Chang swallowed what he was about to say, looked at Nie Wei's expression and asked curiously.

"Jenny, Bass Jenny."

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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