Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1050 1150. A good start

"Xiao Liu, quickly put the camera in a waterproof bag, and remember to install the lens hood."

"Be serious in a while. A group of guests only have two or three minutes on the red carpet, and we have at most ten seconds. We must capture every shot."

"Xiao Lin, go to the organizing committee to get a few cups of hot coffee. It's too cold today."

Wang Maokai is a reporter from the "Voice of Light and Shadow" program of the China Film Channel. After knowing that Nie Wei was nominated for ten Saturn Awards, he applied to the station to come to the Saturn Awards in the United States to do real-time reporting.

The station quickly approved Wang Maokai's application.

After all, Nie Wei and his "Inception" were nominated for ten Saturn Awards. It was the first time in the mainland film industry that a director and a movie could achieve such a result. Not to mention the film column of the station, even the prime broadcast of China Channel every night used one and a half minutes to specially introduce "Inception", saying that its nomination for ten Saturn Awards this time was an improvement for state-owned cultural enterprises.

For such an important event in the Chinese film industry, even if Wang Maokai did not apply, the station would definitely send someone to participate, so that he could witness the moment when Nie Wei and "Inception" conquered the Saturn Award.

"Where are you from?" Wang Maokai suddenly heard someone beside him ask in English. He turned around and saw a tall and thin white reporter next to him looking at him curiously.

"China Channel, CCT." Wang Maokai pointed to the station logo on his chest and answered in English with a smile.

As a reporter who is often sent abroad, Wang Maokai is very proficient in English, and his listening, speaking, reading and writing have reached professional standards. In addition, he also knows a little French, Italian and Japanese, at least daily conversation is no problem.

It is precisely because of such talents that the station is confident to let him lead the team and be responsible for such an important interview task.

"Oh, I know, AngLEE (Li An), and Nie." The reporter gave Wang Maokai a thumbs up and praised: "I like Inception very much. I have watched it no less than five times."

"Haha, I like that movie too." The foreign reporter praised Nie Wei and Inception, making Wang Maokai feel as if he was praised, and he was very happy.

"In fact, I also like his film The Martian. The previous Assassin's League is also very good. The bullets that can turn are super cool. By the way, I am also a loyal player of League of Legends. It is really hard to imagine that someone can be as talented as Nie. He seems to be good at everything." Perhaps because he seemed bored, the foreign reporter kept talking to Wang Maokai.

And Wang Maokai nodded from time to time to show his agreement. The expression on his face seemed to be enjoying it as if he was doing Masaki.

However, the foreign reporter kept talking endlessly, and his companions beside him couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mike, shut up and take pictures for me. The next group of guests will be here soon."

"Oh, okay, let me say one last thing. Wang, if you can see Nie Wei later, can you help me get an autograph? I'm his fan."

"Of course, I just want one of his autographs." Wang Maokai agreed with a smile. Mike was delighted. At the urging of his companions, he finally turned around and started his work seriously again.

"Nie Wei is so popular." At this time, Xiao Liu, who had set up the camera, couldn't help but sighed.

"Of course, did you see the five guests in the Saturn Awards promotional video? One of them is our Nie Wei." Xiao Lin, the reporter in charge of the interview, answered proudly.

She is also a fan of Nie Wei, and she fell in love with him when Nie Wei starred in "The Golden Age". At that time, Xiao Lin was just a college student who had just entered college. In the blink of an eye, she has graduated from college and has been working for several years. Although a long time has passed, her love for Nie Wei is still as enthusiastic as ever.

This is why many survey reports show that Nie Wei's fans have a wide age distribution.

Many of the first batch of fans who followed Nie Wei have long since changed from students to parents. Interestingly, among the new generation of fans, Nie Wei still has the most fans among all Chinese stars. According to the official club's statistics, Nie Wei has as many as 1.7 million fans born in the 1990s, and nearly 1 million fans born in the 1995s.

This data is also one of the official paid fans of all stars, and even in Asia, it is the top, which is many times stronger than those so-called Korean stars.

For more than ten years, Nie Wei has always maintained his heyday, attracting the love of generations, which is what other stars envy the most.

"When will it be Nie Wei and Shu Chang's turn to appear?" Xiao Lin was not excited at all after taking another Hollywood star. Instead, she asked with a little disappointment at another group of guests who had not approached from a distance.

"It's almost there, after all, important big figures always appear at the back, but according to the list of the program team, Zhang Ziyi and others will appear on the red carpet soon, so cheer up." Wang Maokai encouraged Xiao Lin.

More than half an hour had passed unknowingly, and most of the guests on the red carpet had left.

The drizzle in the sky had gradually become heavier, and some staff in black suits were waiting at one end of the red carpet with umbrellas, obviously to protect the next guests from the rain.

"Look, who's here."

"Wow, is this a Rolls-Royce Phantom?"

"The license plate number looks familiar."

When a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in front of the steps under a curtain of rain, both the fans and media reporters watching the red carpet nearby focused their attention on this luxury car, and they were even more looking forward to getting out of the luxury car. Which important guest is it?

When the car door opened, the noisy sound at the scene suddenly stopped. Just half a second later, the fans' shouts resounded like a tsunami throughout the audience.

The originally sparse flash lights became violent at this moment, just like the thunder and lightning that kept shining in the sky before a thunderstorm, breaking through the rain curtain and flashing the scene into daylight.

"It's Nie!!!"

"Nie Wei, I love you."

"Nie, Nie is here, it's really Nie!"

The fans at the scene were shouting excitedly, which made many people's eardrums feel painful. Even the crowd at the other end of the red carpet was a little commotion because of these shouts. Listen carefully, and most of them were chanting "Nie Wei is here" and the like. .

Wang Maokai asked Xiao Liu and Xiao Lin to get ready, his face flushed with excitement.

Just when he turned around and glanced, not far behind him, a foreign girl who looked to be in her twenties shouted Nie Wei's Chinese name at the top of her lungs, until veins popped out on her neck.

The key point is that there are countless men and women who, like this girl, immediately became crazy after hearing the news of Nie Wei's appearance.

In all his years of deployment, no Chinese star has ever had such a high popularity in this land, but the deafening shouts in his ears clearly told him that Nie Wei had done it.

In the past, when he was in China, he always heard about how popular Nie Wei was abroad. He also knew that Nie Wei should be very popular in Hollywood, but to what extent, he had never had a substantial feeling. But today at the scene, he really felt that Nie Wei was very popular in Hollywood. I felt Nie Wei's popularity.

"Is it a little cold?" Feeling the cold wind and rain outside, Nie Wei asked with concern to Shu Chang, who was still sitting in the car but had not come out.

"A bit." Shu Chang hugged her shoulders. Although the cheongsam she wore had long sleeves, to ensure that she didn't dare, both sleeves were made of gauze, and the main body of the cheongsam was not made of warm material but silk.

It would be fine if it wasn't raining and windy, but the weather like this is really freezing when you feel comfortable and beautiful.

"Wear my coat." Nie Wei took off her coat and handed it to Shu Chang. She took the umbrella handed by the staff and blocked it in front of the car door.

Holding Shu Chang's arm, Nie Wei carefully covered it with an umbrella, barely letting a drop of rain fall on Shu Chang's head.

When the two appeared on the red carpet together, the shouts at the scene became louder, and many guests waiting behind could not help but look forward, curious about who is so popular. When the driver reported, ' When Nie Wei', everyone suddenly realized again.

The media reporters on the scene clicked the shutter frantically, but the main focus was Shu Chang next to Nie Wei.

Shu Chang, who is wearing a cheongsam that represents oriental beauty, is undoubtedly the focus of the media at the moment. At first, everyone was still confused about who the woman walking next to Nie Wei was wearing his suit. But when someone reminded her that this was Shu Chang's wife, The media reporters were immediately excited.

In the West, Nie Wei's wife has always been a mysterious topic.

Because Shu Chang is a celebrity, these media found a lot of various artistic photos and stills of Shu Chang. Unfortunately, they have never seen Shu Chang in real life.

Unexpectedly, they would see Nie Wei walking the red carpet with his wife today. Everyone suddenly realized why Zhang Ziyi had just walked the red carpet alone with the crew. So that was the case.

When the media reporters learned Shu Chang's identity, they also discovered her charm.

"She has such a beautiful smile, she is like an oriental goddess."

"The moment a Chinese woman puts on a cheongsam, you will fall in love with her involuntarily."

"Nie Wei conquered the world with her charm, and she conquered Nie Wei with her charm."

When Nie Wei and Shu Chang finished walking the red carpet together, there were already countless news reports about them on the red carpet on the Internet. Especially the photo of Shu Chang wearing a cheongsam became the picture accompanying the news in many entertainment media. Nie Wei's business The Mistress of the Empire was also officially introduced to the Western public by the media for the first time.

On the way into the venue, everyone was greeting Nie Wei, which surprised Shu Chang and couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Do you know so many artists?"

"I know some of them, but actually I don't know most of them." Nie Wei replied with a smile.

This is the reality. Nie Wei is rich, popular and talented, so everyone takes the initiative and enthusiasm to get close to Nie Wei. This is true at home and abroad.

Shu Chang couldn't help but feel happy when he heard Nie Wei's answer. Just now he saw Nie Wei respond cordially and enthusiastically to everyone, and thought he knew them all. It turned out that he didn't know many of them, but he pretended to look like him.

Nie Wei quickly brought Shu Chang to the table belonging to the "Inception" crew.

Because they were shortlisted for multiple awards, many people from the "Inception" team came today, such as Joseph, who was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor, Zhang Ziyi, who was shortlisted for Best Actress, as well as photography, soundtrack, etc., a table Fifteen people were seated, which was the largest number of people from the crew attending today's Saturn Awards.

"Introducing my wife Shu Chang." Nie Wei solemnly introduced Shu Chang beside him amidst the welcoming applause of everyone.

Shu Chang, who was dealing with everyone's self-introductions, enjoyed this moment very much. A woman's happiness is to share the glory with her husband.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang sat in the 'C position' reserved for the two of them. Everyone chatted together and waited for the Saturn Awards ceremony to begin.

As the most influential science fiction film award in the world, the Saturn Awards may not have as much international influence as the Oscars, but its popularity in the United States is not inferior to the Oscars.

There are also TV stations broadcasting live on the scene, and the entire awards ceremony will be broadcast live on FOX TV in real time.

The on-site director frequently gave the camera to several hot favorites tonight.

Especially Nie Wei was taken care of the most, after all, he was nominated for almost all the important awards tonight, including Best Actor, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Film.

"Inception" also nominated for Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Soundtrack and other ten awards. As the most popular movie on the shortlist, Nie Wei's table is definitely the focus of the whole audience tonight.

In addition, the crew of "Batman" sitting next to Nie Wei was also loved by the director on the scene. When the list of nominees was announced, all the media felt that the only one who could attack "Inception" was the "Batman" crew nominated for nine awards.

And the two crews sat next to each other tonight, which was obviously intentional by the organizer.

Especially when the camera passed the two crews, the cheers on the scene came one after another, which showed that the majority of the audience who came to support tonight were fans of the two crews.

"It's true that watching the excitement is not a big deal." Nie Wei couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Amid the cheers of the fans on the scene, all the guests soon entered the venue and the award ceremony officially began.

And the first award to be decided was the Best Screenwriter Award for which Nie Wei was nominated.

There are six scripts nominated for this award, but there are only five nominees. Qiao Si, the director of "The Avengers", was nominated for this award with the script of "The Avengers", and "The Cabin in the Woods", which he also wrote and directed, was also nominated for this award.

One person occupies two nominees, but he is not the favorite to win the award. After all, the final award is not about quantity, but quality. At this point, Nie Wei's "Inception" is the one favored by countless gambling companies.

Facts have proved that those who are optimistic about Nie Wei winning this award are really discerning. When the award presenter opened the envelope and read out the name, the scattered cameras on the scene were all aimed at Nie Wei who was sitting there accepting the applause and congratulations of the crowd.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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