Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 11 11. Newspaper serial (Part 1)

It's not easy to make a newspaper these days. After Liu Yuan learned that a big boss had an appointment, he drove over without much thought.

Unfortunately, he came at an inopportune time. Zhou Aiguo was hungry after reading for a long time and was eating outside at this time. So Wang Dong called Zhou Aiguo for instructions and invited Liu Yuan into the office temporarily.

As a real estate tycoon, Zhou Aiguo's company naturally cannot be too stingy. A nine-story building located between the third and second ring roads is the office location of their company.

Zhou Aiguo's office is in the best room on the ninth floor of this building. It covers an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters. In addition to the normal office, it also includes a lounge and an independent multi-functional toilet.

Although Liu Yuan has dealings with Zhou Aiguo's real estate company, this is the first time he has been invited into this office exclusively for the big boss.

As soon as he entered the room, Liu Yuan was immediately attracted by the decoration of the room. In his impression, real estate bosses like Zhou Aiguo like the most magnificent decoration, but what he never expected was that this office not only did not have the kind of oncoming local tyrant atmosphere, but was full of a modern and classical artistic conception.

The theme of the whole office is blue-gray, quiet and unobtrusive, but with a deep background.

There are not many furnishings in the room. In addition to the desk and bookcase, there are only a few mahogany chairs, a small tea table, and a few potted plants and calligraphy and paintings with strange shapes. However, these things, after being carefully placed, just support the pattern of the whole room, giving people a feeling that adding one point is too much, and subtracting one point is too little.

After a general glance at the room, Liu Yuan's eyes were full of appreciation and envy, but soon his attention was attracted by a couplet on the wall.

As an editor of the newspaper, he was mainly responsible for reviewing the manuscripts of poetry, so he was particularly sensitive to this aspect. Just by scanning the first two sentences of this poem, he found that this was a poem that had never appeared in ancient and modern times.

As Liu Yuan read it carefully, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but applaud at the end.

"The young man was free and wild, despised Kunlun, laughed at Luliang, sharpened his sword for several years, and now he is sharp... What a talented and proud young man." After reading the whole poem, Liu Yuan was very sure that it was written by a young man, and this poem was quite ancient, which was even more rare.

But what amazed him more was the calligraphy, which was sharp and sharp, corresponding to the artistic conception contained in this poem, and added three points of color to this poem.

"The poem is good, and the calligraphy is even better." Standing in front of this calligraphy for a long time, Liu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

"But I think both are good." Suddenly a voice sounded from behind Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan was startled, and when he looked back, he immediately recognized that the person standing behind him and talking was Zhou Aiguo, the owner of this office, and immediately stood aside a little stiffly.

"My child wrote the words, and he also wrote the lyrics. How about it?" However, Zhou Aiguo did not intend to let Liu Yuan go. It was rare to have someone who understood calligraphy, painting, and poetry, so of course he had to show off.

Seeing Zhou Aiguo's smug look, Liu Yuan was not stupid, and naturally praised him, and at the same time explained his previous evaluation indirectly.

"It is indeed a rare poem. From this poem, we can also know that your son should not be very old. It is really rare for such a young age to have such talent and cultivation.

What is even more rare is the calligraphy. The reason why I say the calligraphy is better is that calligraphy is not like poetry. It requires more hard work and practice to achieve success. However, looking at the calligraphy on the wall, it can get the three flavors of calligraphy, and it has all three aspects of form, spirit and meaning. It is really more rare. I believe that our country will soon have another young calligraphy master."

"Haha, Editor Liu, you praised too much. If that child hears it, he will be proud." Zhou Aiguo smiled modestly and invited Liu Yuan to sit at the tea table.

"Wang Dong, make a pot of Biluochun." After sitting down, Zhou Aiguo asked Wang Dong to make tea, and he took out the manuscript he had prepared long ago and handed it to Liu Yuan.

"This novel was also written by that child. Editor Liu, how about it?" Zhou Aiguo did not rush to talk about it, but asked Liu Yuan to read the book first.

After receiving the novel handed over by Zhou Aiguo, Liu Yuan finally understood why Zhou Aiguo asked him to come over, but he was also curious about the novel in his hand. What kind of novel would the child who could write that poem write.

However, as soon as he opened the first chapter, Liu Yuan widened his eyes in surprise.

He thought that Nie Wei would write classical novels, or martial arts novels, and even thought that he would write romance, but he didn't expect that this boy would write a suspense novel, and it was a suspected novel about tomb robbery.

This simply overturned the image of Nie Wei in Liu Yuan's mind. After all, the image of a graceful scholar and a digging hole is too different. It is really hard to imagine why this boy would choose such a subject.

However, based on his confidence in Nie Wei's literary accomplishment, Liu Yuan decided to read it patiently.

Sure enough, the extraordinary writing style of this boy was shown from the beginning.

"The seal of the hill, the gold-touching talisman, the art of moving mountains and hills to find the dragon; people light candles, ghosts blow out the lamps, survey the land and dig graves to find the star peaks; mercury spots, funerary objects, countless dragon towers and palaces; buried coffins, bronze coffins, don't approach if you don't know the fortune. Vertical burial pits, box graves, moving mountains and hills to go around; red-clothed monsters, smiling corpses, ghosts laughing is better than listening to ghosts crying..."

The brief introduction of just a few dozen words portrayed the profession of "tomb robber" vividly, and the subsequent article did not disappoint Liu Yuan. Whether it was the grasp of the plot or the portrayal of the characters, they were quite skillful. What's more rare is that after combining with tomb robbery, it did not continue to be dark and terrifying. After reading it in depth, he realized that it was more like an adventure novel. The ups and downs of the plot made Liu Yuan unable to stop reading. He didn't even notice that Wang Dong came to put down the teapot.

Zhou Aiguo, who was sitting opposite, was not surprised, because he had just experienced the same thing not long ago, so he let Liu Yuan continue reading, and he leaned back in the chair and leisurely tasted the fragrant tea.

Half an hour later, Liu Yuan raised his head, and at this time, Zhou Aiguo had almost finished a pot of tea.

"Editor Liu, how is it?" Zhou Aiguo asked while pouring the last bit of tea to Liu Yuan.

"It's a very good novel, very exciting, and the key is that it is full of creativity, but Chairman Zhou, what do you mean by showing it to me...?" Liu Yuan ignored the tea he took over, and now he was more concerned about the novel at hand.

"My meaning is very simple. If you think it's good, can you recommend it to your leaders for me? Of course, I will not forget your contribution, Editor Liu. In this way, if you can do this, then our company's next real estate advertisement will be placed in your magazine for a year." Zhou Aiguo finally stated his purpose.

In fact, Zhou Aiguo did not want to find a publishing house directly, but his company's advertising cooperation was all newspapers and magazines, which had basically nothing to do with publishing houses, so he naturally had no connections in this regard.

However, it didn't matter if he didn't know anyone directly, Zhou Aiguo naturally had other ways.

Just like the editor Liu in front of him now, the Yanshan Wenbao and Yanshan Publishing House behind him belonged to the Yanshan Wenhua Group, and their offices were in the same building. If Liu Yuan recommended this book, it would naturally be much more convenient than submitting it through normal channels.

It would be a lie if Liu Yuan didn't feel moved when he heard the conditions promised by Zhou Aiguo. You know, although he was one of the editors in the newspaper, he also got a fixed salary.

Liu Yuan earns about 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month. If he lives alone, it's not bad, but living in a big city like Kyoto with his wife and children is really a bit stretched. What's more, his child is about to go to kindergarten, and it will undoubtedly cost a lot of money to go to a better kindergarten.

For Liu Yuan, the biggest source of extra income every year is the bonus share of the newspaper's advertising part.

If he can get Zhou Aiguo's real estate advertising for the next year, he can get at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in the end. For a poor editor like him who is struggling to make ends meet, it is already a considerable income, not to mention that this income is clear and there is no need to worry about leaving any handle.

However, looking at the novel manuscript in his hand, Liu Yuan suddenly had another idea in his heart.

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