Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1116 1216. Exciting [Thanks to Qiang Love Rong for the 10,000 Reward]

Tonight's Oscars, there are two stars who deserve the most attention. One is Leonardo, who won the Oscar after many years of running for the award, and the other is Nie Wei, who won the Best Director award with one nomination, and broke the age record of the Oscar Best Director, becoming the youngest winner.

Nie Wei looked at the group of reporters who half surrounded him, among whom there were many Asian faces. He also saw the logo of Huaxia TV.

Nie Wei did not hesitate and directly called on the reporter of Huaxia TV to ask questions.

When the female reporter who asked the question stood up, she was as proud as a white swan, with her chest and head held high and her smile was very bright.

Nie Wei won the Best Director award. When they knew the result in the audience, they were all crazy with joy. After all, the series of failures before were really too depressing. They all thought that Nie Wei and "Interstellar" would not win any important Oscar awards. Unexpectedly, Nie Wei actually won the Best Director award. This really surprised everyone and made them feel proud.

"Director Nie Wei, congratulations on winning the Oscar for Best Screenplay and Best Director. Congratulations on becoming the youngest Oscar Best Director. Hundreds of millions of compatriots in China have sent you congratulations online. How do you feel at this moment?"

"First of all, thank you to those who support me and cheer for me in China. I am very happy at this moment. After all, this is my first time to win the Oscar for Best Director. I feel very honored to win this trophy at the age of 32 and to be recognized by the Oscar judges. I will use this honor as my motivation to move forward. I hope that I can stand on the podium again in the future and hold the Best Director trophy again."

"I believe that Director Nie Wei can definitely do it, but you are still an actor. Don't you want to stand on the Oscar podium as an actor?" The reporter asked curiously.

"There is a chance. Recently, I have been focusing on the directing industry. I may not take any roles in the next two years." Nie Wei replied calmly.

This sentence made the reporters from Huaxia TV all widen their eyes.

You know, Nie Wei hasn't appeared in any works since "Inception". Now it's been more than a year. I thought Nie Wei had some plans to perform, and he might even appear in his own new movie. As a result, Nie Wei actually released a bombshell, saying that he would not take any roles in the next two years.

Calculated in this way, Nie Wei's blank period of acting works will be at least three years. Isn't he afraid of losing popularity?

Really not afraid...

When they think of the overwhelming hot searches about Nie Wei on the Internet at home and abroad, they know that this worry is unnecessary. Other actors have no works, which means no exposure. If they rely on hype, it is very likely to ruin their reputation.

But Nie Wei is different. He is not an actor anymore, but he is a director. Moreover, his attention as a director is even higher than when he was an actor. It seems that since Nie Wei stopped acting, he has been on the hot list more often.

After the female reporter from Huaxia TV congratulated Nie Wei again, she sat down.

She was already treated preferentially. She was the first to be called up by Nie Wei and answered two questions. The rest of the media might not even get a single question.

After all, there were fifty or sixty media outlets on the scene. If Nie Wei answered them one by one, even if one media outlet only asked one question, Nie Wei would have to answer until late at night. Even if he could hold on and the reporters could hold on, the venue management would still kick them out. They really thought that no one would rest.

In fact, the interview time arranged by the Oscars was only one hour, and each star only had a few minutes. Besides, everyone had been sitting all night and wanted to go back to sleep early. Even if they wanted to show off after winning the award, they would not be in a hurry to do so tonight. It would be more face-saving and profitable to accept interviews from big magazines tomorrow.

Then Nie Wei randomly called five reporters and answered five questions.

At this time, Nie Wei had been in the interview area for seven or eight minutes, so he did not call out names and left the interview area directly.

The reporters who stayed did not feel regretful. Although most of the reporters from the media did not interview Nie Wei, at least Nie Wei was quite cooperative and even held up two trophies for the reporters on the scene to take pictures. If nothing unexpected happened, this photo would soon be on the front page news of major media websites.

Just as Nie Wei was driving to the restaurant to celebrate with Shu Chang and others, the discussion about this year's Oscars in China did not subside because of the end of the Oscars.

Nie Wei won the Best Director Award. For many of his fans, this is definitely a great news worth celebrating.

If anyone dares to question Nie Wei's position as the number one director in China in the future, they have already thought of how to fight back.

"What is Nie Wei the number one director!"

"I have won an Oscar!"

"Nie Wei..."

"I have a cumulative box office of 5 billion US dollars!"


Now Nie Wei has crushed all domestic directors in terms of box office and awards, and has truly become a super director who combines honors and commerciality.

As one netizen commented, Nie Wei is now unique in the domestic director circle, and no one can compare with him.

Although Nie Wei has won the Golden Horse, Golden Rooster and Hong Kong Film Awards, and the Saturn Award for Best Director in the past, other directors have also won Best Director at world-class film festivals such as the Berlin Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival. In terms of honors, they are not inferior to Nie Wei. The reason why Nie Wei surpasses them is because of the box office.

But with Nie Wei winning the Oscar for Best Director, Nie Wei really has no rivals in terms of honors, even Li An can't compare to Nie Wei.

What's more, Nie Wei is young and so handsome. I believe that after tonight, I don't know how many girls' dream lovers will be replaced by Nie Wei.

In the editing room, Lu Chuan turned off the small TV on the wall and sat on the sofa in a daze.

He still clearly remembered Nie Wei, who followed him and was both the protagonist of his movie and his assistant director.

At that time, Nie Wei was really a rookie. He had many questions a day, and sometimes he felt annoyed by being asked. But he never thought that after all these years, the rookie who followed him at the time has now stood on the Oscar podium, holding the trophy that symbolizes the Oscar for Best Director that he only dared to dream of.

Everything is like a dream, but it is reality.

Lu Chuan sat on the sofa for half an hour, thinking about random things all the time, until another colleague came to take over. Seeing Lu Chuan sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, he thought he was asleep, so he went over and patted him.

"Old Lu, if you are tired, go to the lounge next to you to sleep. Don't catch a cold if you sleep here."

"You are here." Lu Chuan opened his eyes, smiled and greeted his colleague after seeing him. He was not asleep. His mind was active for half an hour, thinking about where his future would be.

Since Kekexili made him stand out, his career has been a bit bumpy, but it has developed smoothly. Especially in the past few years, he took over the position of chief director of the "Ghost Blowing Light" film series, and joined hands with Zhou Xun and Cheng Kun to create one record after another in the box office of Chinese adventure films. He also became a famous director in the circle.

But today, when he saw Nie Wei win the Oscar for Best Director, he still felt deeply stimulated.

Anle's previous thoughts made him feel that he had been living a life of idleness and waiting for death. Instead, he missed the days when he went to Kekexili with Nie Wei to film, thinking that was what a director should pursue.

He even yearned for the moment when Nie Wei stood on the Oscar podium just now. He felt that now that he had awakened, would he have a chance to stand there in the future?

This dream was a bit far away, but Lu Chuan felt that if he continued to spend time on the movie "Ghost Blowing the Light", he would not be able to win the Oscar, let alone the Golden Horse Award.

The reputation of the "Ghost Blowing the Light" series has actually been good. So far, the highest score of the three series is 7.8 and the lowest score is 7.6. It is definitely the best reputation in commercial films.

Lu Chuan was born as an art film director. Although he later transformed into a commercial film director, his habits when shooting art films have not completely disappeared. Instead, they have gradually integrated into his commercial film techniques.

Because of the habits brought by art films, Lu Chuan's movies pay great attention to details, especially the details of the character's expression. For actors with poor acting skills, this is a nightmare, but for actors with good acting skills, Lu Chuan's habits are simply a blessing for them.

This is why Zhou Xun and Cheng Kun both like to work with Lu Chuan, because he can capture all the small details and small movements of their acting skills.

When the movie is released, the audience will naturally praise the actors' acting skills.

He is also very good at shooting beautiful scenery, but his disadvantage is that he lacks experience in fighting scenes, so he must be equipped with a good director who is good at fighting scenes, so the company came to Chen Jiashang to work with him early, and the two complemented each other, one literary and one martial.

Therefore, "Ghost Blowing Light" has always performed very well under the direction of Chen Jiashang and Lu Chuan, and is a high-quality representative of domestic commercial films.

But it's useless.

In Lu Chuan's opinion, this is an adapted film. Even if he shoots it well, as long as he follows the original novel, as a director, he will not be recognized by those awards, because they will attribute all the credit to the original novel and the actors.

But if he does not follow the original novel, regardless of whether Huayi is willing to take this risk, the saliva of the fans of the original novel alone can drown him.

So it is wishful thinking to stand on the Oscar with the "Ghost Blowing Light" series, not to mention the Golden Horse Award.

So Lu Chuan is very clear that if he wants to stand on the podium, he has to rely on himself to create excellent scripts, find excellent actors, and shoot excellent works.

If he only holds on to "Ghost Blowing Light", he may never stand on the podium in his life.

Thinking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the editing room. When his colleagues behind him asked him what he was doing, he did not answer. What he was thinking about now was how to tell Wang Zhonglei one thing, that he did not want to continue shooting "Ghost Blowing Light". Whoever wants to take over the next few movies can take over. He just wants to make his own movies now!

In a high-end residential area in Kyoto, Xu Fan was lying on Feng Xiaogang's lap, talking to her husband about Nie Wei's award, and she was also full of emotion.

"He was just a kid at the beginning. He smiled shyly when he saw me for the first time, and he was very likable. But who would have thought that he would win the Oscar for Best Director in a blink of an eye. It's really amazing. Brother, do you think you will have the hope of standing on that podium in your life? When the time comes, you can thank me and I will be so proud... I'm talking to you, are you listening?"

Xu Fan talked for a long time, but Feng Xiaogang didn't pay attention to her. She raised her head in dissatisfaction, and what she saw was Feng Xiaogang's slightly confused eyes.

"Old Feng, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong that upset you?" Xu Fan asked with concern.

Don’t think that Feng Xiaogang is a hot-tempered and powerful person in public, but as his wife who has been with him for decades, she knows best that her husband is actually a very sensitive and fragile person.

“Nothing, what can I be stimulated by.” Feng Xiaogang came back to his senses and smiled indifferently.

But his heart was far from as calm as it seemed.

When Nie Wei first started making movies, he thought that he would definitely fall into a big fall. After all, the director’s profession is not something that anyone can do. Ninety-nine percent of those who rush in rashly will get into trouble.

But who would have thought that Nie Wei’s first movie would become a hit, and then it would be out of control.

From a rookie who he once looked down on, he quickly became a big director who could compete with him. When he had the desire to fight and wanted to compete with Nie Wei to see who was the first director of Huayi, Nie Wei had already soared to the sky, and all his energy fell on the empty space.

Later, Nie Wei flew higher and higher, and he gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Nie Wei.

But now that Nie Wei has won the Oscar for Best Director, this scene still has a great impact on him.

"Xu Fan, what do you think about my new movie not being a New Year's film? I want to try something else." Feng Xiaogang suddenly said.

"What subject matter?"

"I haven't decided yet, but my new movie will definitely not be a New Year's film." Feng Xiaogang answered firmly.

The moment Nie Wei won the Oscar for Best Director, not only stimulated these promising directors, but also many young directors were deeply stimulated. Nie Wei's winning made them suddenly feel that the Oscar was not so high and unattainable. They felt that as long as they worked hard enough, they might be able to get it.

For a time, Nie Wei also became the idol of countless young directors in China.

It is said that on the night Nie Wei won the award, the Directors Guild held a meeting for Nie Wei in the middle of the night and made a decision that as long as Nie Wei returned to China, he would become the youngest vice president of the Directors Guild.

Nie Wei's Oscar for Best Director has once again stimulated the box office of "Interstellar". Many theaters have decided to temporarily add extra screenings of this movie tomorrow, because theater managers believe that with the news of Nie Wei's award, many people will definitely go to the theater to reminisce this classic Oscar-level movie.

Thank you Qiang Love Rong for your support of 10,000 rewards, and thank you Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for your generous rewards.

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