Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1118 1218. Sky-high pay

After finishing the morning work, Nie Wei, who was working in the office in the afternoon, learned that many people called him. These people represented some schools.

Some called the headquarters of Fanxing Company, some called Huayi, and some called Luo Kai's mobile phone directly. Nie Wei's personal mobile phone refused to accept unknown calls, so he didn't receive any calls.

However, Nie Wei thought too simply. Soon he received a call from a celebrity who graduated from Huaxi.

And Yuan Hong also found Nie Wei's office quickly. He came to represent Mingzhu Film Academy to discuss Nie Wei's student director fund.

In fact, these two colleges are already very reserved. They can actually apply for some funds from the country to subsidize their directing students every year. However, based on the principle that it is stupid not to take advantage of it, since Nie Wei has made such a good move, they naturally want to fight for some benefits for their students.

Including several local universities with media colleges, they also contacted Nie Wei quickly, and this is just the beginning.

A few days later, all universities with media departments and other directing-related departments in the world basically called Huayi to inquire about Nie Wei's student director fund.

Even some fake schools wanted to join in the fun, trying to see if they could get a piece of the pie.

Nie Wei had expected this situation a long time ago. When he established this fund, he didn't intend to only benefit students from Beijing Film Academy. After all, there were only about 20 graduates from the directing department of Beijing Film Academy in one year. Even if all the schools recommended him to Nie Wei, Nie Wei would give them the maximum amount, and Nie Wei would only need to spend 10 million yuan that year.

Does Nie Wei need to personally announce this kind of small fight? It's too petty.

From the beginning, Nie Wei was going to open this fund to the whole country. Since it was going to benefit student directors, it couldn't be just one school. This would make Nie Wei seem too petty and only care about his alma mater.

Since the name of the Huaxia Student Director Fund was used, it was natural that the fund would focus on student directors from all over China.

However, Nie Wei's money didn't come from the wind. For example, those fake schools and private training classes, don't even think about getting a penny from this fund. After all, you charge far more tuition than ordinary college students, and you still don't have money to provide benefits to your students?

Nie Wei can't guarantee where such schools will use the funds. Even if there may be schools that really want to use this to train their students, it is obvious that Nie Wei can't check them one by one. He can only kill the wrong ones and not let them go.

In Nie Wei's opinion, this quota can only come from public schools.

Public schools can apply, but they also need students' resumes to meet the requirements. They can't just pick a student and say he wants to make a movie. Nie Wei agrees. After all, even if Nie Wei has money, he can't waste it on them.

Nie Wei wants to use this money for those who really want to make movies and can make movies.

Therefore, if you want to apply for funds, you must have a complete script outline, and you must have some experience in internship in a crew. Students from the three major film schools don't have to worry about this, because most of them have the opportunity to practice in the crew. The school organizes students in the third and fourth years of college to observe and practice in some crews every year.

If the above conditions are met, Nie Wei will select some scripts that are too badly written, and that's about it.

Of course, you have to be quick. Nie Wei does not issue unlimited quotas. About 100 a year is a very reasonable expenditure for Nie Wei. For such funds, Nie Wei can afford an investment of 50 million a year.

Besides, Nie Wei is not really a boy who spends money. He took my money and made a movie, so the copyright of the movie naturally belongs to Nie Wei. Although Nie Wei did not expect these student movies worth hundreds of thousands to make him any money, it is undoubtedly a fortune.

As for the daily expenses of several student theaters, it is another matter. This is itself an act of Nie Wei losing money to gain fame.

Moreover, this can be regarded as an investment in talents. I believe that the directors who shoot their first film with Nie Wei's fund will definitely remember Nie Wei's great favor.

Nie Wei can also select high-quality and potential talents from these directors to see if they can be recruited to Huayi for training.

The state is very supportive of Nie Wei's young director fund. Soon, various approvals were passed, and the fund was quickly launched. One hundred places were reserved in the first year, and the fund received thousands of applications on the same day.

Eighty to ninety percent of them were just joining in the fun. After layers of screening and return and modification, the first batch of fifty places were distributed to various schools along with the funds one month later. It is worth mentioning that Beijing Electric Power University was allocated a full six places. After all, it is Nie Wei's alma mater, and it is reasonable to take care of it secretly.

The student directors who received the approval notice were all excited. Most of them received such a large amount of money for the first time. The key is that they can use this money to fulfill their dreams.

This matter spread to the Internet, and countless people praised Nie Wei as a conscientious entrepreneur and a warm-hearted senior.

"Compared with some people who only focus on immediate interests, the Nie Wei we see is more focused on the cultivation of the future. Whether it is supporting the construction of schools or helping to cultivate talents, he is ahead of many people. What Chinese films need is people like Nie Wei, who can not only bring glory to Chinese films, but also make great contributions to the future of Chinese films. He is a well-deserved role model for contemporary filmmakers."

This remark caused a huge response on the Internet, because the media that published this remark was called Xiakeyu.

Xiakeyu has always been the overseas account of the Voice of the Country, and its articles also represent the Voice of the Country to a certain extent. This obviously means that even the country agrees with everything Nie Wei has done.

This makes Nie Wei's fans feel particularly proud and proud. After all, there are really not many artists and stars who can be named and praised by the country these days.

Just after the first batch of names of the Student Director Fund was issued, "Interstellar", which had been screened for 125 days, also completed its last screening at the Kyoto Grand Theater.

The attendance rate of this screening reached an astonishing 100%, and it was packed, because this was a gift from Nie Wei's fans to Nie Wei.

This movie was released for 125 days, breaking countless records of Chinese movies, and creating a box office data of 5.372 billion, becoming a box office miracle of Chinese movies at present!

Its end does not mean that it has become the past, but has become a legend of Chinese movies.

In North America, the box office of this movie also exceeded expectations and reached 300 million US dollars. In South Korea, the number of viewers of this movie exceeded 5.8 million, far exceeding the previous record of 5 million viewers of non-local movies in "Inception".

Hong Kong and Taiwan also had excellent box office.

The rest of the countries together brought nearly 250 million US dollars in box office for this movie. Including the box office in the mainland and North America, the total box office of this movie reached an astonishing 1.34 billion US dollars.

Ranked eighth in the global box office rankings.

Ranked above this movie are "Blue Star Man", "The Ship That Hit the Iceberg", "Star Wars: Endless", etc. In fact, if it was put a year ago, the box office data of Nie Wei's movie would at least be ranked in the top five, but there are too many Hollywood blockbusters with high box office in 2015.

However, this achievement is enough for Nie Wei to be proud of. He is also the only Chinese director whose directorial work can break into the top ten of the global box office rankings. His previous "Inception" has fallen out of the top ten.

At the same time, Nie Wei's ranking in the global director box office rankings continued to rise, squeezing out David Yates, the director of "Harry Potter", who ranked fifth. With a box office of 5.6 billion, he ranked only after God of Cards and ranked fifth in the world's best-selling directors.

It is worth mentioning that among the top ten directors, only Nie Wei is 30 years old, and the rest are at least 20 years older than him.

Among Chinese directors, the closest to Nie Wei is Li An, whose total box office performance is 1.5 billion, ranking 82nd. Next is Wu Yusen, whose total box office performance is 1.3 billion, ranking 101st. Nie Wei is not sure about the next one, because it is too far away...

Now people search Nie Wei's encyclopedia online, and everyone who clicks in will be blinded by his dazzling resume.

And Nie Wei's pace of catching up with his predecessors has not stopped. On April 10, it was revealed online that Nie Wei appeared in the foggy city and drank coffee with Ms. Rowling in a cafe.

The media took photos and speculated that Nie Wei was about to shoot a movie adapted from Rowling's other work "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

And a film company in the industry also revealed that the company is negotiating with Max Films on the issue of joint investment, and it is believed that there will be results soon.

Harry Potter fans all over the world are excited. Since the end of the last Harry Potter film, "Deathly Hallows", many novel fans feel that there may be no more Harry Potter movies. This movie has accompanied countless children from childhood to adolescence and then to adulthood. It is a precious memory for too many people. It is a pity that it ended like this.

But "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" can completely make up for this regret.

Especially for many Harry Potter fans, this novel is more in line with their tastes, because the protagonist has also changed from a child to a young man, which is very close to their age. The key is that this story is also inextricably linked to Harry Potter. It is completely a prequel to Harry Potter. Except for the absence of the golden iron triangle, there are many familiar characters, such as Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the legendary Grindelwald.

With their presence, Harry Potter fans will be very easy to accept this movie.

As the media expected, Nie Wei's visit to Ms. Rowling was indeed because of the movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", but the media's speculation was not all right. At least Nie Wei has no idea of ​​directing this movie immediately.

The first is the issue of investment. When the contract was signed with Rowling, it was already stated in the contract that Max Films could invest 40% of the total funds of the entire film, and the production cost of the entire film was estimated to be 200 million US dollars.

This means that Max Films can only be responsible for investing 80 million of it, and for the remaining part, Ms. Rowling herself invested 20 million US dollars, and the remaining 100 million was open to public bidding.

As an adaptation of another novel by Ms. Rowling, most people in the circle are optimistic about it, so there is no shortage of investment, but sometimes too many investors can cause trouble.

Now Nie Wei is screening partners.

This may take more than two months, plus there will be a Saturn Awards ceremony at the end of May. If Nie Wei wants to really start filming, he may have to wait until the fall of this year.

However, Nie Wei did not put this adapted film aside during this period. The team is easy to say. Nie Wei already has his own director team. He only needs to find some professional talents as a supplement.

The difficulty is the actors. The male lead has been determined early. Joseph has received the adapted script written by Nie Wei and started to hone the role. Nie Wei is still weighing the remaining roles.

This period of time is just enough for Nie Wei to think about the choice.

At the end of April, Nie Wei read a lot of information about actresses, and finally called the original heroine Katherine Waterston to invite her to play the role of the heroine.

This actress was born in the UK and grew up there, which is in line with the nationality of the female character in the play. In the original time and space, her performance is also good and she is a qualified actor.

However, the reply Nie Wei received was very unexpected.

It's not that the actress refused to act, but she agreed, but asked for a salary of 10 million.

Hearing this reply, Nie Wei frowned instantly.

Ten million dollars, Nie Wei thought the actress was crazy. You know, although the actress has a good family, her father is an Oscar winner, and she has acted in many works, she is not well-known and can only play supporting roles in movies.

Nie Wei gave her a heroine in a movie with a 200 million investment, but she was not grateful, but asked for a high price. This really made Nie Wei learn.

Ten million, Nie Wei would have invited a top Hollywood actress with 10 million.

However, Nie Wei still patiently wrote a letter to the actress in person, clearly stating that a salary of 10 million was impossible, but Nie Wei intended to add 500,000 yuan to the original salary of 3 million.

This number seemed a bit high to Nie Wei. He had known this actress. Her previous pay for a play was only 1.5 million. He asked for 3 million because he wanted her to be the heroine. Now it has increased to 3.5 million. Nie Wei felt that he had done his best.

However, the other party still refused and refused to give up even 10 million.

"Do you think I am a sucker?" After receiving the reply, Nie Wei threw it directly into the trash can. It is not easy to find a three-legged frog, but there are too many two-legged actors. Since you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, I won't stick to your hot butt with a cold face. Change someone!

Without you, the original protagonist, can I still not make a good movie?

Thank you for the generous reward of 1,000 from Qiang Love Rong and the generous reward from Fantasy Paradise.

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