Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1122 1222. Keep it a secret? [Congratulations to Qiang Loverong for becoming the head of the

It is difficult for most women to keep secrets, especially those in the entertainment industry. Most of them do not have the word "confidentiality" in their dictionary.

For big news, they dare to reveal any secrets, and Nina is obviously no exception.

As the party to the recording, after finding Nie Wei, a big backer, Nina's mind became active. Many media came to interview her, and she accepted them all. Facing the camera, she directly told the whole story.

"I am a victim. I never thought that the agency I trusted would actually harm my interests behind my back. No matter what their reasons are, they violated the content of the contract signed at the beginning and failed my trust. This incident caused me deep harm."

"In that recording, your agent mentioned the name "Ron" several times. Does this name refer to CAA President Ron Mayer?"

"I don't know who that is. A small star like me usually doesn't see the company's president, but I think he must be a big shot. My agent listens to him very much." Nina answered very cleverly. She didn't directly testify against Ron, but gave the media enough hints.

After hearing Nina's answer, everyone understood that the girl was talking about Ron Meyer.

"May I ask how your recording got out? Can you release it?"

"I asked a friend for help. I think as an independent woman, I should have the courage to protect my rights, even if the person who is plotting against me is someone I can't afford to offend, but I can't remain silent because that will only foster the other party's arrogance. At this time, we should stand up and loudly expose these dirty things in the sun and let them accept the public's judgment."

"Here I also call on female artists who have had the same experience as me not to remain silent. Your silence will only bring you harm again and again. Only by standing up and uniting together can we protect our rights." Nina was unreasonable and her words were really heartbreaking.

The media reporters were very happy. They were all explosive news. All they had to do was to turn Nina's words into established facts. As for whether Ron would be overwhelmed by this, that was not something they needed to consider.

Even these media are happy to see Ron step down, so that there will be bigger news, and the sales of newspapers and magazines and the click-through rate of online platforms will also rise steadily.

Facts have proved that Ron's belief that women will keep their mouths shut is simply a joke. Nina really said everything she could and couldn't say in front of the media.

In the end, she didn't forget to show off to the media reporters, saying that she had explained the misunderstanding to Nie Wei and got the other party's understanding, and asked her fans to continue to support her and wait for her new movie to be released.

When Catherine saw this report, she almost vomited blood!

Because the opportunity was originally hers. Obviously, Nie Wei invited her first, but now the opportunity has become Nina's, the vixen. The key is that Ron, who cheated her behind her back and said he would compensate her, is in big trouble.

Now Catherine is worried about Ron, fearing that he will really fall, and then she won't get her compensation, isn't it a waste of effort?

Hubble is not a good person either. Nina is very happy about the revelation here, and he immediately took action and convened the board of directors again.

Ron didn't attend in the end because of his health problems, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was just Ron's excuse. The old man was still arguing with a bunch of people last night. How could he not be able to do it in one night?

And Ron's avoidance couldn't solve the problem. Harbour was aggressively trying to seize power. How could he let Ron escape so easily on sick leave?

Even if Ron was not there, didn't everyone still have him?

Harbour simply discussed Ron's position directly at the board meeting, and Ron, who got the news in the hospital ward, was almost so angry that he had a seizure.

And what Ron was really afraid of was not Harbour. No matter how much they fought, the problem between him and Harbour was just an internal problem. But with the outbreak of this scandal, CAA's reputation was hit, and the six major film companies obviously didn't want to miss this good opportunity.

At present, the outside world is in turmoil, and CAA, the dominant brokerage empire in Hollywood, seems to be about to collapse in the next moment. Ron knows that there must be the shadow of the six major film companies behind this.

Or maybe the seven major film companies are more appropriate. He doesn't believe that Nie Wei didn't make a move. After all, the source of the recording file is probably from this person, and the recording file was first spread from the Internet, which is Nie Wei's home court.

Ron now feels that he is under internal and external troubles, and is attacked from both sides.

Ron's guess is indeed correct, at least most of it is correct. Now things are so out of control, mainly because there are six major film companies behind the scenes.

CAA started because of the cooperative bundling model and the profit-sharing model.

The cooperative bundling model will allow the company's big stars to lead small artists, and then let the small artists quickly become famous with the help of the big stars. After becoming famous, they can go back and lead other small artists, and so on, creating a constant flow of fresh blood for the company.

But for the six major companies, sometimes they are very satisfied with the incidental products, but sometimes they are very dissatisfied.

But CAA is too strong. Many times, under the premise that the incidental roles are not important, everyone just pinches their noses and accepts it.

Cooperation and bundling are fine, but what really makes the six major film companies hate CAA is the profit-sharing model.

Originally, the purpose of this profit-sharing model was to replace part of the film remuneration with the final box office share. At first, the film production companies thought it was very good. You know, the film remuneration is an important part of the production cost of a film. This model not only allows the production company to not bear too much pressure in terms of production funds, but also shares the risk of the production company's box office.

However, when this share number exceeds 10% or even 20% in a movie, and sometimes even a protection agreement is required, the film production company will be very unhappy.

Especially for those movies that are destined to be successful, the film company does not want to pay the box office share, because it will be a lot of money, but often at this time, CAA will oppress the film company and force them to agree.

Facing the strong Ron, the six major film companies are obviously fed up. This time the opportunity is good, they want to use this to overthrow Ron and support a less strong person to take the position.

Nie Wei did not participate in the plan of the six major film companies. They are not people who wear the same pants, but as things develop, Nie Wei also noticed the shadow of the six major film companies in this matter.

Nie Wei was happy to see this happen. Although the six major film companies had no close relationship with him, the interests they pursued were consistent with Nie Wei's. After all, they all opened film companies and did not want to see actors plunder too much of the interests that should belong to the film companies.

Just like in China, sky-high pay has been very popular recently. I heard that a certain fresh actor was paid more than 100 million yuan for starring in a fantasy TV series.

The result is that the other party brought traffic with the pay, but the TV series itself was shot horribly. It was obviously a fantasy drama, but there were no decent special effects in the whole drama. After all, most of the production costs were used to pay the pay, so where was the money for special effects.

The reputation of the TV series also fell. Although the fresh actor gained benefits, he also lost reputation.

This kind of thing will not happen in Huayi, because Nie Wei does not allow it. The production cost of a film and television work, the pay accounts for up to 30%. If it exceeds this line, Nie Wei believes that it will affect the production level of the film and television work itself.

This is something that cannot be compensated by any amount of wandering.

Therefore, the production cost of each work of Huayi is not low, but the salary is not high. So far, it has not offered the so-called sky-high salary. Basically, it looks for actors according to the normal market cost.

Huayi also disdains to use those young and handsome actors. There are a lot of them in its own company. They are economical and affordable, and the key is that their acting skills are much better.

The same is true for variety shows. Fanxing's variety shows never offer sky-high salaries. Ma Dong and his members of the Wuchao group are the most well-known variety show team in the Chinese industry. Among them, Ma Dong gets the most in one episode, with a salary of 200,000 yuan, while people like Ou Di and Yuchi Linjia have only increased to 80,000 yuan in one episode so far.

The salary of several people added together is not as much as that of some stars who guest-star in variety shows in one episode, but Nie Wei dares to say with confidence that if you pick any one of these people, the effect will be better than those five stars tied together.

So whether it is a film and television work or a variety show, you really can't just look at the traffic. The quality and ability of the artist itself are the most important, and the quality of the program cannot be ignored because of this.

A week later, CAA announced shocking news that Ron resigned from the position of president.

This founder of CAA finally chose to give in. In fact, in Nie Wei's opinion, he was fully qualified to continue fighting. Hubble might not be able to defeat him. After all, Ron has cultivated a lot of confidants in CAA over the years. These people are all with Ron.

So in order to protect Ron's interests, this group of people will also charge forward under fire.

But Ron obviously did not want CAA to be taken advantage of by the outside world because of internal fighting, so he chose to give in and hand over part of his rights in exchange for internal harmony in CAA, so that the conspiracy of the six major film companies would fail.

Ron's concession was exchanged for Hubble's promotion, but Ron did not completely withdraw from the stage of CAA. The two sides should have conducted a private transaction. At least the most important film and television agency department of CAA is still managed by Ron.

Hubble took over the music agency department and the literary agency department. Since then, CAA has entered an era of two kings coexisting. It is foreseeable that the two of them will continue to fight.

Ron would not be willing to let the power in his hands slip away, and Hubble would not give up his desire for the company's largest business department.

But this is all later. Ron's temporary concession undoubtedly quickly assessed the internal contradictions of CAA. He did not cause too much loss by retreating. Hubble became the new president of CAA as he wished, and had actual power, controlling two departments of the company at one time.

The six major film companies did not gain nothing. At least Ron's abdication was good news for them.

And Nie Wei did not return empty-handed. At a cocktail party a week later, Hubble personally gave Nie Wei a "gift", Nina's contract.

The agency contract signed by Nina and CAA will not expire for another two years. Hubble decided to give this contract to Nie Wei as a gift of reconciliation. Facing this gift, Nie Wei smiled and took it in his hand.

Hubble was very happy about this. Nie Wei accepted the gift, which meant the end of this feud.

As for Nina, Hubble can only say it's a pity. This girl will definitely become popular after starring in Nie Wei's movie, but CAA is not short of such a popular new star. In Hubble's opinion, Nina herself is not worth mentioning compared with Nie Wei's forgiveness.

Moreover, the film and television agency department is not in his hands. Even if Nina stays in the company, it is actually Ron who benefits. Hubble doesn't want to see Ron benefit, so he simply gave this girl directly to Nie Wei.

Nie Wei accepted the gift, but Nie Wei actually looked down on Hubble.

No wonder he couldn't beat Ron for so many years. Compared with the bold Ron, Hubble's actions are full of pettiness.

However, Nie Wei is also happy to see CAA under Hubble's helm, and even hopes that he can defeat Ron, although the probability is not high.

Because CAA under Hubble's helm will definitely not be as strong as Ron before, and this person is timid and likes to show off. In short, he has many shortcomings and is easier to communicate with.

After getting Nina's contract, Nie Wei did not immediately announce that Nina had joined his company. Instead, he waited for about a week and waited until the contract was finalized before publicly announcing that Nina had joined Max Films.

At the same time, Max Films also officially announced the male and female protagonists of the first "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" movie, Joseph and Nina.

Nie Wei heard that on the day the result was announced, Ron rushed into Hubble's office, and the two had a big quarrel. In the end, Ron slammed the door and left angrily.

Some people also heard that Hubble's favorite red teacup was also broken.

Some people also heard that...

Nie Wei felt that there was no such thing as a wall in the entertainment industry. It was really true that no matter what gossip, it would spread throughout the entertainment industry in less than half a day.

Time had unknowingly reached the end of May. Joseph and Nina had already received the official script. The two would report to the company every day for joint practice, and their tacit understanding had been cultivated very well.

Nie Wei had not been idle recently. He traveled to the UK, the United States, and the mainland. The preparations for the new film crew were also proceeding in an orderly manner.

However, in late May, Nie Wei also put down his work.

Because the Saturn Awards are coming, as the favorites for this year's Saturn Awards, Nie Wei and his "Interstellar" crew can be said to be the most watched and expected group.

And Nie Wei is also looking forward to it, especially the final grand prize, which he missed before, and I don't know if he will have a chance to touch it this time.

Thank you Qiang Love Rong for the 10,000 rewards, and congratulate Qiang Love Rong for becoming the head of this book, thank you Lazy Koi for the generous reward of 1,000, and thank you Fantasy Paradise for the generous reward.

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