The last spot was finally taken by a girl named Xu Meng. As her name suggests, she is very cute. According to Luo Kai, this girl was not very popular in the first few episodes and did not have many scenes. It was not until the last few episodes that she began to rise and finally entered the list of eleven people.

The reason made Nie Wei laugh and cry. It was just because this girl said in the show that she didn't want to go home and skewer chicken feet.

The entertainment industry is sometimes so wonderful. One sentence can change your fate. Although PROUDCE101 is just a variety show, there are indeed many members who have experienced ups and downs in these ten episodes.

The final list of eleven people predicted by industry professionals at the beginning, until the moment the results were announced tonight, it was discovered that the error rate of those guys was more than 50%. Many of the high-ranking candidates they were optimistic about were even eliminated as early as the 101st to 60th.

For example, a certain Malay singer has released an album and a popular song. He is regarded by many professionals as a strong candidate to impact the C position, but in the end, he did not even enter the final list of fifteen people.

Some members were very popular when they first entered the show, but because of a wrong word, their popularity plummeted and they were eliminated after a few episodes.

Of course, there are also people like Zhou Duoduo. From the beginning of entering the show, everyone knew that she would definitely be on the debut list.

Of course, some people on the Internet said that she relied on Nie Wei's relationship, but these people were jealous in their hearts. Zhou Duoduo's fans are also proud. With such a powerful big brother protecting them, their favorite little idol will definitely be as dazzling as a little sun.

If Nie Wei opens his Weibo, he will find that there will be a group of people claiming to be Zhou Duoduo's fans every day under his comments.

The eleven-member group was established, and the name is HELLOGIRLS.

It's a very ordinary name, but the advantage of being ordinary is that it's easy to remember. Anyone who has heard this name once can basically remember it.

And it doesn't matter if it's ordinary. As the popularity of the group increases, the meaning of the name will change. When Lady Gaga first debuted, this name sounded like a joke, but as she became successful, people only admired this name.

Although it is only a temporary group for two years, and some members will return to their original economic companies after two years, Nie Wei is still ready to train these girls for two years and consolidate their foundation in the entertainment industry as much as possible. Even if they leave the group after two years, they can have a good new starting point.

In the original time and space, many fans criticized the operating company WJJW of the Fire Youth Group for being useless, and shouted that WJJW would go bankrupt every day, but in fact, in terms of operation, WJJW is really a very responsible team.

The Fire Boys Group has been formed for a year and has released an official album. Each member has a lot of advertisements to take on and has sung many soundtracks for movies, games, and TV series. In addition, there are variety shows, movie and TV series roles, etc. In addition, this team also has its own group variety show and big group variety show. It can be said that the eleven girls have been raised very well by WJJW. Although the popularity is not as high as the period when the show was broadcast, the foundation has been much stronger.

It can even be said that WJJW has truly brought these eleven girls into the entertainment industry in the past year, teaching them how to be a team and become a real artist.

Compared with the group next door, Kiwifruit, WJJW is definitely a conscientious operation. Kiwifruit's free-range method is really a pitfall.

This time, Nie Wei decided to cultivate this temporary group in accordance with the WJJW model. Daily group variety shows must be there, which is a weapon to attract fans and increase fan stickiness.

In addition, the new album should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, because this is the foundation of the team and the achievement of the team.

As for the individual aspects, it depends on what they are good at. Those who are good at acting can act, those who are good at singing can sing, and those who are good at variety shows can be arranged to be guests. Anyway, in terms of resources, no one in China can compare with Nie Wei.

There is also a signing ceremony at the end of the program. It is really just a ceremony. The contract was signed when the members were selected before the program started. Now it is just a show.

But this ceremony is not completely formal. It is even very useful. At least the boss of Y Entertainment had a dark face when signing.

After all, this signing is equivalent to announcing to the world that these brokerage companies will no longer have any relationship with these selected members in the next two years. Of course, there will still be profits to be distributed to them.

If they do some tricks of "two groups in parallel" behind the scenes, it is equivalent to slapping themselves in the face, making fun of the company's reputation, and handing the "knife" to the elite lawyers in the legal department of Fanxing.

After the live broadcast of the finals, Fanxing prepared a celebration banquet.

The show ended successfully. The online hit rate of the ten episodes exceeded 10 billion, and the peak audience of the three-hour live broadcast tonight exceeded 20 million. This is not the kind of number that is inflated by ten or a hundred times, but a real 20 million.

This can be seen from the final vote count of the finals. For example, Zhou Duoduo, Huang Ting, and Meng Shanzhi all exceeded 10 million votes, and Xiaoxuan and Yang Xiaoli also received more than 8 million votes. This is the real-time vote count within three hours, which shows that there are many people watching this show.

The show invested 150 million, mainly on stage design. This money is worth it and is one of the keys to the show’s popularity. On the Star Rating website, this variety show has a score of 7.6, which is only 7.6 points. Second to Super Girl's 7.8 points in 2005, it ranked second in the Chinese talent show.

To get such high praise, the choreography is very important. What attracted many viewers of the show at first sight was not the group of young ladies, but the choreography that was comparable to a luxurious show.

In addition, the costumes of these girls for every performance are also designed by professional designers.

Of course, if you put in the effort, you will be rewarded. During the broadcast period, the advertising revenue alone exceeded 300 million, and the two-year contracts of the eleven girls are still in the hands of Fanxing. They are so popular, and Fanxing will not become a vampire within two years. At least they can bring hundreds of millions in income to Fanxing.

The celebration banquet was invited to a wide range of people, including the 101 girls, their relatives, family members, and company bosses. Nie Wei booked the most luxurious and largest banquet room in the Pearl Hilton Hotel, which was enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Of course, not even half of the girls who came were actually there.

After all, tonight is either a success or a failure, one day at a time, one day at a time. Many girls can't stand this gap.

But Nie Wei also knows that the girls who leave are actually staying away from the word 'success', because on this occasion today, there are hundreds of celebrities and dozens of entertainment company bosses, and they may all become the connections of the girls present.

Failure to participate means no chance.

When you put down your face to run your career, you are truly sensible. If you give up this opportunity just because you care about face, that will be the case for the rest of your life.

Of course, Nie Wei doesn't care about their choice. It's not even mandatory for the selected members to participate. This celebration party is nominally for the girls. In fact, the protagonists are the program team. This is their celebration for completing a phenomenal program. feast.

In addition to the celebration banquet, Nie Wei also prepared a large gift package for them. For example, the chief director of the program team will receive a bonus of 5 million, and each of the other six executive directors will also receive a bonus of 1 million. There are hundreds of people in the program team. , the bonus each person received was at least tens of thousands of yuan, and with this piece alone, Nie Weisa's money exceeded 20 million.

But Nie Wei thinks it’s worth the money. To do business, you need to have both in and out, so that everyone will be willing to continue to follow you. If you only go in but not out, you may make a lot of money for a while, but you will not be able to make money. You are risking your future. Anyone who has a long-term vision and ability is willing to follow a generous boss instead of an iron-rooster boss.

Nie Wei did not go to the main table, even though he was the most qualified person present. He just placed Su Qing, Zhou Aiguo, Huang Ting and Yang Xiaoli's father at the same table as Zhou Duoduo.

"You can now be considered people who can make money with your face. In our terms, you can be considered a person. So remember to maintain your own face when you go out. In the entertainment industry, in the end, you only have a face. ”

"If you want to have a bright and beautiful face, it's not about how many pieces of bread you put on, or how many cosmetics or skin care products you put on. It's all external. What really matters is your performance. This is the foundation for you to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry."

"Two hundred days is not short, nor is it long. It seems like a few hundred days, but it may pass in the blink of an eye. The company has taken you for two years, and it will definitely try its best to help you stand out in this industry. Keep your feet firmly on the ground, but you also have to fight for some things yourself. For example, if you audition for the lead role in a movie, the company can recommend you, but if your acting skills are not good enough and the director looks down on you, this is equivalent to the company giving you a chance, right? You lost it yourself."

"So remember to always remind yourself to wind up and don't let yourself relax. I can tell you responsibly that these two years will be your golden period of development in the entertainment industry. If you relax yourselves in these two years, then in the future You will definitely regret why you didn’t work harder when you look back.”

Facing several girls, Nie Wei didn't speak seriously. At first, some of the girls were chatting, laughing and even chatting with each other. However, as Nie Wei talked more, even Yang Xiaoli, who loved to talk nonsense, had an expression on his face. Gradually he became serious.

Anyone with any brains would know that Nie Wei was telling them how to survive in the entertainment industry.

Several parents on the side also listened very carefully, especially Yang Xiaoli's father. He is still confused about his daughter's debut. He did not expect that his daughter would become so famous overnight, even more famous than him. Many big stars in my impression must be famous.

But this also made this ordinary citizen, who had been a farmer and worker all his life, feel a little panicked.

Because he didn’t know how to guide his daughter to move forward in the right way. His life experience had nothing to do with the entertainment industry. He couldn’t give his daughter enough protection, so he blamed himself. In addition, ordinary people always rumored that this industry was so bad. The situation was chaotic, and he was also very uneasy inside.

Until now, he didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy about his daughter's debut.

It wasn't until Nie Wei's instructions that he suddenly found his way. As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, the old father who had been sitting silently suddenly filled himself up with a glass of white wine, and then raised the glass to Nie Wei. Wei said, "Please," and then drank it all without saying a word.

The 53-degree Moutai, the twenty-two-ounce wine glass, finished in one gulp, and Yang Xiaoli's father's dark face turned red.

Nie Wei was also a little surprised, but looking at the uncle's grateful and pleading eyes, he instantly understood what the other party meant.

"Uncle Yang, don't worry, Xiaoli is a good girl. You leave her to me and I will take good care of her."

"Thank you." Yang Xiaoli's father smiled gratefully. He believed Nie Wei and felt that since a big man like Nie Wei had spoken, he would not lie to ordinary people like him.

Except for the beginning, Yang Xiaoli, who had always been very active, was silent at this moment.

This girl seems very silly and naive, but in fact she is delicate. She understands the hardships of life, but is well protected by her family and company, so her character has a naive side, but also a realistic side.

She can feel her father's good intentions.

In fact, when she first sat at this table, she was very inferior.

Zhou Duoduo, needless to say, her brother is Nie Wei, her father is also a super boss with a real estate company worth tens of billions, and her mother is a cultural relic restoration expert at the museum.

Huang Ting's family is also very powerful. Both her parents are university professors, but she is from an ordinary or even difficult family. Her father is just an ordinary person who works in a factory and farms in his spare time. He lives in the countryside.

So the more inferior she is, the more she wants to protect her inferiority complex. So when facing Nie Wei, she is even a little presumptuous. After getting familiar with him, she dares to chat and joke with him. The purpose of doing so is to cover up her inferiority complex in this way.

The means are very naive, which looks funny, but also makes people feel a little distressed.

The sudden glass of wine from her father exposed all this.

Facing the reality, Yang Xiaoli was silent. She knew that her father was doing this for her own good, but her disguise was completely stripped away, and she didn't know what to say. Father's love is like a mountain, so heavy that she didn't know how to speak. In fact, she and her father wanted to, but they were not good at expressing their true feelings.

At the moment when the atmosphere suddenly became dull, Yang Xiaoli suddenly felt a warmth on her head, and a hand gently stroked her long hair.

"Uncle, don't worry, Yang Xiaoli is a very nice person, we all like her very much, I am also a big sister in the group, I will definitely take good care of her."

Yang Xiaoli subconsciously raised her head when she heard this familiar voice, Zhou Duoduo's smile fell on her heart like sunshine, and she felt warm.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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