Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1153 1253. Visiting the Sick

"Madam, do you really want to do this? I hope you will think about it carefully for your health before making a decision." The doctor advised Daddario, who insisted on removing the fixed plaster in advance.

Daddario glanced at Winnie, who nodded slightly.

Winnie certainly did not ask Daddario to agree with the doctor's advice, but told her that she supported her idea. In fact, this was the idea that she and Daddario had thought about all night.

Daddario's wrist fracture is fundamentally unsolvable. Injury is injury, and it is a hard injury like fracture. There is no other way except to recover slowly.

But Daddario can prove himself that he can act as if he is not injured even if he is injured.

So the first thing they have to do is to remove the plaster.

Under the premise that both the parties and the agent insisted, the doctor agreed to this seemingly unreasonable request, but also asked the two to sign a contract to prove that all this was Daddario's own personal behavior, and the recurrence of the injury in the future has nothing to do with the hospital and the attending doctor.

Daddario did not hesitate at all. She fought hard for the role and signed with her uninjured hand.

This is also the main reason why Daddario dared to remove the plaster. She injured her left hand, and her dominant hand is her right hand.

After the plaster was removed, Daddario's little hand, which had not seen the sun for a long time, returned to the embrace of light. After a few days of recuperation, Daddario's left wrist was no longer swollen like a big steamed bun when it was just broken, but it was much less swollen. If you don't observe carefully, it is not much different from the right wrist.

Of course, this is just the surface. The actual situation is that her wrist can hardly move at all now, and even raising her arm is very laborious.

"After the plaster is removed, you should pay more attention to your wrist problem. Now the fractured bones in your wrist have not grown well at all and are very fragile, so you must not do large-scale activities. If you cause a secondary fracture, the consequences will be too serious, and it may even leave sequelae, causing serious injury risks to your wrist." The doctor told Daddario after removing the plaster.

Finally, the doctor followed his medical ethics and advised Daddario again, but Daddario had made up his mind and didn't listen to the doctor at all.

The doctor was helpless about this.

After all, the clinic is not a police station, and the patient is not a prisoner. The doctor can only advise the patient on how to treat, but cannot force the patient's own will.

However, after removing the plaster, Daddario did not immediately go through the discharge procedures.

Because Nie Wei said that he would come to the hospital to visit the patient. Although Daddario has prepared to pretend to be healthy and try to show a good attitude to Nie Wei, she is not stupid. If she is discharged now, Nie Wei probably doesn't need to visit the patient. She has lost the last chance to see Nie Wei. Who will see this suffering?

So she has to stay in the hospital to recuperate, and she has to adapt to the troubles caused by the arm pain as soon as possible, at least to make herself look like a normal person, so that Nie Wei can believe that she can play this role well with illness.

This is difficult, but Daddario must work hard.

Born in 1986, she is 31 years old this year. For actresses in the entertainment industry, this is a very awkward age. She is not mature enough to play the role of a mother or mother-in-law, but in the eyes of many people, she is no longer a girl.

Daddario is still lucky. At least she still has a baby face, which is very deceptive, but how long can it deceive her? In a few years, even a baby face can't save her. She must admit that she has reached the most critical period of her acting career.

If she hasn't made a name for herself in the last two or three years, basically her career as an actor will be like this in this life, and the glamorous appearance in her dream will basically say goodbye to her. Few actresses become famous after the age of 35. It can't be said that there are no individual cases, but 99% of the actresses in the circle are not in this line.

Sometimes she also envies male actors, because no matter they are 30 or 40 years old, the public is much more accepting of the age of male actors than that of female actors. Many male actors can become popular again after they are 40 years old. The most representative one recently is Keanu. The movie "Interstellar" made this 50-year-old uncle re-enter the top ten of the male charm list, which is unimaginable for female actors.

So when she learned that she was selected by Nie Wei to play the second female role of Queenie, she was so excited.

At that time, she really felt that this was a gift from God. Maybe God thought that Daddario should not be a small actor all her life. She should become a superstar like Julia and Hathaway.

But there are unexpected events. Daddario was hurt after being happy for less than half a day.

These days, she even had nightmares when she slept. She dreamed that after she lost this opportunity, the company was disappointed with her and terminated her contract. She could only copy her resume and audition for various crews like a rookie. Unfortunately, no one wanted her and laughed at her behind her back for being unlucky.

She also dreamed that she was still playing minor roles in the crew at the age of 40, playing an insignificant role, and being ordered around by a small stagehand.

The lunch was also a cheap and unpalatable hamburger from a certain fast food brand, and she felt so wronged that she almost cried.

Just when she was about to shed tears, she suddenly saw a man in neat chef uniforms pushing a beautiful dining cart past her eyes. She felt that it was full of delicious food, and she followed it as if she had lost her soul. Behind the cook.

Then she saw the chef pushing the dining cart next to a woman. She was curious and asked the chef who the woman was.

"She is the XXX actress who played Miss Queenie in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". She is very popular now, even more popular than Annelina Jolie and Anne Hathaway."

After hearing the news, Daddario went crazy on the spot. He rushed in, grabbed the woman's collar and shouted that it was her chance. Then she realized that whether it was the woman she was holding by the collar or the people around her, , neither angry nor resisting, and no one came to start a fight, they just looked at her with a look of 'unlucky person'.

In the end, Daddario woke up crying in grievance. After waking up, she continued to sit on the bed and cry, because she felt that the things in the dream might really be what she would be like in the future.

She was worried every day, afraid that if she missed this opportunity, her life would be wasted like in her dream.

Nie Wei said he would come to visit, but he didn't set a time. Daddario simply pretended that Nie Wei was coming tomorrow and trained himself desperately.

Although she injured her wrist, her entire left forearm was actually affected. This is why injured people always put a bandage around their neck and sling their arm. If the wrist is injured, it will actually be given when the forearm is raised. Pressure on the wrist can cause pain.

The first thing Daddario did was to make himself able to endure the pain and stretch out his left hand naturally.

Winnie saw that Daddario's face turned pale and his head was covered with sweat every day because of the pain of practicing. She couldn't bear to persuade Daddario to give up, but this time the girl seemed to be really determined, gritting her teeth and insisting on it. Come down.

Three days later, I don't know whether it was the recovery of her arm injury or her perseverance. In short, Daddario was able to lift his cheat and gently shook Winnie's hand with his fingers.

"D'Addario, if you had such perseverance to study when I signed you five years ago, I think your achievements must be very high now." Looking at Daddario's efforts and progress, Winnie One time while eating, I couldn't help but say.

"It's not too late," Daddario replied with a smile.

A week after Daddario had his cast removed, they finally received a call from Max Films. Nie Wei's secretary informed them that Nie Wei would visit Daddario at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

"This is a private trip, I hope you will not notify any media." Finally, the secretary did not forget to 'remind'.

She knew very well how much starlets like Daddario longed for fame, and the fastest way to become famous was undoubtedly to hug the thighs of more famous people, and Nie Wei undoubtedly had such thick thighs.

Her reminder was actually a warning, telling Daddario and her agent not to play tricks and create some scandal while Nie Wei was kindly visiting her.

Although Wei Ni was a little angry with the secretary for being a villain and judging a gentleman's heart, she immediately promised that there would be no small tricks on her part.

After hanging up the phone, Winnie looked at Daddario and said: "Nie Wei will come to visit you at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. You don't need to practice tonight. Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow. I will bring the makeup artist and costume artist at seven o'clock. Come here, I guarantee that you will be in the most perfect manner to welcome Nie Wei’s arrival.”

"Okay." Daddario did not insist on practicing, but just followed suit. She didn't want Nie Wei to come and see her tomorrow. If she couldn't help but yawn while they were chatting, it would be too bad for her impression.

"Baby, no matter whether you can succeed tomorrow or not, you are still great." Winnie hugged Daddario, which made Daddario a little flattered.

This cold-faced agent had been indifferent to her until recently, and this hug and address shocked her even more. She never expected that this cold-faced agent would say such heart-warming words.

Daddario felt like he was about to melt into the agent's embrace.

Winnie said she arrived at seven o'clock, but in fact she arrived at the hospital at six-thirty in the morning. After asking the nurse to find out that Daddario was already up, she walked into the ward with the costume artist and makeup artist.

Daddario was sitting on his bed, eating breakfast at the small dining table. When he saw Winnie coming in, he seemed to have a good idea and said hello with a smile.

"This is the clothes I chose for you. Because you are still in the hospital, you can't wear anything too formal. So after discussion with our team, we still choose casual clothes and highlight your sexy figure. Jeans and white tights. Bottom layer, this hollow retro knitted sweater, and these sneakers for a while.”

"Accessories should not be too luxurious, nor should they use too bright gemstones. I went to a friend to borrow these sapphire earrings. I wore this classic Swarovski crystal swan on the necklace. Forget about the bracelet. Originally, you Just keep your hands on your hands, try not to wear accessories to attract other people’s attention.”

"The makeup is mainly light makeup to give her a better look, especially the dark circles under her eyes, which must be covered."

Seeing Winnie giving instructions in an orderly manner while directing the makeup artists and costumers, Daddario, who was being manipulated like a doll by everyone, felt that his agent was particularly reliable.

In less than ten minutes, Daddario changed into a new outfit. The tight jeans perfectly outlined Daddario's beautiful leg lines and hip lines. The white tights were also very thoughtful. Everything else was just right, except that the waist was just a little short. After Daddario put it on, she just showed off her small waist with a vest line.

Moreover, the tights set off her chest perfectly. With the hollow knit sweater, the seductive curves were looming. Coupled with Daddario's pure face, Winnie felt that Daddario was like a succubus in a myth, beautiful and fascinating.

The sneakers were an ordinary white AJ4, and there were no height-increasing insoles in them. You have to know that Daddario is 1.73 meters tall.

Winnie had inquired about it. The other party claimed that the height of the male protagonist Joseph was 1.76 meters, but in fact he was only 1.73 meters, and the height of the other male protagonist Jonah Hill was even shorter, only 1.70 meters.

What she is worried about now is that Daddario is too tall. If she wears high heels, she is afraid that she will be more than half a head taller than the actor opposite her.

"It would be great if Nie Wei was the male lead. He is tall enough, 1.88 meters tall, and his height is very suitable for Daddario. They must have a sense of couple." This thought flashed through Winnie's mind.

When everything was ready, it was already half past eight.

Winnie was very glad that she came half an hour earlier, otherwise she would not even have time to clean the house.

"You sit down, we will clean it up, and spray some of this perfume." Winnie took another bottle of perfume from her bag. It was YSL's BLACKOPIUM perfume. The fragrance of this perfume is as its name suggests, mysterious, rebellious, and a little tempting.

Daddario's ward was not big, and there were not many things. It took Winnie and the other two ten minutes to clean up. Then Winnie took out a bottle of air freshener from her bag, sprayed it in the ward, and then went out for five minutes. Then she came in with a pot of green plants and put it on the bedside table where Daddario originally put his mobile phone.

"You leave first." Seeing that it was less than ten minutes before nine o'clock, Winnie hurriedly told the makeup artist and the costume designer to leave.

After the two left, Winnie began to check her phone non-stop. She was waiting for Nie Wei's call.

At nine o'clock, Nie Wei still didn't call, and Winnie was not in a hurry. As long as he didn't cancel the visit, she could wait as long as she wanted.

But this wait was really hard to bear. One minute was like a year for the two people in the ward, especially Daddario. He was afraid of messing up his clothes and hairstyle, so he sat on the sofa like a model elementary school student, but sitting like this was really tiring.

Fortunately, Nie Wei didn't keep them waiting too long. At 9:05, Winnie's phone rang. She took it out and saw that the familiar number was the number of Nie Wei's secretary.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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