Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1156 1256. Internal strife

Nie Wei observed very carefully. On the one hand, he wanted to see if Daddario had made any progress. On the other hand, he also wanted to make sure that no accidents happened and stopped in time. Although Daddario said it was okay, Nie Wei could not joke about the health of the actors.

What surprised Nie Wei was that Daddario had indeed changed dramatically.

As soon as the preparation time of more than ten seconds was up, she quickly entered the state of the role. She looked at people with a hint of charm between her eyebrows, but she was not frivolous, and she had a natural feeling.

During the audition before, Daddario's performance of charm was full of deliberate gestures. Compared with now, the difference is obvious.

Nie Wei is satisfied with such progress in one week.

The key is that Daddario's performance method has become an experiential method, that is, putting herself into the role. Obviously, as Nie Wei found, she is very suitable for this performance method.

If nothing unexpected happens, before the film starts, as long as she keeps the speed of improvement, she can fully play the role of Queenie, the second female lead.

The only problem is Daddario's wrist. Injury is always a hidden danger. However, Nie Wei calculated the time and it would take more than a month to start filming. Although Daddario may not be able to completely recover from the injury of his wrist, he will still be able to move around.

The key point is that this movie does not have any fighting scenes. Even if there is a need to intimidate at the airport, it is the heroine's business and has nothing to do with her.

At this time, the two of them acted out a part of the script, where Jacob shook hands with Queenie when they first met.

Such a simple plot will definitely not go wrong. Jonah Hill showed Jacob's love at first sight very well, but when he stretched out his hand, Nie Wei frowned.

Because Jonah Hill stretched out his left hand, he was actually a left-handed person.

When Nie Wei was about to call a halt, Daddario actually naturally extended her left hand and shook hands with Jonah Hill. There was no trace of pain on her face during the process. She even looked at Jonah Hill with a seductive look when she turned around after the handshake. The charm of that moment was just like the charming Queenie in the story.

Of course, Daddario was not as indifferent as she appeared.

In fact, Nie Wei observed that she could not use any strength to raise her hand, but her weak and boneless appearance was very suitable for the role, adding a touch of charm.

Nie Wei couldn't help but applaud her performance in his heart, but on the surface, Nie Wei remained calm, and others could not see any likes or dislikes of this scene from his face.

"That's enough." Nie Wei called a halt and asked Daddario and Jonah Hill to return to their seats.

After Daddario finished his performance, he secretly observed Nie Wei's reaction, but he didn't see anything. This made the little cow's heart beat violently, and the whole person was very nervous. He always doubted whether he had not performed well enough to satisfy the inner guard.

Then Nie Wei did not comment on the performance of the two people, as if he really wanted to watch a scene at will.

For the remaining hour, everyone talked about the roles with each other. Nie Wei did not give any comments on Daddario, and the little cow was uneasy throughout the whole process.

At half past ten, Nie Wei announced the end of the reading, and it was obviously not going to take care of everyone's lunch at this time.

Everyone was very tactful and ready to leave, but Nie Wei stopped Daddario.

"Call your agent to my office." After Nie Wei left this sentence, he left the meeting room first. Daddario was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, his whole body was like an electric shock, and he was so excited that he trembled slightly.

She knew very well that if she didn't pass, Nie Wei would only need one sentence to get rid of her. There was no need to find an agent or go to any office. By doing this, he really kept the role and got the chance to sign again.

After the excitement, Daddario's eyes were wet and she wanted to cry, but she knew it was not the time to cry. She had to tell Winnie the news as soon as possible and sign the contract immediately.

"Winnie, where are you?" Daddario didn't find Winnie at the door of the conference room, so he took out his mobile phone to contact her.

"I'm in a coffee shop near Max Films. Why, is the reading over so soon?" Winnie asked.

"It's over. Not all the people today are here. It's mainly to get to know each other. The reading and discussion will officially start in a week. No, now is not the time to talk about this. Winnie, come to the conference room quickly. Nie Wei asked me to go to his office with you." With an excited heart and trembling hands, Daddario suppressed his excitement and informed Winnie.

When Winnie, who was drinking coffee in the cafe, heard this, she was stunned for a moment, just like Daddario. After turning around, the agent who had always been cold and stern shouted excitedly in the cafe.

Everyone in the cafe looked at Winnie who seemed to be crazy, and even the elegant voice was interrupted. The pianist who was playing the piano was stunned at this moment.

Winnie was very beautiful, especially her cold temperament, which attracted the attention of many literary young people.

The pianist was the same. Since Winnie entered the cafe and sat there for half an hour, he basically played the piano while sneaking glances, and even shook his head more than usual, hoping to attract the attention of this lady.

But to his disappointment, the lady just sat there like an ice queen, unmoved, just looking out the window, which made the pianist very sad. He thought that the ice queen might be waiting for someone she liked, and that person was not worthy of her. How could such a woman let her waste her time waiting?

But just when the pianist was complaining and even angry at the man he had imagined, the ice queen received a call, and he was dumbfounded by the next scene.

The image of the ice queen in his eyes gradually shattered, and she became a crazy woman, laughing up to the sky. What the hell is this?

But before the pianist could recover from this "shocking" scene, Winnie had already run out of the coffee shop like a gust of wind. She really wished that she could teleport and appear in front of Daddario immediately, take her to Nie Wei's office instantly, and then sign the contract instantly.

Five minutes later, Winnie appeared in front of Daddario panting.

"Let's go to Nie Wei's office now." Winnie didn't even have time to say hello to Daddario, and immediately asked her to go to Nie Wei's office together.

"Daddario, remember to try not to say anything for a while, and let me handle all the communication."

"Nie Wei will definitely ask us to sign a waiver, and he will not let the crew bear your health risks, but don't worry, I will convince the agency to pay for Winnie to have a private doctor, and you just need to focus on the filming."

"After the contract is signed, your various activities will be temporarily stopped recently. Focus on this role and make this movie well, and you will find that your life will become completely different from now."

As they were talking, the two had already arrived at the door of Nie Wei's office. Winnie breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Daddario: "Daddario, you are great, your task has been completed, and it's up to me next."

Daddario smiled and nodded.

Winnie went to the secretariat at the door to report, and soon the secretary received a call from Nie Wei, asking her to take the two in.

Entering Nie Wei's office, Daddario and Winnie looked around curiously. It was completely different from the magnificent appearance that Daddario imagined, and it was not full of various black technologies as Winnie thought. After all, Nie Wei is the boss of a world-renowned technology company.

It was just a very ordinary office, except that it was very large, and there was a whole wall of books that was very eye-catching. It looked like there were at least thousands of books.

Daddario was very curious and wanted to pick a book to see if Nie Wei had read any of these books. Of course, this idea just crossed her mind and she didn't dare to put it into action.

"What would you like to drink?" Nie Wei walked over from the other side of the book wall and asked with a smile.

"Just plain water is fine." Winnie replied with a smile.

Nie Wei asked the secretary who had not left yet to bring three glasses of plain water, and then invited Winnie and Daddario to sit on the sofa.

"Let's talk about the contract." As soon as Nie Wei spoke, Winnie and Daddario couldn't help but look at each other excitedly. Their guess was indeed correct. Nie Wei was indeed very satisfied with Daddario's performance.

If Daddario just simply asked Nie Wei, then she would definitely have no hope. If Daddario's acting skills were good at the beginning, without this process of improvement, Nie Wei would hardly be moved.

On the contrary, Daddario's performance was not very good at the beginning, but she made great progress after the injury, and she had the perseverance to insist on acting with the injury. All these factors made Nie Wei admire her very much.

Daddario fully interpreted the saying, that is, 'the harder you work, the luckier you are'. Through her own efforts, she finally 'luckily' won Nie Wei's favor again.

"Director Nie Wei, please go on." At this moment, Winnie felt that she was actually a little nervous.

"This movie is temporarily planned to be filmed in two parts in a row. I hope Miss Daddario can sign two drama contracts at once. I have written the salary into the contract. You can take a look. In addition, there are some obligations that Miss Daddario needs to fulfill. I have also marked them with a highlighter for you. You should read the contract first."

Nie Wei handed Winnie the contract that had been prepared long ago.

Winnie took out a pair of glasses, put them on and began to check the contract. As an agent, she also minored in law. For this kind of performing contract, she does not need to find a lawyer, she can check it herself.

About half an hour later, Winnie checked the contract and was relieved.

Max Films did not make it difficult for Daddario. There were no so-called traps in the contract. The key regulations marked were not difficult. They were all norms that actors should abide by. Daddario was a good child and she did not need to worry about this.

As for the salary, Max Films was a little bit careful.

For the two movies, the total salary given to Daddario for each movie was 1.5 million US dollars, 750,000 US dollars for one movie, which was also the normal salary of Daddario now.

But Winnie knew that if he signed separately, Daddario would earn more, especially after the first movie was released, the salary of the actors would definitely increase.

It is obvious that Max Films shot two movies in a row just to save money on the actors' salaries, which is understandable.

Winnie did not take this seriously. She felt that other actors were the same and could see the tricks in it. Didn't they all sign it?

If she was clever and ended up annoying Nie Wei, she might lose the contract she got, and then it would be a loss.

And Winnie and Daddario both have a consensus on making this movie. They are not going for money at all. They just want this opportunity.

"There is no problem with the contract, Director Nie Wei. If it is convenient, we can sign it now." Winnie put down the contract and said directly.

"Okay, I will ask the secretary to take you to the legal department later. Someone there will work with you to settle this contract." Nie Wei smiled and nodded, and then suddenly looked at Winnie and Daddario seriously.

"Are you interested in switching to our Max Films?"

"What?" Winnie was shocked, and Daddario on the side was also surprised.

"Relax, and don't confuse this matter with the contract. No matter what you decide, Daddario will be my Queenie, but I hope you can seriously consider my suggestion. Max Films has resources beyond your imagination." Nie Wei did not persuade anything, and then asked the secretary to take the two to sign the contract.

Twenty minutes later, the two sat back in the nanny car, with not much joy on their faces, but a little confused.

Nie Wei's sudden recruitment was too sudden for the two.

"Winnie, do you think Nie Wei is serious?"

"I think he should be serious, right?" Winnie thought for a while and answered.

"So do you think we should agree?" Daddario asked again. This was also a question she had been thinking about. Even thinking about this diluted her joy of signing the contract.

"I... don't know." Winnie felt that it was difficult for her to make a decision for the first time. Her whole heart was in chaos because of Nie Wei's words.

Nie Wei's recruitment was just a temporary idea. Max Films had too few actors and professional agents. Winnie and Daddario were both admired by Nie Wei.

The key point was that Nie Wei saw that the two people didn't seem to be doing well in their original company, so he wanted to recruit talents.

Just when Daddario and Winnie were struggling, the girls who had just debuted as a new group not long ago on the other side of the ocean were also suffering.

Work is continuous, physical fatigue is secondary, mental fatigue is the real fatigue. In just one week, the fans of eleven girls have been on the hot search three times because of quarrels and criticisms. Except for a certain boy group, the fans of this new group are the most aggressive.

Among them, Yang Xiaoli suffered the most criticism. Zhou Duoduo couldn't stand it, so she said a few words for her on the Internet, but she didn't expect that because of these words, Zhou Duoduo also got into trouble.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards. I wish everyone a happy Queen's Day. I don't know if there are any girls among my book friends.

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