Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1158 1258. If I had known this would happen, I would not have done it in the first place

At one o'clock in the morning, many people have already fallen asleep, but Huang Shu, with a pair of dark circles under her eyes, is still fighting on the front line.

The first line of the black week blossoming.

"Zhou Duoduo, right? She stole our idol's commercials one by one, as well as the songs. Our idol obviously sings better, but in the end, because of your connections, you took away all the opportunities. See if I'm not evil. Die to you."

Huang Shu is a fan of a certain member of HELLOGRILS, but at the same time, she also has a hidden identity, serving as the leader of the anti-fans of Zhou Duoduo and three other members of the group.

Even members such as Heizhou Duoduo and Yang Xiaoli spent far more energy and time than he did chasing idols.

Just like now, she has been sitting in front of the computer all night. Apart from spending more than half an hour at the beginning to like and forward her idol's new Weibo post, and then commenting on a word of praise, the rest of the time was either She is blackmailing the celebrities she hates, or she is thinking about how to blackmail the celebrities she hates.

Huang Shu feels that being a black fan is addictive, just like chasing stars.

Every time she saw those 'innocent' people easily believe the stories she made up, and then become new members of her anti-fan team, she felt a special sense of accomplishment.

Of course, when she saw a group of people using their own fabricated black material to criticize those annoying celebrities, and the people involved dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and fans tried their best to explain to no avail, she found it particularly enjoyable, and the stress of the day's work was relieved. Out.

Huang Shu has regarded black people as a way to relieve her stress, and has never considered how many people this will harm.

Just as she was making up another piece of dirty information about Zhou Duoduo, there was a sudden knock on the door.

It was after one o'clock in the morning, and her roommate went home temporarily today. She was the only girl in the whole house, which frightened Huang Shu.

Huang Shu was silent at first and turned off the music. She thought that the person knocking outside would leave after knocking twice and seeing no one. But Huang Shu thought wrongly. She was quiet and silent, but there was a knock on the door. The person who held the door was also very persistent. He would knock lightly on the door every few seconds and kept knocking for a long time.

The knock on the door was not loud, as if he was afraid of disturbing Huang Shu's neighbors, but Huang Shu sounded scared and upset.

After thinking about it, Huang Shu walked into the kitchen lightly. First she took out a kitchen knife that she usually used for cooking. After thinking about it, she thought it was too big. Then she rummaged through and found a fruit knife with a weapon. With it in hand, Huang Shu calmed down a little and decided to go to the door to see who was knocking.

Huang Shu tiptoed over, but just halfway there, there was a sound of footsteps getting farther and farther outside the door.

Huang Shu hurriedly ran to the door and looked out through the peephole. The corridor was empty. Huang Shu breathed a sigh of relief. She was so scared that she almost called the police.

"No, I have to do it again, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night." Huang Shu suddenly got inspiration and ran to the computer and opened the document.

"A certain member named Zhou was said to have been in love with a male trainee in the company during his trainee days, and even went to the boys' dormitory to knock on the door in the middle of the night. Even Huayi's dorm manager aunt knew about this, and it was said that it was spread within their company. ”

"Sure enough, the story still comes from life." Huang Shu happily uploaded the newly edited black material to the Internet, and then copied a copy to the QO group, just waiting for everyone to see the news when they go online tomorrow. Spread it throughout the network.

"It feels good to spread rumors for a while, and it feels good to keep spreading rumors. I'm so happy, let's go to sleep!" Seeing that the clock on the wall had reached almost two o'clock, Huang Shu rubbed her messy long hair and lay down without washing. On the small bed, she was a person with a serious job, and she had to go to work tomorrow morning.

What Huang Shu didn't know was that at the Internet Police Center less than a kilometer away from his home, a group of police officers were discussing the post she had just posted.

"This person named Huang Shu is too arrogant. She is still posting rumors and messages. She has made more than a hundred posts this night alone, and has been forwarded by more than 10,000 people." A young girl wearing a police uniform angrily said said.

"Our police officers have just gone to her residence, but no one opened the door after knocking for a long time. However, our police officers suspected that there was someone in the room, and based on the time and IP address she posted last time, She is indeed at home." Another slightly fat young man, also wearing a police uniform, also quickly reported the latest news to everyone.

"I guess I don't dare to open the door at night, but it doesn't matter. We will go directly to her company tomorrow to arrest people." There was also a police officer in his forties present. After hearing the report, he was very calm. Anyway, he must run away. No, and that Huang Shu may not know that she is being targeted by the Internet police.

"She must be at home!" the young girl suddenly shouted.

"Look at her post. Does it mention Zhou Duoduo knocking on the door? She must have made it up after hearing our police knocking on the door. These black fans are simply crazy." The girl pointed to the post on the screen. She analyzed angrily that she was really angry, so angry that she was out of breath. People like Huang Shu seemed too hateful to her.

Just because you don't like it, can you spread rumors like this?

The evil side of human nature is clearly reflected in Huang Shu.

"Okay, I'm going to make some coffee for you. Huayi sponsored a lot of good things for our Internet Police Center today. The coffee machine was also replaced and a lot of coffee beans were given. We just got a taste of it. I was kind enough to do this for them.”

"I want Blue Mountain!" the young female police officer immediately raised her hand and said.

"I want to try civet coffee, do you have it?" the young man next to her asked shyly.

"Why drink that disgusting thing? Just drink Blue Mountain like Xiao Wu." The old police officer insulted the young man, then hummed Peking Opera and walked to the lounge not far away.

The young man was scolded by his leader, but he didn't care. He found a chair and sat down happily, and sighed: "Huayi is very kind. I heard that this time they sponsored us with more than 100,000 yuan."

"This is not sponsored by Huayi. I think it was paid by Nie Wei." The young girl laughed and said, "My sister is bullied like this, and my brother must be upset."

"I wish I had a brother like this. My brother only knows how to bully me and asks me for pocket money. Alas." The girl envied Zhou Duoduo in her eyes, and sighed helplessly. They are both brothers, why is there such a big difference?

With a sense of loss, the girl continued to work while waiting for coffee.

Suddenly, a piece of news was pushed on the computer desktop. Seeing the title, the girl's eyes were straight.

"Something big happened, something big happened." After being stunned for two or three seconds, the girl suddenly screamed, scaring the dazed young man next to her and almost slipping off the chair.

"What's wrong, what big thing happened?" The young man asked hurriedly.

"Nie Wei is back!" When the girl said this, she couldn't stop her excitement for some reason.

Looking at the excited face, the young man was stunned, and suddenly laughed: "It's really a big thing."

Nie Wei returned to China. After this news appeared on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar, because everyone knew that Nie Wei's new movie had reached the critical period of preparation, and even the start date had been determined, but at this time Nie Wei would suddenly return to China.

What kind of big thing happened that made Nie Wei return to China overnight in his busy schedule?

The reporters at the airport swarmed over, but were stopped by the bodyguards and airport security brought by Nie Wei. Facing the loud questions from the reporters, Nie Wei ignored them and walked quickly out of the airport, then left the airport in a Rolls-Royce.

As soon as the news report came out, there were speculations on the Internet.

"It must be that Fanxing Technology is going to make some big moves again. Liu Jing has been making big moves since she took over Fanxing Technology. She acquired Baofeng Video and invested in DJI Aircraft Company and became a major shareholder of DJI. I think no matter how rich Nie Wei is, he can't stand her waste. He must come back to deal with her."

"Don't be funny, Liu Jing's acquisitions are all rated A by the industry, the best. Fanxing Technology's stock price has soared because of this. How could Nie Wei be dissatisfied?"

"I think it's still about the entertainment industry. Is Huayi making some big moves again? Or is there something wrong with Fanxing Entertainment?"

"What could it be? , Huayi’s biggest event right now is Nie Wei’s new movie, they invested 50 million US dollars, and Fanxing’s PRODUCE-101 is a huge hit. Did Nie Wei come back to China to give them bonuses? "

"Could it be because of Zhou Duoduo’s hacking?"

"Hahahaha, this is the most unlikely, how could they go back to China just for such a small matter? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

There are many speculations online, and some people really think it’s because of Zhou Duoduo, but this group of people is also the most laughed at by everyone, but sometimes, this seemingly impossible thing is actually the truth.

Nie Wei returned to China and didn’t rest at all, and went directly to Fanxing Technology Building.


In one hour, all Fanxing Weibo supervisors and above in Kyoto must come to the company for a meeting.

With an urgent order, all staff felt a sense of impending storm.

No one knew what the meeting was about that day, but as soon as the two-hour meeting ended, the company issued a notice of dismissal. The Fanxing Weibo Supervision Group directly dismissed 56 people, including a deputy supervisor-level employee.

Nie Wei didn't care how silent the employees of Fanxing Technology were. After dealing with those guys in the supervision group who didn't do anything, Nie Wei went directly to Fanxing Entertainment Company.

Continue the meeting!

The manager of HELLOGRILS hadn't even arrived at the company yet, but she received a call informing her that she was no longer the manager of the group. At the same time, two people in the publicity group were also separated from the team.

Soon, the company notified the public relations department that the bonus for that month would be cancelled.

At this point, anyone with a little bit of brains knew that Nie Wei came back this time to stand up for his sister.

People who went online that day, especially the fans of Zhou Duoduo and Yang Xiaoli, suddenly found that there were fewer people who blackened their idols, especially the big accounts that took the lead, all of which were banned.

"It's so satisfying, so satisfying!"

"They got their comeuppance after being so arrogant. Do you think it was our brother Duoduo who took action?"

"Of course it was. When Nie Weiwei returned to China, all the accounts of these black fans were blocked. It must be Nie Wei who stood up for his sister."

"Wake up, Nie Wei doesn't have the time to care about the quarrels between children?"

"Humph, anyway, I think it was brother Nie Wei who took action. Brother Nie Wei is the best."

After Huang Shu woke up in the morning, she found that she could not log in to her main account. It was blocked, and it would be blocked for a thousand years. It would not be unblocked until 3017.

"Why was I blocked?" Huang Shu was anxious. She had invested a lot of effort in this account, and she had 50,000 or 60,000 fans alone. Although she couldn't compare with those big stars, she was also a figure in the fan circle. Now that the account was suddenly blocked, she felt that her heart was bleeding. She quickly contacted Fanxing Weibo to ask why it was blocked.

"Your topic involves making rumors." The administrator of Fanxing Weibo replied quickly.

"How did I make rumors?" Huang Shu retorted, but unfortunately no one paid attention to her. Huang Shu was so angry that she almost smashed her keyboard.

Huang Shu appealed seven or eight times, but didn't get any response. When she saw the time was almost seven o'clock, she was afraid that she would be deducted from her salary for being late, so she quickly turned off the computer. She was ready to call the customer service at noon to ask about the account.

On the way to work, Huang Shu was always distracted because she was still thinking about the account. She used that account to call the wind and rain on the Internet, and had hundreds of younger brothers using it. She was afraid that if the account was gone, this glory would also be gone.

With all her random thoughts, she even forgot to go online to see how her "black material" was spreading.

When Huang Shu arrived at the company, it was already 7:55. She breathed a sigh of relief in the elevator. If she was a few minutes late, she would have lost the full attendance bonus for this month.

She put aside her distracting thoughts and took out her employee card from her small bag, trying not to waste a second of clocking in.

What surprised her was that as soon as she got out of the elevator and walked to the company's door, she saw several people in police uniforms waiting at the company's door.

For some reason, Huang Shu's heart suddenly jumped a few times, and she was a little panicked.

She herself didn't understand why she was so panicked, but she didn't think too much about it. She felt that she was a law-abiding citizen, so she was not afraid of any police, and hurriedly ran a few steps to the company's front desk.

"She is Huang Shu." But as soon as Huang Shu approached, she heard a colleague at the front desk pointing at her and saying.

"Hello, are you Huang Shu?" One of the three police officers, a female police officer who looked to be in her twenties, stared at Huang Shu and asked sternly.

"I... I am." Huang Shu stuttered a little, and was completely panicked, because she had no idea why the police officer was looking for her.

"Well, because you are suspected of spreading rumors and spreading false information online, please come back to the police station with us." After hearing Huang Shu admit her identity, the female police officer said directly, especially when she saw Huang Shu's dull look, she showed a sarcastic smile.

If I had known this would happen, I would not have done it in the first place.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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