Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 116 115. Luo Kai's Concerns

The conversation with Yang Rui was very pleasant. Nie Wei could feel the kindness expressed by the other party. It was not the kind of flattery, but a willingness to establish a personal relationship with you.

Of course, this kind of communication is limited to this for the time being. After all, the time we have known each other is too short. It is already a very good result to leave each other a number. Whether the friendship will go further in the future depends on the development of each. Of course, it also depends on whether Nie Wei or Yang Rui are determined to maintain this relationship.

After chatting for a while, Yang Rui left, and Nie Wei also speeded up his meal. Luo Yuan on the side was preparing a sun umbrella and a deck chair, because Nie Wei needed a lunch break after eating.

A bowl of noodles quickly entered Nie Wei's stomach, and Luo Yuan was almost ready. Nie Wei stretched out his waist, lay on the prepared recliner, and quickly fell asleep, while Luo Yuan was By staying on the side, one was to prevent anyone from disturbing Nie Wei's rest, and the other was to calculate the right time to wake Nie Wei up.

Not far away, there was also a group of people gathering together to eat.

"Jiang Xin, what are you looking at? If you don't eat seriously, I will eat them all." Liu Tao, who just shouted about being vegetarian, was holding a chicken leg in his mouth.

"It's nothing." Jiang Xin looked away. She originally wanted to treat Nie Wei as nothing, but the other party's behavior made her unable to stand it. Just like just now, a big man let such a thin girl She was angry just looking at those heavy jobs, but they were willing to fight and suffer, so even though Jiang Xin couldn't stand it, she didn't want to say anything.

But she didn't say anything, but Liu Tao couldn't help but follow her gaze out of curiosity.

"Hey, it's Nie Wei. By the way, you have a rivalry show this afternoon." Liu Tao said with a smile.

"Yeah." Jiang Xin buried her head in her meal and was not prepared to pick up the topic.

Maybe Nie Wei left a good impression on Liu Tao in the clothing store that day, so even if Jiang Xin didn't answer, she still continued with great interest: "I watched Nie Wei's filming this morning, and her acting skills were really good. Great, there is almost no NG, and the director gave him a thumbs up. It’s hard to imagine that she is still a student in an art school. I really don’t know how he developed his acting skills.”

"Sister, can we eat without talking about irrelevant people?" Jiang Xin put down her job and said dissatisfied.

"What's the matter, are you still angry with Nie Wei?" Liu Tao smiled, but did not shut up because of Jiang Xin's attitude, and said directly: "Actually, we can't blame Nie Wei entirely for that matter. After all, he was not like us at the time. "Familiar, it's normal to refuse our invitation. Besides, Nie Wei also showed an apologetic attitude and wanted to pay for us, but you just refused to save face."

"Why am I angry with him? As you said, he and I are not familiar with each other. I just can't stand his style. This is a good reason." Jiang Xin said.

"Absolutely." Liu Tao did not comment on Jiang Xin's statement, but did not forget to remind him: "It's okay if you hate Nie Wei, but don't bring your emotions to work, otherwise you will still suffer."

"Sister, don't worry." Jiang Xin replied impatiently as she took the last bite of rice into her mouth, then walked towards the trash can beside her with the finished lunch.

Looking at Jiang Xin's back, Liu Tao smiled bitterly. How could she not know her sister's temper? Her likes and dislikes for a person were all written on her face. He only hoped that she would restrain herself and not really offend Nie Wei. It's great, after all, the backer behind that person is not comparable to those who are helpless and helpless.

However, Liu Tao was obviously overly worried. Although Jiang Xin despised Nie Wei from the bottom of her heart, she was very professional at work.

A rival scene was filmed without many twists and turns and passed smoothly.

However, as soon as the play ended, Jiang Xin immediately put on an expression of "Don't let strangers in", making it clear that she did not want to have anything to do with Nie Wei, and Nie Wei, who was treated with "cold violence" by Jiang Xin, did not come forward at all. With the idea of ​​getting close, Yu Min on the other end shouted to stop, and they immediately split up and went back to their respective rest areas.

Liu Tao, who had been watching the scene worried about his sister, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. Naturally, what she wanted to see the most was a reconciliation between Jiang Xinneng and Nie Wei, but it was okay to treat each other as strangers like this, anyway. As long as they don't turn on each other, that's fine.

Back at her resting place, Luo Yuan had already prepared herbal tea, and she had just taken it out of the ice cubes in the thermos bucket. Nie Wei took the herbal tea and saw that it was a very familiar brand, but at this time the herbal tea was in There hasn’t been much sales in the mainland yet, and the name is still the very festive one.

Nie Wei opened the herbal tea and took a big sip. The cold tea flowed down the esophagus and into the body. The coolness instantly spread throughout the body, even giving Nie Wei the illusion that even the sun in the sky was not that hot.

"Nie Wei, here are the fruits I bought. My dad washed the watermelons and distributed them to everyone in a while." After watching Nie Wei finish the drink, Luo Yuan took out a small fruit basket and said.

Nie Wei looked at the fruit basket Luo Yuan placed next to her. All the items she requested were in it, and what was rare was that they were all washed. Each fruit still had water drops on it, making it look bright and attractive.

"Okay, let's just leave the fruit. You can help Uncle Luo share the watermelon later, and I won't go there." Nie Wei sat on the chair and didn't want to move. He was very tired after taking most of the day's filming.

Seeing that Nie Wei had no instructions, Luo Yuan ran to help her father wash the watermelon.

When Luo Yuan and Luo Kai came back after washing the watermelons, they found that there was another person where Nie Wei was resting.

Just by looking at the energetic ponytail, Luo Yuan could guess that this girl must be Shu Chang, but she was curious about what she was doing today since Shu Chang didn't have a scene.

The answer was soon revealed.

After Nie Wei and Shu Chang chatted for a few words, Nie Wei took the girl to Director Yu Min, obviously taking Shu Chang to get acquainted with the director.

After a while, Nie Wei and Shu Chang returned to the resting place.

"Take these fruits back to the hotel later. I can't send you off. I have an extra scene tonight." Nie Wei handed the fruit basket prepared by Luo Yuan to Shu Chang.

"I know, brother, you should also pay attention to your own safety." Shu Chang took the fruit basket and reminded him. After seeing Luo Yuan and Luo Kai on the side, he politely greeted them, and then looked back every few steps, reluctant to leave.

Nie Wei kept watching Shu Chang's figure walk out of the door, and then sat back in his resting chair and picked up the script to read.

"Nie Wei is really good to Shu Chang." Seeing this scene, Luo Yuan on the side sighed with a little envy.

"It's very good, but I'm afraid it will cross the line." Luo Kai on the side also sighed, but there was no envy in his tone, but deep worry.

Thanks to Tianshan Laogandie for the 588 reward, and also thanks to Huitianwulu, I want to see your sister, the sacred tomb, flfjedcw, and Yaotiao Shunv for the rewards.

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