Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1163 1263. Crew reunion

Because of Zhou Duoduo's incident, Nie Wei was delayed for nearly half a month in returning to China, so after arriving in Los Angeles this time, Nie Wei held a second reading meeting for the crew the next day.

This time all the main actors are here.

"Is there no problem communicating in English?" On the way to the company, Nie Wei asked Wu Lei with a smile. The main reason why many domestic actors cannot develop in Hollywood is the language barrier.

Wu Lei smiled confidently when faced with this question and replied: "Brother Nie Wei, don't worry. I don't dare to speak about other subjects, but I am confident in foreign languages."

Wu Lei is a child star. The life path planned by his parents for him since he was a child is to hope that he can become a big star in the future. Especially after Xiao Xiaoyao became famous after starring in "Legend of Sword and Fairy", Wu Lei's parents became more determined to train their children to become Star thoughts.

Moreover, Wu Lei’s parents are very far-sighted. They not only cultivate Wu Lei’s various talents and acting skills, but also attach great importance to his language training. The junior high school and high school he attended are bilingual classes. Regarding the use of English, whether it is listening or speaking, He is very proficient in reading and writing.

For example, in this year's college entrance examination, Wu Lei's scores in all subjects were average, except for English, which got close to full marks.

This is actually the common education situation of child stars born in the 90s and 2000s. Child stars including Song Zuer and Guan Xiaotong are also very good at foreign languages.

It is obvious that these children are making preparations for a rainy day and are fully prepared to develop abroad in the future.

Nie Wei arranged Wu Lei next to Foy. The two of them were about the same age. Foy was only one year younger than Wu Lei. Moreover, Foy was easy to talk to and would not be embarrassing. He could help Wu Lei quickly integrate into the group.

Wu Lei is like a curious baby. Although he is a little reserved due to the unfamiliar environment, his cunning eyes keep looking around. From time to time, he will ask Foy some questions that are very childish in the eyes of girls. Fortunately, Foy is patient. All were answered for him one by one.

Wu Lei originally thought that there would be some difference between the auditions in Hollywood and in China. In fact, except that the actors speak English, they are basically the same.

Everyone took out the script, discussed the roles with each other, and asked the director for advice.

Wu Lei was a little distracted as he listened. After all, reading around was a very boring process. He was a teenager and had an active mind. He was in a new place, surrounded by blond and blue-eyed foreigners. How could he stay down and be serious? Reading around.

It was just that Wu Lei was distracted for a while and was discovered by Nie Wei. Then Nie Wei hit his head with a rolled-up script. It was loud and not painful, but Wu Lei felt very embarrassed, especially when he saw Foy covering his head. He looked like he was having fun, and his face turned red instantly.

"Let you experience the role, how was the experience?" Nie Wei didn't care about the young man's embarrassment at this time. He couldn't do anything if he didn't read carefully. This was a good opportunity to communicate and experience the role, so Nie Wei decided to take the opportunity to take the Wushu test. Lei.

If Wu Lei answers well, he will at least be successful and impress the foreign actors present. If Wu Lei does not perform well, Nie Wei can also teach him a lesson and tell him the secrets of his role. The importance is that when the province returns to China in the future, it will be like filming "Fighting Spirits Turning into Horses, Such Horror".

At this time, Wu Lei could not appreciate Nie Wei's "good intentions". He just had the feeling of being at a loss when he went back to school and slipped out of class and was caught by the teacher.

"It's a good experience." Wu Lei replied nervously.

"Then let's show you what it's like to be an autistic boy." Nie Wei didn't waste any time and asked Wu Lei to do the real thing.

Wu Lei was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect the test to come so soon. Fortunately, although he is young, he is not a rookie. He has even more acting experience than many young actors today.

So after hearing Nie Wei's test questions, he quickly calmed down and began to figure out the character's emotions.

Children with autism have two most obvious characteristics. One is to close themselves in their own world, not having any contact with the outside world, and resisting any outside contact.

Another characteristic is that when you have the opportunity to break the other person's closed world and be accepted by an autistic child, he will form a strong dependence on you.

This is the case with Baleburn in the play. Graves, disguised as Grindelwald, took advantage of Balebourne's desire to become a wizard and successfully broke Balebourne's defenses, allowing him to do things for himself, and Balebourne also Eventually he went crazy because of Graves' betrayal.

After more than ten seconds, Wu Lei realized that he had entered the character's state and started performing directly.

I saw that Wu Lei's originally straight back suddenly became rickety, and his head was slightly lowered, avoiding the gaze of everyone, looking at a loss.

Then his body began to tremble slightly, his expression seemed to be in pain, and his fingers were slightly spread.

"I can't do it." Wu Lei suddenly said, and Nie Weiwei immediately thought of which scene he was acting in, and answered directly: "My child, the sooner we find him, the sooner you can Free from pain."

"I want to give this to you, kid. There are not many people who can trust me with it..." Nie Wei simply recited the lines and did not go up to help Wu Lei act opposite, but Wu Lei was very spiritual. As Nie Wei read out his lines, it was as if there was a mentor in front of him that he admired. As Nie Wei read out his lines, he acted opposite to the invisible mentor.

The other actors present were extremely surprised. They were not only surprised that Wu Lei was so good at acting at such a young age, but also surprised that Nie Wei was so familiar with the script that he was able to speak without even reading the script and read every line. not bad.

Wu Lei's performance lasted only one minute. After it ended, there was a round of applause.

Wu Lei broke away from his character's emotions and looked at everyone applauding and looking surprised, especially the little girl Foy, whose mouth was wide open at this moment, as if she couldn't believe it. He couldn't help but raise his head with pride. corner of mouth.

In fact, from the moment he entered this room, Wu Lei saw doubts about himself in the eyes of many actors present. It was obvious that these people regarded him as a relative.

They did not think that they entered the crew based on their ability, but only got the role because they were from the same country as Nie Wei.

Now that he had proven himself with his strength, they immediately showed their respect.

Of course, for Wu Lei, the most important thing was Nie Wei's approval. He looked at Nie Wei, who also clapped his hands gently with a look of appreciation on his face.

"The performance was pretty good, but the expressions were a little too strong in some places, for example..."

Listening to Nie Wei's teachings, Wu Lei's proud expression gradually disappeared, replaced by an open mind to accept the teachings, because Nie Wei's words were meaningful. He confirmed his performance just now, and the more he felt that what Nie Wei said was very reasonable.

Nie Wei spoke to Wu Lei for ten minutes. At the end, he reminded him again to read carefully.

Wu Lei nodded sheepishly, promising that he would read carefully.

Thanks to Fantasyland for the generous tip.

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