Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1165 1265. Turn on, request

Daddario was also prepared for the press conference to ask about this matter.

"Actually, the news reports were wrong. I did fall, but it was not as serious as the news reports. I only had a slight bone fracture. The doctor told me that I only need to rest for half a month, cooperate with treatment and eat a healthy diet. After recovering, director Nie Wei also came to the hospital to see me and confirmed that I was physically qualified for the role, and then both parties happily signed the contract," Daddario replied lightly.

What can the reporter say? Even if he has doubts in his heart, he can only write the news according to Daddario's words. Otherwise, what else can he do? Can't he go on stage to personally check Daddario's injury?

Even Nie Wei stood by to help Daddario cover his lies.

"We at Max Films never joke about the health of actors. Miss Daddario is recovering very well indeed. I have also consulted her attending doctor. Miss Daddario's recovery from her injured wrist is fully capable of withstanding the role in the movie. Filming content, so I would also like to ask fans of Miss Daddario to rest assured that your idol is in good health.”

Nie Wei's last words were just to give Daddario a boost. She didn't have any fans. The number of followers on Facebook was only a fraction of Nie Wei's, and she was often just a fan of flesh and blood, with no loyalty at all.

As for Daddario's attending doctor, this young lady's agent has also paid for it.

With the unified caliber of the three parties and the revised medical certificate, no matter how hard the reporters dig, they can't find anything. What they get will always be the answer Nie Wei wants to tell them.

As for Daddario's wrist recovery, it is indeed good. On the one hand, it is due to Daddario's treatment regardless of the cost. Secondly, her self-control is also very good. She has been on a low-salt vegetarian diet recently and eats the lightest and most delicious food. Healthy food, which helped a lot in the recovery of her bones.

Nie Wei called another reporter, but to her surprise, it was Daddario who asked the question, but this time it was not about her injuries, but about her acting skills.

"After the public heard that you chose Miss Daddario as the second female lead, there were a lot of doubtful comments. They questioned that Daddario's acting skills in previous movies were not very good, and he had never played a leading role. An important role in the production, is she really qualified for this role?”

The reporter's questions made Daddario look unhappy, because all she said was pointing at her nose and saying that her acting skills were poor. Although her acting skills were indeed poor before, she still felt embarrassed to be slapped in the face like this.

"This is why they are the audience and I am the director. Since I chose Daddario, it is naturally because he fits the image of the character in my mind and is strong enough to play this role. Of course, what I say may be You still don’t believe it, then why not wait until the movie is released to buy a ticket and go to the cinema to see it for yourself. There is an old saying in China that ‘seeing is believing’. I believe Daddario’s performance will not disappoint you. ”

Daddario also took the microphone and said with a sincere face: "I know that my acting skills were not very good before. If I hadn't been so famous, maybe I would have won several Golden Raspberry Awards."

"But this time I met a good director. She saw the problems in my acting skills and pointed out a clear path for me. I feel that my acting skills have changed completely, and I am confident that I can play this role well. "

At this time, Rowling also stood up and spoke for Daddario.

"I have always been very strict in selecting actors, and I approve of Daddario. I can assure my fans here that she will bring you a very good Queenie."

With Nie Wei and Rowling endorsing Daddario, the reporters at the scene stopped questioning. Of course, there were many people who disapproved of it. They didn’t think that Daddario, who was already over 30 years old, would be reborn. After all, the acting style of actors at this age is basically finalized.

Nie Wei pointed to another reporter, but unexpectedly it was Daddario who asked.

This time the reporter questioned Daddario's age again, because Daddario was born in 1986, but Nina, who plays her sister in the play, was born in 1989. They are three years apart but three years older. Daddario is the younger sister.

"Isn't this strange? Age never limits an actor's ability to shape a character." Nie's only sentence dismissed the bored reporter.

Of course, for an actor who still plays a twenty-year-old girl in his forties or fifties, Nie Wei thinks it’s best to play the right role at the right age. Obviously Daddario’s age and appearance are still very suitable for Queenie. of this role.

The next reporter finally did not ask Daddario anymore, but asked Wu Lei, who was sitting at the very end. Although this young Chinese actor was sitting in the corner, he had actually caused a stir from the moment he entered the scene. The attention of many reporters.

"I would like to ask this actor named Wu Lei, as a Chinese actor, will you have any language communication difficulties when filming in Hollywood?" The reporter's first question was directed at Wu Lei's language barrier.

The reason I am the first to ask this question is that the biggest problem for many Chinese actors who came to Hollywood in the past was language. Actors at that time did not have as good educational conditions as today's young actors, and they also did not have the advanced awareness created by today's era. .

Therefore, language is often the biggest problem these actors face when the opportunity comes.

"Of course not. In fact, my English is pretty good." Wu Lei answered the reporter's question directly in fluent English.

Wu Lei's English was not stumbling, and there was no serious accent problem, which surprised the reporter who asked the question. After coming back to his senses, he gave Wu Lei a thumbs up.

Of course, he was still not ready to let Wu Lei go despite the praise, and threw out a second difficult question.

"We all know that there are Chinese faces in the Harry Potter movies, such as Zhang Qiu, but Zhang Qiu is actually a British who grew up in the UK, but you are indeed a Chinese who grew up in China. Do you have any trouble in character creation because of cultural surprise?"

Wu Lei hesitated a little, mainly because it was difficult for him to answer this question. If he answered yes, he would be in line with the reporter's wishes, and he didn't know how to write about himself later. But if he denied it, he didn't have any solid evidence to prove that he could ignore the influence of his growing environment to be competent for the role.

Wu Lei looked at the audience in embarrassment and found that his agent was also anxious.

"Wu Lei is fully capable of playing the role." Nie Wei took over the topic and eased Wu Lei's embarrassment.

"Although Wu Lei grew up in China, we are now in the information age. The Internet has turned the earth into a global village. It is actually very easy to understand the cultures of different places. Moreover, after Wu Lei got the role, he seriously experienced the role and even went to the rescue center to accompany and understand many autistic children. Please look forward to his performance in the movie."

If Wu Lei said this himself, he would be suspected of self-praise, but it was very appropriate for Nie Wei to say it. Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and his agent looked at Nie Wei gratefully, thanking him for his help.

You should know that when reporters ask questions like this, the director actually doesn't say that he must help the actors to block the embarrassing questions. Some directors even deliberately indulge reporters to embarrass the actors, because this can create topics and help promote the movie.

Everyone has seen Nie Wei's care and protection for the crew actors from beginning to end. Just based on this point, Nie Wei can be called a good director.

Afterwards, Foy, Rowling, and Depp, who was the last to appear, were bombarded by reporters one after another. The press conference lasted for an hour and a half before it ended.

Next was the opening ceremony. Nie Wei originally wanted to keep it simple, without even a red banner, and just let reporters enter the set and take the first shot after filming. But Rowling heard about the worship ceremony in Hong Kong from somewhere, and thought that this mysterious and ancient method was very pious, and might really bring good luck to the movie, so she also urged Nie Wei to do one.

Nie Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this. If it was really so useful, Hong Kong's movies wouldn't have fallen into the state they are now. It used to be a well-known Oriental Hollywood, but most of the movies it produces now are even disliked by mainland movie fans.

But Rowling has made a request, and it's not a big deal anyway, so just do it.

The things were very simple. Nie Wei asked the staff to go to the local Chinatown to buy incense tables and incense burners. There was sandalwood for sale in the grocery stores in Chinatown. As for the tribute, there was no unified rule. The crew without money made some fruit cakes, or simply made some staple foods such as big steamed buns and scrolls, and the rich made a roast suckling pig.

Nie Wei found a local Chinese restaurant to make a roast suckling pig, and then bought some apples and snacks, which was considered complete.

According to the auspicious day, everyone waited on the set for ten minutes before the opening ceremony officially began.

The next scene was very interesting. A group of blond and blue-eyed foreigners held sandalwood and bowed three times to Guan Erye, the God of Wealth, in a serious manner. There was also a group of blond and blue-eyed reporters next to them who were curious about this magical ceremony and kept taking pictures with their cameras.

The worship ceremony lasted about half an hour, and Depp began to look at his watch impatiently, and it ended hastily under Nie Wei's urging.

Then the first scene was the scene where Delindwald revealed his identity and was caught by the U.S. Ministry of Magic.

Except for the two young actors, almost all the main actors appeared in this scene, and the filming process was very smooth. Although Depp had some minor problems as a person, he was still a top actor. The supporting actresses were Uma Thurman, who only took two takes to pass this scene.

This was because Nie Wei pursued better and filmed it more. In fact, the first scene had already reached the excellent standard in Nie Wei's mind. Uma Thurman played the Minister of Magic from the initial joy to the solemn change when she found out that she was facing Grindelwald, and Depp played the pride of Grindelwald. After being caught, he still held his head high and did not look like a loser at all.

In short, it was a wonderful scene. After taking pictures, the reporters on the scene also left the set under the leadership of the staff, but everyone was very reluctant to leave, because Nie Wei always liked closed-door filming. If he wanted to interview these actors and creators again, it would probably take a few months.

After the reporters left, Depp also left with his agent. His mission was completed. He would be the real protagonist in the second film.

As Depp left, the atmosphere at the scene became much better. Depp was the kind of veteran superstar. Wherever he went, he seemed to be the wind and light. He always had a feeling of being above everyone else. Whether it was himself or his team, they all exuded a "I am a big star" temperament, which made many young actors at the scene feel uncomfortable.

Depp can finish filming, but for other actors, the next step is the real beginning. Several main actors are a little overexcited. After all, they have never filmed such a big movie before, which gives Nie Wei a headache. It is good for actors to be excited, but it is not good to be too excited. It is easy to lose control of emotions.

After several failures, Nie Wei paused the filming and called all the actors to scold them. These ignorant guys were honest, and the subsequent filming was much smoother.

On the other side of the ocean, two girls were distressed by Nie Wei and didn't sleep well for many days.

Ever since Xuanyi and Meiqi learned from Meisha that Fanxing wanted to poach them, they have been restless. They have been absent-minded in their work these days. During this period, the two were taught a lesson by the director and photographer more than once, and even Meisha talked to them several times.

There is no way, who made Nie Wei's name too loud in the entertainment industry.

The fame of Fanxing and Huayi is too dazzling in the Chinese entertainment circle. It is like Real Madrid and Barcelona in football clubs. If they want to actively recruit players, they only need an intention, and 90% of them will be tempted. Some people are even willing to join with their own money.

The two girls called their families for this. In the end, Xuanyi's parents gave a more feasible plan for Xuanyi and Meiqi to try to get in touch with Fanxing further and listen to the detailed treatment before making a decision.

So after another day of magazine shooting, Xuanyi and Meiqi invited Meisha to a cafe next to the magazine.

When Meisha received the invitation, she knew that the two girls might make a decision. As for what the decision was, she felt that there should be no suspense. Although Y Entertainment is also famous, it is far behind Fanxing.

One is a big company that can promote artists to the international level, and the other is only a company in China and has some fame in the idol circle. Is it really difficult to choose between these two companies?

What Meisha didn't expect was that although Xuanyi and Meiqi had obvious intentions, they also made a request that made her feel very embarrassed.

Thanks to TaoDEtie for the generous reward of 400, and thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for the generous reward.

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