Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1188 1288. Playing games in an Internet cafe

In fact, it is not just Nie Wei. Later, Hu Ge starred in "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", and was also questioned.

Nie Wei still remembers that the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" forum was full of posts denouncing the TV series, thinking that the TV series was fabricated. Who would have thought that ten years later, the TV series would be regarded as a classic by countless people.

Of course, in Nie Wei's opinion, Han Dongjun faced greater pressure than himself and Hu Ge.

On the one hand, he and Hu Ge had achieved excellent results before, and more importantly, the influence of the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" brand was declining year by year.

From "Legend of Sword and Fairy IV" onwards, the works of the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" series were at best step-by-step, and at worst they were standing still.

There was basically no eye-catching innovative operation in the gameplay, and it basically followed the old routine of RPG in the 1990s. It seemed that many fancy systems were organized, but in essence it was still the original design, for example, you could never get weapons and equipment beyond the current level at level 10, etc.

This also means that during the game, apart from the storyline, players cannot feel any surprises. In terms of the storyline, the theme of the Legend of Sword and Fairy is still mostly tragedy. When the players play to the end, they find that they can't change the result at all, which will naturally make them feel disappointed.

Compared with the new RPG games that are mainly open world and free to choose the direction of the task, this is a very obvious disadvantage.

In addition, with the convenience of the Internet today, in order to recover funds in advance, game companies put semi-finished games on the market in advance, causing many players to encounter countless game problems, optimization, BUGs, etc. in the early stage, which further reduced the experience of the game.

Naturally, the reputation of the Legend of Sword and Fairy series of games has gradually faded and become much dimmer under this bad operation.

This can be seen from the ratings on some game websites.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" is the highest-rated game in this series, reaching 9.6 points, which is also the highest score of domestic RPG. It is worth mentioning that the second place below this game is Mr. Xu Canglong's work "The Legend of the Golden Book Heroes".

Due to various reasons, "Chinese Paladin II" was released halfway through production, but with the support of the previous generation's reputation, it still received a score of 7.0.

When it came to "Chinese Paladin III", it was produced by Mingzhu Softstar. The team of Mingzhu Softstar made significant changes to the game, using 3D graphics, adding gameplay, changing the turn-based system to a semi-real-time turn-based system, and spell combinations. It even designed a multi-choice ending, giving players the opportunity to achieve the perfect goal in their minds.

And this work also became the resurrection of the Chinese Paladin series, with a score of 8.8, which was definitely a leading work in that era.

The subsequent Chinese Paladin IV adopted a real-life 3D model, which was also an improvement and received a score of 8.1, but after that, the subsequent series of this game stopped moving forward.

For example, Han Dongjun's "Chinese Paladin V" only scored 6 points on the game website, and the sixth part was even worse, with a score of only 5.4.

Considering the tolerance of gamers towards domestic games, this rating is simply a disaster.

The reputation of the original novel was not good, and the adapted TV series naturally also bears pressure. Although the decline in the reputation of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is mostly due to the playability of the game, it is undeniable that gamers are gradually tired of the tragic plot of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" in terms of plot aesthetics.

"So don't have too much pressure. Your senior brother has also been questioned, and I have also been questioned, but time will witness everything, and as an actor, you shouldn't carry all the pressure on yourself." Nie Wei was free and patiently enlightened Han Dongjun.

Teacher He heard it from the side and waved to Yang Xiaoli, asking her to go over and listen.

If you drive one sheep, you will also let two sheep go. What's more, Yang Xiaoli is his own artist. Nie Wei certainly didn't hesitate to tell these two young actors some of their experience.

"Adaptation, especially the adaptation of the previous work, is bound to be accompanied by controversy, but this controversy will not be a disadvantage for you, but more beneficial than harmful."

"Do you know what kind of artists entertainment reporters like? They like those controversial artists, just like when Yang Xiaoli participated in the program, she herself was very controversial." Nie Wei suddenly mentioned Yang Xiaoli, and the girl couldn't help but think of the past.

"When the media reports on such artists, it will definitely attract a large number of people to watch. These are actually the popularity of stars." Nie Wei's words made everyone present nod.

When Yang Xiaoli first became popular, everything she did was really accompanied by controversy. She had no expression on her face. Some people said that she was cold and heartless, with a smile on her face, while others said that she was fake smiling, and her crying was crocodile tears. Even a subconscious action was magnified and interpreted by many black fans.

At this time, fans who like Yang Xiaoli naturally have to stand up and speak for their idol, and controversy arises.

YXH doesn't need to spend any effort at all, and can naturally gain traffic. Therefore, these YXH are getting more and more excessive, and even deliberately write some provocative posts and use some specious titles just to provoke disputes.

"Let me tell you something interesting. You all know the top traffic artists, but you know that for the top artists, their fans are only a small part of the traffic, and most of the power is contributed by black fans and passers-by."

"Is it true?" Han Dongjun exclaimed in surprise. Yang Xiaoli nodded thoughtfully. She had been on the hot search several times, all because of black fans. This was something she had experienced personally.

"That's the fact. I have to say a few words to Yang Xiaoli. Your performance on the show after you were blackened by the whole network was really bad in my opinion."

The sudden criticism caught Yang Xiaoli off guard. She nodded and shook her head in panic.

Shu Chang looked at the child's innocent cuteness, so she held her hand and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Nie Wei doesn't mean to scold you, just listen to him carefully."

"I just want to give you some advice. As an idol, don't think about pleasing both sides, unless you don't want to be famous. So your timidity during that period was incorrect. You lost yourself, which is also the reason why your ranking dropped later. Fortunately, you regained a little confidence after two episodes, otherwise you might even lose the chance to debut."

Yang Xiaoli smiled embarrassedly: "During that time, several friends kept comforting me, and I have figured it out a little bit."

"Those friends are very good. Don't stop contacting them just because the show is over. It's not easy to make close friends in the entertainment industry." Nie Wei said with a smile.

"I have contacted them all. We had dinner together in Kyoto last month." Yang Xiaoli replied quickly.

Nie Wei nodded and taught her some ways to get closer. Interpersonal communication in the entertainment industry is really a learning. If Nie Wei didn't say it, Yang Xiaoli would not know that there would be so many twists and turns.

Han Dongjun, who was standing by, felt that he had benefited a lot from listening to this.

"By the way, how long has Yifei been studying in the United States? Are you still in touch?" Teacher Huang suddenly thought of Lin Yifei and asked.

But after he said this, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang were both stunned, while Yang Xiaoli and Han Dongjun were confused. Teacher He frowned and gently pulled Teacher Huang's sleeve.

Huang Lei also found that the atmosphere was a bit strange, mainly because Nie Wei and Shu Chang's expressions were unnatural for a moment after he asked.

"We have never been in touch." Nie Wei came back to his senses and answered frankly.

"Haha, so that's it." Teacher Huang smiled awkwardly and didn't ask any more questions.

Because of Teacher Huang's sudden question, everyone also saw that Nie Wei was no longer in the mood to revisit the old place. After a quick turn, he went back to Taoyuan House.

Along the way, Nie Wei seemed very natural, but Shu Chang looked worried.

On the way back, Teacher He also found the program team and asked them to remember to cut out the part where Teacher Huang asked the question.

"Teacher He, if you didn't say it, we wouldn't dare to broadcast it." The director of the program team smiled bitterly. How could he dare to broadcast this part? He didn't even dare to keep it. The most correct way was to destroy it immediately when he returned to the company.

Teacher He nodded. He was afraid that the program team would not take it seriously and release it. If Nie Wei felt disgusted with Teacher Huang, it would not be beautiful.

Since the director of the program team knew it, Teacher He would naturally not say anything more.

"How about we go to the town for a walk? We don't even have rice to make peach blossom cakes, and we have to buy seasonings and so on." When they were about to reach Taoyuan House, Teacher He suddenly suggested.

Teacher He encountered many things like weird atmosphere, so he naturally knew the solution, which was to divert attention.

Everyone naturally would not object to Teacher He's suggestion.

"Can we buy a popsicle to eat?" Yang Xiaoli immediately suggested when he heard that he was going shopping.

"Okay, I'll buy you an ice cream then." Teacher Huang waved his hand and said with a smile, which also made Yang Xiaoli cheer.

Shu Chang, who was originally worried, couldn't help but smile when he saw Yang Xiaoli was so happy because of an ice cream.

"Control your weight. I don't want to see a post on Weibo that says 'Yang Xiaoli is fat'." Nie Wei suddenly said, which made Yang Xiaoli, who was happy, stunned on the spot.

"I'm not fat." Yang Xiaoli pouted and retorted to Nie Wei with dissatisfaction.

"I'm just warning you. Do you know Dahua? He was the guest of Taoyuan House before. After sitting down for a season of the show, his face changed from a sunflower seed to a pumpkin seed. The comparison pictures on the Internet are flying all over the sky. I think you should have seen it too. I don't think you want your comparison pictures to be flying all over the sky, and you are more popular, so there must be countless times more comparison pictures than his."

"Ah————————!!!" Yang Xiaoli stomped his feet madly, snorted, and decided to ignore Nie Wei.

Han Dongjun on the side was stunned. In his eyes, Yang Xiaoli was just like the lawless Monkey King, who dared to show disrespect to a big boss like Nie Wei.

Nie Wei didn't care about it, and even felt like laughing. It was nothing for a 20-year-old girl to be willful occasionally, and it was not a big mistake. On the contrary, if Yang Xiaoli had learned to please everyone and say different things to different people, she would not be as popular as she is now.

For fans, the most precious thing is actually the word "real".

What they fear most is to see that everything about their favorite idols is fake.

Everyone drove to the town. Shu Chang said that he wanted to go shopping. When Teacher He heard it, he directly proposed to act in groups.

"Well, Mr. Huang and I will go buy seasonings, rice and flour, and we will drive away. You young people can just walk around the town. I will give you 100 yuan as activity funds." Mr. He handed the 100 yuan to Nie Wei solemnly. Huang Lei looked distressed. That was 100 yuan.

"You don't need that much, right? How about I change a 50-yuan bill for you?" Huang Lei took out a 50-yuan bill from his pocket and wanted to exchange it with Nie Wei, but before he could get close, he was stopped by Yang Xiaoli.

"Girl, are you going to tell me if you want to tell me?" Looking at Yang Xiaoli who was blocking him like an old hen protecting her chicks, Huang Lei smiled helplessly and pointed at Nie Wei and Shu Chang and said, "They will stay for one day. If we save the 100 yuan, we can do one less day of farm work next time."

"I don't care. Anyway, Mr. He has given it to us, so it's ours." Yang Xiaoli's money-grubber attribute broke out and she lost her IQ. No matter how much Mr. Huang persuaded her, she couldn't persuade him.

"You will regret it later." Huang Lei reluctantly left this sentence.

Yang Xiaoli, like a winner, urged Nie Wei to go to the store. The girl was thinking about ice cream all the way.

Since they were just strolling around, Nie Wei asked passers-by about the location of the nearby store, preparing to use ice cream to block Yang Xiaoli's mouth.

On the way to the store, Yang Xiaoli walked in front, jumping and making Shu Chang laugh.

"This girl is so interesting." Shu Chang watched Yang Xiaoli trip and almost fall while walking, and couldn't help laughing again.

Nie Wei was speechless, and didn't understand what Shu Chang's mysterious laugh point was. Yang Xiaoli could make her laugh like this just by walking.

However, as she was walking, Yang Xiaoli suddenly stopped and looked to the side. It was not until Nie Wei walked to Yang Xiaoli's side and turned to look in the direction of her gaze that she realized that Yang Xiaoli was looking at an Internet cafe.

"Go in and play for a while?" Nie Wei asked tentatively.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Yang Xiaoli nodded violently, not thinking whether Nie Wei was being polite at all, and walked towards the Internet cafe without any hesitation.

"Really go in and play for a while?" Han Dongjun was also a little tempted, but he didn't want Yang Xiaoli to be so heartless, so he asked Nie Wei again.

What else could Nie Wei say? Go in and play for a while. The Internet cafe was already a long time ago in his memory, but the person who accompanied him to the Internet cafe at the time was still by his side.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei looked back at Shu Chang and smiled brightly.

Thank you for the generous reward from Fantasy Paradise.

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