Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1196 1296. Erha Girl

Everyone worked together, and soon a plate of seafood was placed on the table.

Teacher Huang also personally prepared the dipping sauce for everyone. In his words, it would be a pity if such good ingredients were ruined by the dipping sauce, so he had to prepare it himself to feel at ease.

"Basic chopped green onions, minced ginger, and mashed garlic are all necessary, and a little soy sauce and sesame sauce are also needed, and finally a little white sugar is added. This is a good thing, which can enhance the flavor."

"If you like spicy food, you can also put some mustard or chili oil here."

After everyone sat down, Teacher Huang did not forget to introduce the dipping sauce he prepared, and then made a small dish for everyone. The large copper hot pot in the middle of the table gradually emitted hot steam. Yang Xiaoli swallowed his saliva greedily, and his chopsticks could not help but knocked the dishes in front of him.

Shu Chang saw it from the side and quietly took Yang Xiaoli's hand.

"It's not good to knock like this. The old people say that knocking on the bowl while eating will make you poor for life. The most important thing is that it will leave an impolite impression on others." Shu Chang patiently taught Yang Xiaoli.

Yang Xiaoli blushed slightly, stuck out her tongue, put down her chopsticks, but her eyes were still staring at the hot pot, muttering to herself: "It should be ready, it's steaming, can we put the ingredients in? I think it's almost done."

Shu Chang couldn't help but laugh as he listened to Yang Xiaoli's constant mumbling, thinking that this girl was so cute.

"It's almost done, put the ingredients in." After seeing that the mushroom soup had boiled, Teacher Huang picked up a portion of ingredients and put them in.

The next twenty minutes made the directors of the program group anxious.

Because these guests were busy eating there and didn't chat throughout the whole process, they raised the reminder board several times, but they pretended not to see it. In addition, the fresh fragrance of the seafood pot filled the whole yard, making the stomachs of the program group rumble.

"Xiao Li, is the rice I asked you to cook done?"

"It's done."

"Serve it out. It's delicious when mixed with crab roe."


"The fish slices are really well cut. They're really thin. Just rinse them two or three times. They're tender and fresh."

"The handmade shrimp paste is also great. It's mainly because of the good ingredients and the excellent skills of the chef who made the shrimp paste. The shrimp paste is not only full of shrimp flavor, but also very chewy. It's great."

"Wipe your mouth." Shu Chang smiled and handed Nie Wei a tissue. Seeing Yang Chaoyue, who was chewing on the king crab legs, with her mouth full of oil, he also handed her one.

"Thank you, sister." Looking at the tissue handed over by Shu Chang, Yang Xiaoli felt a little flattered.

Seeing Yang Xiaoli's well-behaved appearance, Shu Chang couldn't help but touch her head. Nie Wei happened to notice this scene and felt a little surprised. He didn't expect Shu Chang to have such a high favorability towards Yang Xiaoli.

However, Yang Xiaoli is indeed the kind of girl who is easy to be liked by others. Nie Wei smiled and didn't care. He handed the peeled red shrimp in front of him to Shu Chang's plate.

But it was this daily behavior that made Teacher He, Teacher Huang and Han Dongjun sitting opposite all shrink their hands and look nauseous.

"So happy." Teacher He said.

"So sweet." Teacher Huang said again.

"So... so envious." Han Dongjun lacked a little tacit understanding, but reacted quickly and added at the end.

Facing the teasing of the three people, Nie Wei and Shu Chang all looked calm. As an old couple, they have long passed the time when they blushed and their hearts beat fast when being teased. Besides, they have experienced many big scenes, so how could they be shy because of a small teasing.

On the contrary, Yang Xiaoli, who was not concerned, blushed a little, glanced at Shu Chang and Nie Wei with a slanted eye, and laughed foolishly.

After eating for half an hour, everyone's chopsticks finally slowed down, and their eyesight gradually "recovered" as their stomachs became fuller, and they were finally able to "see" the program team's prompt board.

"That director has been holding the prompt board there for half an hour, and kept asking us to talk, but we kept eating. Hahaha, it makes me feel so sad." Teacher He pointed to the staff holding the prompt board and joked.

"Oh, someone is holding a prompt board, and I didn't see it all the time." Teacher Huang also joked, and deliberately picked up an abalone and shook it towards the director, but finally threw it into his mouth, and then deliberately chewed it loudly.

There were many grinding sounds and stomach rumbling sounds at the scene. All the staff of the program team looked at Huang Lei as if they were a class enemy, feeling that this guy was too hateful.

"We still have some ingredients here, why don't we let the staff eat some too?" Yang Xiaoli couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered.

The staff looked at Yang Xiaoli at this time, as if they saw an angel, and several hungry girls were almost moved to tears.

All the staff looked at Nie Wei eagerly at this moment, because not only did Nie Wei buy all the ingredients, he was also their boss.

"You can't just give them food so easily, you know how black-hearted they are, they built a gas stove but didn't give them gas, just for this reason, they can't just eat it easily." Nie Wei looked at the staff of the program group and said indignantly.

"That's right!" Nie Wei's words immediately resonated with Mr. Huang on the side.

"These people are all black-hearted, in the first season, I even built the stove myself, and now it's the third season, and we finally have a gas stove, but there's still no gas. I don't care, you must provide us with a can of gas, and then we'll let you have a big meal."

"One tank of gas for one king crab, isn't it a good deal?" Han Dongjun simply quoted the price directly.

Staff, look at me and I look at you. I obviously want to die, but I can't live up to my reputation. You know that in previous shows, they told the guests to do whatever they said. How can you let the guests take advantage of you?

In particular, Wang Zhengyu, the chief director of the program team, looked even more reluctant. He seemed to be struggling for a while before whispering to a staff member next to him. The staff member nodded, not knowing what Wang Zhengyu was doing. No matter what the order was, the staff member quickly disappeared into the team.

When he didn't get a response, Huang Lei was not in a hurry. He opened another king crab leg and took a big bite happily.

"This crab meat is so fresh. Live king crab is so delicious. It's so fresh."

"Gudu, Gudu." The sounds of swallowing came one after another, and even Yang Xiaoli, who was eating, couldn't help but secretly extend his little hand towards the king crab legs.

"The opportunity is rare." Nie Wei suddenly said with a smile.

"Don't miss it if you're passing by." Yang Xiaoli, who was beside him, quickly picked up Nie Wei's words and said loudly: "If you pass this village, there won't be this store."

After saying that, he opened the crab legs he had just 'stolen' like Teacher Huang, and then took a big bite.

At this moment, the staff member who had just been ordered by Wang Zhengyu came back. At the same time, he had two more small jars in his hand. When Teacher Huang saw it, he immediately laughed angrily.

"Do you dare to dig more? I just want to ask you if you dare to dig more. Is such a big gas tank enough to cook a meal?"

"According to actual tests, it can cook three meals." Faced with Teacher Huang's sarcasm and doubts, Wang Zhengyu, who had long since tempered his face as thick as a city wall, replied without changing his face.

"Okay, let's exchange a crab leg for such a small can." Nie Wei saw this and simply changed the exchange rules.

This made the staff of the program unhappy. One crab leg was not enough for everyone, and there were more than a hundred staff present.

"No, one can is exchanged for one king crab. You can also choose not to exchange." Wang Zhengyu did not let up at all, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Everyone in Taoyuan House tried their best to ask for two more cans of gas, but Wang Zhengyu refused to let go. One can was exchanged for one crab. The two parties bargained for more than ten minutes but still did not reach a result.

"Forget it, let's each take a step back. Two crabs can be exchanged for three cans of gas. If you still disagree, we can just eat all the remaining two crabs, so everyone doesn't have to worry." Nie Wei gave the answer. Final reserve price.

Just like that, Wang Zhengyu still looked like a reluctant boss and nodded reluctantly.

"I really want to kick him." Everyone was shocked. When they looked back, it was classmate Yang Xiaoli who said this.

Everyone was stunned by Yang Xiaoli's shocking words. Nie Wei was the first to react and couldn't help laughing: "That's so right. Remember to give me an extra kick when you kick him."

Following Nie Wei's words, Teacher He also gave Yang Xiaoli a thumbs up, and Huang Lei even looked like he wanted Yang Xiaoli to be his confidant.

"You really expressed everyone's feelings." Shu Chang hugged Yang Xiaoli's shoulders and laughed so hard that he almost shed tears. Wang Zhengyu had a wronged expression, but no one would sympathize with him, not even the audience. No one sympathizes with him. After two seasons, Wang Zhengyu has long been the devil director in the eyes of Taoyuanwu fans.

In the end, everyone in Taoyuan House exchanged two king crabs for three mini liquefied gas tanks.

Teacher Huang carefully collected these three liquefied gas tanks, saying that they would only be used at a critical moment.

"Pause." Wang Zhengyu waited for Teacher Huang to finish speaking, then stopped immediately. The eating part was considered over.

"Take a break for half an hour." Director Wang ordered. Reality shows cannot be recorded for 24 hours. The guests also need to change their minds to come up with better jokes, and the staff also need to take a break to eat.

"Hurry up and send out the lunch boxes you ordered. Why are you wasting your time?" Wang Zhengyu ordered the clerk, but found that the clerk was hesitant.

"Didn't order a box lunch!?" More than ten seconds later, Wang Zhengyu's roaring voice echoed throughout the audience.

Can he not be angry? After staying up for most of the day, everyone's stomachs were already growling with hunger. We couldn't fake this kind of human body reaction. When the guests were eating just now, the sound that filled the courtyard really made him, Director Wang. My stomach is about to rebel.

Not to mention the coolies carrying microphones or playing with tracks and lights.

Everyone was gritting their teeth and persisting, waiting for a bite of food during the half-hour break. But now the venue manager actually told him that the lunch box was not ordered. What did everyone want to eat? Do you want to continue recording when you are hungry?

Thinking about it, this was all he could do. Wang Zhengyu glared at the manager and prepared to ask her to go to the grocery store in town to buy some instant noodles, bread, ham sausage, mustard and other fast foods for a meal. Time was urgent. It was too late to contact the hotel now.

Of course, Wang Zhengyu is not in the mood to think about why the venue manager didn't order a lunch box, and how to punish these guys later. After this recording is over, he will think carefully about how to punish these guys.

"Go to the grocery store to buy some food. Why are you still standing there? Do you still want me to chase you away?" Wang Zhengyu ordered angrily, only to find that the usually clever housekeeper was still standing there, even Still looking like he was suppressing a smile, he suddenly became even more angry.

Is this guy seeking death? Director Wang was so angry that he almost hit someone.

"Director, why don't you ask me why I didn't order a box lunch?"

"Oh, why didn't I order a box lunch? I want to hear your explanation."

"Because the boss also prepared a hot pot for us." As soon as the stage manager finished speaking, there was a cheer at the scene. The people who had been glaring at her were all smiling at this moment.

Wang Zhengyu was also stunned and looked at Nie Wei who was standing at the door of the house.

"Take a rest for a while and have a good meal. You still have to stay up late at night." Nie Wei said with a smile.

The hot pot was prepared long ago. It was the same as what Nie Wei ate, all fresh. This was also Nie Wei's reward to this team. The results achieved in the two seasons of "Longing for Life" were very gratifying. It has replaced "We Got Married" and become the second trump card program of Fanxing.

And the 123 members of the program group can be said to be the treasures of Fanxing Entertainment. Such an excellent team naturally deserves a reward of a seafood dinner.

"Then extend the rest time for another half an hour." The boss has spoken, and Wang Zhengyu also loosened up.

When everyone heard that they could rest for another half an hour, they all cheered, and then they were busy making fire and cooking hot pot. Some staff members were also unpacking the ingredients. There were bursts of exclamations and laughter, like waves, one after another.

Nie Wei did not go to see the group of staff eating, but returned to the house and found Teacher Huang and Teacher He who were resting on the side.

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang, please take care of Xiaoli in the future programs. This girl often speaks without thinking, which may offend people. Please be more tolerant. When you return to Kyoto, I will treat you to a meal."

The sentence "kick him" that Yang Xiaoli blurted out before really scared Nie Wei.

Although many people at the scene may have thought so at the time, Yang Xiaoli should not have said this. After all, her age and qualifications are there. This will make people think that she does not respect her predecessors, even if everyone knows that she is just joking.

Nie Wei then asked the two teachers to keep an eye on her. In Nie Wei's eyes, Yang Xiaoli was like a Husky. If no one could restrain her, she might do something outrageous.

Thanks to Chuangchedeniu and Fantasy Paradise for their generous rewards.

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