Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1254 1355. Reincarnation and Redemption

Perhaps he really figured it out, or perhaps it was for the show, anyway Zhang Qi returned to normal the next morning, and greeted Teacher Wang warmly when he saw him.

Zhao Yiming secretly observed, and he was relieved.

Zhao Yiming didn't say a word to Lao Wang, he knew very well that Teacher Wang was indeed a bit overbearing, just like he always liked to order Zhang Qi to work in the team.

If he knew that Zhang Qi had opinions about him, even if Teacher Wang knew he was wrong, he would probably be unhappy and would make trouble for Zhang Qi.

So it's better not to let him know.

But Zhao Yiming also knew that this was just a stopgap measure, and Zhang Qi couldn't always give in to Lao Wang like this. He didn't have any good way to solve this problem, but in his opinion, at least keep the team stable before the end of the show, and then he would think of other ways after the show.

Maybe at that time, because of the interests, even if they don't like each other, these people will not want to leave the team.

Although Nie Wei noticed that there was a problem with the relationship within the Black Panther team, he didn't intervene, and believed that Zhao Yiming, the big brother, could calm the team members.

The next morning, he went to the airport with Alan to send the two families of Sakurai and Nishimiya back to Sakura Country.

Nie Wei sent the two families to the airport gate together. Due to their celebrity status, he and Alan did not get off the car. They thought they would say goodbye, but before getting off the car, Nishimiya Ayako took out two lunch boxes from her backpack and handed them to her husband.

"Mr. Nie Wei, Miss Alan, thank you very much for this song. This is some food my wife made overnight. If you don't mind, please accept it."

Mr. Nishimiya sincerely handed the two lunch boxes to Nie Wei. If it were an ordinary person, he might repay the other party with money, but Nie Wei obviously didn't lack money. This was the greatest sincerity that he and his wife could think of.

"Thank you, we will enjoy it well." Nie Wei took the lunch box and replied with a smile.

"Auntie, live a good life when you return to Sakura Country. Nishimiya classmate certainly doesn't want to see her mother immersed in grief all day long. I will go to Sakura Country again in a while, and I will visit you at that time." Alan hugged Nishimiya Ayako, comforted her, and agreed to see each other again.

Nishimiya Ayako nodded and expressed her welcome to Alan.

After the Nishimiya family exchanged greetings, Sakurai classmate beside her also took out a letter from her schoolbag and handed it to Nie Wei with a shy face.

"You can open it after we leave." Sakurai classmate did not forget to remind him when handing the letter.

"Okay, don't worry." Nie Wei agreed with a smile.

The two families did not delay any more time, and they were also afraid that passers-by would recognize Nie Wei and Alan, which would cause trouble to the two benefactors. After thanking them again, they walked into the airport. On the way there, Sakurai's parents pulled Sakurai to ask something, and it was obvious that they were also asking about the content of the letter.

After watching the two families enter the airport, Nie Wei and Alan got back into the nanny car.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Nie Wei suddenly turned his head to look at Alan, who did not hide his teasing eyes at all. He smiled at Nie Wei and looked at the letter in his hand. His purpose was self-evident.

But after waiting for a long time, Nie Wei did not open the letter. Alan, who felt like a cat scratching, could not help but urge: "Open the letter quickly and take a look."

"No, I'll read it after I return to the hotel." Nie Wei refused with a smile, and Alan was choked for a long time before he recovered.

"Humph, who cares? I guess it must be a love letter written by a little girl to you. I will tell Shu Chang later that a little girl from Sakura Country wrote a love letter to you, and you deliberately didn't let me read it."

"Hehe." Nie Wei laughed twice, closed his eyes and rested directly, ignoring Alan's threats at all, which made her so angry that she wanted to bite Nie Wei.

After more than ten minutes, Alan suddenly found that Nie Wei's breathing was steady, as if he was asleep.

"Brother Nie Wei?"


"Are you asleep?"

Alan tried to call out three times, but got no response. She was immediately happy. Looking at the half-revealed letter in Nie Wei's side pocket, her hands were eager to move.

"I'll just take a look, and then I'll put it back." Alan whispered, and her hand seemed to reach into Nie Wei's pocket uncontrollably. After a few seconds, Alan gently pinched a corner of the envelope.

Afraid of waking Nie Wei, Alan was particularly careful and pulled the envelope out very slowly. It took half a minute before she was about to take the letter out. At this time, Alan's forehead and nose were already covered with dense beads of sweat.

When people are highly focused, their physical strength will also be consumed more. At this moment, Alan has also reached a critical period and her mind has been focused to the limit. When she completely pulled the envelope out of Nie Wei's pocket, she felt as if she was possessed by Li Xiaoyao, and with a move of flying dragon exploring the clouds, it was like taking something out of a bag...

When Alan thought of this, she suddenly felt a bite on her hand, and then she saw Nie Wei, who should have been sleeping, looking at her with a smile.

"Ah, ah!" A scream that could pierce the eardrums sounded, and the nanny car turned a corner, which scared Alan and Nie Wei who were sitting in the car again.

"Zimo, what are you doing." Nie Wei opened the window and asked Cheng Zimo who was driving.

"Master, it's okay, it's just that Alan called too suddenly and scared me." Cheng Zimo wiped the cold sweat on his head and replied.

Hearing this, Alan, who was sitting in the back, was also speechless.

"I was scared by your master. He pretended to be asleep to scare me." Seeing that he was about to take the blame, Alan hurriedly passed the blame to Nie Wei from behind.

"Did you want to steal my letter first?"

"Who told you not to show it to me? Why do you feel so guilty?"

"Why should I show it to you? Sakurai-san has told me to take it back and see it myself."

"She didn't say it, she just didn't let you see it in front of her."

The two of them were facing each other when they suddenly heard a 'pop' sound. They stopped and looked over. It turned out that the window was closed again by Cheng Zimo.

Nie Wei and Alan looked at each other and stopped arguing.

There was no words all the way. After returning to the hotel, Alan got out of the car without saying hello to Nie Wei. She just followed Nie Wei until Nie Wei opened the door. Then she rushed in ahead of Nie Wei. As soon as she entered the room He shouted: "Sister Shu Chang, a girl from Ying Country wrote a love letter to my teacher."

Nie Wei stood at the door, the corners of her mouth twitching, and she was speechless at Alan's childish behavior.

After a while, Alan walked out like a winner. He saw Nie Wei still standing at the door and snorted at him. Soon Shu Chang came out of the bedroom and looked at Nie Wei who had just come in with a smile. He asked curiously: "What love letter is it?"

"A girl wrote me a letter." Nie Wei simply replied: "It's Sakurai-san."

"He didn't show it to me. I thought there was something fishy." Alan immediately fanned the flames, but Shu Chang didn't look angry at all. He even smiled and showed off to Alan: "Wow, a junior high school student wrote a love letter to my husband. My husband is very charming.”

Alan's big eyes widened and he looked at Shu Chang in disbelief, then at Nie Wei who was not panicking at all. The next moment he couldn't help but cover his chest.

My heart feels so congested and my heart aches.

Alan couldn't stay in this room any longer. Pushing away Nie Wei who was standing at the door, Alan rushed out of the room and ran towards the restaurant. She wanted to turn her grief and anger into appetite.

Nie Wei watched Alan escape and felt dumbfounded.

"Young girl, you are playing tricks with me to stir up trouble, hehehehe." Shu Chang looked at Alan's back in disdain and forgot about it. What was this girl's intention? Shu Chang knew it from the moment she opened her mouth. How could she fall into the trap? Just now she was just playing with Alan on purpose.

"But what happened to that letter Alan mentioned?" After mocking his 'opponent', Shu Chang turned around and asked Nie Wei with a smile.

"I don't know either, I haven't opened it yet." Nie Wei took out the pink envelope from his pocket and answered innocently.

"Oh, watch it then, remember to save it after reading it, but this little girl's heart is full of affection." Shu Chang winked at Nie Wei, teased, turned around and entered the bedroom, closing the door on purpose.

Nie Wei stood at the door and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, it's just a letter. Even if it's a love letter, there's nothing shameful about it. But letting Shu Chang tease her like this makes it seem like she's hiding some secret.

Nie Wei smiled, walked to the living room, first went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of ice-cold mineral water, then sat on the sofa and opened the envelope.

The pink envelope exudes a girlish feeling, and the letter paper inside is also pink. This combination indeed looks like a love letter, but the content inside has nothing to do with love.

This is just a sincere thank you letter from Sakurai-san.

"During the period when Nishimiya died, I had been living in guilt and fear. Until you appeared, I found the strength I could rely on. Your help made me feel the warmth of the sun..."

Nie Wei's expression gradually became serious, because from the whole thank-you article, Nie Wei also found some fragments of words, which revealed the girl's state of mind at that time, anxiety, fear, and self-blame. These were completely symptoms of depression. Until this time, Nie Weicai knew how much pressure this seemingly strong and optimistic girl was under.

After reading five pieces of paper, Nie Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you read the love letter?" Shu Chang made two cups of tea and came over, asking with a smile.

"It's not a love letter, it's a thank you letter from Sakurai-san." Nie Wei paused for a moment before saying, "Sakurai-san also had symptoms of depression during the period when Nishimiya died."

Shu Chang put away his joking expression and was very surprised.

Shu Chang didn't have much contact with that girl Sakurai. In the past two days, she only met three or four times. But in her impression, she was already the kind of carefree person who didn't seem to care about anything. A cheerful girl, I never expected that she would also suffer from depression.

"After all, it was her best friend who left. The girl may appear to be strong, but she is only a teenage girl. How could she not be affected by this?"

Nie Wei sighed, and his guess was actually pretty close.

But the more this happens, the more Nie Wei likes this girl's character. Compared with Nishimiya, who has a one-and-done choice, Sakurai, who is as stubborn and unyielding as a weed, makes people feel more attractive.

After a few sighs, Nie Wei collected the letter and asked Shu Chang to put it in his suitcase. He was really planning to take it home and store it.

After taking a sip of tea made by Shu Chang, Nie Wei opened his laptop.

Shu Chang originally thought that Nie Wei wanted to watch the news, because the song last night directly set off the Internet, and there were endless news on the Internet. Many musicians praised Nie Wei's talent, praising him as a musical genius that will not appear in a century.

But after opening the notebook, Nie Wei didn't click on the browser at all, but opened the document directly.

He was writing the outline of the script.

This was an idea that he had in mind when he was writing the song, a story about school bullying.

Shu Chang thought so at first, but after looking at the setting for a while, he suddenly found that he thought too simply. Although the main plot of the script is indeed the problem of school bullying, the way it is carried out is unexpectedly interesting.

Nie Wei added a setting to this story, just like the save and read of a game, the protagonist is deeply trapped in a reincarnation.

The hero of the story bullied the heroine at the beginning, which indirectly caused the death of the heroine. Because of the death of the heroine, the hero was also punished in school, and was also hated by his classmates and became the target of bullying.

For a reason, the hero suddenly returned to the day before the heroine's death.

The joy of rebirth did not last too long. With the death of the heroine again, the hero returned to the day before the heroine's death. At this time, he realized that he was trapped in a reincarnation cycle, and the only way to break this cycle was to save the heroine.

"This is a story about self-redemption." Nie Wei stroked the teacup that had cooled down, and said to Shu Chang beside him.

There have been simple school bullying movies before, and there are even quite a few. Nie Wei is not going to continue writing a similar story. He is going to change a unique angle and create a model that can attract more audience interest to create this movie.

The feelings of the male protagonist in the process of failing to save the female protagonist again and again are what Nie Wei wants to tell the public.

"It's great. If I were ten years younger, I would definitely play this female protagonist." Shu Chang sighed regretfully.

Although there are no traces of time in her appearance, she knows that her heart can no longer accept herself to play this kind of high school student. This is not a limitation of appearance, but a psychological barrier.

Now she especially hates that people always label her as a girl. In other people's eyes, this is a compliment, but Shu Chang believes that only older women need this label. Real girls never need the label of "girlishness" because they are girls themselves.

Thanks to 0773 for the generous reward.

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