Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1283 1385. Visiting the Set

The Shanshui Manor in the play actually does not exist in reality. The filming location is a very famous golf club in Mingzhu City.

The filming location was able to borrow the club to shoot the film thanks to Zhou Jianguo's face. This is the property of an old friend of his. The crew had been looking for Shanshui Manor for a long time but could not find a satisfactory location. After Shu Chang knew about this, he thought of Zhou Jianguo, after all, Zhou Jianguo originally opened a real estate company.

After asking around, Zhou Jianguo really thought of a suitable place, which is this club.

When Shu Chang took the photos to find director Liu Lu, the latter immediately determined that this club was the Shanshui Manor he wanted after seeing these photos.

With Zhou Jianguo's help in contacting, the boss finally agreed to lend the club to the crew as a filming location. Of course, the crew will also promote the club in the later interviews, and the fees to be paid will not be less.

As a leisure place that dignitaries in the play flock to, the scenery of this filming location is really good.

Entering the gate, the golf course not far away is very eye-catching, and the rockery, courtyard, and gurgling stream in the manor are like an antique landscape painting.

After Nie Wei entered the door, he met many staff along the way. Few were surprised to see Nie Wei, and some even waved to Nie Wei like old friends.

Speaking of old friends, except for a few key positions that Liu Lu brought with him, most of the other staff members are really from Huayi, and many of them have even worked with Nie Wei. These people are naturally Nie Wei's old friends, and they all know that Nie Wei is very casual and unpretentious in private.

Nie Wei was not dazzled by the scenery in front of him. He also knew the purpose of coming today, so he grabbed a familiar staff member and asked him to take him to the place where Shu Chang was filming.

Nie Wei was taken to a villa in the club by the staff. It was still some distance away from the set, and Nie Wei recognized Shu Chang, who was wearing a bright red dress.

The two seemed to have telepathy. As soon as Nie Wei recognized Shu Chang, Shu Chang subconsciously turned around and looked at Nie Wei. Then Shu Chang also recognized Nie Wei at a glance, and immediately threw away the script happily and ran towards Nie Wei excitedly.

Shu Chang was happy and expressed her mood completely with her actions. She jumped and ran to Nie Wei.

Looking at the slightly thick makeup on Shu Chang's face, which could not cover up the delicate features and delicate skin of this little woman, Nie Wei couldn't help but smile and gently held Shu Chang's hand.

"I thought you were going to sleep until noon." Shu Chang said with a smile.

"No, I slept on the plane last night, but I didn't sleep well, so I took a nap. By the way, what do you want to eat at noon? I just made a reservation now." Nie Wei explained and asked.

"Have you forgotten? You said you would treat everyone in the crew to scallion pancakes."

"Yes, yes, yes." After Shu Chang's reminder, Nie Wei suddenly remembered that he did mention this when he had breakfast with Shu Chang in the morning, but he did not remember it.

Fortunately, there was still time. He immediately called a stagehand, took out two thousand yuan from his wallet, and asked him to ask two people to take a taxi to buy three hundred scallion pancakes.

The stagehand who took the task hurried to find helpers. Shu Chang looked at Nie Wei's empty wallet and said with a smile: "I will ask the assistant to get two thousand yuan later."

Nie Wei has a very interesting habit. No matter what time, there is always two thousand yuan in banknotes in his wallet. Obviously, he has a credit card, and mobile payment has become more popular in recent years. Even Shu Chang has abandoned physical currency early, but Nie Wei still retains this habit.

This is actually a habit left by Nie Wei in his previous life.

The nature of his job at that time meant that Nie Wei could not always use credit cards and mobile payments. These consumption methods were bound to leave traces, but it was difficult to trace the source of cash. Nie Wei did not need to do that in this life, but this habit remained.

And sometimes when going to some remote areas, cash would actually be more convenient, or when buying some goods, you would still encounter merchants that only accept cash.

Speaking of mobile payment, Nie Wei did have a big event recently that was related to it.

At the beginning, Nie Wei spent hundreds of millions of yuan to take over half of the ownership of Aliba, but with the rapid development of the ALIBA Group, Mr. Ma has always wanted to take back this half of the ownership, after all, Aliba is an important part of his business empire.

In the end, Mr. Ma exchanged 12% of the shares of a newly established financial company named Grasshopper for half of Nie Wei's ownership of Aliba.

This is a win-win situation.

Alipay is a magic weapon in Mr. Ma's hands, but it is useless in Nie Wei's hands. The Star Platform has its own proprietary payment system, which is similar to WeChat in the original time and space, and is also one of the payment software commonly used by people today.

So Nie Wei felt that it was very cost-effective to exchange half of the ownership of Alipay, which was useless, for 12% of the shares of Grasshopper Financial Company.

This is indeed the case. Now the value of Grasshopper Financial Company has risen to 100 billion, and it is still in US dollars. Nie Wei's original efforts have been rewarded thousands of times.

Shu Chang didn't chat with Nie Wei for long, she still had two scenes to shoot next.

After Nie Wei and Shu Chang separated, they walked to the director's side. A staff member passed on the message that Liu Lu had already known about Nie Wei's arrival in the crew, but seeing Nie Wei and Shu Chang being so close together, he didn't dare to go up and say hello.

"Director Nie, please give me some guidance later." Liu Lu joked as soon as they met.

"Director Liu, if you say that, I'm embarrassed to sit next to you. I still want to learn from you." Nie Wei said modestly.

"Hahaha, learn from each other, learn from each other."

Liu Lu is a well-known director in China, but he is in the field of TV dramas. Compared with Nie Wei, a world-class director, he is naturally far less famous, but this does not mean that he is willing to let Nie Wei guide the filming.

Liu Lu may consider giving suggestions, but he is definitely not happy if Nie Wei wants to intervene. The sentence just now is actually a polite remark.

Nie Wei naturally understood. In fact, all directors hate others interfering in their work. First, it is a matter of personal style. When filming film and television works, except for some flaws, it is actually difficult to define whether a shot is right or wrong.

Just like Zhang Da Huzi, he likes to use light and shadow techniques to express the picture, but some directors think that he shoots like a ghost movie, and when this kind of light and shadow is shown on TV, it sometimes gives the audience a less than ideal experience, to put it bluntly, it is not very clear.

But Zhang Da Huzi thinks that this is his feature, so in any TV series he shoots, there will always be a few shots with particularly strong light and shadow, such as when Xiaolongnu appears, and when Mei Chaofeng appears, and there are many such shots.

Even if the audience is asked to judge, they feel that there are good and bad.

On the other hand, of course, it is the authority of the director. As the "king" of the crew, the director's authority cannot be challenged. It is said that a director who cannot control the actors is not a good director. As the person who controls the direction of the entire crew, if the director goes with the flow, the end of this ship is estimated to be not very good.

After some polite exchanges, Nie Wei sat next to the director.

Liu Lu and Nie Wei chatted for a while, and soon their attention shifted to the scheduling of the whole scene. Nie Wei was not idle either, watching the clips shot today on a laptop computer next to him. After Liu Lu noticed it, he politely asked Nie Wei to give some advice. Nie Wei smiled and praised him a few times, but did not make any suggestions.

Liu Lu naturally would not insist on Nie Wei pointing out a few shortcomings. In his opinion, that would just be boring. It was just a polite remark. Nie Wei praised him a few times and he was even happier.

The next scene was filmed soon.

Shu Chang sat in the middle of the scene wearing the red dress. She played two roles in this play, a pair of twin sisters. The elder sister has a strong personality and is cunning, so she is very aggressive in her dress, mainly in bright colors, and her makeup is also heavy. The younger sister is more submissive, so her makeup is more elegant.

Nie Wei has seen the makeup photos and thinks it is quite interesting. For example, the role of the elder sister is really a type that Shu Chang has never tried before.

I have to say that it was quite fresh for Nie Wei to see Shu Chang play such a bad woman for the first time.

"Xiao Chang's dialogue skills are extraordinary." Just when Nie Wei was immersed in the reversal charm of his wife, Liu Lu suddenly exclaimed in his ear.

"Well, she really pays attention to basic skills." Nie Wei did not expect Liu Lu to suddenly praise Shu Chang. He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and replied after reacting.

"It's this basic skill, which is obviously the foundation of an actor, but some young people nowadays are unwilling to practice even this foundation, and just point to the dubbing actors. But no matter how good the dubbing is, how can it be as appropriate to the role as the emotions expressed by the actors on the spot." Liu Lu said half with emotion and half with complaint.

Nie Wei then understood that the director suddenly praised Shu Chang, probably because he was "touched by the scene".

He must have encountered a young actor who had similar problems when filming before, or more than one actor was like this, but Nie Wei still agreed with most of Liu Lu's feelings.

Some actors are really not talented in voice, and some are unable to communicate in the language, so they have no choice but to use dubbing.

Let's take the simplest example, that is Stephen Chow. The voice of Stephen Chow that we are familiar with is his exclusive dubbing. Of course, Stephen Chow's own line skills are actually quite good, and those who have watched the Cantonese version know it.

But it is undeniable that this exclusive dubbing really made Stephen Chow's performance, and made his movie more humorous in terms of language.

But this is special after all, and it is an extremely special case.

In most cases, dubbing actors will do dubbing work for many actors. They are indeed professional in controlling the voice, but it is inevitable that some similar situations will occur.

For example, the heroine of a popular drama used a well-known dubbing in the industry, and another actress also used this well-known dubbing when she starred in another drama. At this time, as long as you open the barrage, you will inevitably see that every time the character played by this actress speaks, there will be audiences laughing and saying that this is the voice of a very popular character before.

This situation is actually inevitable that the audience will be suspected of being out of the play.

Moreover, because the voice actors are dubbing for many other actors, the voices of these actors cannot actually leave a deep impression on the audience. No matter how well the voice actors dub, it cannot become a personal label.

So when Nie Wei selects actors, the basic skills of lines must be examined, and when large companies like Huayi select actors, this item will also be listed as an important examination item, accounting for a large proportion of the evaluation score.

Nie Wei feels that actors who speak lines well will have greater development than those who need to use dubbing actors, and it is easier to leave the audience with the impression of acting skills, because the lines spoken by oneself are very natural. No matter how good the dubbing is, it is not spoken by oneself, and there will always be a little stiffness.

"All the actors selected for this TV series use original voices." Liu Lu proudly showed off to Nie Wei.

"You can hear it." Nie Wei nodded. Nie Wei had an impression of the actor who played opposite Shu Chang, named Xu Jun, who was a well-known acting school in the industry, and his line skills were naturally excellent.

Nie Wei had also seen the rest of the actors on the list. The youngest girls were all quite talented. The youngest male actors were Hu Ge and Cheng He, but they both had their own unique acting skills and were very good at delivering lines. They didn't need dubbing actors at all.

"Have you contacted the TV station?" Nie Wei asked.

"Not yet. Isn't it you big bosses who decide this? I'll just shoot the show well and I'll have completed my mission." Liu Lu replied with a smile.

"Director Liu, don't you have any preferences?" Nie Wei asked curiously.

"What preference can there be?" Liu Lu answered casually, "People of my generation naturally hope that comedies can be broadcast on Huaxia TV. For directors of our generation, that is an honor and something that can be said with great face. However, local TV stations have developed rapidly in recent years, and Huaxia TV does not have such a big advantage. So in fact, as long as the TV series is not broadcast on those second- and third-tier TV stations, it is almost the same."

"Besides, this matter is not something that I, a director, can decide. My preference is useless."

"If nothing unexpected happens, this play will still be broadcast on Mingzhu TV." Nie Wei gave Liu Lu a tip in advance. Nie Wei knew that the company and Mingzhu TV had started to contact this matter.

Liu Lu smiled happily when he heard this and thought it was good news.

If the domestic TV stations have to exclude one of the top three, Mingzhu TV will definitely have a seat. If the TV series is broadcast on such a good TV station, the ratings will be guaranteed to a certain extent.

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