Lin Yifei walked into the dressing room and changed her usual enthusiasm. Without saying a word, she walked to sit next to Nie Wei and placed a pile of newspapers in front of Nie Wei with a sneer on her lips.

The girl's attitude made the makeup artist who was joking with Nie Weizheng shut her mouth.

Nie Wei didn't take the girl's attitude seriously, and even took the initiative to pick up a newspaper and read it, and then shouted with a little surprise: "Am I on the headlines?"

"Are you happy?" Lin Yifei asked with a sneer.

"Of course I'm happy to be on the headlines. For the sake of bringing me good news, I'll treat you to a lunch box at noon." Nie Weiwei replied casually while reading the newspaper.

This attitude made Lin Yifei quite unhappy. The girl rolled her eyes, took out another newspaper from the pile, held it in her hand and read it aloud.

"Ahem, Nie Wei, listen to what this newspaper said, "Surprise! The queen once again acted as a sister and brother, falling in love with a popular mainland star." Lin Yifei quietly observed Nie Wei's face while reading, but found that his expression was as usual , there was no change at all, and Lin Yifei, who was unwilling to give up, increased her volume and continued reading: "Last night, a well-known French restaurant welcomed two special guests, a queen named Wang from Hong Kong and a well-known young man from the mainland, Nie. The dining process was pleasant, He also took photos with the diners... Oh, and here are the photos. Please tell me what Nie said to make Queen Wang so happy."

Looking at this report, Nie Wei couldn't help but wonder whether this reporter's imagination should be so rich.

"Fake." Nie Wei denied it, which was considered an explanation.

"What about this photo?" Lin Yifei continued to ask, but she didn't notice it herself. Her tone was so full of jealousy that the makeup artist on the side wanted to snicker. She felt that she was jealous because she had such a dark face all morning. Yes.

In fact, Lin Yifei wasn't too angry at first, but Nie Wei's attitude made her feel a lot depressed. She always felt that the other party had ignored her. Could it be that Nie Wei, who is usually so smart, didn't realize it? Is this lady angry?

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei was originally pretending to be a black face, but at this time, the fake show gradually became real.

"No, don't think about it, how old are Wang Fei and me?" Nie Weiwei made a fist with his fingers spread out, and said helplessly: "You are fifteen years old, and we are still in love with each other. If I really want to get along with her, That’s not looking for a girlfriend, that’s looking for a baby mother.”

"Pfft..." After hearing Nie Weiwei complain and explain, Lin Yifei's expression finally improved a lot, and the last sentence of "Looking for a little mommy" made the girl burst into laughter, saying that Nie Weiwei was vulgar, But the smile on his face was so bright.

The makeup artist on the side was full of gossip. Normally, I felt that the relationship between these two people was very close, but now it seemed that they were even closer. At least from the conversation just now, the little girl named Lin Yifei was obviously attracted to Nie. I only have a good impression, and I don’t know if the relationship between the two is that kind of relationship.

If Nie Wei were to know what the makeup artist was thinking, he would definitely tell him that he was overthinking it. Although Nie Wei didn't like anyone much older than him, he wouldn't do anything to a fifteen-year-old girl. After all, he didn't start from emotional considerations. , the Minors Protection Law is also there.

However, this wave of news will not disappear because of Nie Wei's explanation. On the contrary, with the support of various conditions, this news has really aroused some discussion.

The gossip between Nie Wei and Wang Fei is definitely the focus. One of the two is a queen in Hong Kong, and the other is a rising star in the mainland. The most important thing is that there is a fifteen-year age difference between them. How unique this is. A message from the eyeball effect.

No one would think that age would be an obstacle for two people to be together. After all, Wang Tianhou has a "criminal record" and the eleven-year gap between her and Ting Fung caused a lot of fuss at the beginning. Now it seems reasonable to find someone younger.

Especially when the media in Hong Kong asked Ting Fung about this the next day, the other person immediately turned black, and the photos at that time were quickly spread widely by unscrupulous media, and at the same time, this person was even more embarrassed. The sudden scandal adds a credible weight.

Faced with such unreliable but widespread scandals, Huayi Media, the company behind Nie Wei, did not stand up to clarify immediately. Instead, it only gave Nie Wei a three-word instruction, that is, not to respond.

When Nie Wei received these three words, it was very clear that Huayi was obviously preparing to take the queen and give him a ride.

Although Nie Wei is very popular in the mainland, she does not have much market in Hong Kong and Taiwan. However, Wang Fei is different. Her title of queen was not given by someone else, but she has been popular for more than ten years on her own. Her singing voice is truly prized and valuable, so Wang Fei is quite famous in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even throughout Southeast Asia.

The sudden scandal this time has obviously made Huayi see its interests, and wants Nie Wei to take advantage of this scandal to become famous outside the mainland. After all, this is not the era where Hong Kong and Taiwan artists are desperately trying to go to the mainland ten years later. When the mainland is popular, the reputation of a Hong Kong star still gives a feeling of superiority to others in the mainland, and being popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan is undoubtedly an affirmation of an artist's popularity.

It's just that this kind of popularity is mostly negative in Nie Wei's opinion, but as the saying goes, you are not afraid of being a fan, let alone a fan turning to a fan. The biggest fear is that no matter if you are a fan or a fan, you will eventually become a passerby. Then the value of your star will be gone. What this profession needs is attention, so whether you are a fan or a fan, for Nie Wei, as long as you control it properly, it will be beneficial.

In Nie Wei's lounge, Luo Kai frowned, fearing that this scandal would have a serious impact on Nie Wei's image.

"Why hasn't Wang Fei clarified it yet?" Looking at Nie Wei who was reading a newspaper, Luo Kai couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple, they are waiting too." Nie Wei put down the newspaper and replied.

Hearing this, Luo Kai was surprised. When he asked the question just now, he didn't expect Nie Wei to give any answer, but now it seems that Nie Wei has seen something.

"Nie Wei, tell me quickly."

"It's very simple. Wang Fei hasn't clarified it yet, of course, it's also for hype. Can you imagine why she came to visit me this time?" Nie Wei looked at Luo Kai, and really felt that he hated him for not fighting. This agent is obedient enough, but he is not smart. Luo Yuan on the side saw it clearly, but he was still in the dark.

"Album, you mean the album!" After thinking for a long time, Luo Kai finally got the point.

"That's right, and seeing how hot the news is, I think the other party will come out to clarify soon. And believe it or not, the next wave of their emphasis on publicity will be my identity as a musician." Nie Wei looked like he was in control of the situation, so Luo Kai didn't know how to answer for a while.

Two days later, Wang Fei really came out to clarify the rumors. Less than an hour later, Huayi also responded, stating that the two were just ordinary friends.

And just as Nie Wei expected, after clarifying the rumors, Wang Fei's publicity focused on the fact that Nie Wei wrote songs for Wang Fei. Coupled with the rumors that had been making a lot of noise before, Wang Fei's album was not yet completed, but it was already known to everyone in the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and Hong Kong.

Thanks to Yu Feiyan, the last tomorrow, bored1234667899, and reading books for a long time for their rewards.

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