There were only about a dozen people gathered in this box, three of whom were directors of Huayi, and the rest were shareholders, large and small.

Li Hao is one of the three directors, and it was he who took the lead this time to gather such a group of people.

"I called everyone here today just to talk to everyone first. I must keep Qi Xin as a person. Whether I can shake Nie Wei's prestige in the company depends on this time. If it succeeds, everyone will naturally get huge benefits. , If it fails, I believe everyone must know that Nie Wei is not that kind of holy monk. As a director, I will not be able to protect myself, and your hope of entering Huayi will definitely no longer exist. "

"So on this matter, everyone must work together and do their best to cooperate with me."

It's just that Li Hao's words obviously didn't have much effect. The other two directors were okay. After all, they were in the same camp. However, the expressions of the shareholders, large and small, were very hesitant.

After all, it was Nie Wei who they wanted to 'provoke'.

Nie Wei's prestige in Huayi is definitely very high, even surpassing that of Wang Zhonglei. Huayi experienced Wang Jinghua's "separation", from crumbling to soaring, until now it has become the top entertainment company in the country. Among them, Nie Wei deserves at least the most credit. Eighty percent.

If the Wang brothers founded the Huayi brand, then the rise of Huayi was driven by Nie Weiyi's hand. Including the current superstars under Huayi, they either have a very close relationship with Nie Wei, or were cultivated by Nie Weiyi's hand. from.

Even though Nie Wei does not hold any actual power position, every word he says is like an edict within the company, and when those celebrities have problems, the first thing they think of is to ask Nie Wei for help. He is really like He is like the 'godfather' of this company.

It is natural for this group of shareholders to be afraid. They are afraid that Nie Wei will become angry and kick them out.

Li Hao listened to the uneven responses and saw the hesitation of these shareholders, and quickly encouraged everyone: "Don't you want more dividends at the end of the year?"

"But Huayi is already the entertainment company that pays the largest dividends in the industry." A shareholder whispered.

Many people present nodded secretly. In terms of revenue, Huayi is definitely the number one in the industry, and among all the companies in this circle, Huayi is the only company that can make hundreds of millions of dividends every year.

Li Hao glared at the small shareholder, and was very angry that this guy was so ignorant that he even demolished him in public.

It's just that now is not a good time to get angry. If you want to take revenge, you have to wait until he has accomplished his goal. So after glaring at him, Li Hao changed his face, put on a pleasant look, and explained: "I know that Hua Yi is now It is indeed the entertainment company that pays the most dividends in the industry, but under Nie Wei's suppression, this company's potential has not reached its highest level at all. Do you know what the annual dividends of the big companies in Hollywood are?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Li Hao raised two fingers with a sad expression: "According to my understanding, it is at least twice the dividend of Huayi."

Seeing everyone's surprised and envious expressions, Li Hao felt that everyone was already "on the hook", so he was ready to add more fire.

"Do you know why Huayi's dividends are so small?"

"It's because of Nie Wei that he spends a large part of Huayi's profits every year to make useless things. Just like this year, the bonus he paid to the program team of "Longing for Life" was enough five million."

"Five million. I heard that the chief director alone received one million. I think some people may not get as much dividends as him in a year, right?"

"And he is just a wage earner. As for us, we are the shareholders and owners of this company. The most important thing is that these bonuses are not what this group of wage earners should get at all. They enjoy the company's dividends They are given high wages and enjoy high benefits provided by the company, but in addition, Nie Wei also uses the company’s money to reward them.”

"What is this? This is Nie Wei trying to win people's hearts, and he is using everyone's money to win people's hearts, but only Nie Wei gets the reputation!"

After hearing this, the expressions of some shareholders finally changed.

These people bought shares in Huayi just to make money. Now that they heard Li Hao say that Nie Wei actually used the money that originally belonged to them to win people's hearts, they were naturally unhappy.

"Director Li, if we support you, what benefits can you give us?" Shareholder suddenly asked.

When Li Hao heard this, he felt happy. Someone finally started to bite the hook.

"Of course there are many benefits. First of all, if I can successfully accept Huayi's artist management department, I can at least increase Huayi's current income by at least 50%."

"You may not know how loose Huayi's management of artists is. It simply doesn't look like a professional agency."

"They will even give artists at least one month off per year. For top artists, there is no limit on their rest time."

"For example, Zhang Ziyi is the most famous actress in China, but in the past six months, she has not accepted any movies and rarely participated in commercial performances."

"And Alan, as one of Asia's top divas, she has only held less than ten concerts in the past three years. Did you know that she can sell at least 50,000 tickets for one concert? The revenue from each concert is At least they are over 10 million, and compared to Alan, Deng Qiqi, who is less famous than her, has held dozens of concerts in the past two years.”

"The same is true for Jane Zhang. The company even spent money to send her to a music school in Europe for further studies because she felt that she still needed to improve herself. However, this further study lasted for half a year. During this half year, the company not only could not make a penny from Jane Zhang, but also had to lose money. And isn't this money lost by everyone here, including me?"

"I don't deny Nie Wei's importance to Huayi. Maybe he is an artist himself, so he always tries to consider the welfare of artists, but he forgets that he is still the boss of Huayi. As a boss, he is undoubtedly unqualified because he does not consider the interests of us shareholders."

"Everyone, is that right?" Li Hao took a deep breath and then asked everyone loudly.

The response this time was much more enthusiastic than before. Some shareholders began to respond loudly. The scene was very excited. If you knew that this group of people were in a meeting, you would have thought it was some brainwashing organization.

Li Hao looked at the lively scene in front of him, feeling a little excited. He looked at the two directors beside him and saw ambition and the joy of success in each other's eyes. However, he did not notice that among the group of people who were shouting, there were a few who were particularly happy, but their eyes were particularly calm.

"Serve the food and wine." Li Hao finally began to ask the waiter to serve the food and wine. He looked like he had already won and was going to have a celebration banquet.

At the dinner, everyone seemed to have a great time.

But after the dinner, some people who seemed to have gone their separate ways gathered together in a small business meeting room in a hotel.

When some of them entered the room, they would show surprised eyes when they saw others who had come earlier.

About an hour later, eight people gathered in the meeting room, and two-thirds of the people who attended the dinner came here.

"Old Liu, your acting is great. I thought you really took the bait."

"Haha, Old Li, you can do that too. I saw you shouting the hardest at the party just now."

"Everyone is just pretending. Li Hao is really stupid. He actually thought he could fool us with just a few words."

"Old Wu, which side are you on?"

Li Hao must have gone crazy when he heard these words. Everyone here was the one who agreed to his request just now. Even one of the other two directors he trusted the most appeared in this meeting room.

The seemingly solid alliance actually had a split heart from the beginning.

"I think that Li Hao is crazy. I'm sure his company doesn't know what he's doing now, otherwise they wouldn't let him mess around like this."

"What he said sounds good, but it's actually not the case at all. Take the bonus of the "Longing for Life" program team. The company has an independent fund company under it. This company is specifically responsible for the bonus of these staff members. In fact, even if this money is not paid, it has nothing to do with our year-end bonus."

"And this fund company itself was founded by Nie Wei. The first operating funds were also provided by Nie Wei. Now it is only nominally affiliated with Huayi."

"There are many more, I am too lazy to talk about them, Li Hao is too naive."

After chatting for more than half an hour, the director surnamed Hu finally stood up and said, "Today we are gathering together mainly to talk about Li Hao. I just received news that the newcomer he wanted to protect has now been dealt with by the company."

"It was Nie Wei who personally gave the order in the name of the chairman."

Hearing this news, all the shareholders present had a natural expression. Everyone had actually guessed this result a long time ago. Not to mention Li Hao, even if all of them were really tied together, Nie Wei's position in Huayi could not be shaken.

"There is another regrettable thing. In this incident, Vice President Liu of the company has been fired by the company because of his negative work attitude and resistance." When saying this, Director Hu's face was not only without a trace of regret, but also with a hint of gloating.

That Vice President Liu is obviously a supporter of Li Hao. It is unknown how much the company behind Li Hao spent to win him over. Now, because of Li Hao's hot-headedness, he actually exposed this chess piece and was easily swept out by Nie Wei.

Li Hao is doomed to fail, but as for the vacant position, can he and the company behind him fight for it?

After all, appointments of this level must be voted by the board of directors. Even if he cannot intervene in this position, he can use the votes in his hand to win the favor of the new vice president.

This matter is beneficial to him no matter how you look at it. Director Hu couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

"Of course, Li Hao's approach is too radical, but what he said actually makes sense. Huayi needs to make changes. If Nie Wei has always been the one-man show, then one day, this company will pay the price for it."

"So I hope we can unite more in the future and try to make more suggestions for the company."

After Director Hu said this, the people present knew that he was also trying to win everyone over, but of course his methods were much milder, not as radical as Li Hao.

Some people present began to waver, thinking that if they followed Director Hu, there might be a chance for further progress in the future?

The meeting was over after about an hour. It was past eleven o'clock in the evening. Many people went home to rest, but three shareholders gathered in a community again.

Half an hour later, Nie Wei received an email with a video download file attached.

Nie Wei clicked it and saw that the content was the video of the meeting between Li Hao and Director Hu.

After watching it, Nie Wei felt ridiculous about the clown performance.

They actually thought that they could interfere with Huayi's actual business by gathering a few insignificant shareholders. This was simply a fantasy.

However, there was one thing that made Nie Wei a little concerned, that is, Wang Zhonglei's attitude.

Under the premise that Nie Wei had informed him, Wang Zhonglei did not complete the task in the first time. Did this brother's control over the company decline, or did he not try his best at all?

This point is worth Nie Wei's thinking.

Of course, Nie Wei's main thing is to deal with those "naive" guys first, so that they can deeply understand a truth, don't think that if you have a few shares in your hand, you will really become the owner of the company.

And he also wants to let some people know that he has the final say on the name of this company.

That night, Huayi’s official website issued an announcement that because a newcomer did not respect the seniors in the industry, the company decided to suspend his activities, and the specific time of his return is to be determined.

As soon as the announcement came out, the artist’s fans naturally wailed, and the radical ones even ran to Nie Wei’s Weibo to curse non-stop.

But most people applauded.

Although Huang Xiaoming’s popularity is a bit worse, it is obvious that the public cannot tolerate a junior privately mocking the seniors for no reason. The key is that Nie Wei’s words are good enough and have been recognized by many people, which has given rise to pity for Huang Xiaoming, and naturally made them more disgusted with this newcomer.

Just when everyone thought that the matter had ended there, the next morning, a super topic suddenly appeared on the hot search topic list of Fanxing Weibo, Nie Wei sold Huayi shares.

In just eight words, from the 50th place on the list, with less than 100,000 popularity, it rose to the first place in just one hour, with tens of millions of popularity.

Everyone, both inside and outside the circle, was shocked by the news.

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